Well here we go NAACP calls for the destruction of Stone Mountain

why the fuck do we have a giant stone carving honoring traitors?

Did you just become aware of the existence of Stone Mountain ?
nah. i've known about it for a while. haven't ever seen it in person though. it's aesthetically pleasing from the pictures, just wish it paid tribute to someone more deserving that the traitors depicted.

The real traitors were the people killing Americans for wanting to leave the union.
The stupid people are going to keep this up until they get what's coming to them. Obviously, they want another war, and they're very close to getting one.

Sonny must be a democrat calling for the citizens to have a war. I dont know if you can have a war on one guy but.....
FYI - Sonny is NOT a Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative, Moderate, Right Wing, Left Wing, nor anything other than an American for America, period. And, In my opinion, if "they" keep this BS up, they'll be another war, and I'll be glad when it comes.

Thats what all republicans say.
I couldn't give a shit what they say. I said what I meant.
Gotta love this genius: :lol:

"Lee surrendered to Appomattox"

The Atlanta Chapter of the NAACP is calling for the removal of the Confederacy from Stone Mountain Park. Local chapter president Richard Rose says, “It is time for Georgia and other Southern states to end the glorification of slavery and white supremacy, paid for and maintained, with the taxes of all its citizens.” According to Rose, “all of this recognition of Confederate generals is upholding the white supremacy on which the Confederacy was founded and the war was fought.” He goes on to say, “all of this should have ended in 1865 when Lee surrendered to Appomattox.
Gotta love this genius: :lol:

"Lee surrendered to Appomattox"

The Atlanta Chapter of the NAACP is calling for the removal of the Confederacy from Stone Mountain Park. Local chapter president Richard Rose says, “It is time for Georgia and other Southern states to end the glorification of slavery and white supremacy, paid for and maintained, with the taxes of all its citizens.” According to Rose, “all of this recognition of Confederate generals is upholding the white supremacy on which the Confederacy was founded and the war was fought.” He goes on to say, “all of this should have ended in 1865 when Lee surrendered to Appomattox.
The North Won, the South Lost. Slavery ended. So, why are we still beating a dead horse? What's the friggin problem?
The problem is that even if it's removed, they'll bitch and complain about removing some else, then complain about something else, then complain about something else. You can NOT satisfy those that can NOT be satisfied. It's impossible.
so? sounds like that's they're problem. but if enough people want the carving honoring traitorous filth removed would you oppose it?
Sure. I would be oppose to it if they also didn't remove every single image from every single building, landmark, book, publication, sign, statue, or anything else with a person's image on it. If they're going to remove it, why not remove everyone from every single place imaginable?
because that's a retarded request.

asking to remove a giant monument to traitors that fought for slavery? that's not retarded.
Traitors? Pleeeeez ............ I doubt that you even know the meaning of the word .............. I tell you what, why don't you and all the rest of the trouble makers take it upon yourselves to go destroy the mountain. How brave are you? Can your parakeet ass back up your pathetic stupid alligator mouth? Go ahead, go destroy it yourself if it offends you so damn much. Have at it you low-life piece of shit. You want trouble, then go take the first swing at the mountain. Mouthy pieces of shit like you are a dime a dozen on any street corner. This country is in the sad shameful pathetic shape that it's in due to damn trouble makers like you. We'll never know peace and harmony, never live as one nation, one people, undivided, as long as there are pathetic pieces of shit like you living in society.
right, because i'm the one pushing for another civil war.

and every man on that monument is a traitor to the united states. every damn one. the fought against their fellow americans.
so fuck them and their monument.
You don't know what a civil war is do you?
civ·il war
/ˌsɪvɪl ˈwɔ(ə)r/


