Well now.....A 45 second lecture destroying the global warming argument.

It wasn't temperature.
Why would he try to hide the decline?
It sounds dishonest.

Why would Nobel Prize winner Michael Mann do anything dishonest?
Denier todd

What was he referring too? You seem to not know.

Why is that since you claim to have the emails.
Denier todd

What was he referring too? You seem to not know.

Why is that since you claim to have the emails.

You know what he was referring to, so why did he want to hide it?

Was it because the science was on his side?
Michael Mann would never do anything dishonest, right?

He won the Nobel Prize, right?
You know what he was referring to, so why did he want to hide it?

Was it because the science was on his side?
Michael Mann would never do anything dishonest, right?

He won the Nobel Prize, right?
Denier todd that answer is weak soup for you claimed knowledge of the emails.

Why is that?
Storm surges have caused flooding, but not all surges are large enough to crest the shoreline. As sea level rises, surges that would not have caused flooding in the past, do so. That is simply the way this all works.

And apparently you missed some posts. The Plymouth Rock we have been shown was placed in 1921 and gets submerged in some high tides. Sea level in Plymouth Harbor has risen 1.5 feet since 1620.


This is trolling.
Hey genius. Very strange selection of data there, The first graph is NORMALIZED to data from 1983 - 2001 (where zero on that graph is the MEAN for that period) -- but it only shows the DATA until 1979???? Did you you question THAT? Where's the rest of the record?

And the 2nd graph is zeroed at about 1935. But you can estimate about 0.2 inch rise from 1935 to 2009. IF IT IS IN INCHES -- because your graph doesn't even give a vertical scale. SO -- let's assume its in feet.

(,2 X 12in) X 25.4 mm/in = 61mm. That's over 75years so the rate would be 0.81mm per year !!!!! at Key West which isn't EVEN Miami. EVEN LESS than the "global average by about a factor of 3. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? Because of ocean currents affecting the height of the water AT THE SHORELINE the same way that storm surge does. Sea level is not UNIFORM AT THE COASTS. Especially if the land is FUCKING SINKING.

Does all this hurt your head and ruin your day? :dev3: Lemme help it get worse. You're all fearful of the modeling predictions. That''s why you change undies often. Here's one of your favorite FEAR PORN IPCC Sea Level graphs. TELL ME PLEASE if you see any indications of "acceleration" in SLRise in ANY of the data graphs that you pull up that LOOK LIKE THIS !!!!!


We're ALREADY 30 years PAST the IPCC conference at which they graphed "the future" and panicked the herd. BUT--- we're running out of time to drown Miami by 2100 with their WORST CASE projection. Almost 2030 and we're tracking to be BELOW the LOWEST estimate for 2100 Bullwinkle !!!!!! Realize that the IPCC SLevel anomaly UNCERTAINTY in 2100 at the time of this IPCC meeting VARIES from 200 to 500. And if we dont see any accelerations SOON -- we'll below the lowest FEAR PORN estimate that the Press, media, GW hacks hawked to the public.

Here's another clue you're clueless about. I fetched a "custom" graph of Miami for you from pmsl.org that'll guide your clue-finder. THIS BELOW is what ANNUAL MEAN SEA LEVEL for Miami looks like when you're NOT graphing a 100 year scale like you did.


The vertical axis in this one is measured from the surface to the sea bottom where the tide guage was located. It's fairly RAW data. Look at the HUGE variations that occur in periods of just 5 or 8 years. From 1971 to about 1973 it varied by maybe 50mm !!!!! That's a huge deviation and THESE are times that we get the pants shitting news reports about "Miami flooding" during storms. They dont show on "processed graphs" because they run filters over the data in graphs like YOU presented and these deviations are removed or severely lessened.

Get a clue -- make an investment. Understand WHAT you're looking at when you dish up the data. Shouldn't be comparing coastal Key West data to Miami data.
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And the oceans haven't risen and at least Lake michigan is low.

View attachment 770747

Interesting discussion dudes. Can either of you tell me why the dominant feature of these Great Lake graphs are CYCLICAL and PEAK in June and July reliably? When Crick says he "spends 1/2 the year there" if would MATTER which half of the year he's "eyeballing" the "sea level rise" in Lake Michigan. My guess is the FRESH WATER FLOW totally dominants any salt water influence from connections to the sea.
Interesting discussion dudes. Can either of you tell me why the dominant feature of these Great Lake graphs are CYCLICAL and PEAK in June and July reliably? When Crick says he "spends 1/2 the year there" if would MATTER which half of the year he's "eyeballing" the "sea level rise" in Lake Michigan. My guess is the FRESH WATER FLOW totally dominants any salt water influence from connections to the sea.
This is not a seasonal rise. The bulk of it is the lake's warming. But because sea levels have risen, the elevation drop of the St Lawrence River has fallen, slowing its flow rate.


