Welcome To Apartheid Land 2013

People who have a Conscience.

This from some "person" who stated that she "accepts the writers of Jew Watch as friends........ I think that's very understandable.

In sherrispeak 'having a conscence' means 'supporting thieves and liars who obsessively slander Jews to promote hatred'. That much is clear from her 'acceptance' of a site run by people who stole donations sent to help Hurricane Katrina victims. I don't think it could be made much plainer: as long as someone's attacking Israel, no matter how specious their 'criticism', no matter if it's grounded in full-blown Nazi ideology, they are a 'friend' in sherri's view.

What a hate filled post that is! And that is what the Apartheid Israel practices is filled with, 24/7 Israel enforces discriminatory laws and carries out racist practices against nonJews inside both Israel and the OPT!

What in my post was NOT an accurate description of the situation? Please cite the words of mine which you feel may misrepresent things.

I can't very well take your concerns seriously if you can't express them any better than to make wild accusations against me whenever you don't completely agree with what I've posted.

Really: if the issue to you is Israeli policy which you want to criticize, what was all that irrelevant blather about Mandela, etc, etc, etc ????
I'm completely unimpressed by the credentials of those on the panel: who exactly appointed those individuals?

How did they arrive at being part of a 'panel of judges' to sit in judgment on Israel?

We all know Zionists renounce intl law and opinions of intl legal experts. The Report analyses the law and intl legal definition of Apartheid and concludes Israel practices Apartheid, both inside Israel and the OPT.

OK, is anyone else as amused by the bombastic obfustication of the post above? I found this latest attempt to elevate "everyone knows" to some facsimile of an actual argument quite hilarious......

I asked a very legitmate question: how did those particular people get to be on the panel passing judgement ?

And just look at the vindictive bilious attack which was vomited forth as a "reply"! Was my concern addressed? NO. Was it even given passing mention? NO.

All that occurred was another hate-filled venomous outburst of emotional abuse from the self-proclaimed 'humanitarian person of conscience'. Seriously, I can't see the point of attempting to 'discuss' with such an individual: this isn't about 'discussing' anything. It seems this thread is here solely and exclusively as one more vehicle for the self-proclaimed oh-so-much-more-moral-than-thou induhvidual to vent her spleen against Zionists.

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