WELFARE TRAP? Swelling ObamaCare Medicaid costs may hit education, infrastructure $$


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Do all you Americans hear that BANJO Music? It's the same music you heard when you woke up one morning to the news that while you slept you had been violated by the Democrats who rammed the ACA into law against the opposition of the majority of Americans!

What does it mean NOW? Your really didn't think Obama and the Libs F*ing you hard that one time meant the worst was over, did you?!

Swelling ObamaCare Medicaid costs may hit education, infrastructure $
Medicaid enrollment, costs swell under ObamaCare expansion

Adult enrollment in ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion has more than doubled expectations in states across the country -- pointing to ballooning costs that threaten budget dollars for priorities like education and infrastructure, according to a report released Wednesday by The Foundation for Government Accountability."

...Meanwhile Obama and Libs are desperately trying to fight to save it for no other reason than it is Obama's 'Legacy'.

"Newly obtained data from 24 of the 29 states with Medicaid expansions show at least 11.5 million able-bodied adults have enrolled. The FGA says adult enrollment for all these states exceeds projections, by an average of 110 percent. Some states have signed up more than four times as many able-bodied adults as they expected would enroll.

“A lot of folks on the left will say that this is a huge sign of success -- look at all of these people who need coverage and help,” Nicholas Horton, senior research fellow at FGA and co-author of the report, told FoxNews.com. “My response is that it is not success when you have able-bodied adults who are being trapped in welfare and reducing their incentive to work.”

An oppressive federal government mandating healthy Americans buy an extremely expensive health care plan they don't need when they can barely make ends meet is not a 'success'...or a free people, either.

Financially punishing someone who can't afford to buy the govt-mandated product makes no sense, either.

It's bad enough people were lied to, lost their preferred plans, lost their preferred doctors...now they are getting hit with massive increases.

“Enrollment projections were nothing but fantasy, cost estimates little more than wishful thinking, and positive health outcomes were grossly overstated,” he said."

The future of ObamaCare – including the Medicaid expansion and other myriad elements of the sprawling program – remains in doubt now that Donald Trump has been elected president. He has vowed to “repeal and replace” the law, and has the support of congressional Republicans who kept their majority in last week’s election.

“Our path forward is clear: we must repeal this unsustainable burden and replace it with real reforms that improve access to quality health care at lower prices,” Flores said. "

Or simply let it collapse under it's own 'weight', hurting a lot of people when it does.

Report: Medicaid enrollment, costs swell under ObamaCare expansion

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