
I thought MLK's message crossed all party boundaries.

Weiner is about 24 hours away from being politely escorted to the podium for his resignation speech.
The board is chuck full of RW myths and lies.

If REPUBLICON$ didn't lie...they'd have nothing to say.

Man-up Marc


Weiner (D) is the liar of the week.

And Britebart is the Underpants Sniffer of the decade.

No biggie.
Why exactly are you perpetuating an internet lie? Martin Luther King Sr. was a Republican. Martin Luther King Jr. was not.

Get that straight.
The board is chuck full of RW myths and lies.

If REPUBLICON$ didn't lie...they'd have nothing to say.

MLK's father was a registered republican. MLK was not a registered Democrat. That is not a lie.

Here's somethiing else for you to look up. Condy Rice's parents were registered republicans and do you know why? Because they were not allowed to register as Democrats. Assholes.
I see you Folkers walking it back.

The definitive statement has been made, and agreed to, by RWers on tihs board and elswhere that MLK Jr was a Republicon...THAT. IS. A LIE!!!

The NY constituency won't, and haven't, given up on Congressman Weiner either.

This may end up being the boost he needed.

Let's see it play out.
Weiner contents:

Processed turkey, ham, beef and chicken, salt, corn, and fillers. Conspiculously missing: Blessing from the House leadership, spouse and common sense.
The board is chuck full of RW myths and lies.

If REPUBLICON$ didn't lie...they'd have nothing to say.

MLK's father was a registered republican. MLK was not a registered Democrat. That is not a lie.

Here's somethiing else for you to look up. Condy Rice's parents were registered republicans and do you know why? Because they were not allowed to register as Democrats. Assholes.

MLK was a Republican. Back in his day it was DEmoncrats who were the racist party.. Byrd was the grand ommm paaa paaa of the KKK

Martin Luther King Jr. was basically a socialist.

Not a Republican.

Controversial Ad Links MLK, GOP - washingtonpost.com

In 1960, King was arrested for trespassing during a sit-in and held in Georgia's Reidsville prison. Fearing for his son's life, Martin Luther King Sr. appealed to presidential candidate John F. Kennedy to secure his release.

When King was freed, his father vowed to deliver 10 million votes to the Democrat, even though Kennedy was only a reluctant supporter of civil rights. That began four decades of black people voting for liberals.

The younger King voted for Kennedy, and for Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson four years later. In that election, King publicly denounced the Republican candidate, Barry Goldwater.

Today, the vast majority of black voters are Democrats, including former ambassador to the United Nations Andrew Young and former presidential hopeful Jesse L. Jackson, two former King aides.

That is why the ad was "a joke," said Christopher Arps, a former spokesman for Rice and the association. "Anyone with any sense knows that most black people were Republican at one time. But it's a far stretch to think that in the '60s Martin Luther King was a Republican."
So now all of a sudden its wrong for a Dem to ask his co-conspirators to lie for him?

What did Weiner ever do to deserve this treatment from his fellow Dems?
The NY constituency won't, and haven't, given up on Congressman Weiner either.

This may end up being the boost he needed.

Let's see it play out.


It's amazing you're not embarrassed by this
I keep saying that you have to completely banish the emotions of shame and embarrassment to be a liberoidal...And they seem determined to prove me correct. :lol::lol::lol:
The NY constituency won't, and haven't, given up on Congressman Weiner either.

This may end up being the boost he needed.

Let's see it play out.


yeah, this guarantees him the much sought after *creepy guy on the interwebz* vote.

he's sittin' on top of the world.

You and the rest of the Underpants Sniffer Britebart-Type supporters can think whatever the heck you want...however, when it all pans out...He'll still be in Office.

The NY constituency won't, and haven't, given up on Congressman Weiner either.

This may end up being the boost he needed.

Let's see it play out.


yeah, this guarantees him the much sought after *creepy guy on the interwebz* vote.

he's sittin' on top of the world.

You and the rest of the Underpants Sniffer Britebart-Type supporters can think whatever the heck you want...however, when it all pans out...He'll still be in Office.


yep, he probably will, but he'll never go any further.

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