Welcome To The Fruits / Results Of Obama's 'Fundamental Change' , The Marxist/Socialist Taking Down Of America From The Inside


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Federal 'racism' task force trashes America's founding documents

Federal 'racism' task force trashes America's founding documents

The easy (no pun intended) thing to do would be to make light of what the Marxist / Socialist Liberal Progressive Democrats are doing by asking , "When did my country become overrun with PUSSES?"

But the truth behind what is happening and has been happening for a while now is far more siniister / dangerous for our country and began when Barak Obama declared he wanted to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE America.

Critical Change is a change to the most essential principles of elements, values, morals, ethics, etc...that affect / define the basic nature of all other things.

The United States did not need to be 'fundamentally changed' by a man educated by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, who is a self-professed student and admirer of Socialist Saul Alensky (Barry quoted from his book / teachings, 'Rules for Radicals' - a Socialist 'How-To' book on how to turn nations like ours WAS into Socialist regimes during his inauguration), who was mentored by an American-hating racist 'pastor' for decades, and whose close friend was terrorist who use to bomb and kill 1st responders.

The United States did not need to be 're-made' in the image of Saul Alensky, Bill Ayers, Fidel Castro, and Barak Obama.

What we are seeing is Barry's mission/war against the United States to 'fundamentally change' the United States being carried out, almost through an identical, step-by-step[ process outlined in Alensky's 'Rules For Radicals. Michelle Obama declared in an interview during Barry's last year in office that Barry needed 1 more term to finish what he started.

The surrender of our national security, surrender of our border security, the surrender of our energy independence, the surrender of our history, culture, identity, the demonization of our Founding Fathers, fanning the flames of racial division until the United States has LITERALLY been set ablaze all across the country, the attacks on authority (Defund the Police), the out-of-control violence in democrat-run cities like Chicago and Portland, Democrat political leaders siding with, aiding with, aiding, and abetting with criminals and domestic terrorists lie Antifa & BLM, the assault on our Constitution and our Constitutional and Civil Rights...and shit like THIS report...

It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt - hell, BIDEN has repeatedly told us himself - that Biden is NOT in control, that he is NOT 'The President' - he is a puppet. He dances when they say 'dance'. He goes where they tell him to go. He signs what they tell him to sign. He reads what they right for him to say. He calls on reporters he has been told to call on. He has told us 'I am not in control...I have been told not to take questions, that I am supposed to turn and walk away from all of you.'

Joe Biden is NOT 'The President of the United States' - he has said so. HE is not running the country. His handlers are. his puppet masters are. The American people seriously, legitimately do not know who is really running this country!

Perhaps Michelle Obama was right, that Barry just needed 1 more term to destroy our Constitution-based United States government, to change it into a Marxist / Socialist nation....and maybe, after packing the govt with his followers / acolytes, he has his '3rd term'.

Who knows who the puppet masters controlling Biden and operating from behind the curtain are...but 1 things is for sure, he/they are successfully, what we would call 'destroying' the nation but what they call 'fundamentally changing' it.


One of the synonyms for 'fundamental change' is 'REVOLUTION'.

Barry declared he intended to bring about / affect 'fundamental change'. Barry is not stupid. On the contrary, he is an extremely intelligent man, one who chooses his words carefully, not randomly throws out words. Again, educated bt communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied, idolized, and could quote Saul Alensky and his book 'Rules For Radicals', mentored by a racist hate-spewing Anti-American 'pastor', and friends with a bomb-throwing domestic terrorist who killed 1st responders as a member of the Weatherman Underground - all FACT.... IMO, Barry chose his words very carefully when he declared he wanted to affect / bring about 'fundamental change' - 'REVOLUTION' - within the United States.

One thing is for sure: Karl Marx declared the United States would NEVER be defeated by any enemy from OUTSIDE the country, It would be brought down - destroyed - from the INSIDE. We're seeing it.
'Trigger Warning's' by our own Gov't for the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution, etc.

I never thought I'd live to see such a traitorous, anti-American Gov't like we have!!

We are in deep, deep trouble.
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Federal 'racism' task force trashes America's founding documents'racism' task force trashes America's founding documents

Federal 'racism' task force trashes America's founding documents

The easy (no pun intended) thing to do would be to make light of what the Marxist / Socialist Liberal Progressive Democrats are doing by asking , "When did my country become overrun with PUSSES?"

But the truth behind what is happening and has been happening for a while now is far more siniister / dangerous for our country and began when Barak Obama declared he wanted to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE America.