  • 1. a war between citizens of the same country
The CSA was a different country and therefore NONE of those men on Stone Mountain were citizens of the USA therefore it was NOT a civil war. History lesson over.
The problem is that even if it's removed, they'll bitch and complain about removing some else, then complain about something else, then complain about something else. You can NOT satisfy those that can NOT be satisfied. It's impossible.
so? sounds like that's they're problem. but if enough people want the carving honoring traitorous filth removed would you oppose it?
Sure. I would be oppose to it if they also didn't remove every single image from every single building, landmark, book, publication, sign, statue, or anything else with a person's image on it. If they're going to remove it, why not remove everyone from every single place imaginable?
because that's a retarded request.

asking to remove a giant monument to traitors that fought for slavery? that's not retarded.
They aren't asking for monument of Washington and Jefferson to be removed they are asking for a monument to men who fought against a tyrannical dictator to be removed. Learn some history but please first remove your head from your ass.
Yea, well, give you low-life assholes time, you'll remove every damn thing. Trouble makers are never satisfied, it's impossible. And, from your pathetic stupid comments, you're all ass, head included.
I was being a smartass to the idiot there. He obviously missed my point. Washington,Jefferson,Adams,Franklin were all "traitors" to their "home country" as well and fought against it as well AND they owned slaves yet I don't see him bitching about them or monuments to them or schools named after them etc etc.
so? sounds like that's they're problem. but if enough people want the carving honoring traitorous filth removed would you oppose it?
Sure. I would be oppose to it if they also didn't remove every single image from every single building, landmark, book, publication, sign, statue, or anything else with a person's image on it. If they're going to remove it, why not remove everyone from every single place imaginable?
because that's a retarded request.

asking to remove a giant monument to traitors that fought for slavery? that's not retarded.
Traitors? Pleeeeez ............ I doubt that you even know the meaning of the word .............. I tell you what, why don't you and all the rest of the trouble makers take it upon yourselves to go destroy the mountain. How brave are you? Can your parakeet ass back up your pathetic stupid alligator mouth? Go ahead, go destroy it yourself if it offends you so damn much. Have at it you low-life piece of shit. You want trouble, then go take the first swing at the mountain. Mouthy pieces of shit like you are a dime a dozen on any street corner. This country is in the sad shameful pathetic shape that it's in due to damn trouble makers like you. We'll never know peace and harmony, never live as one nation, one people, undivided, as long as there are pathetic pieces of shit like you living in society.
right, because i'm the one pushing for another civil war.

and every man on that monument is a traitor to the united states. every damn one. the fought against their fellow americans.
so fuck them and their monument.
You don't know what a civil war is do you?
civ·il war
/ˌsɪvɪl ˈwɔ(ə)r/


  • 1. a war between citizens of the same country
The CSA was a different country and therefore NONE of those men on Stone Mountain were citizens of the USA therefore it was NOT a civil war. History lesson over.
so? sounds like that's they're problem. but if enough people want the carving honoring traitorous filth removed would you oppose it?
Sure. I would be oppose to it if they also didn't remove every single image from every single building, landmark, book, publication, sign, statue, or anything else with a person's image on it. If they're going to remove it, why not remove everyone from every single place imaginable?
because that's a retarded request.

asking to remove a giant monument to traitors that fought for slavery? that's not retarded.
They aren't asking for monument of Washington and Jefferson to be removed they are asking for a monument to men who fought against a tyrannical dictator to be removed. Learn some history but please first remove your head from your ass.
Yea, well, give you low-life assholes time, you'll remove every damn thing. Trouble makers are never satisfied, it's impossible. And, from your pathetic stupid comments, you're all ass, head included.
I was being a smartass to the idiot there. He obviously missed my point. Washington,Jefferson,Adams,Franklin were all "traitors" to their "home country" as well and fought against it as well AND they owned slaves yet I don't see him bitching about them or monuments to them or schools named after them etc etc.
Thanks. I understand. No problem.
why the fuck do we have a giant stone carving honoring traitors?

