Weisselberg Indicted

Which means of course that the real goal here is to get TRUMP!, which in turn means this is a political prosecution.
The biggest problem with calling it a political prosecution is that there is a very real and legitimate crime alleged here.

Lots of Republicans like to claim political prosecution, but they forget to mention that they actually committed legitimate crimes.
Which means of course that the real goal here is to get TRUMP!, which in turn means this is a political prosecution.
The biggest problem with calling it a political prosecution is that there is a very real and legitimate crime alleged here.

Lots of Republicans like to claim political prosecution, but they forget to mention that they actually committed legitimate crimes.
Sure, but when the arm twisting starts and deals are offered in exchange for dirt on TRUMP!, all those legitimate crimes suddenly become "meh, no big deal".
Which means of course that the real goal here is to get TRUMP!, which in turn means this is a political prosecution.
The biggest problem with calling it a political prosecution is that there is a very real and legitimate crime alleged here.

Lots of Republicans like to claim political prosecution, but they forget to mention that they actually committed legitimate crimes.
claiming with out any evidence that Trump was involved and that he did the same for his kids proves it is political.
Sure, but when the arm twisting starts and deals are offered in exchange for dirt on TRUMP!, all those legitimate crimes suddenly become "meh, no big deal".
Such as?
When the punishment for serious tax evasion goes from 15 years in prison and a million dollar plus fine to 6 months and time served if you tell us stuff about TRUMP!. That just means the goal was TRUMP! all along, not investigating and charging because a crime was committed.
Sure, but when the arm twisting starts and deals are offered in exchange for dirt on TRUMP!, all those legitimate crimes suddenly become "meh, no big deal".
Such as?
When the punishment for serious tax evasion goes from 15 years in prison and a million dollar plus fine to 6 months and time served if you tell us stuff about TRUMP!. That just means the goal was TRUMP! all along, not investigating and charging because a crime was committed.
Is that happening or is it just something that you’re making up?

Doesn’t everyone get leniency for cooperating?
poor kids breaking windows to get into people's shit is usually more important because the people getting broken into are usually just as poor. Plus the chance for violence is exponentially higher in these situations compared to white collar crime.
If it’s a violent crime, it’s no longer a broken windows issue.

You’re rationalizing ignoring hundreds of thousands of dollars of fraud because of you want to focus on hundreds of dollars theft.

It’s pathetic the lengths you go through to protect the rich. We can’t prosecute them because their crime sent SMALL enough.

I'm saying let the DA's with the beancounters handle that shit, because some local idiot doesn't have the staff to present it to a jury without them being bored for 5 weeks of numbers.

What's pathetic is a Manhattan DA gunning for something that doesn't impact people on the streets while ignoring things on the street going to hell.

And the guy who breaks into your house when you aren't there easily becomes the guy who breaks in when you are there.
You think tax fraud doesn’t impact people?

What’s this nonsense about “boring” a jury? Is that like a serious criticism? Somehow we can’t prosecute “boring” crimes. Jesus, you’re pathetic.

if it was actually fraud and not just a tax issue that Vance exploded into fraud.

I've been on a car accident jury and a estate settlement jury, and the 2nd one was 2 weeks of number crunching. Those were civil cases. Now make it a criminal trial and try to prove it "beyond a reasonable doubt" instead of preponderance of the evidence.

If it was just about the money Vance would have let the State Tax Agency audit and bring up a civil suit, much easier to prove in that situation.

But Vance wanted the words "Trump" and Criminal" in the same sentence, and he got it.
Which means of course that the real goal here is to get TRUMP!, which in turn means this is a political prosecution.
The biggest problem with calling it a political prosecution is that there is a very real and legitimate crime alleged here.

Lots of Republicans like to claim political prosecution, but they forget to mention that they actually committed legitimate crimes.
claiming with out any evidence that Trump was involved and that he did the same for his kids proves it is political.
Good reporting has unearthed plenty of dodgy behavior with Trump’s taxes. It’s not without evidence to say that Ivanka is bizarrely paid for consulting work by the same company she is an executive of.
Sure, but when the arm twisting starts and deals are offered in exchange for dirt on TRUMP!, all those legitimate crimes suddenly become "meh, no big deal".
Such as?
When the punishment for serious tax evasion goes from 15 years in prison and a million dollar plus fine to 6 months and time served if you tell us stuff about TRUMP!. That just means the goal was TRUMP! all along, not investigating and charging because a crime was committed.
Is that happening or is it just something that you’re making up?

