
so what I'm hearing on Hannity is that the picture we didn't see was a fully nude picture of weiner in a very excited state so sayeth Mr. Brietbart.

He also says he won't release that picture..

He's saving it for sweeps.
Use one of his special photos to add saying

"Mr. Weiner’s political standing appeared in grave danger after his news conference. There was a striking absence of public expressions of support from his colleagues, and the House Democratic leader, Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, called for an ethics investigation into his conduct. “I am deeply disappointed and saddened about this situation,” she said."


dead man walking

what a dope
If you're a Democrat,

you can be a Grand Kleagle of the KKK

you can drown your girlfriend in your car and not report it until the next morning

you can give a female intern a facial

you can have your grandmother say you were born in Kenya, and still be a pillar of the community

but send a text of your penis....

Democrats, who the fuck can figure them out?
"Mr. Weiner’s political standing appeared in grave danger after his news conference. There was a striking absence of public expressions of support from his colleagues, and the House Democratic leader, Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, called for an ethics investigation into his conduct. “I am deeply disappointed and saddened about this situation,” she said."


dead man walking

what a dope

That's what happens when you lie...your supporters climb out on a limb to defend you, then look and feel like idiots when the truth comes out.
Omigosh, this thread is over a hundred pages.

I can't read all that. But I can ask, has anyone heard whether Representative Weiner apologized yet?

Not really, but we expect his Mom to shortly.

Thanks. I just wanted to know if he apologized, and I found that he had, in public, about 4 hours ago, according to the abc link I found and posted it at my double post.

His apology didn't seem sincere, and it didn't reach enough people. He should apologize again.:eusa_whistle:
I gotta admit I was wrong on this one, I thought he was just a tad bit more mature than a 15 year old boy raised by parents who remind him constantly masturbation will make you go insane who is all alone in his bedroom with a copy of Hustler. But I stick to one aspect of my initial comment, in a nation in which one in four children is hungry according to a group Jeff Bridges is spokesman for, this stuff is a silly distraction from reality. Wouldn't it be interesting if people with Brietbart's strong morals [?] tacked this issue instead of the personal foibles of an immature man.

Tell me something. What is it that Brietbart did that deserves you belittling him? Weiner Tweeted a picture, and Breitbart reported it, he even kept the name of the recipient quiet. He was then accused of hacking Wiener's Twitter account because Weiner chose to lie to everyone about what happened.

If Weiner had stepped up and simply admited the mistake in the first place this would have blown over by the end of the weekend. Brietbart did not make this into an issue, yet you want to blame him for reporting a simple fact.
Not really, but we expect his Mom to shortly.

Thanks. I just wanted to know if he apologized, and I found that he had, in public, about 4 hours ago, according to the abc link I found and posted it at my double post.

His apology didn't seem sincere, and it didn't reach enough people. He should apologize again.:eusa_whistle:

Shintao, we should start a business... the never ending online twitter apology. We would call it ...hmmm...twapology.com.

I have $100K, what have you got?
Wow, 112 pages on Anthony Weiners Weiner..

Dick is a spazz oatmeal brain but WTF...

Lets just hope his fine wife/gf leaves his punk ass.
I gotta admit I was wrong on this one, I thought he was just a tad bit more mature than a 15 year old boy raised by parents who remind him constantly masturbation will make you go insane who is all alone in his bedroom with a copy of Hustler. But I stick to one aspect of my initial comment, in a nation in which one in four children is hungry according to a group Jeff Bridges is spokesman for, this stuff is a silly distraction from reality. Wouldn't it be interesting if people with Brietbart's strong morals [?] tacked this issue instead of the personal foibles of an immature man.

Tell me something. What is it that Brietbart did that deserves you belittling him? Weiner Tweeted a picture, and Breitbart reported it, he even kept the name of the recipient quiet. He was then accused of hacking Wiener's Twitter account because Weiner chose to lie to everyone about what happened.

If Weiner had stepped up and simply admited the mistake in the first place this would have blown over by the end of the weekend. Brietbart did not make this into an issue, yet you want to blame him for reporting a simple fact.

Funny how the Underpants Sniffer Breitbart wound up with it huh?

Anywhere there's a filthy boxer shorts, g-strap or dirty panty...you can be sure to find Breitbart somewhere digging his crotch-sniffing nose deep in it...you betcha!

I gotta admit I was wrong on this one, I thought he was just a tad bit more mature than a 15 year old boy raised by parents who remind him constantly masturbation will make you go insane who is all alone in his bedroom with a copy of Hustler. But I stick to one aspect of my initial comment, in a nation in which one in four children is hungry according to a group Jeff Bridges is spokesman for, this stuff is a silly distraction from reality. Wouldn't it be interesting if people with Brietbart's strong morals [?] tacked this issue instead of the personal foibles of an immature man.

Tell me something. What is it that Brietbart did that deserves you belittling him? Weiner Tweeted a picture, and Breitbart reported it, he even kept the name of the recipient quiet. He was then accused of hacking Wiener's Twitter account because Weiner chose to lie to everyone about what happened.

If Weiner had stepped up and simply admited the mistake in the first place this would have blown over by the end of the weekend. Brietbart did not make this into an issue, yet you want to blame him for reporting a simple fact.

Funny how the Underpants Sniffer Breitbart wound up with it huh?

Anywhere there's a filthy boxer shorts, g-strap or dirty panty...you can be sure to find Breitbart somewhere digging his crotch-sniffing nose deep in it...you betcha!


Why so bitter and frustrated Mark?

