Well said Dr.Adrian Rogers


American Dream?
Sep 26, 2010
You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation.

You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.”

The late Dr. Adrian Rogers -1931 to 2005
How about the last time we had a balanced budget, and even a surplus? The GOP whined in 1993 that the Clinton tax increase would crash the economy. We had the best economy I can recall. Then Bush cut taxes, increased spending, passed the "American jobs Creation Act" and the economy crashed.

You can shill for the top 1% of incomes that own 90% of everything....
Gates has $54b, Buffet $45b as examples....and if they pay a few percent more to keep the "societal safety net" (SS & Medicare, etc) then thats what they should do. The DC whores need to stop with entitlements and wasteful spending as well.
How about the last time we had a balanced budget, and even a surplus? The GOP whined in 1993 that the Clinton tax increase would crash the economy. We had the best economy I can recall. Then Bush cut taxes, increased spending, passed the "American jobs Creation Act" and the economy crashed.

You can shill for the top 1% of incomes that own 90% of everything....
Gates has $54b, Buffet $45b as examples....and if they pay a few percent more to keep the "societal safety net" (SS & Medicare, etc) then thats what they should do. The DC whores need to stop with entitlements and wasteful spending as well.

How is your partisan hack screed even remotely related to the OP? Never mind that it is factually wrong and poorly written. It simply isn't responsive to what he wrote.
Do you have mental issues?
How about the last time we had a balanced budget, and even a surplus? The GOP whined in 1993 that the Clinton tax increase would crash the economy. We had the best economy I can recall. Then Bush cut taxes, increased spending, passed the "American jobs Creation Act" and the economy crashed.

You can shill for the top 1% of incomes that own 90% of everything....
Gates has $54b, Buffet $45b as examples....and if they pay a few percent more to keep the "societal safety net" (SS & Medicare, etc) then thats what they should do. The DC whores need to stop with entitlements and wasteful spending as well.

How is your partisan hack screed even remotely related to the OP? Never mind that it is factually wrong and poorly written. It simply isn't responsive to what he wrote.
Do you have mental issues?[/QUOTE
You have your right to your response,but come on, the langusge,i believe in freedom of speech,but dood ,take it easy.But i respect your responce.

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