Welfare Cowboy

I dont know the whole story on the reason why. To me thats not an issue. The ranchers are not entitled to graze on that land if they no longer have the grazing rights. Have you ever considered Bundy actually caused all of this by not paying his fees? All it takes is one bad apple to screw it up for everyone else.

Rumors about politics are behind most things like this. It may or may not be true but the point is that they simply do not have a legal right to continue grazing the land. If this land was owned by the ranchers then I would be concerned. As it is they don't have a leg to stand on. The ones that paid used the land so that was fair exchange. The free loader got off from paying but not for long.

Nice try Pappy.. Smooth move.. Suggesting that ONLY IF Bundy had written those checks, the Feds would have had the money to keep that area open to ranching operations.. That money went to pay for wars in Afghan/Iraq and Viagra for Fed employees. Just like the proceeds from the National Parks who have to BEG for funds even tho they are one of the few PROFITABLE operations of the Federal Govt.. (or could be).

So you dont think someone said even once "Hey this Bundy dude might convince the other ranchers to stop paying."?

He never stopped paying the State of Nevada.. And not many others would have had the conviction to fight the Feds in Court.. Bundy did lose.. So the threat of others ATTEMPTING to take on the Feds -- never really existed. The Courts are not the place to point out how bad the management track record really is.. That would be like trying to void a contract in court based on the D&B or Angie's List record of the service provider.. Those are things that you CAN'T sue the government over.. Ignorance, Arrogance, and Incompetence.. They have absolute immunity to those accusations in court.. :D
"Welfare Cowboy"

Interesting use of terminology. I thought you wanted people to take advantage of welfare? But here you are criticizing someone who actually does it? Your logic is... odd.

Thanks for acknowledging that Cliven Bundy is on the government teat. So how come T-publicans and other rightwing extremists want to keep a segment of the American population below the poverty line, while simultaneously supporting corporate welfare and handouts to the oligarchs?

50% of all welfare recipients are on welfare for less than two years, 80% for less than 5 years but-----but Cliven Bundy?-----Cliven Bundy's been sucking up your hard earned tax dollars for over 20 years.

Average Time on AFCD (Aid to Families with Dependent Children) Time on AFDC Percent of Recipients
Less than 7 months19%
7 to 12 months15.2%
1 to 2 years19.3%
2 to 5 years26.9%
Over 5 years19.6%
...AND Bundy is not impoverished like folks on ATDF support...he's a wealthy rancher enjoying his brief fame...after 20 years of exploiting us working stiffs by not paying requisite fees on the federal land he uses for grazing his cows...
Nice work for profit w little overhead...
What a rip off!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Angry conservatives don't want to look in the mirror and see that their hero is just as much of a welfare queen as the food stamp surfer they like to point to and say ALL food stamps participants are like that.

Honestly most just wanted an excuse to use their big guns to have some significance in their lives. I mean you see those videos of those militias men and they just wanted a fight. They are so pissed off that life sucks and they want to kill people legally. Even though killing government agents is not legal at all and even if they wanted to plead self defense, no one would believe them because they wanted a fight and came with guns to have that fight.

I have a question. If this was a black inner city man who had a bunch of black militia members defying a court order saying it was their property and not the federal government's property with guns, would you say they are patriots or criminal thugs? I know what the true answer is but I would love to see the honesty from conservatives.

Happens all the time Bunky.. either you don't have a memory -- or you've been brainwashed..

Police Retreat From Foreclosed Home In Minneapolis After Standoff With Occupy Protesters
Police Retreat From Foreclosed Home In Minneapolis After Standoff With Occupy Protesters

Alcatraz is Not an Island.Indian Activism | PBS
Armed Indians versus Feds.

Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaMOVE

In 1985 the group made national news when police dropped a bomb on the Osage house from a helicopter in an attempt to end an armed impasse. The explosion and ensuing fire killed 11 people, including five children and the group's leader, John Africa. Only two occupants survived—Ramona, an adult and Birdie, a child. In addition, approximately 60 other (non MOVE-affiliated) homes were destroyed as the entire block burned.
"Welfare Cowboy"

Interesting use of terminology. I thought you wanted people to take advantage of welfare? But here you are criticizing someone who actually does it? Your logic is... odd.

Why would you or anyone want a wealthy rancher free loading? He doesn't need welfare.

You fixed that problem by putting 100s of sq miles of land out of USE... Now BunkerVille can become a ghosttown with NOBODY to free load.. Good work...
"Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's" Mark 12:17

Unless of course vigilante come in an point guns at federal officials.
CaféAuLait;8953503 said:
Glad you brought up Thomas Jefferson.

As you know, this range war has less to do with a criminal cowboy than it does about what's behind Bundy and the AFP funded rabble-rousers. If Bundy is allowed to win this battle, America's pollution will compete with Beijing's and-----and the Koch brothers stand to be the big winners in this range war but more importantly-----more importantly the American people will be the big losers.

Thomas Jefferson warned us about stacking to much wealth in to few hands...

