Welp fellas/ladies, the writting is on the wall and even Trump is seeing it.

Photo ID laws are an unwarranted, needless restriction on the right to vote – particularly with regard to ‘fraud,’ which is virtually non-existent.
Great, let's get rid of photo IDs period. If it's unwarranted to vote, it's unwarranted everywhere.

Seeking to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law, compelling women to give birth against their will through force of law, and violating the voting rights of citizens are all examples of conservative authoritarianism, of the right’s advocacy of more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty, and of conservatives’ desire to compel conformity and silence dissent.
But, you have no problem forcing someone who don't agree with same sex marriage to marry them right?!?
In case you haven't noticed, CCJ hasn't posted an actual meaningful sentence in many years.
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Time to chin up and formulate a plan to win the midterms and 2024.

Those of us who aren't crazy knew this on November 4th.
Crazy or not you are more often than not a fucking retard. Anytime you don't like the things someone says you just delete it. Just like this post may get removed based on your history. Course you won't mod yourself for your own insult that precipitated this response.

Thats just how you roll
What do you mean how so?? A law restricts gay people from getting married, that’s your position. A law sets regulations around voting like voter ID. Those are regulations. Those are what conservatives promote. I understand you have reasons for them, but that doesn’t take away the fact that you are calling for state regulations over Liberty, individual rights and personal responsibility
Marriage and individual rights are two different things. Marriage rights never restricted anyone from getting married. Marriage use to have a distinct definition, it no longer does.

Voting laws protect against fraud, supposedly, If you are a citizen of this country who has no restrictions placed on yourself from crime, etc. you have a right to vote. Do you not think voter ID is a good idea? How about ID to board a plane, drive a car, buy alcohol?
You are trying to rationalize the arguments but that’s not the point I’m making. Nevermind, you aren’t getting it.
You are trying to rationalize the arguments but that’s not the point I’m making. Nevermind, you aren’t getting it.
I understand exactly what you're saying. There has to be rules and guidelines though, or else it would be anarchy.
You are trying to rationalize the arguments but that’s not the point I’m making. Nevermind, you aren’t getting it.
I understand exactly what you're saying. There has to be rules and guidelines though, or else it would be anarchy.
No shit. Conservative are supposed to be the ones pushing for less rules and more Liberty while the progressive push for more. The issues I brought up flip the script. It’s true, I don’t see why you’re trying to deny it
Time to chin up and formulate a plan to win the midterms and 2024.

Those of us who aren't crazy knew this on November 4th.
Crazy or not you are more often than not a fucking retard. Anytime you don't like the things someone says you just delete it. Just like this post may get removed based on your history. Course you won't mod yourself for your own insult that precipitated this response.

Thats just how you roll
:yes_text12: :thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
What’s your point?
Conservatives do push for less regulation. Just because you can cherry pick a few instances where it's not the case, doesn't disprove the facts.
You forgot how this conversation started didn’t you... “fresh ideas”

I was never making the case for an absolutist Argument. I can’t talk to you anymore if you can’t keep up with a simple conversation
This is a lie – there was no ‘cheating.’
Dems are trying to pull off the biggest election fraud in history

Not even in question
#2 probably replacing JFK with Johnson.
You so much hit the nail on the head,that is exactly what is at stake here that is for sure on par with that in the fact that johnson was nothing at all like kennedy as policys went.kennedy same as trump,was stepping on some very powerful toes in Washington and was not doing what they told him to do.johnson on the other hand was their obedient puppet and was eager to do their bidding for them.

Time to chin up and formulate a plan to win the midterms and 2024.

All the teeth gnashing in the world won't solve anything except make you look as foolish as the left did after Trump took office.

1. Urban outreach
2. Term limits
3. Election reforms
4. Immigration reforms
5. A REAL plan to deal with the illegals living here now
6. College & Student Loan regulations/reforms
7. National vocational program
8. Social media stripped of their government protections or plans to label them protected speech public squares.

Plenty of ideas to work on and create REAL roadmaps to achieve. Granted without the House and presidency these are likely DOA right now BUT that doesn't eliminate us from the responsibility of both trying and laying out a plan for future implementation.

