Well, Nikki H...its been nice knowing you.....


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Poor Nikki, she's making the mistake that all Trump ass kissing "gone with the wind....cabinet members have made in the past...when you begin thinking rational and making sense, the Make America Vomit president...don't like dat!!

Nikki Haley Hits Back At White House: ‘I Don’t Get Confused’
The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations did not mince words.


She and Mattis are probably the only Trumplings left with integrity.

Agree with her on just about nothing, but she's tough and has plenty of that.

It'd be fun to see her quit in around July of '19 and then primary the Dumpster.
Last edited:
She's probably the one Trumpling left with integrity.

Agree with her on just about nothing, but she's tough and has plenty of that.

It'd be fun to see her quit in around July of '19 and then primary the Dumpster.
She's going to be Pres someday.
Nikki Haley Hits Back At White House: ‘I Don’t Get Confused’
The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations did not mince words.

good for her!

weird trump claims that whenever he gets hit, he hits back twice as hard

so far, he's "hit back" everyone except for vlad putin

why? because trump hasn't been hit by putin, the USA has, but to the benefit of trump

an attack on our democracy is all good with trump because WINNING

of course teflon don only gives lip service to holding russia accountable
donny-liddle-hands expects nikki haley to act all ditzy like she's another one of his dumb bimbos
And when it doesn't happen, will you then take your thumb out of your mouth?
People are talking about her, praising her, talking presidential material, respecting her....she's done!! You have to be a ass kissing slime ball to thrive in this administration or be a black mailer like Sessions..Trump can talk shit all day about the Keebler Elf, but Session can sink that bitch with a few hard core facts and Trump knows it.
She's probably the one Trumpling left with integrity.

Agree with her on just about nothing, but she's tough and has plenty of that.

It'd be fun to see her quit in around July of '19 and then primary the Dumpster.
There is no way in Hell, she's not gonna Primary Trump.....and win!!
She's probably the one Trumpling left with integrity.

Agree with her on just about nothing, but she's tough and has plenty of that.

It'd be fun to see her quit in around July of '19 and then primary the Dumpster.
She's going to be Pres someday.
If the democrats don't put up a strong leader in 2020.....I myself will vote for this chic if she runs.
Poor Nikki, she's making the mistake that all Trump ass kissing "gone with the wind....cabinet members have made in the past...when you begin thinking rational and making sense, the Make America Vomit president...don't like dat!!

Nikki Haley Hits Back At White House: ‘I Don’t Get Confused’
The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations did not mince words.


The first Woman President of these United States ain't going anywhere.
She's probably the one Trumpling left with integrity.

Agree with her on just about nothing, but she's tough and has plenty of that.

It'd be fun to see her quit in around July of '19 and then primary the Dumpster.
She's going to be Pres someday.

Yep - As good a chance as any and better than most to become the first female POTUS.
Nikki Haley Hits Back At White House: ‘I Don’t Get Confused’
The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations did not mince words.

good for her!

weird trump claims that whenever he gets hit, he hits back twice as hard

so far, he's "hit back" everyone except for vlad putin

why? because trump hasn't been hit by putin, the USA has, but to the benefit of trump

an attack on our democracy is all good with trump because WINNING

of course teflon don only gives lip service to holding russia accountable
I can not believe there is no outcry over his refusal to impose sanctions on Russia and is getting away with it...call me racist, cynical, whatever....but until WHITE MEN START SPEAKING OUT IN NUMBERS, nothing about Trump will go checked. Number one reason Hogg, the high school kid, got some much press...had he been a parent, a minority or even a woman, he'd be just a sound bite!!
President Trump was watching television on Sunday when he saw Nikki R. Haley, his ambassador to the United Nations, announce that he would impose fresh sanctions on Russia. The president grew angry, according to an official informed about the moment. As far as he was concerned, he had decided no such thing.

It was not the first time Mr. Trump has yelled at the television over something he saw Ms. Haley saying. This time, however, the divergence has spilled into public in a remarkable display of discord that stems not just from competing views of Russia but from larger questions of political ambition, jealousy, resentment and loyalty.

