Well here we go NAACP calls for the destruction of Stone Mountain

Thats what all republicans say.
I couldn't give a shit what they say. I said what I meant.

Of course you dont...your bullshit is verbatim, you caring or not doesnt make a difference
Yea, well, your bullshit isn't too impressive either Bubba. Anything else?

Ok being impressive doesnt make a difference either. I'm clearly talking about your "I'm not a part of any party" talking point that is said verbatim by all of you guys, you independent thinker you!
I'm NOT a part of any political party. I do NOT believe in party politics. So, your point is?

Riiiiight, you just mimic one parties talking points verbatim. I. AM. Convinced.
No link in the OP? Almost guaranteed to be bullshit

"Liberals doing stupid shit" needs no link. Its guaranteed.

Yeah, except its not liberals its one guy

The very first sentence says this:

The Famous outdoor relief sculpture depicting Confederate leaders on Stone Mountain in Georgia has come under attack from the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP. The chapter's leader is calling for the removal of the Confederate Memorial Carving that depicts Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.

A press release from Richard Rose, the president of the Atlanta chapter of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People, calls for the elimination of the Confederate carving, calling it a "glorification of white supremacy.

So you can take off the S in liberals and take comfort in knowing that one guy said one thing. OMG OMG OMG! One guy!
One guy?

That's your reply?

He speaks for the entire Chapter of the Atlanta NAACP.....it is MORE than just one guy...
No link in the OP? Almost guaranteed to be bullshit

"Liberals doing stupid shit" needs no link. Its guaranteed.

Yeah, except its not liberals its one guy

The very first sentence says this:

The Famous outdoor relief sculpture depicting Confederate leaders on Stone Mountain in Georgia has come under attack from the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP. The chapter's leader is calling for the removal of the Confederate Memorial Carving that depicts Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.

A press release from Richard Rose, the president of the Atlanta chapter of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People, calls for the elimination of the Confederate carving, calling it a "glorification of white supremacy.

So you can take off the S in liberals and take comfort in knowing that one guy said one thing. OMG OMG OMG! One guy!
One guy?

That's your reply?

He speaks for the entire Chapter of the Atlanta NAACP.....it is MORE than just one guy...

Hey, Go with that if it makes you feel better, but its still one guy. So do like you always do and claim that one persons opinion represents all of them. Pick a group, one liberal equals all. One black equals all, but remember 1 white person is an individual....unless they are a liberal
I was just thinking about this a couple days ago, I knew demands to destroy the artwork would be coming soon.
They should change their name to NAACTP.

"National Association for the Advancement of Colored Taliban People".

NAACP wants Confederate carving removed from Georgia's Stone Mountain

The Confederate Memorial Carving on Stone Mountain, Ga., depicts Confederate President Jefferson Davis and Gens. Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson in relief.

(John Bazemore / Associated Press)

By DAVID NGcontact the reporter

"" style="border: 0px; vertical-align: bottom;">

Atlanta NAACP chapter wants Confederate carving removed from side of Stone Mountain

The famous outdoor relief sculpture depicting Confederate leaders on Stone Mountain in Georgia has come under attack from the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP. The chapter's leader is calling for the removal of the Confederate Memorial Carving that depicts Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.

lRelatedNATIONConfederate flag is coming down in South Carolina; battles go on elsewhereSEE ALL RELATED


"" style="border: 0px; vertical-align: bottom;">

A press release from Richard Rose, the president of the Atlanta chapter of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People, calls for the elimination of the Confederate carving, calling it a "glorification of white supremacy."

Confederate flag paintings to go on display at Laguna Art Museum

"It is time for Georgia and other Southern states to end the glorification of slavery and white supremacy paid for and maintained with the taxes of all its citizens," the release states.

"History reminds us that despite the hero status accorded to Robert E. Lee, the West Point educated Lee was a traitor who led the military effort of the breakaway states, including Georgia."


Folks. There's a part of our history that involves slavery and bondage. You can tear down every monument you want in efforts to erase the past, but in the end, you've failed to re-write history. All the monuments should stand. They should stand as reminders. They are teaching moments....


AT 12:09 PM JULY 14, 2015



"" style="border: 0px; vertical-align: bottom;">

The release continues, "The insurrection's sole purpose was to create a separate nation that would maintain the enslavement of generations of African descendants."

Rose said in a phone interview with The Times on Tuesday that "symbols demonstrate people's mindset. They mean something. There are monuments all over the South... that were erected to demonstrate and celebrate white supremacy."

He said that the art work is also inappropriate because none of the Confederate leaders depicted hails from Georgia.

