Well now.....A 45 second lecture destroying the global warming argument.

Well if they are connected, your entire point of miami is a lie.

At least the Great Lakes water one can drink!!! 21% of the earth's freshwater.
Did you not read your own headline? "Below recent years record high levels". Are you suffering some sort of neurological deterioration?
Sure it did. It showed the hide the decline ploy. And, with Mann not providing his data per court order is more evidence it is a shell game. hide the decline.
The emails did nothing to disprove AGW.

It's hilarious that you think they do.
The denier position that no scientific organization on the planet would entertain or agree with.

Sadly, not an effective argument because the people that need to hear it would rather believe that the banks and realtors are lying to them instead of the media, climate change weenies, and politicians lying to them.

It's a older vid but I've never heard or read of a rebuttal to it either. ;)
Gee, I was hoping for the, “if the good guys who believe in AGW we’re more heavily armed, we could scare the fk out of less armed deniers into burning fewer fossil fuels “ argument.

Where most gun owners want more firearm regulations, you’d think most gun owners would want more regulations on CO2 emissions.
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