Did you just become aware of the existence of Stone Mountain ?
nah. i've known about it for a while. haven't ever seen it in person though. it's aesthetically pleasing from the pictures, just wish it paid tribute to someone more deserving that the traitors depicted.

The real traitors were the people killing Americans for wanting to leave the union.
you're welcome to that erroneous opinion. the law disagrees.
so? sounds like that's they're problem. but if enough people want the carving honoring traitorous filth removed would you oppose it?
Sure. I would be oppose to it if they also didn't remove every single image from every single building, landmark, book, publication, sign, statue, or anything else with a person's image on it. If they're going to remove it, why not remove everyone from every single place imaginable?
because that's a retarded request.

asking to remove a giant monument to traitors that fought for slavery? that's not retarded.
Traitors? Pleeeeez ............ I doubt that you even know the meaning of the word .............. I tell you what, why don't you and all the rest of the trouble makers take it upon yourselves to go destroy the mountain. How brave are you? Can your parakeet ass back up your pathetic stupid alligator mouth? Go ahead, go destroy it yourself if it offends you so damn much. Have at it you low-life piece of shit. You want trouble, then go take the first swing at the mountain. Mouthy pieces of shit like you are a dime a dozen on any street corner. This country is in the sad shameful pathetic shape that it's in due to damn trouble makers like you. We'll never know peace and harmony, never live as one nation, one people, undivided, as long as there are pathetic pieces of shit like you living in society.
right, because i'm the one pushing for another civil war.

and every man on that monument is a traitor to the united states. every damn one. the fought against their fellow americans.
so fuck them and their monument.
You don't know what a civil war is do you?
civ·il war
/ˌsɪvɪl ˈwɔ(ə)r/


  • 1. a war between citizens of the same country
The CSA was a different country and therefore NONE of those men on Stone Mountain were citizens of the USA therefore it was NOT a civil war. History lesson over.
so? sounds like that's they're problem. but if enough people want the carving honoring traitorous filth removed would you oppose it?
Sure. I would be oppose to it if they also didn't remove every single image from every single building, landmark, book, publication, sign, statue, or anything else with a person's image on it. If they're going to remove it, why not remove everyone from every single place imaginable?
because that's a retarded request.

asking to remove a giant monument to traitors that fought for slavery? that's not retarded.
They aren't asking for monument of Washington and Jefferson to be removed they are asking for a monument to men who fought against a tyrannical dictator to be removed. Learn some history but please first remove your head from your ass.
Yea, well, give you low-life assholes time, you'll remove every damn thing. Trouble makers are never satisfied, it's impossible. And, from your pathetic stupid comments, you're all ass, head included.
I was being a smartass to the idiot there. He obviously missed my point. Washington,Jefferson,Adams,Franklin were all "traitors" to their "home country" as well and fought against it as well AND they owned slaves yet I don't see him bitching about them or monuments to them or schools named after them etc etc.

Give the left some time here, I fully expect to be hearing calls for the monuments to the founders who owned slaves to be torn down.
Maybe not this year, but in time the calls will begin to be heard.
so? sounds like that's they're problem. but if enough people want the carving honoring traitorous filth removed would you oppose it?
Sure. I would be oppose to it if they also didn't remove every single image from every single building, landmark, book, publication, sign, statue, or anything else with a person's image on it. If they're going to remove it, why not remove everyone from every single place imaginable?
because that's a retarded request.

asking to remove a giant monument to traitors that fought for slavery? that's not retarded.
Traitors? Pleeeeez ............ I doubt that you even know the meaning of the word .............. I tell you what, why don't you and all the rest of the trouble makers take it upon yourselves to go destroy the mountain. How brave are you? Can your parakeet ass back up your pathetic stupid alligator mouth? Go ahead, go destroy it yourself if it offends you so damn much. Have at it you low-life piece of shit. You want trouble, then go take the first swing at the mountain. Mouthy pieces of shit like you are a dime a dozen on any street corner. This country is in the sad shameful pathetic shape that it's in due to damn trouble makers like you. We'll never know peace and harmony, never live as one nation, one people, undivided, as long as there are pathetic pieces of shit like you living in society.
right, because i'm the one pushing for another civil war.