TV Land drops 'The Dukes of Hazzard' reruns

"The heritage we should be celebrating is the U.S. heritage. We're not a separate nation," Rose said. He added that he is working with local lawmakers to push this issue forward.

In an interview with local Atlanta WSB-TV, Rose said that the Confederate carvings "can be sandblasted off or someone can carefully remove a slab of that" to sell at auction to the highest bidder.

NAACP wants Confederate carving removed from Georgia apos s Stone Mountain - LA Times

No link in the OP? Almost guaranteed to be bullshit

"Liberals doing stupid shit" needs no link. Its guaranteed.

Yeah, except its not liberals its one guy

The very first sentence says this:

The Famous outdoor relief sculpture depicting Confederate leaders on Stone Mountain in Georgia has come under attack from the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP. The chapter's leader is calling for the removal of the Confederate Memorial Carving that depicts Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.

A press release from Richard Rose, the president of the Atlanta chapter of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People, calls for the elimination of the Confederate carving, calling it a "glorification of white supremacy.

So you can take off the S in liberals and take comfort in knowing that one guy said one thing. OMG OMG OMG! One guy!
One guy?

That's your reply?

He speaks for the entire Chapter of the Atlanta NAACP.....it is MORE than just one guy...

Hey, Go with that if it makes you feel better, but its still one guy. So do like you always do and claim that one persons opinion represents all of them. Pick a group, one liberal equals all. One black equals all, but remember 1 white person is an individual....unless they are a liberal
On the contrary....it is people like you who claim one persons opinion speaks for everyone....you do it each time ONE Republican says something stupid....

However, in this case, this is a guy who speaks for that Chapter of the NAACP. That means he speaks for EVERY member...that is how those associations work. Those who disagree with him are free to stand up and speak out against him...

You get back to Me when you have that happen. Until then, this is just another example of why these kinds of organizations should be ridiculed and laughed at.
I couldn't give a shit what they say. I said what I meant.

Of course you dont...your bullshit is verbatim, you caring or not doesnt make a difference
Yea, well, your bullshit isn't too impressive either Bubba. Anything else?

Ok being impressive doesnt make a difference either. I'm clearly talking about your "I'm not a part of any party" talking point that is said verbatim by all of you guys, you independent thinker you!
I'm NOT a part of any political party. I do NOT believe in party politics. So, your point is?

Riiiiight, you just mimic one parties talking points verbatim. I. AM. Convinced.
I do NOT mimic anyone, especially a political party. Obviously, you've mistaken me for someone else. I have never been for either party, never. Party politics is nothing more than division, and division has torn this country apart in more ways than one. I believe in one people, one nation, and unity. I believe in everyone working towards the same goal, and that is making this a better country and a better world. Now, if you want to discuss that, fine. Otherwise, your claim is baseless, and pathetic.
No link in the OP? Almost guaranteed to be bullshit

"Liberals doing stupid shit" needs no link. Its guaranteed.

Yeah, except its not liberals its one guy

The very first sentence says this:

The Famous outdoor relief sculpture depicting Confederate leaders on Stone Mountain in Georgia has come under attack from the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP. The chapter's leader is calling for the removal of the Confederate Memorial Carving that depicts Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.

A press release from Richard Rose, the president of the Atlanta chapter of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People, calls for the elimination of the Confederate carving, calling it a "glorification of white supremacy.

So you can take off the S in liberals and take comfort in knowing that one guy said one thing. OMG OMG OMG! One guy!
One guy?

That's your reply?

He speaks for the entire Chapter of the Atlanta NAACP.....it is MORE than just one guy...

Hey, Go with that if it makes you feel better, but its still one guy. So do like you always do and claim that one persons opinion represents all of them. Pick a group, one liberal equals all. One black equals all, but remember 1 white person is an individual....unless they are a liberal
On the contrary....it is people like you who claim one persons opinion speaks for everyone....you do it each time ONE Republican says something stupid....

Yes, Do the Stephanie. You're doing it because I do it RIGHT? RIIIIIIGHT?

However, in this case, this is a guy who speaks for that Chapter of the NAACP. That means he speaks for EVERY member...that is how those associations work. Those who disagree with him are free to stand up and speak out against him...

Yes, he speaks for everyone because you, a dipshit online SAYS so.

You get back to Me when you have that happen. Until then, this is just another example of why these kinds of organizations should be ridiculed and laughed at.

These type of organizations? Are you doing it again? Blaming the entire organization for the opinion of one guy?

Are you doing it because a liberal someone did it...and you find it so disgusting you decided to jump in too?
"Liberals doing stupid shit" needs no link. Its guaranteed.

