Weiner's at it again

Fox News' Tamara Holder: '98.4367% of Men Cheat' So 'Leave Weiner Alone'


Fox News' Tamara Holder: '98.4367% of Men Cheat' so 'Leave Weiner Alone'

'98.4367% of men cheat. I do know a few good men who don't."

Well, at least 15,633 if her numbers are accurate. Of course, it begs the question whether this is entirely based on personal experience....

Kind of brings a new twist to the term 'significant figures'....
In the old days, perverted freaks like Weiner would've been forced out of office and made a social outcast. Now? They are tolerated. What does that say about the average voter? Don't they know it makes a mockery of our political system when they let moral degenerates like Weenie continue to serve in politics?

Which old days were those?
Fox News' Tamara Holder: '98.4367% of Men Cheat' So 'Leave Weiner Alone'


Fox News' Tamara Holder: '98.4367% of Men Cheat' so 'Leave Weiner Alone'

'98.4367% of men cheat. I do know a few good men who don't."

Well, at least 15,633 if her numbers are accurate. Of course, it begs the question whether this is entirely based on personal experience....

Kind of brings a new twist to the term 'significant figures'....

Her claim is bs. There are alot of men who don't cheat. And if any of you are one of them that do, you need to stop.
So with his political life on the line, he still can't stop himself...that is pretty sad. He has problems. Lets hope NYC is smarter than to vote for the guy.

They're not. trust me. We have lots of Sallows here. Lots of them.

Part of the reason Weiner has any juice here at all is his overwhelming and unfettered support for Israel.

I won't vote for the guy in the primaries. But if he wins there..I ain't voting for another republican mayor.
What a creep... but hey... I left NYC back in the nineties because if this kinda shit and taxes. Matters not one iota to me.
Weiner never cheated. There is no evidence whatsoever, not a scintilla, that he ever met any of the women he sent his photos to.

Weiner is an exhibitionist not a cheater. All evidence is that his exhibitionism was only to women that consented. The most recent woman now complaining was an e-mail correspondent for 6 months. Yes, Weiner is a pervert, but his chief opponent is a dyke lesbian. No matter how New Yorkers vote, they are going to be voting for a pervert. It will be very interesting to see how this vote will go.
you know, a politician just has to be held to higher standards. Just think, if he were to continue this type behavior and elected, think of the blackmail that could ensue.


He should never again ever think of life in politics. Take a cue from moral and reputable conservatives, who once found out about their "mistakes", bowed out of the limelight..

Like um David Vitter..erm um..
Newt Gingrich..ermm..
Mark Sanford..ooh wait..
John Ensign..hmm..well there's..
Rudy Giuliani..

Gosh..help me out here..


I wouldn't have voted for anyone that you named after what they did.
Did anyone ask his wife, during the presser the other day, if she like being married to a pervert?

She might not mind. A pervert like Weiner who sits in his bedroom broadcasting pictures of his junk around the world might be more acceptable than a pervert like Eliot Spitzer that leaves the house to fuck whores. Not only that, but Weiner makes sure that the women who receive the photos are consenting adults. In the perversion ranking Anthony Weiner is pretty low on the totem pole.
How stupid is this guy? If you have a problem like his, the WORST place to be is in politics. His unfortunate name just adds to it.

obviously stupid and sick, since he seems to have no self control...

I truly feel for his wife and son. She needs to find the exit quickly and use it.

Well, she worked for, and took the advice of Hillary Clinton, long enough to be influenced. Sure worked for Hillary, didn't it???? :badgrin: I just can't understand these women who stand by their lying, cheating, unfaithful husbands, on TV, to defend and support the scumbags.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OO38rf1m0FU]Blues Brothers Stand by your man - YouTube[/ame]

I can't either. Sometimes makes you wonder what their motives for marriage were to begin with... Either that or extremely low self esteem, brought up by parents that did the same, who knows for sure.
Dangling33 pre-empted further accusations by saying that more photos will come out. Well hell with that explanation he can keep sending pecker pics forever and claim he already took care of the problem.

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