Welcome To Jericho, Liberals….


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....where the wall come tumblin' down.....

As we found in the slave spiritual,
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
Jericho Jericho
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
And the walls come tumbling down

….those walls you believe you’ve built to support your ideology....built on the votes of certain constituencies....

Seems that the strongest of Progressives’ supporters are moving away.

1.“Left Behind

As progressive movements move toward radical positions, will liberal youth stay away?”

2. Born in 1996 in Queens to a Haitian immigrant mother, raised in Harlem, and educated by an elite Upper East Side progressive high school and a private college, Shahn Savino, at least identitywise, would fit nicely within the contemporary progressive political movement.

3.Fervently pro-LGBTQ rights, pro-choice, anti-racist, and generally supportive of both gun control and health-care regulation, Savino checks a number of the progressive movement’s favored identity and ideological boxes, but has now found a political home elsewhere.

4.“I used to be a typical liberal but I have moved to the center on a lot of issues,” Savino told me. “Progressive politics has gone extreme [and] has taken a turn toward ideological purity and worshipping saints rather than solving problems.”

5. …a faction of Savino-like voters have, after flirting with the left, estranged themselves from the movement, retreating toward the center. Other members of this generation hold social progressivism close with otherwise politically centrist views and, even in the Trump era, continue to remain estranged from the left.

6. [Many young progressives] are similarly reckoning with and responding perhaps surprisingly to the increasing political power of the progressive left. This collective disdain from socially progressive young people seems to cast doubt on pundits’ perhaps prematurely painted inevitable American leftist revolution.” Left Behind: As Progressive Movements Move Toward Radical Positions, Will Liberal Youth Stay Away?

Progressives, Liberals, Democrats……seems you need be reminded not to count your chickens before they hatch……
....where the wall come tumblin' down.....

As we found in the slave spiritual,
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
Jericho Jericho
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
And the walls come tumbling down

….those walls you believe you’ve built to support your ideology....built on the votes of certain constituencies....

Seems that the strongest of Progressives’ supporters are moving away.

1.“Left Behind

As progressive movements move toward radical positions, will liberal youth stay away?”

2. Born in 1996 in Queens to a Haitian immigrant mother, raised in Harlem, and educated by an elite Upper East Side progressive high school and a private college, Shahn Savino, at least identitywise, would fit nicely within the contemporary progressive political movement.

3.Fervently pro-LGBTQ rights, pro-choice, anti-racist, and generally supportive of both gun control and health-care regulation, Savino checks a number of the progressive movement’s favored identity and ideological boxes, but has now found a political home elsewhere.

4.“I used to be a typical liberal but I have moved to the center on a lot of issues,” Savino told me. “Progressive politics has gone extreme [and] has taken a turn toward ideological purity and worshipping saints rather than solving problems.”

5. …a faction of Savino-like voters have, after flirting with the left, estranged themselves from the movement, retreating toward the center. Other members of this generation hold social progressivism close with otherwise politically centrist views and, even in the Trump era, continue to remain estranged from the left.

6. [Many young progressives] are similarly reckoning with and responding perhaps surprisingly to the increasing political power of the progressive left. This collective disdain from socially progressive young people seems to cast doubt on pundits’ perhaps prematurely painted inevitable American leftist revolution.” Left Behind: As Progressive Movements Move Toward Radical Positions, Will Liberal Youth Stay Away?

Progressives, Liberals, Democrats……seems you need be reminded not to count your chickens before they hatch……
The radical left is all white baby boomers.

While Democrat baby boomers call Republicans “fascists”, my millennial sociology major boss calls Republicans “r tards”.

The hard left dies with the baby boomers(as this forum’s demographics will tell you).
7. “Amanda Becker is 22 years old and was born to Jewish parents in Chappaqua, New York. … she is fiercely pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ rights, and defines herself as a social progressive.

A one-time liberal, Barack Obama supporter and a 2016 Hillary Clinton voter, Becker increasingly defines herself as an independent—and one who may perhaps vote for what she calls the right kind of Republican in 2020.

