Well done Germany

human rights shit again--HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH
What exactly is 'shit' about that?
unless you are from there, you don't know SHIT about it
..it's like racism and police brutality - BULLSHIT
Yes, I dont live there. So, I shouldn't believe in the reports about their migrant workers?
--again, you and Tommy don't know the truth...just like he doesn't know the truth about BLM/etc in the US
...NO, you should NOT believe the reports---you would be stupid to do so
..the US media lies and post bullshit all the time
--need I post examples?
Okay, from where I should get the information about other countries?
Only two ways. Go there and see for yourself or have a friend there who can tell you without bias.
Not a solution. You should have lived in a country for several years to begin understand the situation from inside.

I wouldn't know whether the friend has a biased opinion or a true one because I don't know the situation from inside.
So then you have to go there or keep swallowing the crap the media feeds you. It's that simple.
Can you offer a couple of examples the American media are spreading around? Except of a rigged (supposedly) elections.
the biggest MYTH/bullshit is WHITES murdering blacks--every day all day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..police brutality = MYTH
..the TRUTH = blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa = and the world thinks it's the other way around because of the MSM
I dont know what the world thinks, but that the Blacks are 'leaders' in crime per capita isnt of any surprise for me.
...the world thinks BLM is telling the truth/etc.....that jackass Aussie I was talking about thought so....''the poor blacks'''/etc..the police are MURDERING blacks = bullshit
Okay, what is the solution to this issue. How to 'integrate' the Black community into the American society and reduce their poverty and crime?
..first, they have to ACKNOWLEDGE that there is a problem, and it's not whitey or the cops fault
...blacks are murdering blacks at HIGH rates--and they concentrate on------------------the police!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..one of Biden's staff members says cops/etc are committing a genocide on blacks....and black mayors/etc are the same --
..one black politician said something like '''police excessive force will not make his city safer''''!!!.......his city is one of the most dangerous --high murder rate because-------------------------blacks are murdering blacks!!....cops have nothing to do with it
IDIOTS--their hatred and racism is warping their minds BIG TIME
Did they accomplish anything beyond virtual signaling?
They shone a light on something that very few people are aware of. It was very much the honourable thing to do. What part of this makes you uncomfortable ?
Are they being paid for their political beliefs or for their athletic abilities. I don't give a flying fuck what they think politically. So if it is that important to them, they won't mind the fact that I won't support their sport anymore. They can go get real jobs like the rest of the world.

Merkel has transformed the former great and free country to a communist prison. If you openly conceive your born-again Christian believe, love for traditional moral and values, tradition you can be murdered by paid by Merkel Ton Ton Macoute Antifa. No police investigations. If you don't support any communist insanity you will became immediately a Nazi, an Antisemite, you will lost your job and beaten by police.
All MSM are lying communist presstitutes.
If for example a player refuses to do what he been told he will lose his job immediately.
All sane folks already leaved Germany, much terrible dictatorship since the last 1,000 years
And you may want to ask yourself why the msm is so quiet about the failure of Biden's press conference and his crime at the southern border. Don't mention his son
You mean that the media are less harsh on Biden that they were on Trump? Yes, I have this feeling also.

I dont know much about the press conference, because I wasnt so interested in it. So, I cant say much about his failure or not.

But the situation on the Anerican southern border is more or less known for me. You mean all those children in detention camps, I assume. What should be done in this case?
Return them to mexico. Build the wall.
Germany has a lot of Fucking Nerve here. After what they did in the past as far as human rights offenses, they have no standing to complain about anyone else.

BTW, it will be interesting to see if they complain about Red China next year in the Olympics.
The clown reaction on this thread is solely down to the fact that I posted it up. Any other opening poster would have had these creeps cheering, particularly as the target is a Muslim country.

So please spare me your faux reactions.You are trump trash and as ignorant and stupid as can be.
And you're a frigging Limey, speaking of human rights violators. From a bona fide Scots
human rights shit again--HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH
What exactly is 'shit' about that?
unless you are from there, you don't know SHIT about it
..it's like racism and police brutality - BULLSHIT
Yes, I dont live there. So, I shouldn't believe in the reports about their migrant workers?
--again, you and Tommy don't know the truth...just like he doesn't know the truth about BLM/etc in the US
...NO, you should NOT believe the reports---you would be stupid to do so
..the US media lies and post bullshit all the time
--need I post examples?
Okay, from where I should get the information about other countries?
Only two ways. Go there and see for yourself or have a friend there who can tell you without bias.
Not a solution. You should have lived in a country for several years to begin understand the situation from inside.