Doesn’t everyone get leniency for cooperating?
Cooperating for what? That's the question. If by "cooperating" you mean "help us get TRUMP!", it's politics. If by "cooperating" you mean, "Help us get all the tax irregularities cleared up and we don't care if TRUMP! is involved or not", it's not politics.

I'll leave it up to the reader to figure out which one is most likely in play.
poor kids breaking windows to get into people's shit is usually more important because the people getting broken into are usually just as poor. Plus the chance for violence is exponentially higher in these situations compared to white collar crime.
If it’s a violent crime, it’s no longer a broken windows issue.

You’re rationalizing ignoring hundreds of thousands of dollars of fraud because of you want to focus on hundreds of dollars theft.

It’s pathetic the lengths you go through to protect the rich. We can’t prosecute them because their crime sent SMALL enough.

I'm saying let the DA's with the beancounters handle that shit, because some local idiot doesn't have the staff to present it to a jury without them being bored for 5 weeks of numbers.

What's pathetic is a Manhattan DA gunning for something that doesn't impact people on the streets while ignoring things on the street going to hell.

And the guy who breaks into your house when you aren't there easily becomes the guy who breaks in when you are there.
You think tax fraud doesn’t impact people?

What’s this nonsense about “boring” a jury? Is that like a serious criticism? Somehow we can’t prosecute “boring” crimes. Jesus, you’re pathetic.

if it was actually fraud and not just a tax issue that Vance exploded into fraud.

I've been on a car accident jury and a estate settlement jury, and the 2nd one was 2 weeks of number crunching. Those were civil cases. Now make it a criminal trial and try to prove it "beyond a reasonable doubt" instead of preponderance of the evidence.

If it was just about the money Vance would have let the State Tax Agency audit and bring up a civil suit, much easier to prove in that situation.

But Vance wanted the words "Trump" and Criminal" in the same sentence, and he got it.
Vance thinks he has enough evidence to prove intent beyond a reasonable doubt. Are you going to tell him he’s wrong without seeing the available testimony?

Civil suits would result in a slap on the wrist. Criminal proceedings are far more effective at stopping these crimes.

And your first sentence is moronic. It is fraud. Tax fraud is fraud.
Sure, but when the arm twisting starts and deals are offered in exchange for dirt on TRUMP!, all those legitimate crimes suddenly become "meh, no big deal".
Such as?
When the punishment for serious tax evasion goes from 15 years in prison and a million dollar plus fine to 6 months and time served if you tell us stuff about TRUMP!. That just means the goal was TRUMP! all along, not investigating and charging because a crime was committed.
Is that happening or is it just something that you’re making up?

Doesn’t everyone get leniency for cooperating?
Cooperating for what? That's the question. If by "cooperating" you mean "help us get TRUMP!", it's politics. If by "cooperating" you mean, "Help us get all the tax irregularities cleared up and we don't care if TRUMP! is involved or not", it's not politics.

I'll leave it up to the reader to figure out which one is most likely in play.
Cooperating for revealing information on other crimes. Everyone gets better deals for cooperating.

There was no cooperation. In fact, Trump’s attorneys made Vance go to the Supreme Court twice to have their legal subpoenas acted on.
Progs screw us WITH government, which is far worse.
Ah, so legally using government authority is worse than illegally flaunting it.

But only when you’re rich. Do it when you’re poor and Marty is ready to bring the hammer down on you. Do it when you’re rich and Marty turns into a coward.

You’re pathetic.
poor kids breaking windows to get into people's shit is usually more important because the people getting broken into are usually just as poor. Plus the chance for violence is exponentially higher in these situations compared to white collar crime.
If it’s a violent crime, it’s no longer a broken windows issue.

You’re rationalizing ignoring hundreds of thousands of dollars of fraud because of you want to focus on hundreds of dollars theft.

It’s pathetic the lengths you go through to protect the rich. We can’t prosecute them because their crime sent SMALL enough.

I'm saying let the DA's with the beancounters handle that shit, because some local idiot doesn't have the staff to present it to a jury without them being bored for 5 weeks of numbers.

What's pathetic is a Manhattan DA gunning for something that doesn't impact people on the streets while ignoring things on the street going to hell.

And the guy who breaks into your house when you aren't there easily becomes the guy who breaks in when you are there.
You think tax fraud doesn’t impact people?