Critical Change is a change to the most essential principles of elements, values, morals, ethics, etc...that affect / define the basic nature of all other things.

The United States did not need to be 'fundamentally changed' by a man educated by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, who is a self-professed student and admirer of Socialist Saul Alensky (Barry quoted from his book / teachings, 'Rules for Radicals' - a Socialist 'How-To' book on how to turn nations like ours WAS into Socialist regimes during his inauguration), who was mentored by an American-hating racist 'pastor' for decades, and whose close friend was terrorist who use to bomb and kill 1st responders.

The United States did not need to be 're-made' in the image of Saul Alensky, Bill Ayers, Fidel Castro, and Barak Obama.

What we are seeing is Barry's mission/war against the United States to 'fundamentally change' the United States being carried out, almost through an identical, step-by-step[ process outlined in Alensky's 'Rules For Radicals. Michelle Obama declared in an interview during Barry's last year in office that Barry needed 1 more term to finish what he started.

The surrender of our national security, surrender of our border security, the surrender of our energy independence, the surrender of our history, culture, identity, the demonization of our Founding Fathers, fanning the flames of racial division until the United States has LITERALLY been set ablaze all across the country, the attacks on authority (Defund the Police), the out-of-control violence in democrat-run cities like Chicago and Portland, Democrat political leaders siding with, aiding with, aiding, and abetting with criminals and domestic terrorists lie Antifa & BLM, the assault on our Constitution and our Constitutional and Civil Rights...and shit like THIS report...

It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt - hell, BIDEN has repeatedly told us himself - that Biden is NOT in control, that he is NOT 'The President' - he is a puppet. He dances when they say 'dance'. He goes where they tell him to go. He signs what they tell him to sign. He reads what they right for him to say. He calls on reporters he has been told to call on. He has told us 'I am not in control...I have been told not to take questions, that I am supposed to turn and walk away from all of you.'

Joe Biden is NOT 'The President of the United States' - he has said so. HE is not running the country. His handlers are. his puppet masters are. The American people seriously, legitimately do not know who is really running this country!

Perhaps Michelle Obama was right, that Barry just needed 1 more term to destroy our Constitution-based Unite
d States government, to change it into a Marxist / Socialist nation....and maybe, after packing the govt with his followers / acolytes, he has his '3rd term'.

Who knows who the puppet masters controlling Biden and operating from behind the curtain are...but 1 things is for sure, he/they are successfully, what we would call 'destroying' the nation but what they call 'fundamentally changing' it.


One of the synonyms for 'fundamental change' is 'REVOLUTION'.

Barry declared he intended to bring about / affect 'fundamental change'. Barry is not stupid. On the contrary, he is an extremely intelligent man, one who chooses his words carefully, not randomly throws out words. Again, educated bt communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied, idolized, and could quote Saul Alensky and his book 'Rules For Radicals', mentored by a racist hate-spewing Anti-American 'pastor', and friends with a bomb-throwing domestic terrorist who killed 1st responders as a member of the Weatherman Underground - all FACT.... IMO, Barry chose his words very carefully when he declared he wanted to affect / bring about 'fundamental change' - 'REVOLUTION' - within the United States.

One thing is for sure: Karl Marx declared the United States would NEVER be defeated by any enemy from OUTSIDE the country, It would be brought down - destroyed - from the INSIDE. We're seeing it.
Oh look, Rambunctious

An ODS topic FIVE YEARS after Obama left office! :lol:

I'm sure you'll be quick to criticize...
Federal 'racism' task force trashes America's founding documents'racism' task force trashes America's founding documents

Federal 'racism' task force trashes America's founding documents

The easy (no pun intended) thing to do would be to make light of what the Marxist / Socialist Liberal Progressive Democrats are doing by asking , "When did my country become overrun with PUSSES?"

But the truth behind what is happening and has been happening for a while now is far more siniister / dangerous for our country and began when Barak Obama declared he wanted to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE America.

Critical Change is a change to the most essential principles of elements, values, morals, ethics, etc...that affect / define the basic nature of all other things.

The United States did not need to be 'fundamentally changed' by a man educated by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, who is a self-professed student and admirer of Socialist Saul Alensky (Barry quoted from his book / teachings, 'Rules for Radicals' - a Socialist 'How-To' book on how to turn nations like ours WAS into Socialist regimes during his inauguration), who was mentored by an American-hating racist 'pastor' for decades, and whose close friend was terrorist who use to bomb and kill 1st responders.

