Well the owners and players have now put the final nail in the coffin with ruining baseball in mlb


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
First it was free agency that started the decline of baseball,then that wasn’t enough so the owners then started tearing down classic ballparks replacing them with shitholes,:mad-61: that was when I really began to start hating baseball, and when they ruined the game.free agency I could tolerate,Not that,incredibly even that wasn’t enough for them though So they then had had to start that asinine three way wild card division race.that was when I stopped tuning into World Series games yearly as I always did.

Baseball was the last sport that did it right where the winners of the division moves on,everyone else that finished second or worse stays home,there was no reward for the teams that finished second as there is now:mad-61:

A great sport has so much been ruined by the owners and players over the years. Well the final nail in the coffin for them now has come full circle. This has been talked about for a long time now but since they never did it,I never thought they would actually go through with it,they are now saying that it was planned this year for the national league to start having the Dh in their league as well.

Go to google and type in USA today the dh and you will see what I mean. I always thought that they would have all leagues eventually have all the pitchers bat in each league if they ever decided to change it.i don’t like that either,I never wanted to see that happen either.i have always liked the DH myself but I like how it has always been since 1973 with one league having it but the other doesn’t sticking to the traditional way it was invented.:thup:

I always thought if they did make the change,the Dh would go from both leagues.like I said,I would not have not liked that either since I do like the Dh but if both leagues had to be the same way,I could live with it because without the Dh,the manager has so many more complicated decisions to make if the game is tied and has to go into extra innings.you have both leagues have the Dh,you lose that enjoyment:mad-61:

you watch these old World Series games where the alternated each year with the dh,the years they did not have it,even the announcers would say the same thing,that that’s why they were not in favor of the dh because with games tied in late innings,when the pitcher was due up,they had to make a major decision that would affect the outcome of the game to leave the pitcher in to hit,or lift him for a pinch hitter, now since it looks like the dh will be in both leagues now we will lose that and not to get to see those decisions anymore.

baseball has been postponed this year because of the virus,if it never returned again,I would be all for that:thup: same goes for the nfl of course, no need to explain that one.lol
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I was never into baseball, but I always respected the pennant race. It made every game in the season meaningful and especially late season games effectively like playoff games.

The NFL is now going to penalize teams who don’t hire blacks as coaches and other staff with lower draft picks. Do I even have to bring up kneeling during the anthem? Or the whole NBA kissing Communist China’s ass in regards to the Hong Kong crackdowns?

But, this is the era we live in....the snowflake era. Everyone must be given a trophy to make themselves feel better, and every team and player must be a Social Justice warrior.

I pretty much stopped watching professional sports when I moved overseas because lack of access and the time difference. Now that I am back home, I don’t even want to watch them, much less support their antics by buying tickets to games.
They are going to do the Same thing to football by playing more games and adding a playoff team. It’s a shame. Owners just greedy
They are going to do the Same thing to football by playing more games and adding a playoff team. It’s a shame. Owners just greedy
Oh yeah that’s right,I think I heard that as well about adding another playoff,owners are greedy alright,nfl owners are indeed as bad as baseball,there are enough playoffs as it is,sounds like they are going to make the playoffs a joke same way they did with baseball,was bad enough baseball went to that three way wild card bullshit,they then had a one game playoff as well they added a couple years ago,stupid as hell.

nfl owners have turned football into a joke with relocating teams,the rams to la was the only one that made sense because they have the history there and they were drawing poorly in fan support in St. Louis,,where that was not the case with San Diego and oakland at all.it was all for money,teams are supposed to pay the other owners relocation fees if they move so that’s why they voted for the moves of Oakland and San Diego as well,because of greed,it has all blownup in their faces thoughand they have turned the nfl into a laughingstock because the chargers now have 16 road games all year long now instead of 8 cause nobody in la wants them,same will Happen with the raiders,Vegas is the most poor town in the nation so the only ones that will buy the seats are out of town tourists,.
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They are going to do the Same thing to football by playing more games and adding a playoff team. It’s a shame. Owners just greedy
Oh yeah that’s right,I think I heard that as well about adding another playoff,owners are greedy alright,nfl owners are indeed as bad as baseball,there are enough playoffs as it is,sounds like they are going to make the playoffs a joke same way they did with baseball,wasnt bad enough baseball went that three way wild card bullshit,they then had a one game playoff as well they added a couple years ago,stupid as hell.