I wouldn't know whether the friend has a biased opinion or a true one because I don't know the situation from inside.
So then you have to go there or keep swallowing the crap the media feeds you. It's that simple.
Can you offer a couple of examples the American media are spreading around? Except of a rigged (supposedly) elections.
the biggest MYTH/bullshit is WHITES murdering blacks--every day all day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..police brutality = MYTH
..the TRUTH = blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa = and the world thinks it's the other way around because of the MSM
I dont know what the world thinks, but that the Blacks are 'leaders' in crime per capita isnt of any surprise for me.
...the world thinks BLM is telling the truth/etc.....that jackass Aussie I was talking about thought so....''the poor blacks'''/etc..the police are MURDERING blacks = bullshit
Okay, what is the solution to this issue. How to 'integrate' the Black community into the American society and reduce their poverty and crime?
..first, they have to ACKNOWLEDGE that there is a problem, and it's not whitey or the cops fault
...blacks are murdering blacks at HIGH rates--and they concentrate on------------------the police!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..one of Biden's staff members says cops/etc are committing a genocide on blacks....and black mayors/etc are the same --
..one black politician said something like '''police excessive force will not make his city safer''''!!!.......his city is one of the most dangerous --high murder rate because-------------------------blacks are murdering blacks!!....cops have nothing to do with it
IDIOTS--their hatred and racism is warping their minds BIG TIME
Yes, the Blacks murder mostly Blacks, that is because of their street gangs and drugs fighting. So, what is the solution of the problem? If say your newly elected governor is fully acknowledge the problem and is determined to solve it, what should he do?
human rights shit again--HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH
What exactly is 'shit' about that?
unless you are from there, you don't know SHIT about it
..it's like racism and police brutality - BULLSHIT
Yes, I dont live there. So, I shouldn't believe in the reports about their migrant workers?
--again, you and Tommy don't know the truth...just like he doesn't know the truth about BLM/etc in the US
...NO, you should NOT believe the reports---you would be stupid to do so
..the US media lies and post bullshit all the time
--need I post examples?
Okay, from where I should get the information about other countries?
Only two ways. Go there and see for yourself or have a friend there who can tell you without bias.
Not a solution. You should have lived in a country for several years to begin understand the situation from inside.

I wouldn't know whether the friend has a biased opinion or a true one because I don't know the situation from inside.
So then you have to go there or keep swallowing the crap the media feeds you. It's that simple.
Can you offer a couple of examples the American media are spreading around? Except of a rigged (supposedly) elections.
the biggest MYTH/bullshit is WHITES murdering blacks--every day all day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..police brutality = MYTH
..the TRUTH = blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa = and the world thinks it's the other way around because of the MSM
I dont know what the world thinks, but that the Blacks are 'leaders' in crime per capita isnt of any surprise for me.
...the world thinks BLM is telling the truth/etc.....that jackass Aussie I was talking about thought so....''the poor blacks'''/etc..the police are MURDERING blacks = bullshit
Okay, what is the solution to this issue. How to 'integrate' the Black community into the American society and reduce their poverty and crime?
..first, they have to ACKNOWLEDGE that there is a problem, and it's not whitey or the cops fault
...blacks are murdering blacks at HIGH rates--and they concentrate on------------------the police!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..one of Biden's staff members says cops/etc are committing a genocide on blacks....and black mayors/etc are the same --
..one black politician said something like '''police excessive force will not make his city safer''''!!!.......his city is one of the most dangerous --high murder rate because-------------------------blacks are murdering blacks!!....cops have nothing to do with it
IDIOTS--their hatred and racism is warping their minds BIG TIME
Yes, the Blacks murder mostly Blacks, that is because of their street gangs and drugs fighting. So, what is the solution of the problem? If say your newly elected governor is fully acknowledge the problem and is determined to solve it, what should he do?
..very hard to change a culture/etc---just like in Vietnam and Afghanistan, etc....takes decades for a ''domestic''' issue
..has to done on many levels
Dear me, I seem to have collared all of the sub human trash on this board. Maybe the moderators could take a look at the way threads are hijacked by zombies on this board.

