Well I am a republican

Anyone who refers to Ronald Reagan as Ray Gun and yet claims to be a “Republican” has ripped his own hand as a fraud.


And just why is that? I call Obama, obie.
These are common nicknames.

Good god mam, grow a set.
This member just recently came back and started posting again.

I just wanted to welcome them back, and remind them where the rules were located, so they could review them, so they need not report everyone that gets on their last nerve. 🤪
That explains it because I thought you might have been on the cheeky vimto
And just why is that? I call Obama, obie.
These are common nicknames.

Good god mam, grow a set.
You’re an obvious liar.

The “obvious” part is bad enough. But it’s the fact that you’re a liar that undercuts any value you might have as a poster.
You’re an obvious liar.

The “obvious” part is bad enough. But it’s the fact that you’re a liar that undercuts any value you might have as a poster.


What i expell when I defecate has more value than you.
You’re an obvious liar.

The “obvious” part is bad enough. But it’s the fact that you’re a liar that undercuts any value you might have as a poster.

What i expell when I defecate has more value than you.
These sorts of untoward aspersions cast upon a productive member of this fine forum do not fall within acceptable parameters for behavior in an introductory thread. Kindly report this breach of etiquette to the proper authorities.

who feels he no longer has a party. I voted for Ford, Ray-Gun twice, Old Man Bush twice and Dole but then a boy king wanted to rule and I felt it ridiculous so I vote for Gore, then Kerry. Finally free of the boy king I though I would go back to "my party" when low and behold Sarah Palin appears. The very idea that McCain would place the country in such possible peril with the inclusion of the village idiot as a running mate pushed me into the Obama camp.

Will the republicans get rid of the circus acts and become a viable party again? I don't know but until they do I will not vote for them.

That's me, politically speaking.
GWB wasn't all bad. Most people don't realize that he did more for the liberal agenda than he did for the conservative.
GWB wasn't all bad. Most people don't realize that he did more for the liberal agenda than he did for the conservative.

The war in Iraq, the gift to the insurance industry disguised as a benefit to the elderly and never ending the war in Afghanistan.
The war in Iraq, the gift to the insurance industry disguised as a benefit to the elderly and never ending the war in Afghanistan.
I know you from another forum. I never really believed you were ever a Republican because you just kept posting DNC talking points. But hey, welcome anyway.
I know you from another forum. I never really believed you were ever a Republican because you just kept posting DNC talking points. But hey, welcome anyway.

Life time Republican, devoted anti Trumper.
It has been very hard to support much of anything in the GOP since Bush Jr molded the religious nuts into a significant voting block. Sarah Palin? Good God.
I have become more and more liberal as I got older and realized how the world really worked.
BTW, the talking points are mine. Pay attention without reading my posts using confirmation bias.
The poor and working poor get really fucked.
So basically you're a leftist poser...

Anyone who would knowingly pull the lever for Algore, sKerry, and Barry Zero is certainly not a conservative leaning individual, so that plants you firmly on the left...

Fortunately, the country is finding that this experiment in Marxism and One-Party-Rule without checks and balances is not working and we'll be correcting it soon...

I voted for both Bushes, Reagan and McCain. but could not bring myself to voter for what was being presented to us as conservative Republicans after that. The only good thing about Palin was it meant that no one would ever think of taking McCain out.

Rump was never a conservative nor a Republican. He was raised a John Birch Society member from birth. Our elections are NOT about Terrorizing the other Candidates or the voters. But that is where is lead to in 2016. Rump pulled some shenanigans that should have disqualified him but he got elected. Then, in 2020, his illegal operations finally caught up with him. You see, you let him get away with bad behavior and, like a spoiled 7 year old, he gets worse and worse. He's to the point now where he is no longer viable choice for even the dog catcher.

Rump isn't the cause. It's been steaming for quite some time. I was one of the original Tea Party people. But when the JBSers hijacked it, I went back to being a solid Republican. Then by lying about themselves, they seized the Republican Party and used Rump to cement their control. If you ask them, they will deny being JBSers but just add that to the rest of the lies.

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