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Apartheid Laws in Israel - The Art of The Obfuscatory Formulation Excerpts from an article by Uzi Ornan, published the Israeli daily Ha'aretz 17 May 1991 ( Hebrew ) "It is impossible to turn one's back on reality and deny that the State of Israel is not, likewise, an Apartheid state, and that as a result of this, Israeli democracy - which all its leaders and political pundits swear by - is being perverted, if not destroyed. This Apartheid has been entrenched in a system of laws, regulations and practices which govern the operation of state institutions. What characterizes most of those discriminatory laws that have been legislated in various Knesset is that on the surface, they do not appear to be discriminatory. However, a more in-depth analysis of some of the basic ones quickly reveals the extent to which they discriminate between "Jews" and "non-Jews". By studying them one cannot fail to reach a conclusion, which cannot but be embarrassing to many of us: namely, that Israel is an Apartheid state, and the Apartheid not only manifests itself socially, but that it is also embedded in the legal system. The following is devoted to a few of these laws." The author addresses some of these laws: The 1952 Law of Entry into Israel is one, it was apparently legislated simply to regulate entry into the country but all of its clauses, save the one making it obligatory to enter by way of an official border control point, are intended to make a clear distinction between foreign citizens who are Jewish and those who are not. "So it is, for instance, that the law stipulates that whoever "does not hold an immigration visa or immigration certificate" can be immediately deported by the minister of the Interior, or, can be denied a visa at any time. As for the explanation and definition of who qualifies for an immigration visa, one must seek the answer in another law, the Law of Return. The answer is: Jews. Like in every state, a foreign citizen who wishes to become a citizen of Israel can do so, and the regulations governing his acquisition of citizenship are similar to those which exist in many other countries. The basic condition is that candidates must have resided in Israel for a number of years. Likewise, before citizenship is granted, the candidate must pledge his allegiance to the State of Israel. In contrast, Jews are not required to swear a pledge of allegiance to the State of Israel. So it is that a Satmar Hassid, who has the utmost contempt for the existence of the state, and perhaps even translates this into action, can immediately become a citizen, with the right to vote in Knesset elections.... Moreover, only ["Jews"]have the right to retain their former citizenship even after becoming Israeli citizens, while "non-Jews" are obliged to renounce it before becoming Israeli citizens.The obfuscation does not end here. Take for instance the regulations governing the "joint authority of the Israel government and the Jewish Agency". These regulations are discussed as though they were applicable to all Israeli citizens. But when one reads them through, it quickly becomes apparent that rights granted to "returning residents" are meant solely for Jews: those who are not Jews have to pay full duty on all the articles they transport from the place of residence abroad, and are not granted any housing or education benefits upon returning to the country, after, perhaps, a few years of study abroad....Blatant discrimination against non-Jews can also be found in other laws dealing with the acquisition of property, government support for young couples, educational curricula, and government expenditure for schools, to cite just a few examples. The routine means for enforcing discrimination is the ID card, which everyone is obliged to carry at all times. ID cards list "nationality", which can be Jewish, Arab, Druze, Circassian, Samaritan, Kara'ite, or foreign. When a person presents his ID card to a policeman, a security official, or to a clerk at a government office whose services he requires, they can know which "sector" he belongs to and treat him accordingly, or, refer him to those who are responsible for dealing with his "sector". Up to now all the attempts to force the minister of the Interior to also accept the entry of "Israeli" nationality have failed. Those who have attempted to do so have received a letter from the ministry of the Interior. While the letterhead is one of the "State of Israel", the letter states that "it was decided not to recognize an Israeli nationality". By the way, every person has the right to demand that the nationality entry in their ID remain blank, and the ministry of the Interior must honor this demand." Jew Watch - Jewish Genocidal Murders of Others - Israel's Palestinian Apartheid Laws. What is Israel? One Apartheid law after another, many of which are documented in this 1991 article.
