
Keep defending the preeverted Underpants Sniffer Britetbart.

It will take you far.

I realize that it's difficult for you to speak in standard English. Please feel free to speak in moonbateese. Here, I ran your comment through the Autorantic for you:

Britetbart"!? Arnold SCHWARZENEGGER is a tool of the Skull and Bones Society!!! If you aren't stoned about this Boy King, figuratively SPEAKING you are a Repopelickin Bible-thumping slave of Alan Greenspan and the Supreme Court!!! Down with pollution and sleaze. What next! Will the evildoers come to hypnotize me for being a bunny rabbit!!?

There...isn't that better?
Did Wiener even bother to think about his wife of less than a fucking year as he spewed millions of lil' sperm across his belly while talking to these broads?

Probably not. Seeing as thoough William Jethro had no problem spewing millions of sperm across the blue dress of a fat liberal slut while his own child played just down the hall.
they want him gone because he gets better press than they do.

and last i checked they don't decide who represents his district.

He's a Perv, a Creep, and a Sociopathic Liar.

He's finished in politics, and the longer he tries to cling to his job, the worse he is making it for himself.
If the Underpants Sniffer Breitbart has anything to say about it yes, luckily...he doesn't.

Wanna get Breitbart to pay attention to you? Just drop your pants! That REPUBLICON pervert will be there to snap about it lickity split.


You need to learn who is looking out for you and who is offering you a free ride at the expense of your liberties dumbass. Everyone here is tired of your racist ignorant rhetoric. If you hate America so much take your ass somewhere else so we don't have to live among you.
TRENDING: Democrats unload Weiner campaign donations – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Democratic politicians are donating Weiner's contributions to their respective campaigns to charity.. Something people associated with Chris Lee did not do. Good on them.

It does go to point out the huge ass difference though.. I haven't seen one Democrat stick up for Weiner.. in fact, Pelosi is calling for an ethics report.. and politicians are dumping his money. But let it happen to a Republican.. It's different. Mr. Eric Cantor wouldn't be calling for a resignation, he'd suddenly be praying for the family and have no comment. That's the difference.. When it happens to a Republican (especially those family values bastards) it's ok.. Just like we saw from the RNC chair today.. Calling Weiner a "creep" but when asked about David Vitter.. Oh shit, he didn't wanna get into that!

Of course not!

Such a double standard.
Did Wiener even bother to think about his wife of less than a fucking year as he spewed millions of lil' sperm across his belly while talking to these broads?

Probably not. Seeing as thoough William Jethro had no problem spewing millions of sperm across the blue dress of a fat liberal slut while his own child played just down the hall.

And in Conservatese... Spilling sperm is the equivalent to abortion which is murder!!! Dammit, put him on trial for Murder!! Weiner the killer of yet to be fertilized eggs!
He's a Perv, a Creep, and a Sociopathic Liar.

He's finished in politics, and the longer he tries to cling to his job, the worse he is making it for himself.
If the Underpants Sniffer Breitbart has anything to say about it yes, luckily...he doesn't.

Wanna get Breitbart to pay attention to you? Just drop your pants! That REPUBLICON pervert will be there to snap about it lickity split.


You need to learn who is looking out for you and who is offering you a free ride at the expense of your liberties dumbass. Everyone here is tired of your racist ignorant rhetoric. If you hate America so much take your ass somewhere else so we don't have to live among you.

Why exactly are you perpetuating an internet lie? Martin Luther King Sr. was a Republican. Martin Luther King Jr. was not.

Get that straight.
If the Underpants Sniffer Breitbart has anything to say about it yes, luckily...he doesn't.

Wanna get Breitbart to pay attention to you? Just drop your pants! That REPUBLICON pervert will be there to snap about it lickity split.


You need to learn who is looking out for you and who is offering you a free ride at the expense of your liberties dumbass. Everyone here is tired of your racist ignorant rhetoric. If you hate America so much take your ass somewhere else so we don't have to live among you.

Why exactly are you perpetuating an internet lie? Martin Luther King Sr. was a Republican. Martin Luther King Jr. was not.

Get that straight.

There are all sorts of claims that MLK Jr was a Repub. Mostly by Repubs

MLK Was A Republican | National Black Republican Association

If he was, then it should be relatively easy for the Repubs to produce some sort of documentation (he would have registered to be vote in Republican primaries, for example). We can find no such documentation.

Ditto Democrat Party, which was, before 1964, the Party of George McGovern and Robert Byrd: Indeed, the Party of The Old Conferderacy.

Blacks did not join the Democratic Party as a voting block until LBJ signed The Civil Rights act in 1964, which Barry Goldwater (R) opposed. MLK was killed in 1968, so we have 4 years during which his ideaology and that of the Democratic party were quite close.

More than likely King, Jr. was an Independent voter, like the vast majority of Americans, but he probably voted for democrats in National elections. At the local and state level, the Dems were still wearing sheets in 1968. Since all four (4) King Jr's children were born in either Alabama or Georgia, it is unlikely MLK voted for the local Dems.
LOL. And then we have the 'wide stance' Republicans. A pox on all that let their little head run their big head.

Dana Milbank - A Senator's Wide Stance: 'I Am Not Gay' - washingtonpost.com

What a mix...

