Welfare Fraud vs. Welfare America Voted For


Tea is the new Kool-Aid
Mar 12, 2014
America voted for welfare and it has NOTHING to do with a party. Welfare is it's own entity and has no party affiliation.

Welfare fraud is when people abuse the system the people voted for the actual needy.

It's important for the voters to research how criminals get welfare fraudulently or easily.

Disability is hitting America HARD today and most of the people with the diagnosis aren't actually disabled at all. All they have to do is get a note from the doctor. And if they can't they can find a 1-800 number on the TV to find a lawyer that specializes in disability. The lawyer doesn't need pay, he' writes in the contract he gets a major cut of the government funding. (Lawyers and Doctors are both 1%, ....Lesson is over)

Lot's of media bias only shows the fraudulent cases trying to get America to overturn the reasons they created the program to begin with as they did with Food Stamps.

Only problem is CERTAIN people don't have the ability to put themselves into the shoes of others.

When you cut Food Stamps, you didn't think about the Blind man that lives alone that relies on that food to survive. He isn't living a great life.

When discussing Welfare the people need to understand what it's intended for. They also need to stop the fraud. Don't justify the fraud because you care about the blind person.
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