"It should seem then that it must be because of the enormous wealth, which places them above attention to the increase of their revenues, that I am conscious that an equal division of property is impracticable, but [that] the consequences of this enormous inequality producing so much misery to the bulk of mankind, legislators cannot invent too many devices for subdividing property. Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they rise." ~ Thomas Jefferson

(Emphasis added)

Seriously, you believe 700- 900 cows will put the US on par with Beijing when it comes to pollution? Where did you read that, I'm curious.

What of the bears ( yes, bears in the scrub) deer, rams, wild horses, deer mule, coyote, antelope, squirrel, bob cats, etc, etc which roam the area? Are they affecting the turtles and the scrub-grouse (which is allowed to be hunted by humans) ? Are those thousands of indigenous animals upping our pollution to make it on par with Beijing?

Nevada Department of Wildlife

I love how you guys post snippets of Jefferson quotes and either don't understand them or don't tell the whole story.

Did you know that Jefferson went on to say:

It is too soon yet in our country to say that every man who cannot find employment but who can find uncultivated land, shall be at liberty to cultivate it, paying a moderate rent.

Do tell enlightened one, what snippet of his quote did I speak of? None, that's right, none. I highlighted stars claim, "if Bundy wins we will be on par with pollution in Beijing". The gigantic red letters I highlighted in my original post and my reply should have been a big clue.

Is freeloader Cliven Bundy not only ripping off the US taxpayer but committing seditious conspiracy as well?

American Traitors Sean Hannity and the Koch Brothers Back a Seditious Movement

April, 15th, 2014


According to 18 U.S. Code § 2384, seditious conspiracy occurs “If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States; they shall each be fined or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.” It is also likely that the militias who rushed to provide “armed response” against the United States government agents are guilty of treason that is “the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. In fact, 18 U.S. Code § 2381 defines treason as “whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000


from real libtard politics
Looking at this grazing land, I would say it would be best to leave it the tortoises. This land doesn't belong to Bundy and he has no legal right to graze his cattle there. The BLM should do their job and enforce the law.

Looking at this grazing land, I would say it would be best to leave it the tortoises. This land doesn't belong to Bundy and he has no legal right to graze his cattle there. The BLM should do their job and enforce the law.


And if they don't do their job, I am writing my, slightly stupid, Congressman and complain. What am I paying taxes for when there is a rancher in Nevada who owns a multi-million dollar ranch who is thumbing his nose at the Feds?
"Welfare Cowboy"

Interesting use of terminology. I thought you wanted people to take advantage of welfare? But here you are criticizing someone who actually does it? Your logic is... odd.

Why would you or anyone want a wealthy rancher free loading? He doesn't need welfare.

You fixed that problem by putting 100s of sq miles of land out of USE... Now BunkerVille can become a ghosttown with NOBODY to free load.. Good work...

How does that change the fact the guy was freeloading or Bundying? The land is not out of use. The ranchers just cant use it anymore.
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Why would you or anyone want a wealthy rancher free loading? He doesn't need welfare.

You fixed that problem by putting 100s of sq miles of land out of USE... Now BunkerVille can become a ghosttown with NOBODY to free load.. Good work...

How does that change the fact the guy was freeloading or Bundying? The land is not out of use. The ranchers just cant use it anymore.

Not just the ranchers, but the 6Mill recreational users are also evicted.. And the nearest towns that supported the ranching and tourism are shot thru the fucking heart.. I understand why you take your position -- you don't understand the consequences of these arrogant and arbitrary actions.. Too bad we cant sue for stupid and arrogant and potentially corrupt eh????
You fixed that problem by putting 100s of sq miles of land out of USE... Now BunkerVille can become a ghosttown with NOBODY to free load.. Good work...

How does that change the fact the guy was freeloading or Bundying? The land is not out of use. The ranchers just cant use it anymore.

Not just the ranchers, but the 6Mill recreational users are also evicted.. And the nearest towns that supported the ranching and tourism are shot thru the fucking heart.. I understand why you take your position -- you don't understand the consequences of these arrogant and arbitrary actions.. Too bad we can sue for stupid and arrogant and potentially corrupt eh????

I bet the tortoise like it just fine. What consequences are you speaking about? Do you meant like the ones Bundy set in motion by freeloading?
How does that change the fact the guy was freeloading or Bundying? The land is not out of use. The ranchers just cant use it anymore.

Not just the ranchers, but the 6Mill recreational users are also evicted.. And the nearest towns that supported the ranching and tourism are shot thru the fucking heart.. I understand why you take your position -- you don't understand the consequences of these arrogant and arbitrary actions.. Too bad we can sue for stupid and arrogant and potentially corrupt eh????

I bet the tortoise like it just fine. What consequences are you speaking about? Do you meant like the ones Bundy set in motion by freeloading?

What CONSEQUENCES??? Did you just go from poorly informed to stupid? That entire area communities, schools, retail, tourist traps, ranching and all are KAPUT. THAT'S where the anger comes from... That's not evicting a bad tenant.. That's CLEANSING....