“I think most people would get my politics completely wrong if they guessed,” …

“I leaned more liberal in high school just because my teachers were very like ‘Obama, Obama, Obama’ and kind of led me in the progressive direction,” she added. “Then I got to college and kind of just got fed up with that side of politics.”

She points to the emergence of a national media-covered far-left protest movement at her college alma mater as a moment when she began to notice a shift in her views. “They have a right to protest and do what they want to do, but [to see them] kind of bitch and moan … made me switch in my thinking a bit,” she said. “It kind of made me feel resentful in a way.”

She later added: “I hate people that try and shove their ideas down your throat.” Left Behind: As Progressive Movements Move Toward Radical Positions, Will Liberal Youth Stay Away?

Now about that “Blue Wave” thing……..

....you sure about that????
Baby boomers are usually conservative, and most I know support republicans, especially those in the upper classes and well to do. Many though do not support religious conservatives and their desire to control what people do in their lives. Baby boomers grew up in what some historians call our golden years from FDR till Reagan. Since then 'dark money' ideology has fought to turn back the clock on advances in labor law, welfare, social security, Medicare, minimum wage, and other liberal policies that have helped Americans lead better lives regardless of class.

For the reader and thinker see these books if you really want to understand America today.

Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan by Kim Phillips-Fein

Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer

"Something is profoundly wrong with the way we live today. For thirty years we have made a virtue out of the pursuit of material self-interest: indeed, this very pursuit now constitutes whatever remains of our sense of collective purpose. We know what things cost but have no idea what they are worth. We no longer ask of a judicial ruling or a legislative act: is it good? Is it fair? Is it just? Is it right? Will it help bring about a better society or a better world? Those used to be the political questions, even if they invited no easy answers. We must learn once again to pose them." Tony Judt 'Ill Fares the Land' Ill Fares the Land by Tony Judt

"The sense of responsibility in the financial community for the community as a whole is not small. It is nearly nil." John Kenneth Galbraith, The Great Crash of 1929

"The United States in the 1980s devoted 5.2-6.5 percent of its gross national product to military uses; Germany devoted less than half that, Japan less than 1 percent...The American resources so used were at cost to civilian investment and consumption; those so saved in Japan and Germany were available for civilian use and specifically for improving civilian industry. The matter of the use of trained manpower was particularly important. By some calculations, from a quarter to a third of all American scientific engineering talent in recent years was employed in relatively sterile weapons research and development. This talent the Japanese and the Germans devoted to the improvement of their civilian production. Japan, defeated in war by American industrial power, has now in peacetime extensively replaced its erstwhile enemy in productive service to the American consumer." John Kenneth Galbraith 'The Culture of Contentment'
7. “Amanda Becker is 22 years old and was born to Jewish parents in Chappaqua, New York. … she is fiercely pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ rights, and defines herself as a social progressive.

A one-time liberal, Barack Obama supporter and a 2016 Hillary Clinton voter, Becker increasingly defines herself as an independent—and one who may perhaps vote for what she calls the right kind of Republican in 2020.

“I think most people would get my politics completely wrong if they guessed,” …

“I leaned more liberal in high school just because my teachers were very like ‘Obama, Obama, Obama’ and kind of led me in the progressive direction,” she added. “Then I got to college and kind of just got fed up with that side of politics.”

She points to the emergence of a national media-covered far-left protest movement at her college alma mater as a moment when she began to notice a shift in her views. “They have a right to protest and do what they want to do, but [to see them] kind of bitch and moan … made me switch in my thinking a bit,” she said. “It kind of made me feel resentful in a way.”

She later added: “I hate people that try and shove their ideas down your throat.” Left Behind: As Progressive Movements Move Toward Radical Positions, Will Liberal Youth Stay Away?

Now about that “Blue Wave” thing……..

....you sure about that????
Democrats don’t have a future.

The youth are radical right or radical centrists.

That is why Democrats want to import ignorant third worlders, but it doesn’t matter.

