
He has every reason to resign. He broke his oath of office - and has proven himself to have no integrity.

If the people in his district reelect him, then they deserve him.

Broke what oath??? Do not take pictures of your pecker hanging out??? Never heard of it.

You do realize that, if he used any official computer to send any of the multiple inappropriate conversations he had he broke the law? That would actually be a violation of his oath of office. I watched the press conference and and even he cannot say if he did, or did not, do that.

This has not been discussed by the MSM. But you make a very valid point. Were his lewd photos sent from official computers? This question needs to be answered...And not by the Weiner man. Because we all know how good his word is. This needs to be independently investigated.
Weiner is a crazy New York Jew, which is why I liked him. He was what I wanted in a Democrat Congressman -- smart and aggressively brazen. But instead of holding to that persona he wilted into an easily broken and weeping bullshitter and I am totally disgusted with him.

He should have boldly admitted the picture is his and told anyone who doesn't like it to go to hell. It's not a nude picture and the recipient is over 21. So what? It's something that crazy people do and he is crazy, which can be good. The Democrats need more crazies.

Those who live in red states should understand that New Yorkers don't find Weiner's behavior at all unusual or unacceptable. The problem is most in other parts of the Country do.

New York is and example of the decline of a society and the dulling of the senses.
Weiner is a crazy New York Jew, which is why I liked him. He was what I wanted in a Democrat Congressman -- smart and aggressively brazen. But instead of holding to that persona he wilted into an easily broken and weeping bullshitter and I am totally disgusted with him.

He should have boldly admitted the picture is his and told anyone who doesn't like it to go to hell. It's not a nude picture and the recipient is over 21. So what? It's something that crazy people do and he is crazy, which can be good. The Democrats need more crazies.

Those who live in red states should understand that New Yorkers don't find Weiner's behavior at all unusual or unacceptable. The problem is most in other parts of the Country do.

There it is, IN BLACK AND WHITE.. Leftists are fucking nutz and proud of!! Can't get enough insane whackjobs.. WooOOOoot Congressman Psychopath and his flaming weiner is a great start.. you liberals should be real proud.. he represents the left well.. A pervert, physically unattractive, a liar, a cheat.. I'd say in Bubba's handbook of slimy leftist politicians, he makes Ole Cigar Billy real proud!
I just hope there's no nude pictures of Nancy Pelosi or Hillary soon to be exposed on the net.

It would be traumatic for the country...
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Recently, Dems have had a Grand Kleagle of the KKK, a guy who drowned his girlfriend in his car and a POTUS who treated female office help like they were his harem girls representing them.

Wiener should stand erect and stay
This is just the type of stimulation the Democratic party needs now - the perfect pill to an otherwise flaccid movement...

They should stand firmly by him....
Weiner is a crazy New York Jew, which is why I liked him. He was what I wanted in a Democrat Congressman -- smart and aggressively brazen. But instead of holding to that persona he wilted into an easily broken and weeping bullshitter and I am totally disgusted with him.

He should have boldly admitted the picture is his and told anyone who doesn't like it to go to hell. It's not a nude picture and the recipient is over 21. So what? It's something that crazy people do and he is crazy, which can be good. The Democrats need more crazies.

Those who live in red states should understand that New Yorkers don't find Weiner's behavior at all unusual or unacceptable. The problem is most in other parts of the Country do.

Gee, did they change the Old Testament recently? Valuing craziness and infidelity over honor and responsibility? Your hopefully an unusual Democrat.
Weiner is a crazy New York Jew, which is why I liked him. He was what I wanted in a Democrat Congressman -- smart and aggressively brazen. But instead of holding to that persona he wilted into an easily broken and weeping bullshitter and I am totally disgusted with him.

He should have boldly admitted the picture is his and told anyone who doesn't like it to go to hell. It's not a nude picture and the recipient is over 21. So what? It's something that crazy people do and he is crazy, which can be good. The Democrats need more crazies.

Those who live in red states should understand that New Yorkers don't find Weiner's behavior at all unusual or unacceptable. The problem is most in other parts of the Country do.

Are all New Yorker's as slimey about it as Weiner?
WTG New York! You elected yet another weird little Democrat perv. Seriously though,WTF happened to New York? Elliot Spitzer and that Paterson weirdo? And now Weiner? Man,what a joke.
WTG New York! You elected yet another weird little Democrat perv. Seriously though,WTF happened to New York? Elliot Spitzer and that Paterson weirdo? And now Weiner? Man,what a joke.

Don't forget Emperor Bloomberg who came into office on the heels of 9/11 and assured everyone that election laws needed to be followed so Rudy could not stay around, and then rewrote the election laws to buy himself a third term
Weiner is a crazy New York Jew, which is why I liked him. He was what I wanted in a Democrat Congressman -- smart and aggressively brazen. But instead of holding to that persona he wilted into an easily broken and weeping bullshitter and I am totally disgusted with him.

He should have boldly admitted the picture is his and told anyone who doesn't like it to go to hell. It's not a nude picture and the recipient is over 21. So what? It's something that crazy people do and he is crazy, which can be good. The Democrats need more crazies.

Those who live in red states should understand that New Yorkers don't find Weiner's behavior at all unusual or unacceptable. The problem is most in other parts of the Country do.

There it is, IN BLACK AND WHITE.. Leftists are fucking nutz and proud of!! Can't get enough insane whackjobs.. WooOOOoot Congressman Psychopath and his flaming weiner is a great start.. you liberals should be real proud.. he represents the left well.. A pervert, physically unattractive, a liar, a cheat.. I'd say in Bubba's handbook of slimy leftist politicians, he makes Ole Cigar Billy real proud!

Oh I wouldn't go around talking about physical attractiveness if I were you...



Nor would I bring up PREVERTS either...

Remember Mr. Wide Stance?


Wow.. Was I ever wrong about this one. I guess I wanted to believe Weiner, because I've always been a fan of his politics.. but I was wrong. Weiner should have resigned.. This will affect his ability to do his job for the rest of his term. At least Chris Lee had the decency to resign.. Weiner obviously doesn't. No excuses for this guy.. I just wish it would've been someone else that discovered it; apart from Brietbart. He finally gets one thing right, and now the media is really gonna treat him serious.

I feel terrible for Weiner's wife.. 6 encounters over 3 years.. Wow.

I just wish the media did it's job where Barack Obama was concerned.

All of his sins would make this look like a joke.

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