Weisselberg Indicted

Still gotta get the name Trump in there even if he had no idea what was going on
So your excuse is that Trump didn't know his own company was committing felonies. So you are going with "he is an oblivious moron with poor leadership ability and is a poor judge of character". Okay.

Yep, no matter what is said Trump has to be wrong, evil, criminal, stupid, and kicks puppies.

You've gone from doublethink to quintuplethink.
Come on, dont sissy out now, after all your bigmouth talk.

Who was okaying checks out of Trump's personal account to pay for Weisselberg's grandchildren's tuition?

You read the indictment and figure it out.
And there's the tap out.

What tap out? my position is the whole case is bullshit, details don't mean shit.
I'd prefer DeSantis but your ilk will find some way to bleat on about him being WORSE THAN HITLER as well.
DeSantis is obsequious to Trump too.

That’s not really a demonstration of your independent mindedness. It’s just you opting for someone without as much baggage but all the wrong instincts.

He fights, just like Trump fights.
He gives the appearance of fighting, just like Trump gave the appearance of fighting.

Then why do you guys wet your diapers over them?

Lies are bad, but this is a stupid lie.
Entirely possible if you live over the minimum distance for your traveling expenses to be deductible.
Nope. Weisselberg works in New York City. He couldn’t possibly qualify for a tax free apartment in New York City.

There are no circumstances that would change that.
so you don't think the major sports teams expense their players hotel stays? Meals? Limos?
Still gotta get the name Trump in there even if he had no idea what was going on
So your excuse is that Trump didn't know his own company was committing felonies. So you are going with "he is an oblivious moron with poor leadership ability and is a poor judge of character". Okay.

Yep, no matter what is said Trump has to be wrong, evil, criminal, stupid, and kicks puppies.

You've gone from doublethink to quintuplethink.
Come on, dont sissy out now, after all your bigmouth talk.

Who was okaying checks out of Trump's personal account to pay for Weisselberg's grandchildren's tuition?

You read the indictment and figure it out.
And there's the tap out.

What tap out? my position is the whole case is bullshit, details don't mean shit.
he'd never agree with any fact you supplied. He's a non negotiating fool.
Still gotta get the name Trump in there even if he had no idea what was going on
So your excuse is that Trump didn't know his own company was committing felonies. So you are going with "he is an oblivious moron with poor leadership ability and is a poor judge of character". Okay.

Yep, no matter what is said Trump has to be wrong, evil, criminal, stupid, and kicks puppies.

You've gone from doublethink to quintuplethink.
Come on, dont sissy out now, after all your bigmouth talk.

Who was okaying checks out of Trump's personal account to pay for Weisselberg's grandchildren's tuition?

You read the indictment and figure it out.
And there's the tap out.

What tap out? my position is the whole case is bullshit, details don't mean shit.
wow. you should join trump's legal team. you are qualified.
Still gotta get the name Trump in there even if he had no idea what was going on
So your excuse is that Trump didn't know his own company was committing felonies. So you are going with "he is an oblivious moron with poor leadership ability and is a poor judge of character". Okay.

Yep, no matter what is said Trump has to be wrong, evil, criminal, stupid, and kicks puppies.

You've gone from doublethink to quintuplethink.
Come on, dont sissy out now, after all your bigmouth talk.

Who was okaying checks out of Trump's personal account to pay for Weisselberg's grandchildren's tuition?

You read the indictment and figure it out.
And there's the tap out.

What tap out? my position is the whole case is bullshit, details don't mean shit.
wow. you should join trump's legal team. you are qualified.

The team you want denied to him via a campaign of public pressure?
You guys just don't like actual opposition that fights back, you want the GOP-lite you are used to.
Knee jerk opposition to anything from the Democratic Party isn’t actual opposition. It’s just being a pain in the ass. Introducing bills that are virtue signaling rather isn’t actual opposition. Making up culture wars rather than governing isn’t actual opposition.