#walkaway is world wide
Baby boomers are usually conservative, and most I know support republicans, especially those in the upper classes and well to do. Many though do not support religious conservatives and their desire to control what people do in their lives. Baby boomers grew up in what some historians call our golden years from FDR till Reagan. Since then 'dark money' ideology has fought to turn back the clock on advances in labor law, welfare, social security, Medicare, minimum wage, and other liberal policies that have helped Americans lead better lives regardless of class.

For the reader and thinker see these books if you really want to understand America today.

Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan by Kim Phillips-Fein

Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer

"Something is profoundly wrong with the way we live today. For thirty years we have made a virtue out of the pursuit of material self-interest: indeed, this very pursuit now constitutes whatever remains of our sense of collective purpose. We know what things cost but have no idea what they are worth. We no longer ask of a judicial ruling or a legislative act: is it good? Is it fair? Is it just? Is it right? Will it help bring about a better society or a better world? Those used to be the political questions, even if they invited no easy answers. We must learn once again to pose them." Tony Judt 'Ill Fares the Land' Ill Fares the Land by Tony Judt

"The sense of responsibility in the financial community for the community as a whole is not small. It is nearly nil." John Kenneth Galbraith, The Great Crash of 1929

"The United States in the 1980s devoted 5.2-6.5 percent of its gross national product to military uses; Germany devoted less than half that, Japan less than 1 percent...The American resources so used were at cost to civilian investment and consumption; those so saved in Japan and Germany were available for civilian use and specifically for improving civilian industry. The matter of the use of trained manpower was particularly important. By some calculations, from a quarter to a third of all American scientific engineering talent in recent years was employed in relatively sterile weapons research and development. This talent the Japanese and the Germans devoted to the improvement of their civilian production. Japan, defeated in war by American industrial power, has now in peacetime extensively replaced its erstwhile enemy in productive service to the American consumer." John Kenneth Galbraith 'The Culture of Contentment'
Baby boomers are either radical left wing rebels or they are weak Republican Neo-Cons like McCain or slightly less terrible.

Either way, they are the only reason the left exists in America.

Once the baby boomers die the weak right and the hard left die with them.

Antifa will die and the lunacy of the universities will die.

Millennials will be HARD right once we get to be as old as baby boomers are, and Gen Z will be hard right once they get to be in their 30s.

Immigrants will eventually be majority centrist.

The left will be dead in 30 years, if that.
Reaganomics ruined the US, he took office and the top rate went from 70 to 38.5%, and then he had the nerve to delete the 11% in 1986. He destroyed the US,

and now with the new tax cut its even worst. This is not about progressives , it's about the fifty rich and the poor.
7. “Amanda Becker is 22 years old and was born to Jewish parents in Chappaqua, New York. … she is fiercely pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ rights, and defines herself as a social progressive.

A one-time liberal, Barack Obama supporter and a 2016 Hillary Clinton voter, Becker increasingly defines herself as an independent—and one who may perhaps vote for what she calls the right kind of Republican in 2020.

“I think most people would get my politics completely wrong if they guessed,” …

“I leaned more liberal in high school just because my teachers were very like ‘Obama, Obama, Obama’ and kind of led me in the progressive direction,” she added. “Then I got to college and kind of just got fed up with that side of politics.”

She points to the emergence of a national media-covered far-left protest movement at her college alma mater as a moment when she began to notice a shift in her views. “They have a right to protest and do what they want to do, but [to see them] kind of bitch and moan … made me switch in my thinking a bit,” she said. “It kind of made me feel resentful in a way.”

She later added: “I hate people that try and shove their ideas down your throat.” Left Behind: As Progressive Movements Move Toward Radical Positions, Will Liberal Youth Stay Away?

Now about that “Blue Wave” thing……..

