Well here we go NAACP calls for the destruction of Stone Mountain

contact the NAACP and have them get behind this. IMMEDIATLY

The late Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) was a member of the Ku Klux Klan and led the filibuster against the 1964 Civil Rights Act
Remove name of the late Senator, Ku Klux Klan member Robert Byrd from the public space, road ways

all of it at:
Remove name of the late Senator Ku Klux Klan member Robert Byrd from the public space road ways
In my opinion, they're not going to stop or be satisfied until there's another war. And, I hope it's soon.
The stupid people are going to keep this up until they get what's coming to them. Obviously, they want another war, and they're very close to getting one.

Sonny must be a democrat calling for the citizens to have a war. I dont know if you can have a war on one guy but.....
FYI - Sonny is NOT a Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative, Moderate, Right Wing, Left Wing, nor anything other than an American for America, period. And, In my opinion, if "they" keep this BS up, they'll be another war, and I'll be glad when it comes.
so Sonny IS an asshole.
Hardly so. Sonny wants everyone to live in peace and harmony as one people, one nation, undivided. What do you want?

P.S. Calling me names shows you immaturity. Care to discuss the issue as adults?
really? you want peace but say 'they'll be another war, and I'll be glad when it comes.'

you're an asshole wanting to kill other americans over political differences.
why the fuck do we have a giant stone carving honoring traitors?
Because we wanted one. Anything else?
who is the 'we' in that sentence?
The people that approved of it, and those that commissioned it. Anything else?
so if the people approve of removing it, what's the problem?
The problem is that even if it's removed, they'll bitch and complain about removing some else, then complain about something else, then complain about something else. You can NOT satisfy those that can NOT be satisfied. It's impossible.
why the fuck do we have a giant stone carving honoring traitors?
Because we wanted one. Anything else?
who is the 'we' in that sentence?
The people that approved of it, and those that commissioned it. Anything else?
so if the people approve of removing it, what's the problem?
The problem is that even if it's removed, they'll bitch and complain about removing some else, then complain about something else, then complain about something else. You can NOT satisfy those that can NOT be satisfied. It's impossible.
so? sounds like that's they're problem. but if enough people want the carving honoring traitorous filth removed would you oppose it?
The stupid people are going to keep this up until they get what's coming to them. Obviously, they want another war, and they're very close to getting one.

Sonny must be a democrat calling for the citizens to have a war. I dont know if you can have a war on one guy but.....
FYI - Sonny is NOT a Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative, Moderate, Right Wing, Left Wing, nor anything other than an American for America, period. And, In my opinion, if "they" keep this BS up, they'll be another war, and I'll be glad when it comes.
so Sonny IS an asshole.
Hardly so. Sonny wants everyone to live in peace and harmony as one people, one nation, undivided. What do you want?

P.S. Calling me names shows you immaturity. Care to discuss the issue as adults?
really? you want peace but say 'they'll be another war, and I'll be glad when it comes.'

you're an asshole wanting to kill other americans over political differences.
And you're a brainless piece of shit that has no understanding of what's happening to this once great nation. It's low-life jerks like you that's the reason we have no peace and harmony in this country. You're the type that is happy as long as the bucket of shit is stirred until it stinks.
Because we wanted one. Anything else?
who is the 'we' in that sentence?
The people that approved of it, and those that commissioned it. Anything else?
so if the people approve of removing it, what's the problem?
The problem is that even if it's removed, they'll bitch and complain about removing some else, then complain about something else, then complain about something else. You can NOT satisfy those that can NOT be satisfied. It's impossible.
so? sounds like that's they're problem. but if enough people want the carving honoring traitorous filth removed would you oppose it?
Sure. I would be oppose to it if they also didn't remove every single image from every single building, landmark, book, publication, sign, statue, or anything else with a person's image on it. If they're going to remove it, why not remove everyone from every single place imaginable?
No link in the OP? Almost guaranteed to be bullshit

"Liberals doing stupid shit" needs no link. Its guaranteed.

Yeah, except its not liberals its one guy

The very first sentence says this:

The Famous outdoor relief sculpture depicting Confederate leaders on Stone Mountain in Georgia has come under attack from the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP. The chapter's leader is calling for the removal of the Confederate Memorial Carving that depicts Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.

