Welcome To Apartheid Land 2013

So, if I cited an article that was critical of the US, but contained lies, distortions and stereotypes, all I would have to do is say "well, it was written by an American" and, suddenly, everyone would have to accept it as Gospel?

I don't think so!

But when we speak about Apartheid in Israel and Palestine, we are speaking Truth. And Truth cannot be buried, it shall always be brought into the Light. And people of all religions and ethnic backgrounds all over our world are speaking with their voices raised loudly about this Apartheid that cries out to God for its end!

Who do you think you're going to convince with this type of hyperbolic nonsense?

People who have a Conscience.
Your response reminds me of an exchange from the movie "A Fish Called Wanda":

Wanda: "You ape!"

Otto: "Ape? Apes don't read philosophy!"

Wanda: "Yes, they do read philosophy... they just don't understand it."

All you do is cut and paste the views of others. The reality is, Apartheid has a definition, and Israel does not fit that definition.

This has grown tiresome. Whenever one of the anti-Israel brigade runs out of things to say, they either cut-and-paste someone else's hate pieces, or they throw out defamatory terms like "Apartheid," "ethinic cleansing," or "Nazis."

Apartheid 24/7 For Palestinians in Israel and Palestine. They live it, the rest of the world, we respond to it. That is where having a Conscience and a Heart make a difference. Famous words of MLK, Silience in the face of Injustice is Complicity with it.
Apartheid 24/7 For Palestinians in Israel and Palestine. They live it, the rest of the world, we respond to it. That is where having a Conscience and a Heart make a difference. Famous words of MLK, Silience in the face of Injustice is Complicity with it.

Martin Luther King on Israel's Security

10 days before his assassination, at the annual convention on the Rabbinical Assembly, Dr. King said:

“The response of some of the so-called young militants does not represent the position of the vast majority of Negroes. There are some who are color-consumed and they see a kind of mystique in blackness or in being colored, and anything non-colored is condemned. We do not follow that course.... Peace for Israel means security, and we must stand with all our might to protect her right to exist, its territorial integrity and the right to use whatever sea lanes it needs. Israel is one of the great outposts of democracy in the world, and a marvelous example of what can be done, how desert land can be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy. Peace for Israel means security, and that security must be a reality.”


And another quote -

You declare, my friend, that you do not hate the Jews, you are merely 'anti-Zionist.' And I say, let the truth ring forth from the high mountain tops, let it echo through the valleys of God's green earth: When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews--this is God's own truth.

Anti-Semitism, the hatred of the Jewish people, has been and remains a blot on the soul of mankind. In this we are in full agreement. So know also this: anti-Zionist is inherently anti-Semitic, and ever will be so.

Why ? Because Zionism is nothing less than the dream and ideal of the Jewish people returning to live in their own land.

The Jewish people, the Scriptures tell us, once enjoyed a flourishing Commonwealth in the Holy Land. From this they were expelled by the Roman tyrant, the same Romans who cruelly murdered Our Lord. Driven from their homeland, their nation in ashes, forced to wander the globe, the Jewish people time and again suffered the lash of whichever tyrant happened to rule over them.

The Negro people, my friend, know what it is to suffer the torment of tyranny under rulers not of our choosing. Our brothers in Africa have begged, pleaded, requested--DEMANDED the recognition and realization of our inborn right to live in peace under our own sovereignty in our own country.

How easy it should be, for anyone who holds dear this inalienable right of all mankind, to understand and support the right of the Jewish People to live in their ancient Land of Israel. All men of good will exult in the fulfillment of God's promise, that his People should return in joy to rebuild their plundered land.

This is Zionism, nothing more, nothing less.

If you believe the Jewish people deserve to have an independent state, then you are a Zionist. It's that easy.

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Apartheid 24/7 For Palestinians in Israel and Palestine. They live it, the rest of the world, we respond to it. That is where having a Conscience and a Heart make a difference. Famous words of MLK, Silience in the face of Injustice is Complicity with it.
Let's have a detailed example of Israeli apartheid so we'll recognize it when we see it.
"5.44**** The Tribunal finds that Israel subjects the Palestinian people to an institutionalised regime of domination amounting to apartheid as defined under international law. This discriminatory regime manifests in varying intensity and forms against different categories of Palestinians depending on their location.5.45**** The Palestinians living under colonial military rule in the Occupied Palestinian Territory are subject to a particularly aggravated form of apartheid. Palestinian citizens of Israel, while entitled to vote, are not part of the Jewish nation as defined by Israeli law and are therefore excluded from the benefits of Jewish nationality and subject to systematic discrimination across the broad spectrum of recognised human rights. Irrespective of such differences, the Tribunal concludes that Israel’s rule over the Palestinian people, wherever they reside, collectively amounts to a single integrated regime of apartheid." Cape Town session ? Full Findings (ENG) | Russell Tribunal on Palestine The report defines Apartheid and analyzes how Israeli acts meet the definition of Apartheid.
I'm completely unimpressed by the credentials of those on the panel: who exactly appointed those individuals?