The rift erupted into open conflict on Tuesday when a White House official blamed Ms. Haley’s statement about sanctions on “momentary confusion.” That prompted her to fire back, saying that she did not “get confused.” The public disagreement embarrassed Ms. Haley and reinforced questions about Mr. Trump’s foreign policy — and who speaks for his administration.

At the very least, the episode highlighted the crossed circuits over foreign policy in an administration with no secretary of state, an increasingly marginalized White House chief of staff and a national security adviser who has only been on the job for a week and has pushed out many of the senior national security officials in the White House but has yet to bring in his own team.

Sanctions Flap Erupts Into Open Conflict Between Haley and White House
donny-liddle-hands expects nikki haley to act all ditzy like she's another one of his dumb bimbos
Yes, he likes his women dumb, imported with a language barrier, subservient and desperate for his credit cards!!
Nikki Haley Hits Back At White House: ‘I Don’t Get Confused’
The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations did not mince words.

good for her!

weird trump claims that whenever he gets hit, he hits back twice as hard

so far, he's "hit back" everyone except for vlad putin

why? because trump hasn't been hit by putin, the USA has, but to the benefit of trump

an attack on our democracy is all good with trump because WINNING

of course teflon don only gives lip service to holding russia accountable
I can not believe there is no outcry over his refusal to impose sanctions on Russia and is getting away with it...call me racist, cynical, whatever....but until WHITE MEN START SPEAKING OUT IN NUMBERS, nothing about Trump will go checked. Number one reason Hogg, the high school kid, got some much press...had he been a parent, a minority or even a woman, he'd be just a sound bite!!

Yeah, just like the lack of press two black dudes got when asked to leave a coffee shop.
She's probably the one Trumpling left with integrity.

Agree with her on just about nothing, but she's tough and has plenty of that.

It'd be fun to see her quit in around July of '19 and then primary the Dumpster.
She's going to be Pres someday.
If the democrats don't put up a strong leader in 2020.....I myself will vote for this chic if she runs.
She might not be ready to take it on yet--I don't know. But she is a leader and she is smart. Like you, I don't agree with her about everything, but hell she can make even the President's policies sound sensible.
Think how wonderful it would be to have a President that tweets "I don't get confused."
President Trump was watching television on Sunday when he saw Nikki R. Haley, his ambassador to the United Nations, announce that he would impose fresh sanctions on Russia. The president grew angry, according to an official informed about the moment. As far as he was concerned, he had decided no such thing.

It was not the first time Mr. Trump has yelled at the television over something he saw Ms. Haley saying. This time, however, the divergence has spilled into public in a remarkable display of discord that stems not just from competing views of Russia but from larger questions of political ambition, jealousy, resentment and loyalty.

The rift erupted into open conflict on Tuesday when a White House official blamed Ms. Haley’s statement about sanctions on “momentary confusion.” That prompted her to fire back, saying that she did not “get confused.” The public disagreement embarrassed Ms. Haley and reinforced questions about Mr. Trump’s foreign policy — and who speaks for his administration.

At the very least, the episode highlighted the crossed circuits over foreign policy in an administration with no secretary of state, an increasingly marginalized White House chief of staff and a national security adviser who has only been on the job for a week and has pushed out many of the senior national security officials in the White House but has yet to bring in his own team.

Sanctions Flap Erupts Into Open Conflict Between Haley and White House
She's done, its just a matter of time....I see his cook at Trump Towers getting that position next...remember, he only will hire the best.....best ass kissing thar is!!:abgg2q.jpg:
She's probably the one Trumpling left with integrity.

Agree with her on just about nothing, but she's tough and has plenty of that.

It'd be fun to see her quit in around July of '19 and then primary the Dumpster.
She's going to be Pres someday.

Man I hope not. She is a war hawk.
Trump don't like thinkers....he likes those who worship the toilet paper he wipes his ass with, like his die hard toothless supporters, the trash heeps.....anybody who dares challenge the brain dead fuck...they're done!!

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