A press release from Richard Rose, the president of the Atlanta chapter of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People, calls for the elimination of the Confederate carving, calling it a "glorification of white supremacy.

So you can take off the S in liberals and take comfort in knowing that one guy said one thing. OMG OMG OMG! One guy!

I'm certain there are plenty more blacks and white libs who would love to see the artwork destroyed.

Yeah but certainty means nothing, what you can prove means everything. So your OP is a lie, its one guy with an opinion.

And you're losing your shit over one guy, and this other stooge is begging for a war....because of one guy

Keep beating that dead horse, you might get someone to agree with you. Who is that one guy? The leader of that NAACP chapter. Who does he speak for? The whole chapter. What is the chapter part of? The state and national NAACP. He isn't just giving his personal opinion. He is speaking officially as an NAACP leader. You're welcome.
who is the 'we' in that sentence?
The people that approved of it, and those that commissioned it. Anything else?
so if the people approve of removing it, what's the problem?
The problem is that even if it's removed, they'll bitch and complain about removing some else, then complain about something else, then complain about something else. You can NOT satisfy those that can NOT be satisfied. It's impossible.
so? sounds like that's they're problem. but if enough people want the carving honoring traitorous filth removed would you oppose it?
Sure. I would be oppose to it if they also didn't remove every single image from every single building, landmark, book, publication, sign, statue, or anything else with a person's image on it. If they're going to remove it, why not remove everyone from every single place imaginable?
because that's a retarded request.

asking to remove a giant monument to traitors that fought for slavery? that's not retarded.
No link in the OP? Almost guaranteed to be bullshit

"Liberals doing stupid shit" needs no link. Its guaranteed.

Yeah, except its not liberals its one guy

The very first sentence says this:

The Famous outdoor relief sculpture depicting Confederate leaders on Stone Mountain in Georgia has come under attack from the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP. The chapter's leader is calling for the removal of the Confederate Memorial Carving that depicts Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.

A press release from Richard Rose, the president of the Atlanta chapter of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People, calls for the elimination of the Confederate carving, calling it a "glorification of white supremacy.

So you can take off the S in liberals and take comfort in knowing that one guy said one thing. OMG OMG OMG! One guy!

I'm certain there are plenty more blacks and white libs who would love to see the artwork destroyed.

Yeah but certainty means nothing, what you can prove means everything. So your OP is a lie, its one guy with an opinion.

And you're losing your shit over one guy, and this other stooge is begging for a war....because of one guy
The NAACP said it not one guy. One guy put out the news release from the racist group he is the head so the entire board at the least is with him on this.They can take our artwork down soon as they drag me and thousands of others from the mountain top...:)
Sonny must be a democrat calling for the citizens to have a war. I dont know if you can have a war on one guy but.....
FYI - Sonny is NOT a Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative, Moderate, Right Wing, Left Wing, nor anything other than an American for America, period. And, In my opinion, if "they" keep this BS up, they'll be another war, and I'll be glad when it comes.
so Sonny IS an asshole.
Hardly so. Sonny wants everyone to live in peace and harmony as one people, one nation, undivided. What do you want?

P.S. Calling me names shows you immaturity. Care to discuss the issue as adults?
really? you want peace but say 'they'll be another war, and I'll be glad when it comes.'

you're an asshole wanting to kill other americans over political differences.
And you're a brainless piece of shit that has no understanding of what's happening to this once great nation. It's low-life jerks like you that's the reason we have no peace and harmony in this country. You're the type that is happy as long as the bucket of shit is stirred until it stinks.
right. we need everyone to shut up and know their place. no getting uppity or having an opinion that Sonny disagrees with, or he'll start a war with you
The people that approved of it, and those that commissioned it. Anything else?
so if the people approve of removing it, what's the problem?
The problem is that even if it's removed, they'll bitch and complain about removing some else, then complain about something else, then complain about something else. You can NOT satisfy those that can NOT be satisfied. It's impossible.
so? sounds like that's they're problem. but if enough people want the carving honoring traitorous filth removed would you oppose it?
Sure. I would be oppose to it if they also didn't remove every single image from every single building, landmark, book, publication, sign, statue, or anything else with a person's image on it. If they're going to remove it, why not remove everyone from every single place imaginable?
because that's a retarded request.