....you sure about that????
counting the chickens: its more popular than mainstream GOP.
Defining "radical left": stopping pay-to-pay politics, treating people equally, protecting social safety nets. Education and healthcare are so radical.
Baby boomers are usually conservative, and most I know support republicans, especially those in the upper classes and well to do. Many though do not support religious conservatives and their desire to control what people do in their lives. Baby boomers grew up in what some historians call our golden years from FDR till Reagan. Since then 'dark money' ideology has fought to turn back the clock on advances in labor law, welfare, social security, Medicare, minimum wage, and other liberal policies that have helped Americans lead better lives regardless of class.

For the reader and thinker see these books if you really want to understand America today.

Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan by Kim Phillips-Fein

Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer

"Something is profoundly wrong with the way we live today. For thirty years we have made a virtue out of the pursuit of material self-interest: indeed, this very pursuit now constitutes whatever remains of our sense of collective purpose. We know what things cost but have no idea what they are worth. We no longer ask of a judicial ruling or a legislative act: is it good? Is it fair? Is it just? Is it right? Will it help bring about a better society or a better world? Those used to be the political questions, even if they invited no easy answers. We must learn once again to pose them." Tony Judt 'Ill Fares the Land' Ill Fares the Land by Tony Judt

"The sense of responsibility in the financial community for the community as a whole is not small. It is nearly nil." John Kenneth Galbraith, The Great Crash of 1929

"The United States in the 1980s devoted 5.2-6.5 percent of its gross national product to military uses; Germany devoted less than half that, Japan less than 1 percent...The American resources so used were at cost to civilian investment and consumption; those so saved in Japan and Germany were available for civilian use and specifically for improving civilian industry. The matter of the use of trained manpower was particularly important. By some calculations, from a quarter to a third of all American scientific engineering talent in recent years was employed in relatively sterile weapons research and development. This talent the Japanese and the Germans devoted to the improvement of their civilian production. Japan, defeated in war by American industrial power, has now in peacetime extensively replaced its erstwhile enemy in productive service to the American consumer." John Kenneth Galbraith 'The Culture of Contentment'

Poor, poor, middy....

You bring to mind nothing so much as the sad left-over elderly Soviet citizens walking around with all their Stalin era medals,....

....while the truth about what an abject failure Hussein Obama was, and your constituencies slowly slip away......

Reaganomics ruined the US, he took office and the top rate went from 70 to 38.5%, and then he had the nerve to delete the 11% in 1986. He destroyed the US,

and now with the new tax cut its even worst. This is not about progressives , it's about the fifty rich and the poor.

Let's check,

“Between the early 1980s and 2007 we lived in an economic Golden Age. Never before have so many people advanced so far economically in so short a period of time as they have during the last 25 years. Until the credit crisis, 70 million people a year were joining the middle class. The U.S. kicked off this long boom with the economic reforms of Ronald Reagan, particularly his enormous income tax cuts. We burst from the economic stagnation of the 1970s into a dynamic, innovative, high-tech-oriented economy. Even in recent years the much-maligned U.S. did well. Between year-end 2002 and year-end 2007 U.S. growth exceeded the entire size of China's economy.”

How Capitalism Will Save Us

  1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
  2. But….the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
  3. Reagan's near-trillion-dollar bulge in defense spending transformed the global balance of power in favor of capitalism. Spurring a stock-market, energy, venture-capital, real-estate and employment boom, the Reagan tax-rate cuts and other pro-enterprise policies added some $17 trillion to America's private-sector assets, dwarfing the trillion-dollar rise in public-sector deficits and creating 45 million net new jobs at rising wages and salaries.
George Gilder: The Real Reagan Lesson for Romney-Ryan

Reaganomics - Wikipedia

And the tax cuts of the Economic Recovery Act of 1981 stimulated economic growth. “As a 1982 JEC study pointed out,[1] similar across-the-board tax cuts had been implemented in the 1920s as the Mellon tax cuts, and in the 1960s as the Kennedy tax cuts. In both cases the reduction of high marginal tax rates actually increased tax payments by "the rich," also increasing their share of total individual income taxes paid.” http://www.house.gov/jec/fiscal/tx-grwth/reagtxct/reagtxct.htm