The United States did not need to be 're-made' in the image of Saul Alensky, Bill Ayers, Fidel Castro, and Barak Obama.

What we are seeing is Barry's mission/war against the United States to 'fundamentally change' the United States being carried out, almost through an identical, step-by-step[ process outlined in Alensky's 'Rules For Radicals. Michelle Obama declared in an interview during Barry's last year in office that Barry needed 1 more term to finish what he started.

The surrender of our national security, surrender of our border security, the surrender of our energy independence, the surrender of our history, culture, identity, the demonization of our Founding Fathers, fanning the flames of racial division until the United States has LITERALLY been set ablaze all across the country, the attacks on authority (Defund the Police), the out-of-control violence in democrat-run cities like Chicago and Portland, Democrat political leaders siding with, aiding with, aiding, and abetting with criminals and domestic terrorists lie Antifa & BLM, the assault on our Constitution and our Constitutional and Civil Rights...and shit like THIS report...

It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt - hell, BIDEN has repeatedly told us himself - that Biden is NOT in control, that he is NOT 'The President' - he is a puppet. He dances when they say 'dance'. He goes where they tell him to go. He signs what they tell him to sign. He reads what they right for him to say. He calls on reporters he has been told to call on. He has told us 'I am not in control...I have been told not to take questions, that I am supposed to turn and walk away from all of you.'

Joe Biden is NOT 'The President of the United States' - he has said so. HE is not running the country. His handlers are. his puppet masters are. The American people seriously, legitimately do not know who is really running this country!

Perhaps Michelle Obama was right, that Barry just needed 1 more term to destroy our Constitution-based Unite
d States government, to change it into a Marxist / Socialist nation....and maybe, after packing the govt with his followers / acolytes, he has his '3rd term'.

Who knows who the puppet masters controlling Biden and operating from behind the curtain are...but 1 things is for sure, he/they are successfully, what we would call 'destroying' the nation but what they call 'fundamentally changing' it.


One of the synonyms for 'fundamental change' is 'REVOLUTION'.

Barry declared he intended to bring about / affect 'fundamental change'. Barry is not stupid. On the contrary, he is an extremely intelligent man, one who chooses his words carefully, not randomly throws out words. Again, educated bt communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied, idolized, and could quote Saul Alensky and his book 'Rules For Radicals', mentored by a racist hate-spewing Anti-American 'pastor', and friends with a bomb-throwing domestic terrorist who killed 1st responders as a member of the Weatherman Underground - all FACT.... IMO, Barry chose his words very carefully when he declared he wanted to affect / bring about 'fundamental change' - 'REVOLUTION' - within the United States.

One thing is for sure: Karl Marx declared the United States would NEVER be defeated by any enemy from OUTSIDE the country, It would be brought down - destroyed - from the INSIDE. We're seeing it.

If the US didn't need to be "fundamentally changed", why was the economy in freefall when Obama was inaugurated? Involved in two unending wars, with an economy which shed 800,000 jobs in the month he was inaugurated? Respect for the USA was at an all time low, and the Middle East had been completely destabilized?
If the US didn't need to be "fundamentally changed", why was the economy in freefall when Obama was inaugurated? Involved in two unending wars, with an economy which shed 800,000 jobs in the month he was inaugurated? Respect for the USA was at an all time low, and the Middle East had been completely destabilized?

Still hanging out in Canada?
Why haven't you gone home yet to China?
A+ easy
Here is another quote from Barry's book.
Obama's motivation seems to be his Progressive hate.

Obama Says--White Folk's Greed Runs a World In Need - YouTube

He acutally said this and wrote this in his book! Amazing!
Global web icon

Federal 'racism' task force trashes America's founding documents'racism' task force trashes America's founding documents

Federal 'racism' task force trashes America's founding documents

The easy (no pun intended) thing to do would be to make light of what the Marxist / Socialist Liberal Progressive Democrats are doing by asking , "When did my country become overrun with PUSSES?"

But the truth behind what is happening and has been happening for a while now is far more siniister / dangerous for our country and began when Barak Obama declared he wanted to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE America.

Critical Change is a change to the most essential principles of elements, values, morals, ethics, etc...that affect / define the basic nature of all other things.

The United States did not need to be 'fundamentally changed' by a man educated by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, who is a self-professed student and admirer of Socialist Saul Alensky (Barry quoted from his book / teachings, 'Rules for Radicals' - a Socialist 'How-To' book on how to turn nations like ours WAS into Socialist regimes during his inauguration), who was mentored by an American-hating racist 'pastor' for decades, and whose close friend was terrorist who use to bomb and kill 1st responders.