And my comment about spending half the year there was intended to convey I am familiar with the topic.
Interesting discussion dudes. Can either of you tell me why the dominant feature of these Great Lake graphs are CYCLICAL and PEAK in June and July reliably? When Crick says he "spends 1/2 the year there" if would MATTER which half of the year he's "eyeballing" the "sea level rise" in Lake Michigan. My guess is the FRESH WATER FLOW totally dominants any salt water influence from connections to the sea.
Why? The point of my post was to impeach his comment that seas have risen, the Great Lakes are connected and are low. That's all. How can one be one state and the other be another state and be connected. Crickster wants it both ways.

Good thing we get rain in the summer huh?
Why? The point of my post was to impeach his comment that seas have risen, the Great Lakes are connected and are low. That's all. How can one be one state and the other be another state and be connected. Crickster wants it both ways.

Good thing we get rain in the summer huh?
They can be in different states far more easily than different portions of the world's oceans are in different states, which they are. The Great Lakes is a large mass of water with one connection to the oceans that flows in one direction. There are, of course, many different inputs to the lakes, so it is a complex system.

But I see here that you reject the fact that global sea level has risen. That is an interesting position. What basis do you have for it?
They can be in different states far more easily than different portions of the world's oceans are in different states, which they are. The Great Lakes is a large mass of water with one connection to the oceans that flows in one direction. There are, of course, many different inputs to the lakes, so it is a complex system.

But I see here that you reject the fact that global sea level has risen. That is an interesting position. What basis do you have for it?
Are you still arguing that the Great Lakes are high?
They can be in different states far more easily than different portions of the world's oceans are in different states, which they are. The Great Lakes is a large mass of water with one connection to the oceans that flows in one direction. There are, of course, many different inputs to the lakes, so it is a complex system.

But I see here that you reject the fact that global sea level has risen. That is an interesting position. What basis do you have for it?

Lake water levels also change at various scales of time, including a semidiurnal (twice-a-day) tide. While a Great Lakes tide is only about two-inches, wind and atmospheric pressure can cause a water-level change of several feet known as seiche: an oscillation wave with a duration of several hours that is often confused with a tide. There are also epochal changes in lake levels associated with larger climatic patterns such as La Niña/El Niño, Polar vortices, and other climate phenomena, producing variations in water levels that can last several months.
Understanding the Problems
Official water level records have been kept for the Great Lakes since 1860, recording the monthly mean. In 1970, the recording of hourly levels started, and in 1996 6-minute mean measurements were added. During 2019 and 2020, all five lakes set their record highs – which was even more remarkable given their quick rebound from near historic lows in 2012.

Lake water levels also change at various scales of time, including a semidiurnal (twice-a-day) tide. While a Great Lakes tide is only about two-inches, wind and atmospheric pressure can cause a water-level change of several feet known as seiche: an oscillation wave with a duration of several hours that is often confused with a tide. There are also epochal changes in lake levels associated with larger climatic patterns such as La Niña/El Niño, Polar vortices, and other climate phenomena, producing variations in water levels that can last several months.
Understanding the Problems
Official water level records have been kept for the Great Lakes since 1860, recording the monthly mean. In 1970, the recording of hourly levels started, and in 1996 6-minute mean measurements were added. During 2019 and 2020, all five lakes set their record highs – which was even more remarkable given their quick rebound from near historic lows in 2012.
Well, you have prompted me to dig deeper. I had been taking the work of local Wisconsin news. It appears that the Great Lakes have NOT risen with the oceans. I was wrong. Have fun with that.
Well, you have prompted me to dig deeper. I had been taking the work of local Wisconsin news. It appears that the Great Lakes have NOT risen with the oceans. I was wrong. Have fun with that.
Not at all. I am not about anything but facts. When people use bad facts, I point it out and try to encourage research. I appreciate the honesty. Shows you have some integrity.
But I see here that you reject the fact that global sea level has risen. That is an interesting position. What basis do you have for it?
why would they increase? no ice melting off any continent to make more than mm of change. Plymouth rock, still exposed.

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