
Pelosi and Reiad want him gone. This doesn't play well with efforts to raise the female vote for Democrats. Dead man walking!

they want him gone because he gets better press than they do.

and last i checked they don't decide who represents his district.

Oh he can stay, but look for committee resignments, lack of access, new office location and many, many other things that make his job almost impossible to do. Someone who is used to the spotlight and power will walk away quickly. You haven't figured it out yet? It isn't about what Weiner can do for them, its about Weiner.
This is worth reposting in the wake of yesterdays debacle:

Weiner ALLEGEDLY coached at least one of the "women" on how to lie, being such an expert at it as he is.

Weiner sent emails to former X-rated performer Ginger Lee – to whom he’d previously acknowledged sending innocuous messages via Twitter – coaching her to deny that they had been communicating, reported TMZ, which obtained the messages and says the two had exchanged “scores of sexual emails over a long period of time.”

“The key is to have a short, thought out statement that tackles the top line questions and then refer people back to it,” Weiner is alleged to have written in a June 1 email. “Have a couple of iterations of: ‘This is silly. Like so many others, I follow Rep. Weiner on Twitter. I don’t know him and have never met him. He briefly followed me and sent me a dm (direct message) saying thank you for the follow. That’s it.’”

The next day, Weiner asked Lee if she needed assistance in crafting a message to put out to the press and public. “Do you need to talk to a professional PR type person to give u advice? I can have someone on my team call. (Yeah, my team is doing great. Ugh).”...

Report: Anthony Weiner coached woman to lie - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com


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The board is chuck full of RW myths and lies.

If REPUBLICON$ didn't lie...they'd have nothing to say.

MLK's father was a registered republican. MLK was not a registered Democrat. That is not a lie.

Here's somethiing else for you to look up. Condy Rice's parents were registered republicans and do you know why? Because they were not allowed to register as Democrats. Assholes.
I see you Folkers walking it back.

The definitive statement has been made, and agreed to, by RWers on tihs board and elswhere that MLK Jr was a Republicon...THAT. IS. A LIE!!!


It truly is remarkable watching the Black Racist Swine MarcATL get all riled up and smear the Knight of Truth & Righteousness Breitbart WITHOUT A SINGLE PROVEN BLEMISH of his error-less reportage of LIEBERRHOIDAL WIERDO PIGS and SKULDUGGERY.

This slimebucket MarcATL seems to have a short memory, or is wallowing in a deep pit of ignorance, if he is not aware of how ridiculous his moral indignation is when thinking of the record of his fellow negroes, or the Dem Party in general.

Regarding MLK ....... I suppose MLK was good enough to have been a Republican, or at least have the principles of Republicans who get rid of their wierdos WITHIN HOURS WHEN THEY ARE EXPOSED.......as compared to the standards of morality amongDEMS and especially negroes who do NOT, as a rule make their arseholes resign.

Regarding negroes, population wide, the overwhelming majority of these still uncivilized animals (although admittedly there is a helluva improvement amongst them) have, proportionately, ASTOUNDING CRIME RATES.

But, what is alarming is that these negroes seem to have ZERO standards of morality in their complete lack of morality or civilized behaviour in reacting towards their corrupt swinelike politicians from Adam Clayton Powell to Marion Berry, Alcee Hastings, etc., etc., with the recent arsehole Rangel who not only do NOT get their arses out of office.....they get perfunctorily RE-ELECTED after committing heinous and nation-gripping criminal acts.

Come to think of it, even their lone shining light...the great MLK turned out to be a WHOREMASTER par excellence, with FBI files yards thick, regarding his predilection for white whores.

But, to be fair.......White Dems of exalted status like the Grand Whoremaster JFK himself who "outshines" MLK BY FAR...., especially when that record is augmented by such a piece of shit as his Dem exalted bro, the ICON of DEM MORALITY: The CHAPPAQUIDICK MURDERER ....... may he rot in HELL !!!
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they want him gone because he gets better press than they do.

and last i checked they don't decide who represents his district.

He's a Perv, a Creep, and a Sociopathic Liar.

He's finished in politics, and the longer he tries to cling to his job, the worse he is making it for himself.

What? I thought those were some of the job requirements for politics. :eusa_shhh:


Definitely a resume enhancer for a Democrat.
It would be a bit of serendipity if Weinergate ended Weiner's career, considering the dirty tricks which kicked it off:

But as the all-important Sept. 10 Democratic primary approached, the consensus was that he'd come up short and that, as Newsday put it in an editorial endorsing one of his opponents, he should "try again next time."

It was at this point that Weiner's campaign decided to blanket the district with leaflets attacking his opponents. But these were no ordinary campaign attacks: They played the race card, and at a very sensitive time. They were also anonymous.

