
he broke his oath of office? really?there's a part of the oath of office that says you have to be asexual?

only in an alternatie reality.

bummer though, you won't be able to make any more weiner jokes along with the other people who've never seen one. :thup:
I'm getting tired of the same old excuses on this one, try one of these please:

1. That is all photoshopped.
2. He was drunk.
3. It was a bad marriage.
4. His bottled water was drugged.
5. The Russians are at it again.
6. He still does his job well.
7. All these young ladies are crazy.
8. USMB conservatives drove him over the edge.

I kind of like #8.

Number 6...thats going to be the one they will stick to when it comes out that he did it..knowingly did it....and did it more than the few times we know about.

Yep...I can hear it now...."with all of the good he has done for his country, he does not deserve to be repirmanded.

Well they jumped all over #6 in less than an hour. :lol:
Weiner just admitted to everything......and he's not resigning.

This is the difference between a Democrat and a Republican.

A Democrat begs for forgiveness after denying it but refuses to resign where as a Republican resigns for the good of the office.

As long as Weiner is not a political liability he will stick around. Charlie Rangel is still in office.

This is pathetic......and expected.

no offense, but hell with that. he has no reason to resign. rightwingnuts have to resign because they spend their careers pretending they're bastions of morality and push radical religious right agendas. THAT's why when a closet homosexual spends 20 years talking about how vile gays are that he has to resign when people find out he's gay.

no one gives a damn about what they do personally. it's about the hypocrisy

he has no reason to resign because his constituency isn't rightwingnuts who think their politicians are supposed to preach 'christian values'.

it's a beautiful thing.

i know the right hates anthony weiner, but his constituents, you know ... THE PEOPLE WHO VOTE FOR HIM AND WHO HE REPRESENTS.... probably don't much give a flying about his personal life.

so if one doesn't run around saying murder is wrong it's okay to murder?? is that so?? what a fricking hypocrite you are and it makes my heart sing to hear weinerman apologize to brietbard..

yeah, cause sending a CLOTHED picture of one's genitals on line is the same as murder.

shut up, willow. you sound like an imbecile.

edit... make that.... like more of an imbecile than usual.
He is in violation of the House Ethics Rules:

* * *

1. A Member, officer, or employee of the House of Representatives shall conduct himself at all times in a manner which shall reflect creditably on the House of Representatives.


If Bitter Pilly thinks Weiner's behavior and evasive lies reflect CREDITABLY on the House of Representatives, then that says a great deal about her ethics.
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Obviously what he did was dumb. But what grounds should he be resigning on? His wife should have issue with what he did more then the rest of us. He broke no laws.
he broke his oath of office? really?there's a part of the oath of office that says you have to be asexual?

only in an alternatie reality.

bummer though, you won't be able to make any more weiner jokes along with the other people who've never seen one. :thup:
When did Bob Packwood, Chris Lee or even Trent Lott violate their oaths of office?

Got sanctimony?
Rarely is a person's character flaw limited to their personal life...

A politican that will dishonor his commitment to a spouse will also do the same to the voters of his district. It is an act and cover up, not just the hypocracy. New Yorkers deserve second best? Okay, if you say so.,
Democrat Anthony Weiner to Hold Press Conference in New York This Afternoon - ABC News

Saying he has not been honest with his family and constituents, Rep. Anthony Weiner today admitted that he had Internet affairs with six women over Twitter and Facebook, but said he will not resign.

"I have not been honest with myself," a tearful Weiner said today. It was a "hugely regrettable mistake."

What a schmuck....

"Tearful"? You mean like "Boehner tearful" or "Durbin tearful"?
My money is on crocodile tearful.
Democrat Anthony Weiner to Hold Press Conference in New York This Afternoon - ABC News

Saying he has not been honest with his family and constituents, Rep. Anthony Weiner today admitted that he had Internet affairs with six women over Twitter and Facebook, but said he will not resign.

"I have not been honest with myself," a tearful Weiner said today. It was a "hugely regrettable mistake."

What a schmuck....

"Tearful"? You mean like "Boehner tearful" or "Durbin tearful"?
My money is on crocodile tearful.

He's proving himself to be a Creepy Weasel Borderline Sociopath.
yeah, cause sending a CLOTHED picture of one's genitals on line is the same as murder.

shut up, willow. you sound like an imbecile.

edit... make that.... like more of an imbecile than usual.

Somebody is butt hurt their hero has fallen...
And there ya have it. Weiner has just admitted he did indeed send lewd photos to a young woman in Washington. He has also said he will not be resigning. What do think?
Weiner just admitted to everything......and he's not resigning.

This is the difference between a Democrat and a Republican.

A Democrat begs for forgiveness after denying it but refuses to resign where as a Republican resigns for the good of the office.

As long as Weiner is not a political liability he will stick around. Charlie Rangel is still in office.

This is pathetic......and expected.
Being an unapologetic reprobate is resume padding in the DNC.
He has every reason to resign. He broke his oath of office - and has proven himself to have no integrity.

If the people in his district reelect him, then they deserve him.

Broke what oath??? Do not take pictures of your pecker hanging out??? Never heard of it.
I don't give a flying ride in a rolling doughnut.

We have really, really, really, really big problems right now.
This rates a whopping "I could care less".

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