The United States did not need to be 're-made' in the image of Saul Alensky, Bill Ayers, Fidel Castro, and Barak Obama.

What we are seeing is Barry's mission/war against the United States to 'fundamentally change' the United States being carried out, almost through an identical, step-by-step[ process outlined in Alensky's 'Rules For Radicals. Michelle Obama declared in an interview during Barry's last year in office that Barry needed 1 more term to finish what he started.

The surrender of our national security, surrender of our border security, the surrender of our energy independence, the surrender of our history, culture, identity, the demonization of our Founding Fathers, fanning the flames of racial division until the United States has LITERALLY been set ablaze all across the country, the attacks on authority (Defund the Police), the out-of-control violence in democrat-run cities like Chicago and Portland, Democrat political leaders siding with, aiding with, aiding, and abetting with criminals and domestic terrorists lie Antifa & BLM, the assault on our Constitution and our Constitutional and Civil Rights...and shit like THIS report...

It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt - hell, BIDEN has repeatedly told us himself - that Biden is NOT in control, that he is NOT 'The President' - he is a puppet. He dances when they say 'dance'. He goes where they tell him to go. He signs what they tell him to sign. He reads what they right for him to say. He calls on reporters he has been told to call on. He has told us 'I am not in control...I have been told not to take questions, that I am supposed to turn and walk away from all of you.'

Joe Biden is NOT 'The President of the United States' - he has said so. HE is not running the country. His handlers are. his puppet masters are. The American people seriously, legitimately do not know who is really running this country!

Perhaps Michelle Obama was right, that Barry just needed 1 more term to destroy our Constitution-based United States government, to change it into a Marxist / Socialist nation....and maybe, after packing the govt with his followers / acolytes, he has his '3rd term'.

Who knows who the puppet masters controlling Biden and operating from behind the curtain are...but 1 things is for sure, he/they are successfully, what we would call 'destroying' the nation but what they call 'fundamentally changing' it.


One of the synonyms for 'fundamental change' is 'REVOLUTION'.

Barry declared he intended to bring about / affect 'fundamental change'. Barry is not stupid. On the contrary, he is an extremely intelligent man, one who chooses his words carefully, not randomly throws out words. Again, educated bt communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied, idolized, and could quote Saul Alensky and his book 'Rules For Radicals', mentored by a racist hate-spewing Anti-American 'pastor', and friends with a bomb-throwing domestic terrorist who killed 1st responders as a member of the Weatherman Underground - all FACT.... IMO, Barry chose his words very carefully when he declared he wanted to affect / bring about 'fundamental change' - 'REVOLUTION' - within the United States.

One thing is for sure: Karl Marx declared the United States would NEVER be defeated by any enemy from OUTSIDE the country, It would be brought down - destroyed - from the INSIDE. We're seeing it.

And Obama was directly responsible for all that. Really. You certainly can lie.
Federal 'racism' task force trashes America's founding documents'racism' task force trashes America's founding documents

Federal 'racism' task force trashes America's founding documents

The easy (no pun intended) thing to do would be to make light of what the Marxist / Socialist Liberal Progressive Democrats are doing by asking , "When did my country become overrun with PUSSES?"

But the truth behind what is happening and has been happening for a while now is far more siniister / dangerous for our country and began when Barak Obama declared he wanted to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE America.

Critical Change is a change to the most essential principles of elements, values, morals, ethics, etc...that affect / define the basic nature of all other things.

The United States did not need to be 'fundamentally changed' by a man educated by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, who is a self-professed student and admirer of Socialist Saul Alensky (Barry quoted from his book / teachings, 'Rules for Radicals' - a Socialist 'How-To' book on how to turn nations like ours WAS into Socialist regimes during his inauguration), who was mentored by an American-hating racist 'pastor' for decades, and whose close friend was terrorist who use to bomb and kill 1st responders.

The United States did not need to be 're-made' in the image of Saul Alensky, Bill Ayers, Fidel Castro, and Barak Obama.

What we are seeing is Barry's mission/war against the United States to 'fundamentally change' the United States being carried out, almost through an identical, step-by-step[ process outlined in Alensky's 'Rules For Radicals. Michelle Obama declared in an interview during Barry's last year in office that Barry needed 1 more term to finish what he started.