Just weeks earlier, the Crown Heights riot -- a deadly, days-long affair that brought to the surface long-standing tension between the area's black and Jewish populations -- had played out a few miles away from the 48th District. The episode had gripped all of New York and had been national news. It was just days after order had been restored that Weiner's campaign distributed its anonymous leaflets, which linked Cohen -- whose voters he was targeting in particular -- to Jesse Jackson and David Dinkins, who was then New York's mayor. It is hard to imagine two more-hated political figures in the 48th District at that moment. Jackson just a few years earlier had called New York "Hymie town," and it was an article of faith among white voters in Weiner's part of Brooklyn that Dinkins had protected the black rioters in Crown Heights -- and thus endangered the white population -- by refusing to order a harsh police crackdown. (Two years later, Dinkins would lose to Rudy Giuliani by an 80-20 percent margin in the 48th District.) The leaflets urged voters to "just say no" to the "Jackson-Dinkins agenda" that Cohen supposedly represented. At City Hall, Dinkins held up the flier and branded it "hateful."

It's impossible to say what precise effect this all had on the election, but it clearly didn't hurt Weiner. In a surprise result, he finished in first place -- 125 votes ahead of Garson, and 195 ahead of Cohen. Only after the ballots were counted did he admit that he'd been behind the leaflets, claiming that "We didn't want the source to be confused with the message." This prompted an editorial rebuke from the New York Times, which noted that "Mr. Weiner's hit-and-run tactics tarnish his come-from-behind campaign."

Not that it mattered. The primary was over and Weiner had won. The general election was a formality, and months later he became the youngest City Council member in New York history. Seven years after that, he parlayed his Council spot into a seat in Congress, and you know the story from there. But who knows where Weiner would be today if he hadn't made such a dark appeal to racial hostility days after a notorious riot?

It's something worth keeping in mind now, as Weiner's career hangs in the balance. Is it unfair if he loses his political future because of a scandal as dumb as this one? Sure. But it's also not exactly fair that he ever made it this far.

The dirty trick that launched Anthony Weiner's career - War Room - Salon.com

Weiner's wife is Hillary's sexy aid rumored to be a Lesbian lover of the Secretary of State.
The plot thickens.

That story goes back to 2008 at least. Speculation is that Weiner married her to kill the rumors that, if true, might explain Tony's exploits.

Far be it for me to make excuses for this guy, but it would explain a great deal.

Imagine it.

Personally I would rather just date someone descrete.

There's a lot more dignity in that.
Why Weiner will be forced out by the Dems: they don't want things like this Popping Up during the 2012 election:


One airline that flies out of Detroit Metro Airport is trying to capitalize on the “sexting” scandal involving New York Congressman Anthony Weiner.

Spirit Airlines has begun running an ad on its website promoting “The Weiner Sale”, asking “Have you seen our weiner?” and offering “fares too hard to resist”, starting nine dollars each way. The ad shows a picture of a hot dog....

Punny Airline Ad Offers “Fares Too Hard To Resist” « CBS Detroit
Why Weiner will be forced out by the Dems: they don't want things like this Popping Up during the 2012 election:


One airline that flies out of Detroit Metro Airport is trying to capitalize on the “sexting” scandal involving New York Congressman Anthony Weiner.

Spirit Airlines has begun running an ad on its website promoting “The Weiner Sale”, asking “Have you seen our weiner?” and offering “fares too hard to resist”, starting nine dollars each way. The ad shows a picture of a hot dog....

Punny Airline Ad Offers “Fares Too Hard To Resist” « CBS Detroit
Why Weiner will be forced out by the Dems: they don't want things like this Popping Up during the 2012 election:


One airline that flies out of Detroit Metro Airport is trying to capitalize on the “sexting” scandal involving New York Congressman Anthony Weiner.

Spirit Airlines has begun running an ad on its website promoting “The Weiner Sale”, asking “Have you seen our weiner?” and offering “fares too hard to resist”, starting nine dollars each way. The ad shows a picture of a hot dog....

Punny Airline Ad Offers “Fares Too Hard To Resist” « CBS Detroit

If his political career fails at least he has a future in porn.
Why Weiner will be forced out by the Dems: they don't want things like this Popping Up during the 2012 election:


One airline that flies out of Detroit Metro Airport is trying to capitalize on the “sexting” scandal involving New York Congressman Anthony Weiner.

Spirit Airlines has begun running an ad on its website promoting “The Weiner Sale”, asking “Have you seen our weiner?” and offering “fares too hard to resist”, starting nine dollars each way. The ad shows a picture of a hot dog....

Punny Airline Ad Offers “Fares Too Hard To Resist” « CBS Detroit

If his political career fails at least he has a future in porn.

Come to think of it: Hellary-Weiner-Huma ..... then a simple permutation and combination exercise.

One caveat: Please exclude me from the mailing list.
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Why Weiner will be forced out by the Dems: they don't want things like this Popping Up during the 2012 election:


One airline that flies out of Detroit Metro Airport is trying to capitalize on the “sexting” scandal involving New York Congressman Anthony Weiner.

Spirit Airlines has begun running an ad on its website promoting “The Weiner Sale”, asking “Have you seen our weiner?” and offering “fares too hard to resist”, starting nine dollars each way. The ad shows a picture of a hot dog....

Punny Airline Ad Offers “Fares Too Hard To Resist” « CBS Detroit

If his political career fails at least he has a future in porn.

Bleah. Really? Would you watch Weiner Pr0n?

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