
lmao - spin, spin, spin. lewd pictures? pretty much anyone i know.

heck you get caught posting on the job you'll get fired

I'm spinning nothing. I said what he did was wrong and stupid made worse by lying. But you said your job would fire you for doing something that was on your own time. I want to know what kind of job would do that.

Well I don't flip burgers. But i'll tell you this. if I made the news for posting lewd pictures of myself on twitter and it referenced the company i worked for I'd be sent packing. and there you even confirmed more reason why he should be gone. He lied about it. i don't want an elected official who is going to lie. maybe your standards are in the toilet though

If we booted out all politicians who lie, we wouldn't have any more government.....wait, maybe you would like that. :tongue:
And just wait until Breitbart finishes posting all of the pics that are fit for public display. There are some that are just too graphic.
It does make one wish for extra strength Brain Bleach.

if you were worried about brain bleach, you wouldn't be wallowing in this.

not anthony's style and he has aspirations. i can't imagine him doing that on twitter. and knowing how he makes you rightwingnuts well... nuts, wouldn't shock me if one of you loons hacked him. not that difficult.

bump bump bump

Jillian exhibiting the excellent political instincts and superior judgment that seems endemic to all Democrat libs.

You can't make this up.

how many of you can say you didn't convict him until you had the facts? As in, today?

Me. I didn't.

I don't care too much about the peccadillos as much as the inane policy.

If I cared about the peccadillos...I would have to put myself in time out.

^ me


^ Weiner
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When a Republican does this, other Republicans line up to demand his resignation.
When a Democrat does this, other Democrats...uh...um...we'll get back to you on that.
Gee, did they change the Old Testament recently? Valuing craziness and infidelity over honor and responsibility? Your hopefully an unusual Democrat.
Weiner appeared to be a political "bomb-thrower," which is what the Democrats desperately need. And when you need a bomb-thrower you must expect he's going to be a little nuts and you can't pick on him for little things like sending out crazy pictures. Crazies do things like that.

But Weiner has shown himself to be less than what is needed. He really is rather ordinary and what seemed to be an attack dog has turned out to be a weepy kitten.

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