The surrender of our national security, surrender of our border security, the surrender of our energy independence, the surrender of our history, culture, identity, the demonization of our Founding Fathers, fanning the flames of racial division until the United States has LITERALLY been set ablaze all across the country, the attacks on authority (Defund the Police), the out-of-control violence in democrat-run cities like Chicago and Portland, Democrat political leaders siding with, aiding with, aiding, and abetting with criminals and domestic terrorists lie Antifa & BLM, the assault on our Constitution and our Constitutional and Civil Rights...and shit like THIS report...

It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt - hell, BIDEN has repeatedly told us himself - that Biden is NOT in control, that he is NOT 'The President' - he is a puppet. He dances when they say 'dance'. He goes where they tell him to go. He signs what they tell him to sign. He reads what they right for him to say. He calls on reporters he has been told to call on. He has told us 'I am not in control...I have been told not to take questions, that I am supposed to turn and walk away from all of you.'

Joe Biden is NOT 'The President of the United States' - he has said so. HE is not running the country. His handlers are. his puppet masters are. The American people seriously, legitimately do not know who is really running this country!

Perhaps Michelle Obama was right, that Barry just needed 1 more term to destroy our Constitution-based Unite
d States government, to change it into a Marxist / Socialist nation....and maybe, after packing the govt with his followers / acolytes, he has his '3rd term'.

Who knows who the puppet masters controlling Biden and operating from behind the curtain are...but 1 things is for sure, he/they are successfully, what we would call 'destroying' the nation but what they call 'fundamentally changing' it.


One of the synonyms for 'fundamental change' is 'REVOLUTION'.

Barry declared he intended to bring about / affect 'fundamental change'. Barry is not stupid. On the contrary, he is an extremely intelligent man, one who chooses his words carefully, not randomly throws out words. Again, educated bt communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied, idolized, and could quote Saul Alensky and his book 'Rules For Radicals', mentored by a racist hate-spewing Anti-American 'pastor', and friends with a bomb-throwing domestic terrorist who killed 1st responders as a member of the Weatherman Underground - all FACT.... IMO, Barry chose his words very carefully when he declared he wanted to affect / bring about 'fundamental change' - 'REVOLUTION' - within the United States.

One thing is for sure: Karl Marx declared the United States would NEVER be defeated by any enemy from OUTSIDE the country, It would be brought down - destroyed - from the INSIDE. We're seeing it.

This country is under attack but it is from right wing fascists like Donald Trump and his supporters. They cannot accept Trump lost so they are trying to rig the elections and turn our country into a dictatorship. We know that Trump loves dictators and wishes he could do what they do. That is exactly what is going on.

Trump clowns use the word socialism but have no clue what it is. In socialism, government owns the means of production. No democrat has advocated this.

Right wing terrorists have killed more people than Islamic terrorists. They attacked the capitol on Jan 6 in a attempt to stop the certification of the election.

The far right are the racists who are trying to alter our history. They suggest that slavery was okay. Texas now teaches the history of white men not the US. Women and minorities need not apply. Republicans are trying to take over the board of elections in Fulton County Georgia which has a large number of blacks.

It is Republicans who threaten authority. The Republican AG of Kentucky lied to the grand jury in the case of Breanna Taylor's shooting. Republicans attacked police officers who were defending the capitol and continue to attack them for telling the truth about Jan 6. Also after action reports show the police incited violence against protestors. Also right wing agitators inflamed the situation. The fact is that very few Democrats supported defunding the police. The Republicans were quite willing to see police defunded by refusing to help local governments from potential budget cuts due to the coronavirus.

Biden is the President of the United States. It is Trump supporters who are the puppets. They spout the Trump talking points even if they have to make it up to provide evidence. Arizona is a good example. There is no evidence of voter fraud in Maricopa County so they have to make things up.
All according to Obama's plan to fundamentally transform America. He was the most damaging President we ever had until his sidekick Dementia Joe showed up. They are a two man wrecking crew.

Trump is the most damaging President we have EVER HAD. You and Trump are enemies of our democracy.
Can I assume you're not a woman, Black or Latino, gay or lesbian, or someone in need of health insurance?
So if you truly believe that, will all of those groups equal or do better without the ones who are most of the builders and creators now. For it seems we are losing in competition and production areas which is important to stay number one in the world. But you are a pure globalist, so that means we must be taken down. This is not smart.
Federal 'racism' task force trashes America's founding documents'racism' task force trashes America's founding documents

Federal 'racism' task force trashes America's founding documents

The easy (no pun intended) thing to do would be to make light of what the Marxist / Socialist Liberal Progressive Democrats are doing by asking , "When did my country become overrun with PUSSES?"

