
None of us promoite family values, so we don't have any?? That's not nasty?? And this family values crap is over. The Republicans have made absolute fools of themselves trying to portray themselves as having such strong family values. Its been shown time and again that it is not true. Can you get that through your fat head, Brutta Donna???

Wow, I really want your ilk running this country.

i won't say i'm not surprised and disappointed with anthony. i like him. i'm sorry he screwed up. but do you really think any politician is a bastion of moral authority? i don't need my politicians to be moral examples or set morality policy. in fact, i want them to stay away from those things.

i'm not condoning this. i think he acted like a putz. but i don't think he should resign either. what he did was benign compared with vitter and ensign and no one on the right asked for their resignation.

Tell you what, if Wiener had manned up from the start and admitted his mistakes then this would all be over by now. But the man repeatedly lied and tried to cover it up. So, aside from the character issues, we have dishonesty, and lack of integrity, and astonishingly poor judgement. IMHO, that's why he's got to go.
Pelosi and Reiad want him gone. This doesn't play well with efforts to raise the female vote for Democrats. Dead man walking!

they want him gone because he gets better press than they do.

and last i checked they don't decide who represents his district.

He's a Perv, a Creep, and a Sociopathic Liar.

He's finished in politics, and the longer he tries to cling to his job, the worse he is making it for himself.
Pelosi and Reiad want him gone. This doesn't play well with efforts to raise the female vote for Democrats. Dead man walking!

they want him gone because he gets better press than they do.

and last i checked they don't decide who represents his district.

He's a Perv, a Creep, and a Sociopathic Liar.

He's finished in politics, and the longer he tries to cling to his job, the worse he is making it for himself.

but it was ok for ensign and vitter the nutbars to stay around?

getting in touch with your inner hypocrite, eh, nutter?
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None of us promoite family values, so we don't have any?? That's not nasty?? And this family values crap is over. The Republicans have made absolute fools of themselves trying to portray themselves as having such strong family values. Its been shown time and again that it is not true. Can you get that through your fat head, Brutta Donna???

Wow, I really want your ilk running this country.

i won't say i'm not surprised and disappointed with anthony. i like him. i'm sorry he screwed up. but do you really think any politician is a bastion of moral authority? i don't need my politicians to be moral examples or set morality policy. in fact, i want them to stay away from those things.

i'm not condoning this. i think he acted like a putz. but i don't think he should resign either. what he did was benign compared with vitter and ensign and no one on the right asked for their resignation.
I don't want politicians setting morality policy for me either. Yet they do. They are way to involved in our personal lives. What we can do, what we can't. But I do want them setting good clean examples morally while they are in office. They represent America. And right now, America isn't looking too good. And it isn't just Weiner, it's all of them. This does not show good character and leaders with out good character and judgement make poor leaders.
Wow, I really want your ilk running this country.

i won't say i'm not surprised and disappointed with anthony. i like him. i'm sorry he screwed up. but do you really think any politician is a bastion of moral authority? i don't need my politicians to be moral examples or set morality policy. in fact, i want them to stay away from those things.

i'm not condoning this. i think he acted like a putz. but i don't think he should resign either. what he did was benign compared with vitter and ensign and no one on the right asked for their resignation.

Tell you what, if Wiener had manned up from the start and admitted his mistakes then this would all be over by now. But the man repeatedly lied and tried to cover it up. So, aside from the character issues, we have dishonesty, and lack of integrity, and astonishingly poor judgement. IMHO, that's why he's got to go.

men never, ever, ever, ever, tell the truth when confronted about things like that.

perhaps it would be better if the media stopped asking about them. they're ultimately irrelevant to whether someone is doing a good job....well, unless there's some actual illegality.
Expecting elected officials to know right from wrong and act accordingly is not unreasonable. In fact, it should be the standard.
i won't say i'm not surprised and disappointed with anthony. i like him. i'm sorry he screwed up. but do you really think any politician is a bastion of moral authority? i don't need my politicians to be moral examples or set morality policy. in fact, i want them to stay away from those things.

i'm not condoning this. i think he acted like a putz. but i don't think he should resign either. what he did was benign compared with vitter and ensign and no one on the right asked for their resignation.