What’s this nonsense about “boring” a jury? Is that like a serious criticism? Somehow we can’t prosecute “boring” crimes. Jesus, you’re pathetic.

if it was actually fraud and not just a tax issue that Vance exploded into fraud.

I've been on a car accident jury and a estate settlement jury, and the 2nd one was 2 weeks of number crunching. Those were civil cases. Now make it a criminal trial and try to prove it "beyond a reasonable doubt" instead of preponderance of the evidence.

If it was just about the money Vance would have let the State Tax Agency audit and bring up a civil suit, much easier to prove in that situation.

But Vance wanted the words "Trump" and Criminal" in the same sentence, and he got it.
Vance thinks he has enough evidence to prove intent beyond a reasonable doubt. Are you going to tell him he’s wrong without seeing the available testimony?

Civil suits would result in a slap on the wrist. Criminal proceedings are far more effective at stopping these crimes.

And your first sentence is moronic. It is fraud. Tax fraud is fraud.

He says its fraud, and he's a Anti trump fanatic.

civil suits would result in the government getting it's money, and I thought it's about the money right?

Talk about being caught in your own delusions....
Progs screw us WITH government, which is far worse.
Ah, so legally using government authority is worse than illegally flaunting it.

But only when you’re rich. Do it when you’re poor and Marty is ready to bring the hammer down on you. Do it when you’re rich and Marty turns into a coward.

You’re pathetic.



it's always about envy with you leftists, pathetic.
Sure, but when the arm twisting starts and deals are offered in exchange for dirt on TRUMP!, all those legitimate crimes suddenly become "meh, no big deal".
Such as?
When the punishment for serious tax evasion goes from 15 years in prison and a million dollar plus fine to 6 months and time served if you tell us stuff about TRUMP!. That just means the goal was TRUMP! all along, not investigating and charging because a crime was committed.
Is that happening or is it just something that you’re making up?

Doesn’t everyone get leniency for cooperating?
Cooperating for what? That's the question. If by "cooperating" you mean "help us get TRUMP!", it's politics. If by "cooperating" you mean, "Help us get all the tax irregularities cleared up and we don't care if TRUMP! is involved or not", it's not politics.

I'll leave it up to the reader to figure out which one is most likely in play.
Cooperating for revealing information on other crimes. Everyone gets better deals for cooperating.

There was no cooperation. In fact, Trump’s attorneys made Vance go to the Supreme Court twice to have their legal subpoenas acted on.
And I didn't say there was cooperation. Why should he cooperate in his own prosecution? The point remains, this is a pattern the prosecution uses when they want to go after someone. Find something they can pin on an associate and use the carrot and stick to get him to talk. It's political because, instead of starting from knowledge of a crime occurring and trying to find out who did what, they start from a desire to destroy someone and try to find things they can pin on him. My guess is this whole thing would wrap up in a hurry if TRUMP! just stated that he has no desire to run in '24.
Sure, but when the arm twisting starts and deals are offered in exchange for dirt on TRUMP!, all those legitimate crimes suddenly become "meh, no big deal".
Such as?
When the punishment for serious tax evasion goes from 15 years in prison and a million dollar plus fine to 6 months and time served if you tell us stuff about TRUMP!. That just means the goal was TRUMP! all along, not investigating and charging because a crime was committed.
Is that happening or is it just something that you’re making up?

Doesn’t everyone get leniency for cooperating?
Cooperating for what? That's the question. If by "cooperating" you mean "help us get TRUMP!", it's politics. If by "cooperating" you mean, "Help us get all the tax irregularities cleared up and we don't care if TRUMP! is involved or not", it's not politics.

I'll leave it up to the reader to figure out which one is most likely in play.
Cooperating for revealing information on other crimes. Everyone gets better deals for cooperating.

There was no cooperation. In fact, Trump’s attorneys made Vance go to the Supreme Court twice to have their legal subpoenas acted on.
And I didn't say there was cooperation. Why should he cooperate in his own prosecution? The point remains, this is a pattern the prosecution uses when they want to go after someone. Find something they can pin on an associate and use the carrot and stick to get him to talk. It's political because, instead of starting from knowledge of a crime occurring and trying to find out who did what, they start from a desire to destroy someone and try to find things they can pin on him. My guess is this whole thing would wrap up in a hurry if TRUMP! just stated that he has no desire to run in '24.
If they had cooperated, including complying with subpoenas and amending returns, it might not have even gone to criminal proceedings.