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Apartheid Laws in Israel - The Art of The Obfuscatory Formulation Excerpts from an article by Uzi Ornan, published the Israeli daily Ha'aretz 17 May 1991 ( Hebrew ) "It is impossible to turn one's back on reality and deny that the State of Israel is not, likewise, an Apartheid state, and that as a result of this, Israeli democracy - which all its leaders and political pundits swear by - is being perverted, if not destroyed. This Apartheid has been entrenched in a system of laws, regulations and practices which govern the operation of state institutions. What characterizes most of those discriminatory laws that have been legislated in various Knesset is that on the surface, they do not appear to be discriminatory. However, a more in-depth analysis of some of the basic ones quickly reveals the extent to which they discriminate between "Jews" and "non-Jews". By studying them one cannot fail to reach a conclusion, which cannot but be embarrassing to many of us: namely, that Israel is an Apartheid state, and the Apartheid not only manifests itself socially, but that it is also embedded in the legal system. The following is devoted to a few of these laws." The author addresses some of these laws: The 1952 Law of Entry into Israel is one, it was apparently legislated simply to regulate entry into the country but all of its clauses, save the one making it obligatory to enter by way of an official border control point, are intended to make a clear distinction between foreign citizens who are Jewish and those who are not. "So it is, for instance, that the law stipulates that whoever "does not hold an immigration visa or immigration certificate" can be immediately deported by the minister of the Interior, or, can be denied a visa at any time. As for the explanation and definition of who qualifies for an immigration visa, one must seek the answer in another law, the Law of Return. The answer is: Jews. Like in every state, a foreign citizen who wishes to become a citizen of Israel can do so, and the regulations governing his acquisition of citizenship are similar to those which exist in many other countries. The basic condition is that candidates must have resided in Israel for a number of years. Likewise, before citizenship is granted, the candidate must pledge his allegiance to the State of Israel. In contrast, Jews are not required to swear a pledge of allegiance to the State of Israel. So it is that a Satmar Hassid, who has the utmost contempt for the existence of the state, and perhaps even translates this into action, can immediately become a citizen, with the right to vote in Knesset elections.... Moreover, only ["Jews"]have the right to retain their former citizenship even after becoming Israeli citizens, while "non-Jews" are obliged to renounce it before becoming Israeli citizens.The obfuscation does not end here. Take for instance the regulations governing the "joint authority of the Israel government and the Jewish Agency". These regulations are discussed as though they were applicable to all Israeli citizens. But when one reads them through, it quickly becomes apparent that rights granted to "returning residents" are meant solely for Jews: those who are not Jews have to pay full duty on all the articles they transport from the place of residence abroad, and are not granted any housing or education benefits upon returning to the country, after, perhaps, a few years of study abroad....Blatant discrimination against non-Jews can also be found in other laws dealing with the acquisition of property, government support for young couples, educational curricula, and government expenditure for schools, to cite just a few examples. The routine means for enforcing discrimination is the ID card, which everyone is obliged to carry at all times. ID cards list "nationality", which can be Jewish, Arab, Druze, Circassian, Samaritan, Kara'ite, or foreign. When a person presents his ID card to a policeman, a security official, or to a clerk at a government office whose services he requires, they can know which "sector" he belongs to and treat him accordingly, or, refer him to those who are responsible for dealing with his "sector". Up to now all the attempts to force the minister of the Interior to also accept the entry of "Israeli" nationality have failed. Those who have attempted to do so have received a letter from the ministry of the Interior. While the letterhead is one of the "State of Israel", the letter states that "it was decided not to recognize an Israeli nationality". By the way, every person has the right to demand that the nationality entry in their ID remain blank, and the ministry of the Interior must honor this demand." Jew Watch - Jewish Genocidal Murders of Others - Israel's Palestinian Apartheid Laws. What is Israel? One Apartheid law after another, many of which are documented in this 1991 article.
Frau Sherri had to dig up an article over ten years old from some Leftist newspaper. Frau Sherri, can you dig up an old article by the Muslim man who was the Editor of Pakistan Today who gave his views on Israel? We realize that you don't want to believe those who are Muslims and Christians who have lived and/or visited Israel recently and who say there is no apartheid there. By the way, Frau Sherri, I noticed you mentioned "Jew Watch" in your post. At one time one of our universities was researching all the hate sites on the Internet and Jew Watch was Number 1. Is this the same Jew Watch?
"Jew Watch"?

