
Wow. We lost a lot of posts today...likely including some very important Weiner Reports.
I had some great responses to a GayTrikerFailure today.

Alas, they are like Dust In The Wind.
we're in agreement for the most part.

the bush girls were largely left alone so long as they didn't do things like drink while underaged. but that's par for the course. the nastiness about chelsea clinton got pretty ugly as well.

but truth is, until bill clinton public officials weren't really confronted about these things. whether someone was a dog was relatively common knowledge (like eisenhower's aide du camp or roosevelt's other significant other). but would anyone really say that eisenhower shouldn't have been president? roosevelt? (other than people who already hate him). it was pointed out tonight that bill clinton was elected president AFTER the allegations about gennifer flowers came out.... twice.

and he was still the best president i've seen in my lifetime.

Ok, but now think about that comment. The Bush girls were left alone as long as they didn't do thing like drink underage. - The press should have stayed out of Weiners private life. The Bush girls weren't in office, Weiner was. You seem vehement about the involvement of the press with Weiner, but indifferent where the Bush girls were involved.

it's not that i don't see your point. i do. but they did something illegal. if anthony did something illegal, it should absolutely be newsworthy. it's just the way it works. chelsea clinton was abused for her looks... which i thought was pretty low.

though i will say that the bush's were pretty good at not exploiting their children. so under those circumstances, it's probably not a big deal to make them off limits.

I think it sucks that any of the presidents kids were attacked by the media. The media totally sucks for that. What they did to chealse was unforgivable. that poor girl did nothing to deserve the treatment she got. yea, the bush girls may have had a little wild child in them, but they were not bad kids and surely didn't deserve to be made out to the the drunks and druggies the press portrayed them as. At least the press has more ore less left obama's kids alone.
I am very sad that 500-600 posts were lost from this thread today.

So much wisdom...and so much moonbattiness....Dust In The Wind.

But fortunately, we can take solace in the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat:

Win!? By the prophet's beard. What about jobs!? What about gender EQUALITY for the 44,514 Sunni puppies who ARE ensnared in Tel Aviv every single day by our smirking chimp and his imperialistic goons!!!? Down with hypocrisy and slime!!! We've seen this before, in Sri Lanka!!!?
I am very sad that 500-600 posts were lost from this thread today.

So much wisdom...and so much moonbattiness....Dust In The Wind.

But fortunately, we can take solace in the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat:

Win!? By the prophet's beard. What about jobs!? What about gender EQUALITY for the 44,514 Sunni puppies who ARE ensnared in Tel Aviv every single day by our smirking chimp and his imperialistic goons!!!? Down with hypocrisy and slime!!! We've seen this before, in Sri Lanka!!!?

i blame the resigning of the patriot act
He's a Perv, a Creep, and a Sociopathic Liar.

He's finished in politics, and the longer he tries to cling to his job, the worse he is making it for himself.
If the Underpants Sniffer Breitbart has anything to say about it yes, luckily...he doesn't.

Wanna get Breitbart to pay attention to you? Just drop your pants! That REPUBLICON pervert will be there to snap about it lickity split.

You have this fascination with sniffing underpants.

That's your kink, bub. Don't project it on Breitbart.
I think you need to look into your VERY closeted leaders

Andrew Breitbart Unexpectedly Crashes the Podium Minutes Before Rep. Weiner’s Admission | The Blaze

Breitbart said:
He's in very good shape
Referring to Weiner's body

GTFOH ya Demon CON!!!

MarkATL has issues.

Please, get help. The internets are not going to provide proper therapeutic procedures.
Keep defending the preeverted Underpants Sniffer Britetbart.

It will take you far.
I just hope Weiner hangs in there!! He needs to fight to keep his job. We really need him!! He has without question the best name, ever, for a sex scandal. It's actually "gift wrapped" and "engraved" and it will be remembered for a long long time. In 20 years people will still be talking about "The Weiner scandal". It's truly a perfect present for Republicans. You can't script a better scenario. First, he has the memorable name. Then, he's very odd and weird looking. It's Ok - he knows he looks like a freak. Factor in that he's a loudmouthed, opinionated jerk who told bald faced lies to everyone in the country(all that was missing was the finger wag and few y'alls!) - and you have the perfect poster child for everything wrong with Democrats. He's priceless.
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Poor widdle thread. It is hurting from the severe amputation of many excellent posts in response to vile doses of extreme moonbattiness today.

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