and every man on that monument is a traitor to the united states. every damn one. the fought against their fellow americans.
so fuck them and their monument.
You don't know what a civil war is do you?
civ·il war
/ˌsɪvɪl ˈwɔ(ə)r/


  • 1. a war between citizens of the same country
The CSA was a different country and therefore NONE of those men on Stone Mountain were citizens of the USA therefore it was NOT a civil war. History lesson over.
so? sounds like that's they're problem. but if enough people want the carving honoring traitorous filth removed would you oppose it?
Sure. I would be oppose to it if they also didn't remove every single image from every single building, landmark, book, publication, sign, statue, or anything else with a person's image on it. If they're going to remove it, why not remove everyone from every single place imaginable?
because that's a retarded request.

asking to remove a giant monument to traitors that fought for slavery? that's not retarded.
They aren't asking for monument of Washington and Jefferson to be removed they are asking for a monument to men who fought against a tyrannical dictator to be removed. Learn some history but please first remove your head from your ass.
Yea, well, give you low-life assholes time, you'll remove every damn thing. Trouble makers are never satisfied, it's impossible. And, from your pathetic stupid comments, you're all ass, head included.
I was being a smartass to the idiot there. He obviously missed my point. Washington,Jefferson,Adams,Franklin were all "traitors" to their "home country" as well and fought against it as well AND they owned slaves yet I don't see him bitching about them or monuments to them or schools named after them etc etc.
the csa was a different country in the same way that i'm the padishah emperor of a 1000 worlds.
simply declaring something doesn't make it so.
why the fuck do we have a giant stone carving honoring traitors?

Did you just become aware of the existence of Stone Mountain ?
nah. i've known about it for a while. haven't ever seen it in person though. it's aesthetically pleasing from the pictures, just wish it paid tribute to someone more deserving that the traitors depicted.

The real traitors were the people killing Americans for wanting to leave the union.
you're welcome to that erroneous opinion. the law disagrees.

Slavery was wrong, but so was forcing states to remain part of the union.
I don't remember the federal government sending the armed forces in to force territories to become part of the U.S.
Statehood and becoming part of the U.S. was up to the people who lived in those territories, and seceding should have also been up to those same people.
why the fuck do we have a giant stone carving honoring traitors?

Did you just become aware of the existence of Stone Mountain ?
nah. i've known about it for a while. haven't ever seen it in person though. it's aesthetically pleasing from the pictures, just wish it paid tribute to someone more deserving that the traitors depicted.

The real traitors were the people killing Americans for wanting to leave the union.
you're welcome to that erroneous opinion. the law disagrees.

Slavery was wrong, but so was forcing states to remain part of the union.
I don't remember the federal government sending the armed forces in to force territories to become part of the U.S.
Statehood and becoming part of the U.S. was up to the people who lived in those territories, and seceding should have also been up to those same people.
the supreme court disagrees.
Sure. I would be oppose to it if they also didn't remove every single image from every single building, landmark, book, publication, sign, statue, or anything else with a person's image on it. If they're going to remove it, why not remove everyone from every single place imaginable?
because that's a retarded request.

asking to remove a giant monument to traitors that fought for slavery? that's not retarded.
Traitors? Pleeeeez ............ I doubt that you even know the meaning of the word .............. I tell you what, why don't you and all the rest of the trouble makers take it upon yourselves to go destroy the mountain. How brave are you? Can your parakeet ass back up your pathetic stupid alligator mouth? Go ahead, go destroy it yourself if it offends you so damn much. Have at it you low-life piece of shit. You want trouble, then go take the first swing at the mountain. Mouthy pieces of shit like you are a dime a dozen on any street corner. This country is in the sad shameful pathetic shape that it's in due to damn trouble makers like you. We'll never know peace and harmony, never live as one nation, one people, undivided, as long as there are pathetic pieces of shit like you living in society.
right, because i'm the one pushing for another civil war.