Why cooperate? Leniency.
Sure, but when the arm twisting starts and deals are offered in exchange for dirt on TRUMP!, all those legitimate crimes suddenly become "meh, no big deal".
Such as?
When the punishment for serious tax evasion goes from 15 years in prison and a million dollar plus fine to 6 months and time served if you tell us stuff about TRUMP!. That just means the goal was TRUMP! all along, not investigating and charging because a crime was committed.
Is that happening or is it just something that you’re making up?

Doesn’t everyone get leniency for cooperating?
Cooperating for what? That's the question. If by "cooperating" you mean "help us get TRUMP!", it's politics. If by "cooperating" you mean, "Help us get all the tax irregularities cleared up and we don't care if TRUMP! is involved or not", it's not politics.

I'll leave it up to the reader to figure out which one is most likely in play.
Cooperating for revealing information on other crimes. Everyone gets better deals for cooperating.

There was no cooperation. In fact, Trump’s attorneys made Vance go to the Supreme Court twice to have their legal subpoenas acted on.
And I didn't say there was cooperation. Why should he cooperate in his own prosecution? The point remains, this is a pattern the prosecution uses when they want to go after someone. Find something they can pin on an associate and use the carrot and stick to get him to talk. It's political because, instead of starting from knowledge of a crime occurring and trying to find out who did what, they start from a desire to destroy someone and try to find things they can pin on him. My guess is this whole thing would wrap up in a hurry if TRUMP! just stated that he has no desire to run in '24.
If they had cooperated, including complying with subpoenas and amending returns, it might not have even gone to criminal proceedings.

Why cooperate? Leniency.
It might not have gotten to that point, but if it's political, it almost certainly would.

Why not cooperate? If the case against you is weak, make them prove it.
Sure, but when the arm twisting starts and deals are offered in exchange for dirt on TRUMP!, all those legitimate crimes suddenly become "meh, no big deal".
Such as?
When the punishment for serious tax evasion goes from 15 years in prison and a million dollar plus fine to 6 months and time served if you tell us stuff about TRUMP!. That just means the goal was TRUMP! all along, not investigating and charging because a crime was committed.
Is that happening or is it just something that you’re making up?

Doesn’t everyone get leniency for cooperating?
Cooperating for what? That's the question. If by "cooperating" you mean "help us get TRUMP!", it's politics. If by "cooperating" you mean, "Help us get all the tax irregularities cleared up and we don't care if TRUMP! is involved or not", it's not politics.

I'll leave it up to the reader to figure out which one is most likely in play.
Cooperating for revealing information on other crimes. Everyone gets better deals for cooperating.

There was no cooperation. In fact, Trump’s attorneys made Vance go to the Supreme Court twice to have their legal subpoenas acted on.
And I didn't say there was cooperation. Why should he cooperate in his own prosecution? The point remains, this is a pattern the prosecution uses when they want to go after someone. Find something they can pin on an associate and use the carrot and stick to get him to talk. It's political because, instead of starting from knowledge of a crime occurring and trying to find out who did what, they start from a desire to destroy someone and try to find things they can pin on him. My guess is this whole thing would wrap up in a hurry if TRUMP! just stated that he has no desire to run in '24.
If they had cooperated, including complying with subpoenas and amending returns, it might not have even gone to criminal proceedings.

Why cooperate? Leniency.
It might not have gotten to that point, but if it's political, it almost certainly would.

Why not cooperate? If the case against you is weak, make them prove it.
Why cooperate? Because the punishment would be FAR less. Thing is, people like Trump don’t seem to ever think they are wrong.
Which means of course that the real goal here is to get TRUMP!, which in turn means this is a political prosecution.
The biggest problem with calling it a political prosecution is that there is a very real and legitimate crime alleged here.

Lots of Republicans like to claim political prosecution, but they forget to mention that they actually committed legitimate crimes.
claiming with out any evidence that Trump was involved and that he did the same for his kids proves it is political.
Good reporting has unearthed plenty of dodgy behavior with Trump’s taxes. It’s not without evidence to say that Ivanka is bizarrely paid for consulting work by the same company she is an executive of.
ah more like pushed propaganda. Vance fought all the way to the SCOTUS to get his tax returns...got a crack team of experts to review them, and then didn't get anything to indict him on.

So, once again, looks like you were chasing waterfalls and just came up all wet.

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