Tell you what, if Wiener had manned up from the start and admitted his mistakes then this would all be over by now. But the man repeatedly lied and tried to cover it up. So, aside from the character issues, we have dishonesty, and lack of integrity, and astonishingly poor judgement. IMHO, that's why he's got to go.

men never, ever, ever, ever, tell the truth when confronted about things like that.

perhaps it would be better if the media stopped asking about them. they're ultimately irrelevant to whether someone is doing a good job....well, unless there's some actual illegality.

I'll agree with that. There are things the media should be uncovering. Investigative journalism really has it's place. Personal lives are not one of them. Even going back to the Bush years. As much of a buffon as he was, his daughters were entitled to their privacy.
Weiner is an idiot and it's the lying more than what he did...but the constituents of his District need to decide his future (unless it is proven he has done something illegal, of course).

Breitbart is still an asshole though...
Tell you what, if Wiener had manned up from the start and admitted his mistakes then this would all be over by now. But the man repeatedly lied and tried to cover it up. So, aside from the character issues, we have dishonesty, and lack of integrity, and astonishingly poor judgement. IMHO, that's why he's got to go.

men never, ever, ever, ever, tell the truth when confronted about things like that.

perhaps it would be better if the media stopped asking about them. they're ultimately irrelevant to whether someone is doing a good job....well, unless there's some actual illegality.

I'll agree with that. There are things the media should be uncovering. Investigative journalism really has it's place. Personal lives are not one of them. Even going back to the Bush years. As much of a buffon as he was, his daughters were entitled to their privacy.

we're in agreement for the most part.

the bush girls were largely left alone so long as they didn't do things like drink while underaged. but that's par for the course. the nastiness about chelsea clinton got pretty ugly as well.

but truth is, until bill clinton public officials weren't really confronted about these things. whether someone was a dog was relatively common knowledge (like eisenhower's aide du camp or roosevelt's other significant other). but would anyone really say that eisenhower shouldn't have been president? roosevelt? (other than people who already hate him). it was pointed out tonight that bill clinton was elected president AFTER the allegations about gennifer flowers came out.... twice.

and he was still the best president i've seen in my lifetime.
men never, ever, ever, ever, tell the truth when confronted about things like that.

perhaps it would be better if the media stopped asking about them. they're ultimately irrelevant to whether someone is doing a good job....well, unless there's some actual illegality.

I'll agree with that. There are things the media should be uncovering. Investigative journalism really has it's place. Personal lives are not one of them. Even going back to the Bush years. As much of a buffon as he was, his daughters were entitled to their privacy.

we're in agreement for the most part.

the bush girls were largely left alone so long as they didn't do things like drink while underaged. but that's par for the course. the nastiness about chelsea clinton got pretty ugly as well.

but truth is, until bill clinton public officials weren't really confronted about these things. whether someone was a dog was relatively common knowledge (like eisenhower's aide du camp or roosevelt's other significant other). but would anyone really say that eisenhower shouldn't have been president? roosevelt? (other than people who already hate him). it was pointed out tonight that bill clinton was elected president AFTER the allegations about gennifer flowers came out.... twice.

and he was still the best president i've seen in my lifetime.

Ok, but now think about that comment. The Bush girls were left alone as long as they didn't do thing like drink underage. - The press should have stayed out of Weiners private life. The Bush girls weren't in office, Weiner was. You seem vehement about the involvement of the press with Weiner, but indifferent where the Bush girls were involved.
So here is the grounds for dismissal. He violated the first and most important rule of the House Ethics Committee code of conduct.

Code of Official Conduct

There is hereby established by and for the House the following code of conduct, to be known as the ''Code of Official Conduct'':

1. A Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, officer, or employee of the House shall conduct himself at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House.