That's supposed to be a reputable source?


Jew Watch is an antisemitic[1] website that promotes Holocaust denial,[3] and makes many negative claims about Jews, which include allegations of a conspiracy that Jews control the media and banking industries,[4] and accusations of Jewish involvement in terrorist groups. The site contains a large amount of propaganda, according to Sam Varghese of The Age, similar to that used in Nazi Germany.[5] It is widely considered a hate site.[1] Jew Watch has received support from Stormfront, a neo-Nazi site.[6] The site describes itself as a "not-for-profit library for private study, scholarship, or research (that keeps) a close watch on Jewish Communities and organizations worldwide".[7]

The site received media attention in April 2004 when it emerged as the first result in a Google search for the word "Jew". A petition was started to get the site removed from Google search results. A scandal in 2006 involved solicitations for donations to aid victims of Hurricane Katrina being redirected to Jew Watch.

Source with more information
Jew Watch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Uzi Ornan*


Israeli Professor*Uzi Ornan, ...Foreign Policy Journal | World news, political analysis, and opinion commentary, 15 Sept 2010*[cached]Israeli Professor*Uzi Ornan, writing in*Ha'aretz*almost twenty years ago, explained that the "blatant discrimination against non-Jews" is evidence that "Apartheid is so powerful a mindset in this society, that its existence and preservation is championed by all the members of the 'Zionist parties,' including those who believe themselves to be in the vanguard of the struggle for socialism, peace and equal rights.*('Apartheid Laws in Israel - The Art of Obfuscatory Formulation', Ha'aretz, May 17, 1991) Business Profiles and Company Information | ZoomInfo.com
"Jew Watch"?

That's supposed to be a reputable source?


Jew Watch is an antisemitic[1] website that promotes Holocaust denial,[3] and makes many negative claims about Jews, which include allegations of a conspiracy that Jews control the media and banking industries,[4] and accusations of Jewish involvement in terrorist groups. The site contains a large amount of propaganda, according to Sam Varghese of The Age, similar to that used in Nazi Germany.[5] It is widely considered a hate site.[1] Jew Watch has received support from Stormfront, a neo-Nazi site.[6] The site describes itself as a "not-for-profit library for private study, scholarship, or research (that keeps) a close watch on Jewish Communities and organizations worldwide".[7]

The site received media attention in April 2004 when it emerged as the first result in a Google search for the word "Jew". A petition was started to get the site removed from Google search results. A scandal in 2006 involved solicitations for donations to aid victims of Hurricane Katrina being redirected to Jew Watch.

Source with more information
Jew Watch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My source is writings of an Israeli Jewish Professor over 22 years ago in an article in an Israeli Newspaper where he writes of Apartheid in Israel, confirming the truth of what is addressed in the video in the Opening Post produced by an Israeli Jew from Haifa. In your Zionist mind, are Haaretz and Jewish Israeli Professors and Jews born in Haifa yet more sources to demonize and hate? The article was written by an Israeli Jewish Professor and written in an Israeli newspaper. You are the one I see slinging propaganda here.
"Jew Watch"?

That's supposed to be a reputable source?


Learn English. The article is from Haaretz. By Uzi Ornan.

I'll let our resident Israelis tell you what we think of Ha'aretz.

That does not change the fact that you cite Jew Watch, a known anti-Semitic organziation.

As for my the "learn English" comment... I find that amusing coming from someone who is incapable of expressing an original thought and, instead, routinely spams these boards by cutting and pasting hate pieces and propaganda videos from YouTube.
"Jew Watch"?

That's supposed to be a reputable source?


Learn English. The article is from Haaretz. By Uzi Ornan.

I'll let our resident Israelis tell you what we think of Ha'aretz.

That does not change the fact that you cite Jew Watch, a known anti-Semitic organziation.

As for my the "learn English" comment... I find that amusing coming from someone who is incapable of expressing an original thought and, instead, routinely spams these boards by cutting and pasting hate pieces and propaganda videos from YouTube.

You can keep all that hate for sources critical of Israel all for yourself. I want none of it. My source is an article written by an Israeli who lived in the Apartheid society he writes about , face and deal with that uncomfortable truth. And I can accept the writers of Jew Watch as fellow human beings who live beside me in this world. While you spew hate against them, I shall call them friend. And your comment about spam is nothing but a lie, you are actually criticizing me as I give sources to back up my claims. So funny, watching all these new techniques Zionists are inventing to bury the Truth about Israels human rights abuses.
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So, if I cited an article that was critical of the US, but contained lies, distortions and stereotypes, all I would have to do is say "well, it was written by an American" and, suddenly, everyone would have to accept it as Gospel?