“As inflation came down and as more and more of the tax cuts from the 1981 Act went into effect, the economic began a strong and sustained pattern of growth.” http://www.ustreas.gov/education/fact-sheets/taxes/ustax.shtml

  1. The benefits from Reaganomics:
    1. The economy grew at a 3.4% average rate…compared with 2.9% for the previous eight years, and 2.7% for the next eight.(Table B-4)
    2. Inflation rate dropped from 12.5% to 4.4%. (Table B-63)
    3. Unemployment fell to 5.5% from 7.1% (Table B-35)
    4. Prime interest rate fell by one-third.(Table B-73)
    5. The S & P 500 jumped 124% (Table B-95) http://www.gpoaccess.gov/eop/tables10.html
    6. Charitable contributions rose 57% faster than inflation. Dinesh D’Souza, “Ronald Reagan: How an Ordinary May Became an Extraordinary Leader,” p. 116

Hurts, huh?

Reaganomics ruined the US, he took office and the top rate went from 70 to 38.5%, and then he had the nerve to delete the 11% in 1986. He destroyed the US,

and now with the new tax cut its even worst. This is not about progressives , it's about the fifty rich and the poor.

Let's check,

“Between the early 1980s and 2007 we lived in an economic Golden Age. Never before have so many people advanced so far economically in so short a period of time as they have during the last 25 years. Until the credit crisis, 70 million people a year were joining the middle class. The U.S. kicked off this long boom with the economic reforms of Ronald Reagan, particularly his enormous income tax cuts. We burst from the economic stagnation of the 1970s into a dynamic, innovative, high-tech-oriented economy. Even in recent years the much-maligned U.S. did well. Between year-end 2002 and year-end 2007 U.S. growth exceeded the entire size of China's economy.”

How Capitalism Will Save Us

  1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
  2. But….the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
  3. Reagan's near-trillion-dollar bulge in defense spending transformed the global balance of power in favor of capitalism. Spurring a stock-market, energy, venture-capital, real-estate and employment boom, the Reagan tax-rate cuts and other pro-enterprise policies added some $17 trillion to America's private-sector assets, dwarfing the trillion-dollar rise in public-sector deficits and creating 45 million net new jobs at rising wages and salaries.
George Gilder: The Real Reagan Lesson for Romney-Ryan

Reaganomics - Wikipedia

And the tax cuts of the Economic Recovery Act of 1981 stimulated economic growth. “As a 1982 JEC study pointed out,[1] similar across-the-board tax cuts had been implemented in the 1920s as the Mellon tax cuts, and in the 1960s as the Kennedy tax cuts. In both cases the reduction of high marginal tax rates actually increased tax payments by "the rich," also increasing their share of total individual income taxes paid.” http://www.house.gov/jec/fiscal/tx-grwth/reagtxct/reagtxct.htm

“As inflation came down and as more and more of the tax cuts from the 1981 Act went into effect, the economic began a strong and sustained pattern of growth.” http://www.ustreas.gov/education/fact-sheets/taxes/ustax.shtml

  1. The benefits from Reaganomics:
    1. The economy grew at a 3.4% average rate…compared with 2.9% for the previous eight years, and 2.7% for the next eight.(Table B-4)
    2. Inflation rate dropped from 12.5% to 4.4%. (Table B-63)
    3. Unemployment fell to 5.5% from 7.1% (Table B-35)
    4. Prime interest rate fell by one-third.(Table B-73)
    5. The S & P 500 jumped 124% (Table B-95) http://www.gpoaccess.gov/eop/tables10.html
    6. Charitable contributions rose 57% faster than inflation. Dinesh D’Souza, “Ronald Reagan: How an Ordinary May Became an Extraordinary Leader,” p. 116

Hurts, huh?


I'm not reading your crap, its between the haves and the have nots. It between social classes, and nothing more. Reagan tripled the national debt.