Yeah, except its not liberals its one guy

The very first sentence says this:

The Famous outdoor relief sculpture depicting Confederate leaders on Stone Mountain in Georgia has come under attack from the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP. The chapter's leader is calling for the removal of the Confederate Memorial Carving that depicts Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.

A press release from Richard Rose, the president of the Atlanta chapter of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People, calls for the elimination of the Confederate carving, calling it a "glorification of white supremacy.

So you can take off the S in liberals and take comfort in knowing that one guy said one thing. OMG OMG OMG! One guy!
One guy?

That's your reply?

He speaks for the entire Chapter of the Atlanta NAACP.....it is MORE than just one guy...

Hey, Go with that if it makes you feel better, but its still one guy. So do like you always do and claim that one persons opinion represents all of them. Pick a group, one liberal equals all. One black equals all, but remember 1 white person is an individual....unless they are a liberal
On the contrary....it is people like you who claim one persons opinion speaks for everyone....you do it each time ONE Republican says something stupid....

Yes, Do the Stephanie. You're doing it because I do it RIGHT? RIIIIIIGHT?

However, in this case, this is a guy who speaks for that Chapter of the NAACP. That means he speaks for EVERY member...that is how those associations work. Those who disagree with him are free to stand up and speak out against him...

Yes, he speaks for everyone because you, a dipshit online SAYS so.

You get back to Me when you have that happen. Until then, this is just another example of why these kinds of organizations should be ridiculed and laughed at.

These type of organizations? Are you doing it again? Blaming the entire organization for the opinion of one guy?

Are you doing it because a liberal someone did it...and you find it so disgusting you decided to jump in too?
You're losing it......Are you okay? Is the pressure getting to you?

You used to at least sound coherent......
One chapter equals the entire NAACP!!! Yaaaaa!
I did not say that. That makes you a liar.

Until then, this is just another example of why these kinds of organizations should be ridiculed and laughed at.

I guess you used the "S" by accident then.
He speaks for the entire Chapter of the Atlanta NAACP.....it is MORE than just one guy...

Yeah, except its not liberals its one guy

The very first sentence says this:

The Famous outdoor relief sculpture depicting Confederate leaders on Stone Mountain in Georgia has come under attack from the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP. The chapter's leader is calling for the removal of the Confederate Memorial Carving that depicts Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.

A press release from Richard Rose, the president of the Atlanta chapter of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People, calls for the elimination of the Confederate carving, calling it a "glorification of white supremacy.

So you can take off the S in liberals and take comfort in knowing that one guy said one thing. OMG OMG OMG! One guy!
One guy?

That's your reply?

He speaks for the entire Chapter of the Atlanta NAACP.....it is MORE than just one guy...

Hey, Go with that if it makes you feel better, but its still one guy. So do like you always do and claim that one persons opinion represents all of them. Pick a group, one liberal equals all. One black equals all, but remember 1 white person is an individual....unless they are a liberal
On the contrary....it is people like you who claim one persons opinion speaks for everyone....you do it each time ONE Republican says something stupid....

Yes, Do the Stephanie. You're doing it because I do it RIGHT? RIIIIIIGHT?

However, in this case, this is a guy who speaks for that Chapter of the NAACP. That means he speaks for EVERY member...that is how those associations work. Those who disagree with him are free to stand up and speak out against him...

Yes, he speaks for everyone because you, a dipshit online SAYS so.

You get back to Me when you have that happen. Until then, this is just another example of why these kinds of organizations should be ridiculed and laughed at.

These type of organizations? Are you doing it again? Blaming the entire organization for the opinion of one guy?

Are you doing it because a liberal someone did it...and you find it so disgusting you decided to jump in too?
You're losing it......Are you okay? Is the pressure getting to you?

You used to at least sound coherent......

You did it because liberals somewhere did it too. Gotcha
One chapter equals the entire NAACP!!! Yaaaaa!
I did not say that. That makes you a liar.

Until then, this is just another example of why these kinds of organizations should be ridiculed and laughed at.

I guess you used the "S" by accident then.
He speaks for the entire Chapter of the Atlanta NAACP.....it is MORE than just one guy...


I guess you used the S by accident then *shrugs *
CNN must believe it's a serious story:

NAACP: Banish Confederate symbols from Stone Mountain in Georgia

CNN)Following the removal of the Confederate flag from the South Carolina's State House grounds, the next battleground in the debate over racially charged Civil War symbols may be Stone Mountain, a historic site and tourist attraction northeast of Atlanta, Georgia's largest city.