And nothing Bundy did "set this in motion".. His buds are more qualified with land mgt than the jerks who used these deserts for target practice and Nuclear weapons testing and then come back 60 years later with a sudden conscience....
Not just the ranchers, but the 6Mill recreational users are also evicted.. And the nearest towns that supported the ranching and tourism are shot thru the fucking heart.. I understand why you take your position -- you don't understand the consequences of these arrogant and arbitrary actions.. Too bad we can sue for stupid and arrogant and potentially corrupt eh????

I bet the tortoise like it just fine. What consequences are you speaking about? Do you meant like the ones Bundy set in motion by freeloading?

What CONSEQUENCES??? Did you just go from poorly informed to stupid? That entire area communities, schools, retail, tourist traps, ranching and all are KAPUT. THAT'S where the anger comes from... That's not evicting a bad tenant.. That's CLEANSING....

And nothing Bundy did "set this in motion".. His buds are more qualified with land mgt than the jerks who used these deserts for target practice and Nuclear weapons testing and then come back 60 years later with a sudden conscience....

That sounds a lot like entitlement seeing as that land was not theirs to establish those communities, schools, retail, tourist traps etc. on. Someone not paying after they lost in court twice is the epitome of a bad tenant. Its a bad tenant on steroids.

Budy definitely set this in motion and the Nevada Cattlemen&#8217;s Association does not support him.

&#8220;In accordance with the rule of law, we must use the system set forth in our Constitution to change those laws and regulations. Nevada Cattlemen&#8217;s Association does not condone actions that are outside the law in which citizens take the law into their own hands,&#8221; the group&#8217;s statement reads.

The Nevada Cattlemen&#8217;s Association is a nonprofit trade association that was established in 1935. The group has 567 dues-paying members who convene annually to &#8220;review, renew and create policy for our organization,&#8221; according to Torell. He said Bundy is not a member of the association, which consists of cattle and sheep ranchers who hold grazing permits and pay fees for grazing privileges on public, federal lands.

The association made it clear that it doesn&#8217;t take a stand on Bundy&#8217;s legal issues because the membership &#8220;does not feel it is our place to interfere.&#8221;

Who told you Bundy and his buds could manage the land better? I think what you meant is they could manage the land better for their own pockets. I dont care about all the bleeding heart stories because Bundy brought this down on himself and his community.
Got to ask you Asclepias -- did you have any tiny sense of empathy for those militant blacks and innocent women and children killed in the Philadelphia MOVE occupation I noted above?? When the government resorting them in their Philly homes??? :mad:
Got to ask you Asclepias -- did you have any tiny sense of empathy for those militant blacks and innocent women and children killed in the Philadelphia MOVE occupation I noted above?? When the government resorting them in their Philly homes??? :mad:

Of course I do. People were killed. Why would I not have empathy?
I bet the tortoise like it just fine. What consequences are you speaking about? Do you meant like the ones Bundy set in motion by freeloading?

What CONSEQUENCES??? Did you just go from poorly informed to stupid? That entire area communities, schools, retail, tourist traps, ranching and all are KAPUT. THAT'S where the anger comes from... That's not evicting a bad tenant.. That's CLEANSING....

And nothing Bundy did "set this in motion".. His buds are more qualified with land mgt than the jerks who used these deserts for target practice and Nuclear weapons testing and then come back 60 years later with a sudden conscience....

That sounds a lot like entitlement seeing as that land was not theirs to establish those communities, schools, retail, tourist traps etc. on. Someone not paying after they lost in court twice is the epitome of a bad tenant. Its a bad tenant on steroids.

Budy definitely set this in motion and the Nevada Cattlemen’s Association does not support him.

“In accordance with the rule of law, we must use the system set forth in our Constitution to change those laws and regulations. Nevada Cattlemen’s Association does not condone actions that are outside the law in which citizens take the law into their own hands,” the group’s statement reads.

The Nevada Cattlemen’s Association is a nonprofit trade association that was established in 1935. The group has 567 dues-paying members who convene annually to “review, renew and create policy for our organization,” according to Torell. He said Bundy is not a member of the association, which consists of cattle and sheep ranchers who hold grazing permits and pay fees for grazing privileges on public, federal lands.

The association made it clear that it doesn’t take a stand on Bundy’s legal issues because the membership “does not feel it is our place to interfere.”

Who told you Bundy and his buds could manage the land better? I think what you meant is they could manage the land better for their own pockets. I dont care about all the bleeding heart stories because Bundy brought this down on himself and his community.

Better than annihilating entire habitats of turtles with Nuclear Weapons?
Better than closing the one Federal refuge for that specie and proceeding to euthanize them out of budget concerns?

Better then releasing Bush-eating beetles that destroy the nesting habitat of a threatened bird?
Better than IGNORING improvements on tourist control and land improvement like the wells, and roads and fences that the cattlemen put in?

It's incompetence and arrogance -- and you refuse to acknowledge that Bundy is merely the LAST and ONLY holdout to stand up to this arrogance...

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