Just another poor Hollywood actor like Trump. You guys fall for the failed actors. The Hollywood types and then you sprout how you hate Hollywood.
Reaganomics ruined the US, he took office and the top rate went from 70 to 38.5%, and then he had the nerve to delete the 11% in 1986. He destroyed the US,

and now with the new tax cut its even worst. This is not about progressives , it's about the fifty rich and the poor.

No, reagan pulled us out of the jimmy carter quagmire and his reforms led to booming economy in the 90's.
7. “Amanda Becker is 22 years old and was born to Jewish parents in Chappaqua, New York. … she is fiercely pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ rights, and defines herself as a social progressive.

A one-time liberal, Barack Obama supporter and a 2016 Hillary Clinton voter, Becker increasingly defines herself as an independent—and one who may perhaps vote for what she calls the right kind of Republican in 2020.

“I think most people would get my politics completely wrong if they guessed,” …

“I leaned more liberal in high school just because my teachers were very like ‘Obama, Obama, Obama’ and kind of led me in the progressive direction,” she added. “Then I got to college and kind of just got fed up with that side of politics.”

She points to the emergence of a national media-covered far-left protest movement at her college alma mater as a moment when she began to notice a shift in her views. “They have a right to protest and do what they want to do, but [to see them] kind of bitch and moan … made me switch in my thinking a bit,” she said. “It kind of made me feel resentful in a way.”

She later added: “I hate people that try and shove their ideas down your throat.” Left Behind: As Progressive Movements Move Toward Radical Positions, Will Liberal Youth Stay Away?

Now about that “Blue Wave” thing……..

....you sure about that????
counting the chickens: its more popular than mainstream GOP.
Defining "radical left": stopping pay-to-pay politics, treating people equally, protecting social safety nets. Education and healthcare are so radical.
Half of those things are lies and the other half are childish fantasies.

Regardless, the GOP is far more popular than the Democrats.
Reaganomics ruined the US, he took office and the top rate went from 70 to 38.5%, and then he had the nerve to delete the 11% in 1986. He destroyed the US,

and now with the new tax cut its even worst. This is not about progressives , it's about the fifty rich and the poor.

Let's check,

“Between the early 1980s and 2007 we lived in an economic Golden Age. Never before have so many people advanced so far economically in so short a period of time as they have during the last 25 years. Until the credit crisis, 70 million people a year were joining the middle class. The U.S. kicked off this long boom with the economic reforms of Ronald Reagan, particularly his enormous income tax cuts. We burst from the economic stagnation of the 1970s into a dynamic, innovative, high-tech-oriented economy. Even in recent years the much-maligned U.S. did well. Between year-end 2002 and year-end 2007 U.S. growth exceeded the entire size of China's economy.”

How Capitalism Will Save Us

  1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
  2. But….the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
  3. Reagan's near-trillion-dollar bulge in defense spending transformed the global balance of power in favor of capitalism. Spurring a stock-market, energy, venture-capital, real-estate and employment boom, the Reagan tax-rate cuts and other pro-enterprise policies added some $17 trillion to America's private-sector assets, dwarfing the trillion-dollar rise in public-sector deficits and creating 45 million net new jobs at rising wages and salaries.
George Gilder: The Real Reagan Lesson for Romney-Ryan

Reaganomics - Wikipedia

And the tax cuts of the Economic Recovery Act of 1981 stimulated economic growth. “As a 1982 JEC study pointed out,[1] similar across-the-board tax cuts had been implemented in the 1920s as the Mellon tax cuts, and in the 1960s as the Kennedy tax cuts. In both cases the reduction of high marginal tax rates actually increased tax payments by "the rich," also increasing their share of total individual income taxes paid.” http://www.house.gov/jec/fiscal/tx-grwth/reagtxct/reagtxct.htm

“As inflation came down and as more and more of the tax cuts from the 1981 Act went into effect, the economic began a strong and sustained pattern of growth.” http://www.ustreas.gov/education/fact-sheets/taxes/ustax.shtml