and every man on that monument is a traitor to the united states. every damn one. the fought against their fellow americans.
so fuck them and their monument.
You don't know what a civil war is do you?
civ·il war
/ˌsɪvɪl ˈwɔ(ə)r/


  • 1. a war between citizens of the same country
The CSA was a different country and therefore NONE of those men on Stone Mountain were citizens of the USA therefore it was NOT a civil war. History lesson over.
Sure. I would be oppose to it if they also didn't remove every single image from every single building, landmark, book, publication, sign, statue, or anything else with a person's image on it. If they're going to remove it, why not remove everyone from every single place imaginable?
because that's a retarded request.

asking to remove a giant monument to traitors that fought for slavery? that's not retarded.
They aren't asking for monument of Washington and Jefferson to be removed they are asking for a monument to men who fought against a tyrannical dictator to be removed. Learn some history but please first remove your head from your ass.
Yea, well, give you low-life assholes time, you'll remove every damn thing. Trouble makers are never satisfied, it's impossible. And, from your pathetic stupid comments, you're all ass, head included.
I was being a smartass to the idiot there. He obviously missed my point. Washington,Jefferson,Adams,Franklin were all "traitors" to their "home country" as well and fought against it as well AND they owned slaves yet I don't see him bitching about them or monuments to them or schools named after them etc etc.
the csa was a different country in the same way that i'm the padishah emperor of a 1000 worlds.
simply declaring something doesn't make it so.
Really and in YOUR opinion what makes a country eh? Was the USA a country when it declared independence from England? CSA had government,military,currency etc etc etc it was a functioning country.
Did you just become aware of the existence of Stone Mountain ?
nah. i've known about it for a while. haven't ever seen it in person though. it's aesthetically pleasing from the pictures, just wish it paid tribute to someone more deserving that the traitors depicted.

The real traitors were the people killing Americans for wanting to leave the union.
you're welcome to that erroneous opinion. the law disagrees.

Slavery was wrong, but so was forcing states to remain part of the union.
I don't remember the federal government sending the armed forces in to force territories to become part of the U.S.
Statehood and becoming part of the U.S. was up to the people who lived in those territories, and seceding should have also been up to those same people.
the supreme court disagrees.
Would that be the SC that was run by same Justice that refused to try Jefferson Davis for treason because he knew the constitution did not ban secession? I bet so. Also is the fact the case that the SC decided to illegally declare secession illegal had NOTHING to do with secession at all. I will stand with Jefferson and his calls for nullification on this. Just because a court says something is wrong doesn't make it wrong. That's their OPINIONS not facts or even close to being something the founding document of this country has as fact and set in concrete.So nice try.
The stupid people are going to keep this up until they get what's coming to them. Obviously, they want another war, and they're very close to getting one.

Sonny must be a democrat calling for the citizens to have a war. I dont know if you can have a war on one guy but.....
FYI - Sonny is NOT a Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative, Moderate, Right Wing, Left Wing, nor anything other than an American for America, period. And, In my opinion, if "they" keep this BS up, they'll be another war, and I'll be glad when it comes.

Thats what all republicans say.
I couldn't give a shit what they say. I said what I meant.

Of course you dont...your bullshit is verbatim, you caring or not doesnt make a difference
The stupid people are going to keep this up until they get what's coming to them. Obviously, they want another war, and they're very close to getting one.

Sonny must be a democrat calling for the citizens to have a war. I dont know if you can have a war on one guy but.....
FYI - Sonny is NOT a Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative, Moderate, Right Wing, Left Wing, nor anything other than an American for America, period. And, In my opinion, if "they" keep this BS up, they'll be another war, and I'll be glad when it comes.

Thats what all republicans say.
I couldn't give a shit what they say. I said what I meant.