6500 deaths is worthy of protest and condemnation. If only they had been in the WTC and not the desert you characters might have given a toss.
Dear me, I seem to have collared all of the sub human trash on this board. Maybe the moderators could take a look at the way threads are hijacked by zombies on this board.

6500 deaths is worthy of protest and condemnation. If only they had been in the WTC and not the desert you characters might have given a toss.
wrong..let me give you an example:
blacks MURDER over 3000 blacks per year--NO protests from them
police JUSTIFIABLY kill about 300 blacks a year--APE SHIT protests
...unless you are stupid, you have to see how idiotic that is
....YOU say 6500 --I say bullshit
..YOU are the sub-human trash
All the German men with balls were slaughtered in the World Wars and only the little pussy bois were left to breed. Germany has no Testosterone in its men anymore.
zombies on this board.

Given that you’re one of them.
zombie tom.jpg

View attachment 472612

6500 migrant workers have died building the stadia for the 2022 World
Cup in Qatar. The owrld should not be playing there. Shame on FIFA, atill the most corrupt organisation in the world.

Where did you get the number 6500?

View attachment 472612

6500 migrant workers have died building the stadia for the 2022 World
Cup in Qatar. The owrld should not be playing there. Shame on FIFA, atill the most corrupt organisation in the world.

Where did you get the number 6500?
Its in the article.
More background to the story here.

I dont think we should be playing in Qatar. Their values are not our values. We should not have played in Russia or China either..

View attachment 472612

6500 migrant workers have died building the stadia for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. The owrld should not be playing there. Shame on FIFA, atill the most corrupt organisation in the world.
So they didn't actually do anything but stand there with letters on their jerseys right?
Did they accomplish anything beyond virtual signaling?
They shone a light on something that very few people are aware of. It was very much the honourable thing to do. What part of this makes you uncomfortable ?
Are they being paid for their political beliefs or for their athletic abilities. I don't give a flying fuck what they think politically. So if it is that important to them, they won't mind the fact that I won't support their sport anymore. They can go get real jobs like the rest of the world.

Merkel has transformed the former great and free country to a communist prison. If you openly conceive your born-again Christian believe, love for traditional moral and values, tradition you can be murdered by paid by Merkel Ton Ton Macoute Antifa. No police investigations. If you don't support any communist insanity you will became immediately a Nazi, an Antisemite, you will lost your job and beaten by police.
All MSM are lying communist presstitutes.
If for example a player refuses to do what he been told he will lose his job immediately.
All sane folks already leaved Germany, much terrible dictatorship since the last 1,000 years

Have you been to Germany, Baron?

View attachment 472612

6500 migrant workers have died building the stadia for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. The owrld should not be playing there. Shame on FIFA, atill the most corrupt organisation in the world.
So they didn't actually do anything but stand there with letters on their jerseys right?
What have you done ?
Did they accomplish anything beyond virtual signaling?
They shone a light on something that very few people are aware of. It was very much the honourable thing to do. What part of this makes you uncomfortable ?
Are they being paid for their political beliefs or for their athletic abilities. I don't give a flying fuck what they think politically. So if it is that important to them, they won't mind the fact that I won't support their sport anymore. They can go get real jobs like the rest of the world.

Merkel has transformed the former great and free country to a communist prison. If you openly conceive your born-again Christian believe, love for traditional moral and values, tradition you can be murdered by paid by Merkel Ton Ton Macoute Antifa. No police investigations. If you don't support any communist insanity you will became immediately a Nazi, an Antisemite, you will lost your job and beaten by police.
All MSM are lying communist presstitutes.
If for example a player refuses to do what he been told he will lose his job immediately.
All sane folks already leaved Germany, much terrible dictatorship since the last 1,000 years

Have you been to Germany, Baron?
Fail to see the relevance of your question. You certainly didn't address any of his points.

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