  1. The benefits from Reaganomics:
    1. The economy grew at a 3.4% average rate…compared with 2.9% for the previous eight years, and 2.7% for the next eight.(Table B-4)
    2. Inflation rate dropped from 12.5% to 4.4%. (Table B-63)
    3. Unemployment fell to 5.5% from 7.1% (Table B-35)
    4. Prime interest rate fell by one-third.(Table B-73)
    5. The S & P 500 jumped 124% (Table B-95) http://www.gpoaccess.gov/eop/tables10.html
    6. Charitable contributions rose 57% faster than inflation. Dinesh D’Souza, “Ronald Reagan: How an Ordinary May Became an Extraordinary Leader,” p. 116

Hurts, huh?


I'm not reading your crap, its between the haves and the have nots. It between social classes, and nothing more. Reagan tripled the national debt.

Just another poor Hollywood actor like Trump. You guys fall for the failed actors. The Hollywood types and then you sprout how you hate Hollywood.

Need any be puzzled about the provenance of Liberals and Liberalism....

...check out the very first comment from this dunce...er, Liberal:

"I'm not reading your crap!!!!"

For Liberals, education, facts, and reality are treated the way vampires treat garlic.
Reaganomics ruined the US, he took office and the top rate went from 70 to 38.5%, and then he had the nerve to delete the 11% in 1986. He destroyed the US,

and now with the new tax cut its even worst. This is not about progressives , it's about the fifty rich and the poor.

Let's check,

“Between the early 1980s and 2007 we lived in an economic Golden Age. Never before have so many people advanced so far economically in so short a period of time as they have during the last 25 years. Until the credit crisis, 70 million people a year were joining the middle class. The U.S. kicked off this long boom with the economic reforms of Ronald Reagan, particularly his enormous income tax cuts. We burst from the economic stagnation of the 1970s into a dynamic, innovative, high-tech-oriented economy. Even in recent years the much-maligned U.S. did well. Between year-end 2002 and year-end 2007 U.S. growth exceeded the entire size of China's economy.”

How Capitalism Will Save Us

  1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
  2. But….the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
  3. Reagan's near-trillion-dollar bulge in defense spending transformed the global balance of power in favor of capitalism. Spurring a stock-market, energy, venture-capital, real-estate and employment boom, the Reagan tax-rate cuts and other pro-enterprise policies added some $17 trillion to America's private-sector assets, dwarfing the trillion-dollar rise in public-sector deficits and creating 45 million net new jobs at rising wages and salaries.
George Gilder: The Real Reagan Lesson for Romney-Ryan

Reaganomics - Wikipedia

And the tax cuts of the Economic Recovery Act of 1981 stimulated economic growth. “As a 1982 JEC study pointed out,[1] similar across-the-board tax cuts had been implemented in the 1920s as the Mellon tax cuts, and in the 1960s as the Kennedy tax cuts. In both cases the reduction of high marginal tax rates actually increased tax payments by "the rich," also increasing their share of total individual income taxes paid.” http://www.house.gov/jec/fiscal/tx-grwth/reagtxct/reagtxct.htm

“As inflation came down and as more and more of the tax cuts from the 1981 Act went into effect, the economic began a strong and sustained pattern of growth.” http://www.ustreas.gov/education/fact-sheets/taxes/ustax.shtml

  1. The benefits from Reaganomics:
    1. The economy grew at a 3.4% average rate…compared with 2.9% for the previous eight years, and 2.7% for the next eight.(Table B-4)
    2. Inflation rate dropped from 12.5% to 4.4%. (Table B-63)
    3. Unemployment fell to 5.5% from 7.1% (Table B-35)
    4. Prime interest rate fell by one-third.(Table B-73)
    5. The S & P 500 jumped 124% (Table B-95) http://www.gpoaccess.gov/eop/tables10.html
    6. Charitable contributions rose 57% faster than inflation. Dinesh D’Souza, “Ronald Reagan: How an Ordinary May Became an Extraordinary Leader,” p. 116

Hurts, huh?