The mountain is actually a massive rock outcropping, 825 feet high, whose north face contains a bas-relief carving of Confederate heroes Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson.

The Atlanta branch of the NAACP is calling for the immediate removal of all Confederate symbols from Stone Mountain Park, state-owned property that also houses a Civil War museum, hiking trails and other attractions.

Richard Rose, president of the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP, said the carving and surrounding depictions of the Civil War offer a false narrative and have no place on public property.

"That carving is a great piece of art, but it was commissioned out of hate and white supremacy," Rose said. "The state should not be supporting or condoning white supremacy with my tax dollars."

The request is part of the chapter's call to take down all signs of the Confederacy at Georgia-owned properties.

But John Bankhead, spokesman for the Stone Mountain Memorial Association, which maintains the park, said the property is self-sufficient. Park maintenance and operations are covered by revenues, not tax dollars, he said.

The Georgia legislature formed the SMMA after the state purchased the park and its surrounding land in 1958.

In addition, changes to the park must be approved by the state government, Bankhead said.

"This park is protected by the law," he told CNN. "The decision has to be made by the legislature for any changes to be made here."

A Confederate battle flag -- the same type removed by South Carolina -- flies at the park.Someone stole it last week, although the flag was quickly replaced.

Bankhead said there is no reason to remove the flag since the park is designed as a memorial.

"This is set up by Georgia law as a museum for the Confederacy," he said.

But Rose takes issue with characterizing the park as a museum. He said the carving -- which is 200 feet tall and larger than Mount Rushmore -- was done to support what the Confederacy stood for. The accompanying museum offers a false history by diminishing slavery's role while claiming the Civil War was mainly about states' rights, he said.

NAACP Banish Confederate symbols from Stone Mountain - CNN.com
I was just thinking about this a couple days ago, I knew demands to destroy the artwork would be coming soon.
They should change their name to NAACTP.

"National Association for the Advancement of Colored Taliban People".

NAACP wants Confederate carving removed from Georgia's Stone Mountain

The Confederate Memorial Carving on Stone Mountain, Ga., depicts Confederate President Jefferson Davis and Gens. Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson in relief.

(John Bazemore / Associated Press)

By DAVID NGcontact the reporter

"" style="border: 0px; vertical-align: bottom;">

Atlanta NAACP chapter wants Confederate carving removed from side of Stone Mountain

The famous outdoor relief sculpture depicting Confederate leaders on Stone Mountain in Georgia has come under attack from the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP. The chapter's leader is calling for the removal of the Confederate Memorial Carving that depicts Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.

lRelatedNATIONConfederate flag is coming down in South Carolina; battles go on elsewhereSEE ALL RELATED


"" style="border: 0px; vertical-align: bottom;">

A press release from Richard Rose, the president of the Atlanta chapter of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People, calls for the elimination of the Confederate carving, calling it a "glorification of white supremacy."

Confederate flag paintings to go on display at Laguna Art Museum

"It is time for Georgia and other Southern states to end the glorification of slavery and white supremacy paid for and maintained with the taxes of all its citizens," the release states.

"History reminds us that despite the hero status accorded to Robert E. Lee, the West Point educated Lee was a traitor who led the military effort of the breakaway states, including Georgia."


Folks. There's a part of our history that involves slavery and bondage. You can tear down every monument you want in efforts to erase the past, but in the end, you've failed to re-write history. All the monuments should stand. They should stand as reminders. They are teaching moments....


AT 12:09 PM JULY 14, 2015



"" style="border: 0px; vertical-align: bottom;">

The release continues, "The insurrection's sole purpose was to create a separate nation that would maintain the enslavement of generations of African descendants."

Rose said in a phone interview with The Times on Tuesday that "symbols demonstrate people's mindset. They mean something. There are monuments all over the South... that were erected to demonstrate and celebrate white supremacy."

He said that the art work is also inappropriate because none of the Confederate leaders depicted hails from Georgia.

TV Land drops 'The Dukes of Hazzard' reruns

"The heritage we should be celebrating is the U.S. heritage. We're not a separate nation," Rose said. He added that he is working with local lawmakers to push this issue forward.

In an interview with local Atlanta WSB-TV, Rose said that the Confederate carvings "can be sandblasted off or someone can carefully remove a slab of that" to sell at auction to the highest bidder.

