

yeah, this guarantees him the much sought after *creepy guy on the interwebz* vote.

he's sittin' on top of the world.

You and the rest of the Underpants Sniffer Britebart-Type supporters can think whatever the heck you want...however, when it all pans out...He'll still be in Office.


yep, he probably will, but he'll never go any further.

This is probably correct.

Or possibly incorrect.
Pelosi and Reiad want him gone. This doesn't play well with efforts to raise the female vote for Democrats. Dead man walking!

they want him gone because he gets better press than they do.

and last i checked they don't decide who represents his district.

He's a Perv, a Creep, and a Sociopathic Liar.

He's finished in politics, and the longer he tries to cling to his job, the worse he is making it for himself.

What? I thought those were some of the job requirements for politics. :eusa_shhh:

Because he busted a democrat perv?


For uncounted years, the press has served the democratic party. The old press still does. Breitbart has violated the rules, he reported negative stories about a party member, a forbidden act for the MSM. Marc clings to "Grey Lady Rules," if you want to be a journalist, you promote the democratic party.

Freedom of the press is something which Marc, Ravi and Jillian simply can't abide.
Pelosi and Reiad want him gone. This doesn't play well with efforts to raise the female vote for Democrats. Dead man walking!

they want him gone because he gets better press than they do.

and last i checked they don't decide who represents his district.

He's a Perv, a Creep, and a Sociopathic Liar.

He's finished in politics, and the longer he tries to cling to his job, the worse he is making it for himself.

I seriously hope he stays in office...

The re-election ads will be comedy gold...:rofl:
we're in agreement for the most part.

the bush girls were largely left alone so long as they didn't do things like drink while underaged. but that's par for the course. the nastiness about chelsea clinton got pretty ugly as well.

but truth is, until bill clinton public officials weren't really confronted about these things. whether someone was a dog was relatively common knowledge (like eisenhower's aide du camp or roosevelt's other significant other). but would anyone really say that eisenhower shouldn't have been president? roosevelt? (other than people who already hate him). it was pointed out tonight that bill clinton was elected president AFTER the allegations about gennifer flowers came out.... twice.

and he was still the best president i've seen in my lifetime.

Ok, but now think about that comment. The Bush girls were left alone as long as they didn't do thing like drink underage. - The press should have stayed out of Weiners private life. The Bush girls weren't in office, Weiner was. You seem vehement about the involvement of the press with Weiner, but indifferent where the Bush girls were involved.

it's not that i don't see your point. i do. but they did something illegal. if anthony did something illegal, it should absolutely be newsworthy. it's just the way it works. chelsea clinton was abused for her looks... which i thought was pretty low.

though i will say that the bush's were pretty good at not exploiting their children. so under those circumstances, it's probably not a big deal to make them off limits.

The political LIEbturd Pissalian gets all riled up because of some comment regarding Chelsea whilest ignoring the Noah's Ark type of flood of crap on Sarah Palin, her children.....especially the Downe syndrome babe ?!?!?


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TRENDING: Democrats unload Weiner campaign donations – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Democratic politicians are donating Weiner's contributions to their respective campaigns to charity.. Something people associated with Chris Lee did not do. Good on them.

It does go to point out the huge ass difference though.. I haven't seen one Democrat stick up for Weiner.. in fact, Pelosi is calling for an ethics report.. and politicians are dumping his money. But let it happen to a Republican.. It's different. Mr. Eric Cantor wouldn't be calling for a resignation, he'd suddenly be praying for the family and have no comment. That's the difference.. When it happens to a Republican (especially those family values bastards) it's ok.. Just like we saw from the RNC chair today.. Calling Weiner a "creep" but when asked about David Vitter.. Oh shit, he didn't wanna get into that!

Of course not!

Such a double standard.
Chris Lee was forced to step down.
Keep defending the preeverted Underpants Sniffer Britetbart.

It will take you far.

The Black Racist LIEberrhoidal Swine MarcAtl just can't let go of Breitbart, the Destroyer of LIEberrhoidal Skulduggery and Freaks........

In a way that is an excellent developement: the more these slime spewing shitheads attack the righteous the more we realize how effective the Knight of Truth & Righteousness Breitbart is whupping their arse.

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