I surely think Tweeting your Weiner would be considered a violation. Nobody thinks more highly of the House of Representatives after one of its members flashed his boner all over the Internet and admits to phone sex.

It's a disgrace, the speaker of the house has already called for his resignation, this would be the right thing for him to do.
I'll agree with that. There are things the media should be uncovering. Investigative journalism really has it's place. Personal lives are not one of them. Even going back to the Bush years. As much of a buffon as he was, his daughters were entitled to their privacy.

we're in agreement for the most part.

the bush girls were largely left alone so long as they didn't do things like drink while underaged. but that's par for the course. the nastiness about chelsea clinton got pretty ugly as well.

but truth is, until bill clinton public officials weren't really confronted about these things. whether someone was a dog was relatively common knowledge (like eisenhower's aide du camp or roosevelt's other significant other). but would anyone really say that eisenhower shouldn't have been president? roosevelt? (other than people who already hate him). it was pointed out tonight that bill clinton was elected president AFTER the allegations about gennifer flowers came out.... twice.

and he was still the best president i've seen in my lifetime.

Ok, but now think about that comment. The Bush girls were left alone as long as they didn't do thing like drink underage. - The press should have stayed out of Weiners private life. The Bush girls weren't in office, Weiner was. You seem vehement about the involvement of the press with Weiner, but indifferent where the Bush girls were involved.

it's not that i don't see your point. i do. but they did something illegal. if anthony did something illegal, it should absolutely be newsworthy. it's just the way it works. chelsea clinton was abused for her looks... which i thought was pretty low.

though i will say that the bush's were pretty good at not exploiting their children. so under those circumstances, it's probably not a big deal to make them off limits.
Pelosi and Reiad want him gone. This doesn't play well with efforts to raise the female vote for Democrats. Dead man walking!

they want him gone because he gets better press than they do.

and last i checked they don't decide who represents his district.

He's a Perv, a Creep, and a Sociopathic Liar.

He's finished in politics, and the longer he tries to cling to his job, the worse he is making it for himself.
If the Underpants Sniffer Breitbart has anything to say about it yes, luckily...he doesn't.

Wanna get Breitbart to pay attention to you? Just drop your pants! That REPUBLICON pervert will be there to snap about it lickity split.
they want him gone because he gets better press than they do.

and last i checked they don't decide who represents his district.

He's a Perv, a Creep, and a Sociopathic Liar.

He's finished in politics, and the longer he tries to cling to his job, the worse he is making it for himself.
If the Underpants Sniffer Breitbart has anything to say about it yes, luckily...he doesn't.

Wanna get Breitbart to pay attention to you? Just drop your pants! That REPUBLICON pervert will be there to snap about it lickity split.

The one note tone of your "kill the messenger" tune sounds like you're parroting Bill Maher.

He's a Perv, a Creep, and a Sociopathic Liar.

He's finished in politics, and the longer he tries to cling to his job, the worse he is making it for himself.
If the Underpants Sniffer Breitbart has anything to say about it yes, luckily...he doesn't.

Wanna get Breitbart to pay attention to you? Just drop your pants! That REPUBLICON pervert will be there to snap about it lickity split.

The one note tone of your "kill the messenger" tune sounds like you're parroting Bill Maher.


Try Mike Malloy. Get it right you mental fart!

they want him gone because he gets better press than they do.

and last i checked they don't decide who represents his district.

He's a Perv, a Creep, and a Sociopathic Liar.

He's finished in politics, and the longer he tries to cling to his job, the worse he is making it for himself.
If the Underpants Sniffer Breitbart has anything to say about it yes, luckily...he doesn't.

Wanna get Breitbart to pay attention to you? Just drop your pants! That REPUBLICON pervert will be there to snap about it lickity split.

You have this fascination with sniffing underpants.

That's your kink, bub. Don't project it on Breitbart.

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