Did you want a Weiner Tweet of your very own?
I gotta admit I was wrong on this one, I thought he was just a tad bit more mature than a 15 year old boy raised by parents who remind him constantly masturbation will make you go insane who is all alone in his bedroom with a copy of Hustler. But I stick to one aspect of my initial comment, in a nation in which one in four children is hungry according to a group Jeff Bridges is spokesman for, this stuff is a silly distraction from reality. Wouldn't it be interesting if people with Brietbart's strong morals [?] tacked this issue instead of the personal foibles of an immature man.

Tell me something. What is it that Brietbart did that deserves you belittling him? Weiner Tweeted a picture, and Breitbart reported it, he even kept the name of the recipient quiet. He was then accused of hacking Wiener's Twitter account because Weiner chose to lie to everyone about what happened.

If Weiner had stepped up and simply admited the mistake in the first place this would have blown over by the end of the weekend. Brietbart did not make this into an issue, yet you want to blame him for reporting a simple fact.

Funny how the Underpants Sniffer Breitbart wound up with it huh?

Anywhere there's a filthy boxer shorts, g-strap or dirty panty...you can be sure to find Breitbart somewhere digging his crotch-sniffing nose deep in it...you betcha!

Is it funny?

It might have been strange if it turned out that Weiner was telling the truth and his account was hacked. Since it turned out that the actual truth is that Weiner actually sent the photo through his Twitter account himself, and then deleted it when he saw he sent it publicly, and that Weiner has been doing things like this for years, the only thing I find strange is that anyone is still trying to blame Brietbart when Weiner was clearly wrong.

Thanks for proving that you are a complete hack though.
only the fact that he is a liberal Democrat can explain why there is not universal calls for him to step down.

Conduct unbecoming a US congressperson. Period.
The Clinton blue dress precedent will rule this kind of stuff.

I still think if he put his face on the label of a bottle of spicy hot brown mustard, he could be a quick gazzillionaire.
I gotta admit I was wrong on this one, I thought he was just a tad bit more mature than a 15 year old boy raised by parents who remind him constantly masturbation will make you go insane who is all alone in his bedroom with a copy of Hustler. But I stick to one aspect of my initial comment, in a nation in which one in four children is hungry according to a group Jeff Bridges is spokesman for, this stuff is a silly distraction from reality. Wouldn't it be interesting if people with Brietbart's strong morals [?] tacked this issue instead of the personal foibles of an immature man.

Tell me something. What is it that Brietbart did that deserves you belittling him? Weiner Tweeted a picture, and Breitbart reported it, he even kept the name of the recipient quiet. He was then accused of hacking Wiener's Twitter account because Weiner chose to lie to everyone about what happened.

If Weiner had stepped up and simply admited the mistake in the first place this would have blown over by the end of the weekend. Brietbart did not make this into an issue, yet you want to blame him for reporting a simple fact.

Funny how the Underpants Sniffer Breitbart wound up with it huh?

Anywhere there's a filthy boxer shorts, g-strap or dirty panty...you can be sure to find Breitbart somewhere digging his crotch-sniffing nose deep in it...you betcha!


Why isn't it surprising that the LIEberrhoidal Black Racist Piece of Shit Rattle MarcATL would attack Breitbart, a righteous person exposing a LIEberrhoidal wierdo WEANIE WEINER ????
So after a small career of telling exaggerations, half truths, presenting edited, out of context video as bonafide fact, presenting hear say as fact, little right wing wonk Breitbart finally get's one right. Boy, the neocon peanut gallery is just going to go nuts!
Tell me something. What is it that Brietbart did that deserves you belittling him? Weiner Tweeted a picture, and Breitbart reported it, he even kept the name of the recipient quiet. He was then accused of hacking Wiener's Twitter account because Weiner chose to lie to everyone about what happened.

If Weiner had stepped up and simply admited the mistake in the first place this would have blown over by the end of the weekend. Brietbart did not make this into an issue, yet you want to blame him for reporting a simple fact.

Funny how the Underpants Sniffer Breitbart wound up with it huh?

Anywhere there's a filthy boxer shorts, g-strap or dirty panty...you can be sure to find Breitbart somewhere digging his crotch-sniffing nose deep in it...you betcha!


Why isn't it surprising that the LIEberrhoidal Black Racist Piece of Shit Rattle MarcATL would attack Breitbart, a righteous person exposing a LIEberrhoidal wierdo WEANIE WEINER ????

Oh..Great Sniveling Weiner

Here ya Go MarcATL


Weiner: 'I apologize to Andrew Breitbart'

Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) doled out his first apologies to his wife and his constituents, but also apologized to the media and to Andrew Breitbart specifically during a long and rambling press conference in which he seemed determined to answer every last reporter’s question.

Breitbart had demanded an apology a few minutes before from the same podium, where he climbed after Weiner did not show up on time to his own press conference.

“I’d like an apology from him,” Breitbart said. “This was his strategy, to blame me…so I’m here for some vindication.”

Breitbart said he lost his Memorial Day weekend to fending off accusations that he had been the one to hack Weiner’s Twitter account, after Weiner tried to distance himself from the lewd tweet that appeared there – and was later picked up by Breitbart’s website – by claiming he had been hacked.

He claimed to have one more photo that he would not release because it was too vulgar.

“I’m trying to do the decent thing here and not release the photo,” he said, hinting that such restraint might be tested if Weiner continued to suggest he had been hacked, allowing his supporters to continue to cast blame on Breitbart.

Weiner chose a strategy of total media prostration – though he was firm in his refusal to resign.

“I don’t know what I was thinking,” he said. “This was destructive thing to do. I apologize for doing it.”

After being asked several times, he apologized directly to the media, and to the man who had unexpectedly served as his warm-up act.

“I apologize to Andrew Breitbart,” Weiner said.

Weiner: 'I apologize to Andrew Breitbart' - On Media - POLITICO.com
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