But the truth behind what is happening and has been happening for a while now is far more siniister / dangerous for our country and began when Barak Obama declared he wanted to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE America.

Critical Change is a change to the most essential principles of elements, values, morals, ethics, etc...that affect / define the basic nature of all other things.

The United States did not need to be 'fundamentally changed' by a man educated by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, who is a self-professed student and admirer of Socialist Saul Alensky (Barry quoted from his book / teachings, 'Rules for Radicals' - a Socialist 'How-To' book on how to turn nations like ours WAS into Socialist regimes during his inauguration), who was mentored by an American-hating racist 'pastor' for decades, and whose close friend was terrorist who use to bomb and kill 1st responders.

The United States did not need to be 're-made' in the image of Saul Alensky, Bill Ayers, Fidel Castro, and Barak Obama.

What we are seeing is Barry's mission/war against the United States to 'fundamentally change' the United States being carried out, almost through an identical, step-by-step[ process outlined in Alensky's 'Rules For Radicals. Michelle Obama declared in an interview during Barry's last year in office that Barry needed 1 more term to finish what he started.

The surrender of our national security, surrender of our border security, the surrender of our energy independence, the surrender of our history, culture, identity, the demonization of our Founding Fathers, fanning the flames of racial division until the United States has LITERALLY been set ablaze all across the country, the attacks on authority (Defund the Police), the out-of-control violence in democrat-run cities like Chicago and Portland, Democrat political leaders siding with, aiding with, aiding, and abetting with criminals and domestic terrorists lie Antifa & BLM, the assault on our Constitution and our Constitutional and Civil Rights...and shit like THIS report...

It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt - hell, BIDEN has repeatedly told us himself - that Biden is NOT in control, that he is NOT 'The President' - he is a puppet. He dances when they say 'dance'. He goes where they tell him to go. He signs what they tell him to sign. He reads what they right for him to say. He calls on reporters he has been told to call on. He has told us 'I am not in control...I have been told not to take questions, that I am supposed to turn and walk away from all of you.'

Joe Biden is NOT 'The President of the United States' - he has said so. HE is not running the country. His handlers are. his puppet masters are. The American people seriously, legitimately do not know who is really running this country!

Perhaps Michelle Obama was right, that Barry just needed 1 more term to destroy our Constitution-based United States government, to change it into a Marxist / Socialist nation....and maybe, after packing the govt with his followers / acolytes, he has his '3rd term'.

Who knows who the puppet masters controlling Biden and operating from behind the curtain are...but 1 things is for sure, he/they are successfully, what we would call 'destroying' the nation but what they call 'fundamentally changing' it.


One of the synonyms for 'fundamental change' is 'REVOLUTION'.

Barry declared he intended to bring about / affect 'fundamental change'. Barry is not stupid. On the contrary, he is an extremely intelligent man, one who chooses his words carefully, not randomly throws out words. Again, educated bt communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied, idolized, and could quote Saul Alensky and his book 'Rules For Radicals', mentored by a racist hate-spewing Anti-American 'pastor', and friends with a bomb-throwing domestic terrorist who killed 1st responders as a member of the Weatherman Underground - all FACT.... IMO, Barry chose his words very carefully when he declared he wanted to affect / bring about 'fundamental change' - 'REVOLUTION' - within the United States.

One thing is for sure: Karl Marx declared the United States would NEVER be defeated by any enemy from OUTSIDE the country, It would be brought down - destroyed - from the INSIDE. We're seeing it.

How ignorant and hysterical.
So if you truly believe that, will all of those groups equal or do better without the ones who are most of the builders and creators now.
Were those builders and creators the best or was it just that they restricted competition? You might say they created a monopoly on power and I think history has shown that monopolies are not particularly good.
For it seems we are losing in competition and production areas which is important to stay number one in the world. But you are a pure globalist, so that means we must be taken down. This is not smart.
Maybe you're losing, my family and I are doing just fine thanks. We all have the education and skills to compete.
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Trump is the most damaging President we have EVER HAD. You and Trump are enemies of our democracy.
Most damaging to you marxists wannabees and globalists. Trump exposed to deep state unlike any other and your team had to engage in mass illegal election fraud.
Most damaging to you marxists wannabees and globalists. Trump exposed to deep state unlike any other and your team had to engage in mass illegal election fraud.

Thank you.
They went there.
Thanks to Covid and mail-in ballots; with the latter not trusted or used by most Democracies!!

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