A motley crew of Wide-Stancers and Underpants Sniffer-Britebart types.


Obviously Breitbart is a fantastic journalist if he exposed the LIEberrhoid wierdo who is even considered slime by the majority of Dems including Reid and even the crunt Pelosi who is calling an Ethics investigation on this POS ....... and all this is underlined by the fact that the SOROS smear organizations such as Media Matters, Daily Kos which tried to smear Breitbart as a LIAR when the perv WEANIE WEINER was working Plan A, i.e. the "DENIAL" phase of his Agenda and who STILL are attacking Breitbart when WEANIE WEINER is working Plan B the "CONFESSION" phase.....the phase which he has no other choice but to put in effect.

So, predictably, the Black Racist LIEberrhoid swine MarcAtl ( an insignificant fart) on the lowest level of the LIEberrhoid Slime is following the agenda of the Soros Smear Machines Media Matters, Daily Kos, etc.

For the record: Now ya know that Breitbart is super great if human trash like the Black Racist sewer rat MarcAtl is STILL attacking him while the other Dem Garbage on a higher moral plain are conceding the fact that the exposed Piece of Shit by Breitbart, Weanie Weiner, is unquestionable slime.
If the Underpants Sniffer Breitbart has anything to say about it yes, luckily...he doesn't.

Wanna get Breitbart to pay attention to you? Just drop your pants! That REPUBLICON pervert will be there to snap about it lickity split.


You need to learn who is looking out for you and who is offering you a free ride at the expense of your liberties dumbass. Everyone here is tired of your racist ignorant rhetoric. If you hate America so much take your ass somewhere else so we don't have to live among you.

Why exactly are you perpetuating an internet lie? Martin Luther King Sr. was a Republican. Martin Luther King Jr. was not.

Get that straight.

Don't pay any attention to that man behind the curtain........
If the Underpants Sniffer Breitbart has anything to say about it yes, luckily...he doesn't.

Wanna get Breitbart to pay attention to you? Just drop your pants! That REPUBLICON pervert will be there to snap about it lickity split.


You need to learn who is looking out for you and who is offering you a free ride at the expense of your liberties dumbass. Everyone here is tired of your racist ignorant rhetoric. If you hate America so much take your ass somewhere else so we don't have to live among you.

Why exactly are you perpetuating an internet lie? Martin Luther King Sr. was a Republican. Martin Luther King Jr. was not.

Get that straight.
The board is chuck full of RW myths and lies.

If REPUBLICON$ didn't lie...they'd have nothing to say.
If my ears did not deceive me I think I heard Merredith Vierra ask a Republican Congressman this morning if the Republicans were satisfied with Weiner.
Weiner is an idiot and it's the lying more than what he did...but the constituents of his District need to decide his future (unless it is proven he has done something illegal, of course).

Breitbart is still an asshole though...

why? cause media don't matter tells you so? Brietbart didn't do the act, weenie guy did, Brietbart just published it and the pictures were released according to Brietbart because weenie man, mm, dk, huff post mounted a coordinated attack against himself. Then on top of all that weenie guy calls all the reporters he can including fox news to his office for interviews and lied through his smarmy little mouth about being innocent, about being hacked and this is what you want representing you from NY? but having said that let me ask you this.. when the weenie man makes a decision is that decision for NY only or does it affect the way the rest of us peons in the US have to live our lives??

You need to learn who is looking out for you and who is offering you a free ride at the expense of your liberties dumbass. Everyone here is tired of your racist ignorant rhetoric. If you hate America so much take your ass somewhere else so we don't have to live among you.

Why exactly are you perpetuating an internet lie? Martin Luther King Sr. was a Republican. Martin Luther King Jr. was not.

Get that straight.
The board is chuck full of RW myths and lies.

If REPUBLICON$ didn't lie...they'd have nothing to say.

MLK's father was a registered republican. MLK was not a registered Democrat. That is not a lie.

Here's somethiing else for you to look up. Condy Rice's parents were registered republicans and do you know why? Because they were not allowed to register as Democrats. Assholes.
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Why exactly are you perpetuating an internet lie? Martin Luther King Sr. was a Republican. Martin Luther King Jr. was not.

Get that straight.
The board is chuck full of RW myths and lies.

If REPUBLICON$ didn't lie...they'd have nothing to say.

MLK's father was a registered republican. MLK was not a registered Democrat. That is not a lie.

Here's somethiing else for you to look up. Condy Rice's parents were registered republicans and do you know why? Because they were not allowed to register as Democrats. Assholes.

MLK was a Republican. Back in his day it was DEmoncrats who were the racist party.. Byrd was the grand ommm paaa paaa of the KKK
Why exactly are you perpetuating an internet lie? Martin Luther King Sr. was a Republican. Martin Luther King Jr. was not.

Get that straight.
The board is chuck full of RW myths and lies.

If REPUBLICON$ didn't lie...they'd have nothing to say.

MLK's father was a registered republican. MLK was not a registered Democrat. That is not a lie.

Here's somethiing else for you to look up. Condy Rice's parents were registered republicans and do you know why? Because they were not allowed to register as Democrats. Assholes.

The topic is Weiner's weiner.

Thanks for feeding the troll.

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