Of course you dont...your bullshit is verbatim, you caring or not doesnt make a difference
Yea, well, your bullshit isn't too impressive either Bubba. Anything else?
Sonny must be a democrat calling for the citizens to have a war. I dont know if you can have a war on one guy but.....
FYI - Sonny is NOT a Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative, Moderate, Right Wing, Left Wing, nor anything other than an American for America, period. And, In my opinion, if "they" keep this BS up, they'll be another war, and I'll be glad when it comes.

Thats what all republicans say.
I couldn't give a shit what they say. I said what I meant.

Of course you dont...your bullshit is verbatim, you caring or not doesnt make a difference
Yea, well, your bullshit isn't too impressive either Bubba. Anything else?

Ok being impressive doesnt make a difference either. I'm clearly talking about your "I'm not a part of any party" talking point that is said verbatim by all of you guys, you independent thinker you!
why the fuck do we have a giant stone carving honoring traitors?
The Civil War may be regarded as the most violently emphatic political disagreement in American history but I would not characterize all who participated in it, on either side, as "traitors," mainly because none of them felt they were betraying anything. The simple fact is both sides firmly and religiously believed they were right and they foolishly set about to prove it in the stupidest possible way.

The Civil War, regardless of the various intellectual assessments of its true purpose, is a significant part of our history. Because the existence of chattel slavery was one component in the disagreement between North and South does not mean we should endeavor to erase every aspect and characteristic of our history.

Black Americans, especially those who are best described as race pimps, are well advised that slavery has been abolished, Jim Crow is no more, and their civil rights have been legally enforced for half a century. So this emerging effort to start erasing vestigial images of our history will serve no more substantial purpose than that of pissing off a lot of White Americans who formerly held no grievance against you.

So my advice is to stop the whining. It's a new day. We have a Black President. There are Black generals in our military forces. There are quite a few Black millionaires. Black professors in our universities. Black mayors. Black police officials and officers. So turn your efforts to taking advantage of your freedom and available opportunities instead of engaging in such childishly vindictive, counterproductive bullshit as striking flags and erasing images of historical figures.

Because the obvious question arises as to what your ultimate objective will be. Is it the destruction of all White people?
FYI - Sonny is NOT a Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative, Moderate, Right Wing, Left Wing, nor anything other than an American for America, period. And, In my opinion, if "they" keep this BS up, they'll be another war, and I'll be glad when it comes.

Thats what all republicans say.
I couldn't give a shit what they say. I said what I meant.

Of course you dont...your bullshit is verbatim, you caring or not doesnt make a difference
Yea, well, your bullshit isn't too impressive either Bubba. Anything else?

Ok being impressive doesnt make a difference either. I'm clearly talking about your "I'm not a part of any party" talking point that is said verbatim by all of you guys, you independent thinker you!
I'm NOT a part of any political party. I do NOT believe in party politics. So, your point is?
Did you just become aware of the existence of Stone Mountain ?
nah. i've known about it for a while. haven't ever seen it in person though. it's aesthetically pleasing from the pictures, just wish it paid tribute to someone more deserving that the traitors depicted.

The real traitors were the people killing Americans for wanting to leave the union.
you're welcome to that erroneous opinion. the law disagrees.

Slavery was wrong, but so was forcing states to remain part of the union.
I don't remember the federal government sending the armed forces in to force territories to become part of the U.S.
Statehood and becoming part of the U.S. was up to the people who lived in those territories, and seceding should have also been up to those same people.
the supreme court disagrees.

Yeah and the SCOTUS also say's it's okay to chop up fetuses too, they also say Obamacare is a tax, even though it was sold as not being a tax, they also redefined marriage ignoring centuries of how it was defined the world over.
Just because they say one thing doesn't mean it's chiseled in stone.

The bottom line to me, it was morally wrong to force states to remain in the union just as much as it was morally wrong to own another human being.

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