I don't think so!
Apartheid is just part of the Palestinian propaganda campaign . Ever since the Palestinians realized they can't beat Israel through Guerrilla warfare (suicide bombings, rockets) , they find new ways to fight Israel, and one of them is through lying to the world about how Israel is an Apartheid State. What a joke lol.
At the 4 minute mark of the following video are the maps which show the 'Palestinian' lies, the very same maps that the Palestinian activists paid for New York subway ads calling for an end to “Israeli Apartheid."

A short film by the David Horowitz Freedom Center that uncovers the lies of "Israel Apartheid Week"

The Palestinian Wall of Lies

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByMufgpcdnI]The Palestinian Wall of Lies - YouTube[/ame]
So, if I cited an article that was critical of the US, but contained lies, distortions and stereotypes, all I would have to do is say "well, it was written by an American" and, suddenly, everyone would have to accept it as Gospel?

I don't think so!

But when we speak about Apartheid in Israel and Palestine, we are speaking Truth. And Truth cannot be buried, it shall always be brought into the Light. And people of all religions and ethnic backgrounds all over our world are speaking with their voices raised loudly about this Apartheid that cries out to God for its end!
So, if I cited an article that was critical of the US, but contained lies, distortions and stereotypes, all I would have to do is say "well, it was written by an American" and, suddenly, everyone would have to accept it as Gospel?

I don't think so!

But when we speak about Apartheid in Israel and Palestine, we are speaking Truth. And Truth cannot be buried, it shall always be brought into the Light. And people of all religions and ethnic backgrounds all over our world are speaking with their voices raised loudly about this Apartheid that cries out to God for its end!

You don't even know what the definition of apartheid is.
So, if I cited an article that was critical of the US, but contained lies, distortions and stereotypes, all I would have to do is say "well, it was written by an American" and, suddenly, everyone would have to accept it as Gospel?

I don't think so!

But when we speak about Apartheid in Israel and Palestine, we are speaking Truth. And Truth cannot be buried, it shall always be brought into the Light. And people of all religions and ethnic backgrounds all over our world are speaking with their voices raised loudly about this Apartheid that cries out to God for its end!

You don't even know what the definition of apartheid is.

I was just going to post the exact same thing !
So, if I cited an article that was critical of the US, but contained lies, distortions and stereotypes, all I would have to do is say "well, it was written by an American" and, suddenly, everyone would have to accept it as Gospel?

I don't think so!

But when we speak about Apartheid in Israel and Palestine, we are speaking Truth. And Truth cannot be buried, it shall always be brought into the Light. And people of all religions and ethnic backgrounds all over our world are speaking with their voices raised loudly about this Apartheid that cries out to God for its end!

Who do you think you're going to convince with this type of hyperbolic nonsense?
So, if I cited an article that was critical of the US, but contained lies, distortions and stereotypes, all I would have to do is say "well, it was written by an American" and, suddenly, everyone would have to accept it as Gospel?

I don't think so!

But when we speak about Apartheid in Israel and Palestine, we are speaking Truth. And Truth cannot be buried, it shall always be brought into the Light. And people of all religions and ethnic backgrounds all over our world are speaking with their voices raised loudly about this Apartheid that cries out to God for its end!

You don't even know what the definition of apartheid is.
**Apartheid*is the Afrikaans word for ‘separateness’ or ‘separate development’ that was used to designate the official state policy of racial discrimination implemented in South Africa between* 1948 and 1994. Indeed, ‘apartheid’ came to be prohibited by international law because of the experience of apartheid in southern Africa, which had its own unique attributes. However, the legal definition of apartheid applies to any situation anywhere in the world where the following three core elements exist: (i) that two distinct racial groups can be identified; (ii) that ‘inhuman acts’ are committed against the subordinate group; and (iii) that such acts are committed systematically in the context of an institutionalised*regimeof domination by one group over the other. Cape Town session ? Full Findings (ENG) | Russell Tribunal on Palestine The Committee defines Apartheid and finds Israel practices Apartheid.

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