asking to remove a giant monument to traitors that fought for slavery? that's not retarded.
They aren't asking for monument of Washington and Jefferson to be removed they are asking for a monument to men who fought against a tyrannical dictator to be removed. Learn some history but please first remove your head from your ass.
so if the people approve of removing it, what's the problem?
The problem is that even if it's removed, they'll bitch and complain about removing some else, then complain about something else, then complain about something else. You can NOT satisfy those that can NOT be satisfied. It's impossible.
so? sounds like that's they're problem. but if enough people want the carving honoring traitorous filth removed would you oppose it?
Sure. I would be oppose to it if they also didn't remove every single image from every single building, landmark, book, publication, sign, statue, or anything else with a person's image on it. If they're going to remove it, why not remove everyone from every single place imaginable?
because that's a retarded request.

asking to remove a giant monument to traitors that fought for slavery? that's not retarded.
They aren't asking for monument of Washington and Jefferson to be removed they are asking for a monument to men who fought against a tyrannical dictator to be removed. Learn some history but please first remove your head from your ass.
you couldn't be dumber if you were trying.
No link in the OP? Almost guaranteed to be bullshit

"Liberals doing stupid shit" needs no link. Its guaranteed.

Yeah, except its not liberals its one guy

The very first sentence says this:

The Famous outdoor relief sculpture depicting Confederate leaders on Stone Mountain in Georgia has come under attack from the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP. The chapter's leader is calling for the removal of the Confederate Memorial Carving that depicts Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.

A press release from Richard Rose, the president of the Atlanta chapter of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People, calls for the elimination of the Confederate carving, calling it a "glorification of white supremacy.

So you can take off the S in liberals and take comfort in knowing that one guy said one thing. OMG OMG OMG! One guy!

I'm certain there are plenty more blacks and white libs who would love to see the artwork destroyed.

Yeah but certainty means nothing, what you can prove means everything. So your OP is a lie, its one guy with an opinion.

And you're losing your shit over one guy, and this other stooge is begging for a war....because of one guy

Keep beating that dead horse, you might get someone to agree with you. Who is that one guy? The leader of that NAACP chapter. Who does he speak for? The whole chapter. What is the chapter part of? The state and national NAACP. He isn't just giving his personal opinion. He is speaking officially as an NAACP leader. You're welcome.

Hopefully that will get through. but doubtful. they voted for Obama after all
No link in the OP? Almost guaranteed to be bullshit

"Liberals doing stupid shit" needs no link. Its guaranteed.

Yeah, except its not liberals its one guy

The very first sentence says this:

The Famous outdoor relief sculpture depicting Confederate leaders on Stone Mountain in Georgia has come under attack from the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP. The chapter's leader is calling for the removal of the Confederate Memorial Carving that depicts Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.

A press release from Richard Rose, the president of the Atlanta chapter of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People, calls for the elimination of the Confederate carving, calling it a "glorification of white supremacy.

So you can take off the S in liberals and take comfort in knowing that one guy said one thing. OMG OMG OMG! One guy!
He is the President of the Atlanta chapter, you idiot. In that capacity, he speaks for his organization.
No link in the OP? Almost guaranteed to be bullshit

"Liberals doing stupid shit" needs no link. Its guaranteed.

Yeah, except its not liberals its one guy

The very first sentence says this:

The Famous outdoor relief sculpture depicting Confederate leaders on Stone Mountain in Georgia has come under attack from the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP. The chapter's leader is calling for the removal of the Confederate Memorial Carving that depicts Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.

A press release from Richard Rose, the president of the Atlanta chapter of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People, calls for the elimination of the Confederate carving, calling it a "glorification of white supremacy.

So you can take off the S in liberals and take comfort in knowing that one guy said one thing. OMG OMG OMG! One guy!

All it takes is one tweet from some dumb twat and the left will be out protesting until they get their way.

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