nfl owners have turned football into a joke with relocating teams,the rams to la was the only one that made sense because they have the history there and they were drawing poorly in fan support in St. Louis,,where that was not the case with San Diego and oakland at all.it was all for money,teams are supposed to pay the other owners relocation fees if they move so that’s why they voted for the moves of Oakland and San Diego as well,because of greed,it has all blownup in their faces thoughand they have turned the nfl into a laughingstock because the chargers now have 8 road games all year long now cause nobody in la wants them,same will. Happen with the raiders,Vegas is the most poor town in the nation so the only ones that will buy the seats are out of town tourists,.
I watched a few chargers games last year. There were more opposing fans in the stadium every time
There's a big underlying problem for MLB, aside from empty stadiums for one season
which is sustaining the current salary levels without structuring in some kind of salary caps like they have in the NFL.

The 140 highest paid players in 2020 make between $10 million and $37 million a year.

They are going to do the Same thing to football by playing more games and adding a playoff team. It’s a shame. Owners just greedy
Oh yeah that’s right,I think I heard that as well about adding another playoff,owners are greedy alright,nfl owners are indeed as bad as baseball,there are enough playoffs as it is,sounds like they are going to make the playoffs a joke same way they did with baseball,wasnt bad enough baseball went that three way wild card bullshit,they then had a one game playoff as well they added a couple years ago,stupid as hell.

nfl owners have turned football into a joke with relocating teams,the rams to la was the only one that made sense because they have the history there and they were drawing poorly in fan support in St. Louis,,where that was not the case with San Diego and oakland at all.it was all for money,teams are supposed to pay the other owners relocation fees if they move so that’s why they voted for the moves of Oakland and San Diego as well,because of greed,it has all blownup in their faces thoughand they have turned the nfl into a laughingstock because the chargers now have 8 road games all year long now cause nobody in la wants them,same will. Happen with the raiders,Vegas is the most poor town in the nation so the only ones that will buy the seats are out of town tourists,.
I watched a few chargers games last year. There were more opposing fans in the stadium every time
Every single time I have tuned into a chargers game it has always been that way no matter who is the opponent even teams that don’t travel well it’s always that way so they now have sixteen road games all year long instead of 8. :lmao: :auiqs.jpg:
There's a big underlying problem for MLB, aside from empty stadiums for one season
which is sustaining the current salary levels without structuring in some kind of salary caps like they have in the NFL.

The 140 highest paid players in 2020 make between $10 million and $37 million a year.

If the nfl operated the same way mlb does without a salary cap and no revenue sharing,there is no way in hell small market teams like the Steelers,packers and Vikings would have a prayer of being in the playoffs as they do now,the days of Cincinnati having a bed red machine again are over with
Remember the old days when football players wore leather hats.They would get cut and need stiches and the coach sewed him up and back out he went.Now they come out of the game with turf toe.
Free agency made the game more competitive. Prior to free agency, the Yankees and Dodgers won every year.

Classic ballparks were classic dumps. Bizarre shapes, odd dimensions, poor sight lines

Today’s ballparks are architectural wonders
Remember the old days when football players wore leather hats.They would get cut and need stiches and the coach sewed him up and back out he went.Now they come out of the game with turf toe.
Yeah they have been so spoiled in this day and age.lol
Well, one thing this pandemic has brought to the surface is the completely unrealistic - unreal, actually - attitude of the players. They think they are really WORTH all those millions, and have no concept of where that money comes from, how, or what the relationship is between the profitability of the Game and what they are drawing down.

The Owners are rich bastards, but they are not infinitely rich, and they are not stupid. Some of these franchises are going to go bankrupt this year, and nobody knows what the ripple effects are going to be.

The players think they are as privileged as public school teachers, for Christ sake.
I liked everything you said there except the last sentence. Public school
Well, one thing this pandemic has brought to the surface is the completely unrealistic - unreal, actually - attitude of the players. They think they are really WORTH all those millions, and have no concept of where that money comes from, how, or what the relationship is between the profitability of the Game and what they are drawing down.

The Owners are rich bastards, but they are not infinitely rich, and they are not stupid. Some of these franchises are going to go bankrupt this year, and nobody knows what the ripple effects are going to be.

The players think they are as privileged as public school teachers, for Christ sake.
I loved everything you said there except the last sentence.public school teachers should be far better paid than men playing a little boys game,more like they are spoiled brats who think they are as priveledged as all our arrogant presidents are who think they are gods greatest gift to mankind.thats going back several decades sadly

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