Weisselberg Indicted

A two-year investigation, and all they can charge the dude with is some picayune fringe benefit chickenshit.


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Gangster Trump & his crooked accountant were carrying two sets of books, clown. It's high time that that crooked bastard was held accountable & he's paid back for the all people he's fucked over his entire adult life. And they weren't all bankers. Just regular working stiffs trying to get by. I would like nothing better then to see Trump lose it all & have to rent a flat from Kushner in one of his high rise ratholes.
I agree that all the scumbags that have ever screwed the little people should have to pay dearly.
A two-year investigation, and all they can charge the dude with is some picayune fringe benefit chickenshit.


View attachment 507688
Gangster Trump & his crooked accountant were carrying two sets of books, clown. It's high time that that crooked bastard was held accountable & he's paid back for the all people he's fucked over his entire adult life. And they weren't all bankers. Just regular working stiffs trying to get by. I would like nothing better then to see Trump lose it all & have to rent a flat from Kushner in one of his high rise ratholes.
This is over fringe benefits, nitwit....Were there two sets of books, it would have been splashed all over the fake nooz by now.
Were there two sets of books, it would have been splashed all over the fake nooz by now.
It is all over the news, because it was described in the indictment.

Way to prove to everyone you know fuck all about this and haven't read a single thing about it.

This guy knows where all the bodies are buried.

Trump has to be shitting his pants
Not. We can all see that this is another Democrat witch hunt.
From what I've read, Weisselberg is holding tough so far.

Plus, even if there is a jury trial, there's no way there won't be at least one loyal Trumpster in the jury.

I wouldn't be doing the happy dance just yet. This could all backfire.
There was a loyal Trumper in the Manafort trial and it didn't help him much.

Think a guy his age will risk spending the rest of his life in jail?
So, it sounds like you are all about pressuring people to get Trump. How'd that work out with Cohen? I mean, he rolled over and even made stuff UP and they still couldn't use it to get Trump. Just admit it... you'd stop at nothing to destroy the man. You people are sick with hate.
Due to technology it is impossible to not pay your taxes due to phony write-offs.
I see it's "make up total nonsense" day again.
You believed the Russian scam. MG. You are too stupid and worthless to even speak to. What a GD blind mother fucking ass hole you are....lolol
Oh boy, another Trump buttlicker is having a hissy. Rough day for you guys.
Yeah, we TrumpBots who want US dollars to be spent in the US are really stupid!
I would love to buy products only made in the US. But I understand reality doesn't align with that goal.

So, yeah. I see you as stupid, naive and ignorant of your own country's standing in a global economy. The US has been financially on the hook with China for decades. They own a lot of land in this country. They are a major supplier of many of our resources. You idiots have no idea what the fuck you're talking about 99.9% of the time.

Products with labels stating 'Made in the USA' are unregulated. Parts were made in China, and are usually assembled in the US. That is enough for a label. Hell, MAGA hats are made in China.

Nary a peep about that blatant hypocrisy from the magaturds.

This guy knows where all the bodies are buried.

Trump has to be shitting his pants
I hate to say it, but conflict, even conflict that is extremely disruptive, is one of the things that seems to be at the heart of what Trump revels in even as it's unfolding.

It's odd, indeed, since most people prefer peace, calm, and what's predictable while navigating their personal and professional lives.

Admittedly, this might be different since legal jeopardy is attached, but Trump will surely make the most of it as he will tell his diehard supporters that this is nothing more than an attempt to disrupt the movement to MAGA.

What mystifies me beyond my understanding at this point is this: How is it that so many people can be loyal to Trump for years only to suddenly find themselves cut loose, abandoned, and finally betrayed by Trump if and when they finally choose to stand up for themselves when their own lives are hanging in the balance?

After all, you would think that other Trump people would see the writing on the wall and understand that they are and always were wholly dispensable in Trump's view. It's like a shared delusion, but it would only make sense if it was shared at the same time and not over an extended period of time when it happens to them one after the other.

At this point, all I can say is that these people just seem monumentally stupid.

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