well, you guys are all cool as hell.


Extra long Bad Ass Cut.
Sep 17, 2011
Dudes, and dudetts. Recently, I was seperated, and in some ungodly amount of time to be deturmined by fucking Texas, Colorado, and New your I will be divorced. I mean fuck, can't thees cock smokers just make it so you can push a button. Damn. Anyway, I'm a bit messed up by this. Not my self. I need to work on NOT being on message boards, and getting back to where I talk to people like they are people and not names on a message board. Don't get me wrong, I'm comeing back ( like that fucking mattres) but just a bit lighter by a person or two. And I'll be able to stand up to the punches thrown here. Any way, all you guys are great. Even those of you Igot nasty with. I'll pop in and throw rep at newbers, and you assholes, but I won't be back until I'm fighting fit. You all have a good Thanks Giveing, safe travles, and a Marry Christmas.
Best wishes, mister. You'll land on your feet after you finish the ass-over-teakettle dismount routine bit.

Take care.

Ive been through more than once So just have a party to celebrate when it's over. Try not to get any chicks pregnant.
Divorce is worse than death.

Don't drink your sorrows away. Learn from the experience so you don't repeat it.
I am sorry to hear of what you are going through. Just remember there are nice people at this message board who are happy to PM and encourage you as you transition to a new chapter in your life.

I wish you the best.
Dudes, and dudetts. Recently, I was seperated, and in some ungodly amount of time to be deturmined by fucking Texas, Colorado, and New your I will be divorced. I mean fuck, can't thees cock smokers just make it so you can push a button. Damn. Anyway, I'm a bit messed up by this. Not my self. I need to work on NOT being on message boards, and getting back to where I talk to people like they are people and not names on a message board. Don't get me wrong, I'm comeing back ( like that fucking mattres) but just a bit lighter by a person or two. And I'll be able to stand up to the punches thrown here. Any way, all you guys are great. Even those of you Igot nasty with. I'll pop in and throw rep at newbers, and you assholes, but I won't be back until I'm fighting fit. You all have a good Thanks Giveing, safe travles, and a Marry Christmas.
Dang, early, I'm sorry it worked out that way. That sucks. :(

Go handle your business, and try not to let it handle you. We'll be here when you feel up to it.
Ive been through more than once So just have a party to celebrate when it's over. Try not to get any chicks pregnant.

Chicks ? Funny storie. The dudes I work with told me I need to be out and about so I don't dwell on it, which is hard becaise I get emails up into the early am saying what a worthless fuck I am, and how big an assholenI was. I mean damn girl, your free, its your birthday, why the hell bust some dudesnballs while he is sleeping. Fuck it. Right to the spam filter, except, it don't work. Anyway, a few gals came over to talk, and one asked if I was ok. So she advised me to get back on that horse, and I barffed on her feet. Seriously, I'm sure women are fine folks, but other then friendly conversation, I want nothing to do with them. Matter of fact, may ap I'll call my old galfriend rosey. She all ways did me pretty good, and its been roughley 20 years or so since we messed around. Thanks all.
We'll be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Know where you're coming from. We'll be here when you need us.
Best of luck to you and see you when you feel better and are ready to party with us here again.
We'll be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Know where you're coming from. We'll be here when you need us.

Comig down on my feet ad walking the hell away. It sucks. Don't like it. Hate it really, but its done. And I'll feel better. I decided to let her get the papers, but I want them now. Meh, lifeis a bummer at times.
Hey, as long as you are looking to make friends, check out meetup.com - it's like a community get-together site for people of similar interests. Not a dating site. More like "Hey, a bunch of us are going to the game, wanna go?" or out dancing, to eat, to see the lights, hiking -anything really.

And it's free.
You already know what I think, my Early friend....go, do your thing, and allow life to unfold as it's meant to. ((((((Early))))))♥
Hey, as long as you are looking to make friends, check out meetup.com - it's like a community get-together site for people of similar interests. Not a dating site. More like "Hey, a bunch of us are going to the game, wanna go?" or out dancing, to eat, to see the lights, hiking -anything really.

And it's free.

I was thinking that, but so far in a week, people have been trying to get me to go check that stuff out. I'm social, made amends with my church, re made most of my contacts down here. But before I starte hitting the streets I'm going to un learn some bad habbits, and then maybe redo my clothes. Don't know. Don't want to be rushing. I want to focus in getting right, learning my lessons, and.just being happy and free.
You already know what I think, my Early friend....go, do your thing, and allow life to unfold as it's meant to. ((((((Early))))))♥

Ya, that thing is a.Hunter Thompson storey in the makeing. Still sounds good though.
Congratulations EC. :)

When I got my divorce a friend said that to me and it was funny. Good luck to you and don't stay away too long. You're a good poster.

Happy Thanksgiving/Merry Christmas/Happy New Year
Take care. Been there myself, not easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is. My second chance has lasted 25 years now. Never dreamed it was possible, but all thing are.

Have a great Holiday Season and the best in your do over!
early, throw yourself a divorce party when the papers are signed, a liberation celebration.

Follow your own advice but doing the repairs that need to be done.

Tell yourself life will get better, and you will know, of course, that it is true.

Hang in there, dude.
Dudes, and dudetts. Recently, I was seperated, and in some ungodly amount of time to be deturmined by fucking Texas, Colorado, and New your I will be divorced. I mean fuck, can't thees cock smokers just make it so you can push a button. Damn. Anyway, I'm a bit messed up by this. Not my self. I need to work on NOT being on message boards, and getting back to where I talk to people like they are people and not names on a message board. Don't get me wrong, I'm comeing back ( like that fucking mattres) but just a bit lighter by a person or two. And I'll be able to stand up to the punches thrown here. Any way, all you guys are great. Even those of you Igot nasty with. I'll pop in and throw rep at newbers, and you assholes, but I won't be back until I'm fighting fit. You all have a good Thanks Giveing, safe travles, and a Marry Christmas.
Just say fuck it, get drunk, sober up, forget the woman and move on.

Life will be good again.
Dudes, and dudetts. Recently, I was seperated, and in some ungodly amount of time to be deturmined by fucking Texas, Colorado, and New your I will be divorced. I mean fuck, can't thees cock smokers just make it so you can push a button. Damn. Anyway, I'm a bit messed up by this. Not my self. I need to work on NOT being on message boards, and getting back to where I talk to people like they are people and not names on a message board. Don't get me wrong, I'm comeing back ( like that fucking mattres) but just a bit lighter by a person or two. And I'll be able to stand up to the punches thrown here. Any way, all you guys are great. Even those of you Igot nasty with. I'll pop in and throw rep at newbers, and you assholes, but I won't be back until I'm fighting fit. You all have a good Thanks Giveing, safe travles, and a Marry Christmas.


when it rains it pours! Im so sorry.....

its all going to work out.... just give it time. Try and enjoy the holidays...... we will all be here when you get back :)

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