How did they arrive at being part of a 'panel of judges' to sit in judgment on Israel?
So, if I cited an article that was critical of the US, but contained lies, distortions and stereotypes, all I would have to do is say "well, it was written by an American" and, suddenly, everyone would have to accept it as Gospel?

I don't think so!

But when we speak about Apartheid in Israel and Palestine, we are speaking Truth. And Truth cannot be buried, it shall always be brought into the Light. And people of all religions and ethnic backgrounds all over our world are speaking with their voices raised loudly about this Apartheid that cries out to God for its end!

And where is the proof that the filthy slanders you drag in here are 'truth'? How many people *believe* a thing does not make that thing real or true: 'belief' has ZERO 'truth value' It's simply irrelevant to actual truth.
But when we speak about Apartheid in Israel and Palestine, we are speaking Truth. And Truth cannot be buried, it shall always be brought into the Light. And people of all religions and ethnic backgrounds all over our world are speaking with their voices raised loudly about this Apartheid that cries out to God for its end!

Who do you think you're going to convince with this type of hyperbolic nonsense?

People who have a Conscience.

This from some "person" who stated that she "accepts the writers of Jew Watch as friends........ I think that's very understandable.

In sherrispeak 'having a conscence' means 'supporting thieves and liars who obsessively slander Jews to promote hatred'. That much is clear from her 'acceptance' of a site run by people who stole donations sent to help Hurricane Katrina victims. I don't think it could be made much plainer: as long as someone's attacking Israel, no matter how specious their 'criticism', no matter if it's grounded in full-blown Nazi ideology, they are a 'friend' in sherri's view.
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If you express a conclusion, are asked to back it up with facts, and you respond with "_____ concluded that...", you have proven NOTHING. One person's accusation and opinion does not prove another's. If you want to prove something, you need FACTS.
Who do you think you're going to convince with this type of hyperbolic nonsense?

People who have a Conscience.

This from some "person" who stated that she "accepts the writers of Jew Watch as friends........ I think that's very understandable.

In sherrispeak 'having a conscence' means 'supporting thieves and liars who obsessively slander Jews to promote hatred'. That much is clear from her 'acceptance' of a site run by people who stole donations sent to help Hurricane Katrina victims. I don't think it could be made much plainer: as long as someone's attacking Israel, no matter how specious their 'criticism', no matter if it's grounded in full-blown Nazi ideology, they are a 'friend' in sherri's view.

What a hate filled post that is! And that is what the Apartheid Israel practices is filled with, 24/7 Israel enforces discriminatory laws and carries out racist practices against nonJews inside both Israel and the OPT!
I'm completely unimpressed by the credentials of those on the panel: who exactly appointed those individuals?

How did they arrive at being part of a 'panel of judges' to sit in judgment on Israel?

We all know Zionists renounce intl law and opinions of intl legal experts. The Report analyses the law and intl legal definition of Apartheid and concludes Israel practices Apartheid, both inside Israel and the OPT.
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THE issue is Apartheid of today, not Israels defense.
When Yitayish “Titi” Ayenew, the first black Miss Israel, was a young orphan who moved from Ethiopia to Israel, it was learning the Hebrew language that turned around her fortunes.

“Then, I was a scared child,” Ayenew, 22, told students at Solomon Schechter Day School of Bergen County, NJ, this month. “I did not know what would be my future, or that I would do the things I am doing today. For me, an inner change occurred when I overcame the obstacle of learning Hebrew. I am in control of my destiny—everything is possible. My life is entirely different, both because of the things I have done and now, knowing what I want to do.”

Crowned Miss Israel in February, Ayenew, the first woman from Ethiopia to hold the title, said in an interview with JNS.org, “Being Miss Israel is a responsibility I take seriously.”

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTeXQOJZA7c]Is Israel An Apartheid State? (Arab-Israeli female combat soldier) - YouTube[/ame]
Some other Arabs who don't claim apartheid.

Arab Christian residents of Nazareth who proudly serve in the Israeli army and encourage their children to do the same are coming under increasing attack, and Israel is starting to take notice and come to their aid.

For a number of years now, a group of Nazareth Christians who are officers in the Israeli army have been actively recruiting young local Arabs to follow in their footsteps and serve the Jewish state.

Arab Christians: Israel only state worth fighting for - Israel Today | Israel News
Is it me, or does the term, "Apartheid Land" seem like a Jeopardy answer in the category of "rejected Disney theme park ideas"?

Maybe its just me. :)

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