I'm not reading your crap, its between the haves and the have nots. It between social classes, and nothing more. Reagan tripled the national debt.

Just another poor Hollywood actor like Trump. You guys fall for the failed actors. The Hollywood types and then you sprout how you hate Hollywood.

Ah, so it's the National Debt that you're concerned about, Penny? Who added more to that debt than any other President in the history of our nation? Care to take a guess? I'll give you a hint...it wasn't Dutch Reagan!
8. “Robert Berk, a 20-year-old from a religiously split household (his father is Jewish) who identifies as Jewish and Zionist, reflected many of Becker’s concerns. Raised in Manhattan, Berk defines himself as a “social liberal” and says he is pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ, and anti-hate.

“There’s no doubt that I feel more that I am closer to the center than I did before college,” Berk told me. “I attend a liberal-arts school and many of the students are very liberal. … I think there are many ways that they are too far to the left. This often makes me feel like an outsider.”

Pointing out specific flaws with the left, Berk argued that “some of the social issues (sometimes) are taken too far. I think that there are more important issues—the economy and national defense—that should be prioritized.”

Berk, citing problems with “woke-ness” and anti-Israel attitudes, said that “without a doubt the progressive movement has pushed me to the center and the right.” Left Behind: As Progressive Movements Move Toward Radical Positions, Will Liberal Youth Stay Away?

Good job, Obama!!!!
9. Berk continued:

“I often feel like I can’t express myself politically at college,” Berk told me, recounting a classroom conversation in which he found his opinion marginalized.

In a government-course discussion on the impact of big business, “One of my classmates pointed out that the government sometimes hurts businesses, as the Second Avenue subway hurt businesses in New York City, [and] a fellow classmate said that we vote our elected officials into office,” Berk told me. “I then commented that we vote with our dollar every time we shop, at which point that student cut me off and said that I was privileged to say that.”

“This,” he continued, “is an example of when I think ‘progressive woke-ness’ goes too far and ultimately ruins political discourse.”

Flowing from this discomfort with the left, Berk said that he could potentially see himself walking away from the Democratic Party.

“I could very easily see myself voting for Republican candidates, especially as I get older,” he told me.” Left Behind: As Progressive Movements Move Toward Radical Positions, Will Liberal Youth Stay Away?

"...voting for Republican candidates,..."

Uh, ohhhhhhhh!!!!

...and the walls came tumbling down......
10. “ …progressive students who have dissenting opinions and are scared that the progressive juggernaut will come for them next,” one 20-year-old, firmly socially progressive but fiercely Zionist student told me.

Like 54 percent of young people, she identifies as a political free agent. When prompted with a potential Trump versus Sanders matchup, Becker reluctantly admits that she feels herself leaning toward the incumbent president.

“I hate saying it [and] I’m not even going to say his [Trump’s] name but I’d lean more in that direction right now,” the pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ, anti-racist Becker told me, seemingly slightly disappointed in herself.

“I just don’t agree with someone like Bernie,” she added. “I’m nauseous, I’m not kidding.” Left Behind: As Progressive Movements Move Toward Radical Positions, Will Liberal Youth Stay Away?

Bye, bye, Bernie???????

And….what does that imply for the rest of the radicals who have taken over the Democrat Party?

Having lost the middle class and watching Trump inexorably peel away blacks and Hispanics, Illegals and the nonliving are now the lifeblood of the democrat Party
Reaganomics ruined the US, he took office and the top rate went from 70 to 38.5%, and then he had the nerve to delete the 11% in 1986. He destroyed the US,

and now with the new tax cut its even worst. This is not about progressives , it's about the fifty rich and the poor.

No, reagan pulled us out of the jimmy carter quagmire and his reforms led to booming economy in the 90's.

Obviously you overlook how the 6 day war (Israel) caused the gas shortage in the 70's and also how 1979 coup turned bad in Iran and how they closed off the gulf. Also the Vietnam war and Watergate.

Also you are wrong, Bush had to raise taxes and that is why he did not get a second term.

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