Well, it's been a "tough" few nights tussling nonstop, but at the end of it all...

Looks like Sleepy Joe's the one staggering out the bar with the handle, and the other guy is left inside on the dingy floor w/the broken blade stuck in his gut.

Well done Sleepy Joe, well....done!
Cheating has its rewards but biden has not won anything yet
Looks like Sleepy Joe's the one staggering out the bar with the handle, and the other guy is left inside on the dingy floor w/the broken blade stuck in his gut.

Well done Sleepy Joe, well....done!

Don't thank Biden, thank China. They will expect to be rewarded.

I will support any democratically elected leader, but it's going to be a long 4 years for U.S intelligence agencies.
Don't count your chicks just yet.
There are military ballots to count
There are provisional ballots to count.
There are court challenges that might throw out a city or two for breaking election laws.
Its not over til its over, and the fat lady ain't even warming up...
Looks like Sleepy Joe's the one staggering out the bar with the handle, and the other guy is left inside on the dingy floor w/the broken blade stuck in his gut.

Well done Sleepy Joe, well....done!

In PA the (Republican) state leg insisted that mail-in votes that were all done and ready to be counted, had to sit on the shelf gathering dust until election day. Then on the day-of, the day-of votes were counted first, giving the (intentional?) illusion that Rump was considerably ahead.

Because Rump had ordered his (p)sycophantic minions to vote walk-up, and not mail-in. So, being the "yes-master-we-hear-and-obey types, they did exactly that, because they can't think for themselves.

Meanwhile the JB voters, seeing through that malarkey, went right ahead and availed themselves of the newly instituted mail process. Rump tried to derail that by sabotaging the US postal service (didn't work -- a federal judge has ordered the USPS to sweep itself looking for delayed ballots and get them the fuck in)..

Much the same happening in Georgia.

But that's why the running count in this unique no-precedent COVID voting year seesawed as it did --- the first votes counted were the day-of and the last (coming in now) are the mail-in. The last shall be first and the first shall be last. Republican state legislators set it up that way, and they reaped what they sowed.

It's as if you ran an election for, say, class president and said "all those who want candidate X, you vote now, those who want candidate Y, you vote two weeks later". Then when two weeks go by you count the ones that just came in and go "oh look, Y is ahead by 348 to 12". Then you count the votes from two weeks ago and now it's X 513 to Y 462. It's not like a sports event. Or if it is, it's like you analyze a football game at its end with "the Cardinals scored three touchdowns and two field goals, so it's 27 to nothing" and then count up "the 49ers scored four touchdowns and a field goal, so they win 31-27". It's an illusion, possibly, some say, arranged that way so it looks like something being "taken away". Something which in fact was never there to take.
Looks like Sleepy Joe's the one staggering out the bar with the handle, and the other guy is left inside on the dingy floor w/the broken blade stuck in his gut.

Well done Sleepy Joe, well....done!

In PA the (Republican) state leg insisted that mail-in votes that were all done and ready to be counted, had to sit on the shelf gathering dust until election day. Then on the day-of, the day-of votes were counted first, giving the (intentional?) illusion that Rump was considerably ahead.

Because Rump had ordered his (p)sycophantic minions to vote walk-up, and not mail-in. So, being the "yes-master-we-hear-and-obey types, they did exactly that, because they can't think for themselves.

Meanwhile the JB voters, seeing through that malarkey, went right ahead and availed themselves of the newly instituted mail process. Rump tried to derail that by sabotaging the US postal service (didn't work -- a federal judge has ordered the USPS to sweep itself looking for delayed ballots and get them the fuck in)..

Much the same happening in Georgia.

But that's why the running count in this unique no-precedent COVID voting year seesawed as it did --- the first votes counted were the day-of and the last (coming in now) are the mail-in. The last shall be first and the first shall be last. Republican state legislators set it up that way, and they reaped what they sowed.

It's as if you ran an election for, say, class president and said "all those who want candidate X, you vote now, those who want candidate Y, you vote two weeks later". Then when two weeks go by you count the ones that just came in and go "oh look, Y is ahead by 348 to 12". Then you count the votes from two weeks ago and now it's X 513 to Y 462. It's not like a sports event. Or if it is, it's like you analyze a football game at its end with "the Cardinals scored three touchdowns and two field goals, so it's 27 to nothing" and then count up "the 49ers scored four touchdowns and a field goal, so they win 31-27". It's an illusion, possibly, some say, arranged that way so it looks like something being "taken away". Something which in fact was never there to take.

Oh, and you'll notice that in AridZona, where they've already been used to mail-in voting, those obedient Rumpbots didn't pay any attention to the fearmongering about "waah, mail voting is fraud" since they already knew better, and in fact while the AridZona mail-in is counted, it's been helping Rump catch up. Yet Rump has nothing to say about stopping the vote there, now does he.

Having it both ways --- priceless.
Don't count your chicks just yet.
There are military ballots to count
There are provisional ballots to count.
There are court challenges that might throw out a city or two for breaking election laws.
Its not over til its over, and the fat lady ain't even warming up...
Most military ballots have already been received.
Provisional ballots swing blur.
No court is going to “throw out a city or two”.
You folks think this over? Let the recounts begin.
Recounts will find errors on the order of a hundred of ballots. And the error could go either way.

Recounts just don’t swing elections by tens of thousands.
This is different type of election, there is far more to look at. We still haven't seen the rejection rates on mail in ballots, nor seen how verification was conducted. That all comes into play now.
This is different type of election, there is far more to look at. We still haven't seen the rejection rates on mail in ballots, nor seen how verification was conducted. That all comes into play now.
Rejection rates were very low. Verification happened days or weeks ago. There’s nothing to review there. Recounts are only going to rescan the validated ballots. It won’t change.
Looks like Sleepy Joe's the one staggering out the bar with the handle, and the other guy is left inside on the dingy floor w/the broken blade stuck in his gut.

Well done Sleepy Joe, well....done!
Full of crap, as usual. If you think the theft of this election settles things you are even more stupid than
I thought.
This is different type of election, there is far more to look at. We still haven't seen the rejection rates on mail in ballots, nor seen how verification was conducted. That all comes into play now.
Rejection rates were very low. Verification happened days or weeks ago. There’s nothing to review there. Recounts are only going to rescan the validated ballots. It won’t change.
How do you figure if they were accepting ballots up to election day? That dog don't hunt.
How do you figure if they were accepting ballots up to election day? That dog don't hunt.
Some states validate ballots upon receipt. Some validate ballots after Election Day. Almost all the ballots are already counted which means they were already validated.
A recount could change the result in Georgia where Biden has a only 2000 vote lead.
That dog won't hunt in Wisconsin where he is up 20,000, Arizona where he is up 40,000 or Nevada where he is up 20,000.

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