These morons are dead weight for the country.
Because of the effect it has on morons like yourself. Turns out there’s enough of you idiots that follow these guys to cause real harm to the country.
so you indeed feel we should all just agree with your way of life and politics? hahahahaahahahahahaha dude, you must have scrambled your brains rather than eggs, or you have eggs in your head. That comment of yours is proof you're a dick.
Knee jerk opposition to anything from the Democratic Party isn’t actual opposition. It’s just being a pain in the ass. Introducing bills that are virtue signaling rather isn’t actual opposition. Making up culture wars rather than governing isn’t actual opposition.

These morons are dead weight for the country.
so knee jerk isn't allowed in politics? wow, when did that concept kick off? Demofks, you can only oppose us if you do it the way we tell you how. hahahahahahahahaha holy fk, I think I split my gut.
so you indeed feel we should all just agree with your way of life and politics? hahahahaahahahahahaha dude, you must have scrambled your brains rather than eggs, or you have eggs in your head. That comment of yours is proof you're a dick.
Never said you should.

But no one should listen to morons who spend more time pretending to govern than actually governing.
so you indeed feel we should all just agree with your way of life and politics? hahahahaahahahahahaha dude, you must have scrambled your brains rather than eggs, or you have eggs in your head. That comment of yours is proof you're a dick.
Never said you should.

But no one should listen to morons who spend more time pretending to govern than actually governing.
so leave the board. I'm not. So what's your choice? are you going to play circle jerk with us on every topic? wash, rinse, spin, repeat with you jack. We should call you Maytag.
Still gotta get the name Trump in there even if he had no idea what was going on
So your excuse is that Trump didn't know his own company was committing felonies. So you are going with "he is an oblivious moron with poor leadership ability and is a poor judge of character". Okay.

Yep, no matter what is said Trump has to be wrong, evil, criminal, stupid, and kicks puppies.

You've gone from doublethink to quintuplethink.
Come on, dont sissy out now, after all your bigmouth talk.

Who was okaying checks out of Trump's personal account to pay for Weisselberg's grandchildren's tuition?

You read the indictment and figure it out.
And there's the tap out.

What tap out? my position is the whole case is bullshit, details don't mean shit.
wow. you should join trump's legal team. you are qualified.

The team you want denied to him via a campaign of public pressure?
got to have his legitimate lawyers, you can't have your own... Colfax is the only person in the country to supply lawyers. ask him, he's so full of the knowledge of all of this that he can intervene at any time. Truly hilarious.
It's pointless to debate this topic when neither of us know all the fact nor all the laws.
Frankly, there isn't much debate to be had. One can only try to dispute the alleged facts of the indictment (which are all completely based on documents that the prosecution will have to show in court). If the alleged facts are true, Wesselberg and Trump Org are guilty of the crimes of which they are charged. This isnt a set of charges case built on circumstantial evidence or testimony. They built the charges on documents whose contents spell ou fraud.

that's why the right wing noise machine is focused on silly red herrings, like "I knew a guy with an apartment for work once" and "These are just fringe benefits" and " this is a political witchhunt".

this is because there really is no debate about the indictment, regarding its allegations or evidentiary support. If the prosecution has the documents it claims to have and they include the data the prosecution claims they contain, it is then definitively shown that Weisselberg and the Trump Org committed those felonies. All that is left to him is to cooperate with the prosecution to reduce his penalty, or try to argue a technical violation by investigators or the prosecution. or he can suck it up and take his prison time, taking the fall for everyone else involved in the criminal conspiracy.

So really, all that is left for all of us observers at this time is to claim "The prosecution lied and does not have that spreadsheet", or something similar, if we wish to undermine the indictment. I would say it is a very safe bet that the prosecution has all the documents they say they have, and that the data on the documents is what they say it is. The crap Rudy tried to pull in a Pennsylvania courtroom ended in total embarrassment for him, for Trump, and for their entire legal team. Rudy had to quickly withdraw his unevidenced claims, lest he be sanctioned by the court. I would not bet on a repeat of that incident, in this case.
Well, that's utter horseshit. We can dispute the claims in the indictement, and we can also dispute the laws that the accused is claimed to have violated. We can dispute every word in the indictment. Only a bootlicking NAZI moron would claim otherwise.

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