NAACP wants Confederate carving removed from Georgia apos s Stone Mountain - LA Times
The stupid people are going to keep this up until they get what's coming to them. Obviously, they want another war, and they're very close to getting one. This BS has gone far enough. There're a lot of folks that have had just about enough of this BS. I knew they wouldn't be satisfied with just the removal of the flag, I knew it. I hope and pray they get what they deserve pretty soon.
So you want the South to get it's ass kicked AGAIN???!!!
I was just thinking about this a couple days ago, I knew demands to destroy the artwork would be coming soon.
They should change their name to NAACTP.

"National Association for the Advancement of Colored Taliban People".

NAACP wants Confederate carving removed from Georgia's Stone Mountain

The Confederate Memorial Carving on Stone Mountain, Ga., depicts Confederate President Jefferson Davis and Gens. Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson in relief.

(John Bazemore / Associated Press)

By DAVID NGcontact the reporter

"" style="border: 0px; vertical-align: bottom;">

Atlanta NAACP chapter wants Confederate carving removed from side of Stone Mountain

The famous outdoor relief sculpture depicting Confederate leaders on Stone Mountain in Georgia has come under attack from the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP. The chapter's leader is calling for the removal of the Confederate Memorial Carving that depicts Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.

lRelatedNATIONConfederate flag is coming down in South Carolina; battles go on elsewhereSEE ALL RELATED


"" style="border: 0px; vertical-align: bottom;">

A press release from Richard Rose, the president of the Atlanta chapter of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People, calls for the elimination of the Confederate carving, calling it a "glorification of white supremacy."

Confederate flag paintings to go on display at Laguna Art Museum

"It is time for Georgia and other Southern states to end the glorification of slavery and white supremacy paid for and maintained with the taxes of all its citizens," the release states.

"History reminds us that despite the hero status accorded to Robert E. Lee, the West Point educated Lee was a traitor who led the military effort of the breakaway states, including Georgia."


Folks. There's a part of our history that involves slavery and bondage. You can tear down every monument you want in efforts to erase the past, but in the end, you've failed to re-write history. All the monuments should stand. They should stand as reminders. They are teaching moments....


AT 12:09 PM JULY 14, 2015



"" style="border: 0px; vertical-align: bottom;">

The release continues, "The insurrection's sole purpose was to create a separate nation that would maintain the enslavement of generations of African descendants."

Rose said in a phone interview with The Times on Tuesday that "symbols demonstrate people's mindset. They mean something. There are monuments all over the South... that were erected to demonstrate and celebrate white supremacy."

He said that the art work is also inappropriate because none of the Confederate leaders depicted hails from Georgia.

TV Land drops 'The Dukes of Hazzard' reruns

"The heritage we should be celebrating is the U.S. heritage. We're not a separate nation," Rose said. He added that he is working with local lawmakers to push this issue forward.

In an interview with local Atlanta WSB-TV, Rose said that the Confederate carvings "can be sandblasted off or someone can carefully remove a slab of that" to sell at auction to the highest bidder.

NAACP wants Confederate carving removed from Georgia apos s Stone Mountain - LA Times
The stupid people are going to keep this up until they get what's coming to them. Obviously, they want another war, and they're very close to getting one. This BS has gone far enough. There're a lot of folks that have had just about enough of this BS. I knew they wouldn't be satisfied with just the removal of the flag, I knew it. I hope and pray they get what they deserve pretty soon.
So you want the South to get it's ass kicked AGAIN???!!!
Let the chips fall where they may.
"Liberals doing stupid shit" needs no link. Its guaranteed.

Yeah, except its not liberals its one guy

The very first sentence says this:

The Famous outdoor relief sculpture depicting Confederate leaders on Stone Mountain in Georgia has come under attack from the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP. The chapter's leader is calling for the removal of the Confederate Memorial Carving that depicts Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.

A press release from Richard Rose, the president of the Atlanta chapter of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People, calls for the elimination of the Confederate carving, calling it a "glorification of white supremacy.

So you can take off the S in liberals and take comfort in knowing that one guy said one thing. OMG OMG OMG! One guy!

I'm certain there are plenty more blacks and white libs who would love to see the artwork destroyed.

Yeah but certainty means nothing, what you can prove means everything. So your OP is a lie, its one guy with an opinion.

And you're losing your shit over one guy, and this other stooge is begging for a war....because of one guy

Keep beating that dead horse, you might get someone to agree with you. Who is that one guy? The leader of that NAACP chapter. Who does he speak for? The whole chapter. What is the chapter part of? The state and national NAACP. He isn't just giving his personal opinion. He is speaking officially as an NAACP leader. You're welcome.

Jeez, first you say someone will agree with me then you agree its ONE guy. Thanks for being that someone

I forgot that you are willfully and proudly stoopid. Read it again with your moron goggles off.

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