Stomping our feet solves nothing and real problems require work.
If biden gets away with cheating this time Republicans have no chance to win any election in the future
Sounds like a plan. Of course Biden didn't cheat.
Well, maybe conservatives can find their footing and offer some fresh ideas
They're are no good fresh ideas. We live in the greatest, most free, most diverse, country on earth due to the "old" ideas of the Constitution. Liberty, Individual rights, freedom, property rights, etc. These are the greatest ideas man has ever come up with.

There are no "fresh ideas" that haven't been tried, they have all failed.

All the new ideas are on the progressive side. They always have been. How do you think this country moves forward? It isn't because of conservatism. :)

Biden's cabinet selections give me very little optimism for new ideas. I forget her name but one of the nominations has spent 30 years in the foreign service.... Sound credentials but little new ideas will be coming from her it would seem.

Time to chin up and formulate a plan to win the midterms and 2024.

All the teeth gnashing in the world won't solve anything except make you look as foolish as the left did after Trump took office.

1. Urban outreach
2. Term limits
3. Election reforms
4. Immigration reforms
5. A REAL plan to deal with the illegals living here now
6. College & Student Loan regulations/reforms
7. National vocational program
8. Social media stripped of their government protections or plans to label them protected speech public squares.

Plenty of ideas to work on and create REAL roadmaps to achieve. Granted without the House and presidency these are likely DOA right now BUT that doesn't eliminate us from the responsibility of both trying and laying out a plan for future implementation.

Stomping our feet solves nothing and real problems require work.
It's no where near over, and unless they purge the entire election of all of these Dominion Machines and implement Voter ID and Optical Ballots, there is no reason for me or anyone else to be here.

Once you violate the sanctity of one man one vote, you are in a banana Republic and under Marxist Tyranny.

When you start rigging primaries and federal elections and get away with it, America is over, and start reading the last book of The Bible, because it's coming and you are wasting your time on a Message Board when you should invest it in Eternal things.
He writes....as he is "wasting his time on a message board".

You're too much.

Time to chin up and formulate a plan to win the midterms and 2024.

All the teeth gnashing in the world won't solve anything except make you look as foolish as the left did after Trump took office.

1. Urban outreach
2. Term limits
3. Election reforms
4. Immigration reforms
5. A REAL plan to deal with the illegals living here now
6. College & Student Loan regulations/reforms
7. National vocational program
8. Social media stripped of their government protections or plans to label them protected speech public squares.

Plenty of ideas to work on and create REAL roadmaps to achieve. Granted without the House and presidency these are likely DOA right now BUT that doesn't eliminate us from the responsibility of both trying and laying out a plan for future implementation.

Stomping our feet solves nothing and real problems require work.

RESIST....make the Lefts resistance from 2016-2020 look like choir boy shit.
OR....conservatives can choose to be the nutless cowards they've always been...They can start coming up with various reasons as to why they should rollover and take it in the ass from the Left.....AGAIN!
Time to chin up and formulate a plan to win the midterms and 2024.
Not yet, Miss. The GSA is responsible for sweeping the floors of federal courthouses, taking out the trash, and keeping the boilers in working order, and so on and so forth. They can prepare for a Biden Adminstration or not. It makes no difference to that particular agency, and in the meantime it does no harm to appease the blue collar labor union that works there.

>>> (CNN) --- The General Services Administration has informed President-elect Joe Biden that the Trump administration is ready to begin the formal transition process, according to a letter from Administrator Emily Murphy sent Monday afternoon and obtained by CNN. The letter is the first step the administration has taken to acknowledge President Donald Trump's defeat, more than two weeks after Biden was declared the winner in the election.<<<

Time to chin up and formulate a plan to win the midterms and 2024.

All the teeth gnashing in the world won't solve anything except make you look as foolish as the left did after Trump took office.

1. Urban outreach
2. Term limits
3. Election reforms
4. Immigration reforms
5. A REAL plan to deal with the illegals living here now
6. College & Student Loan regulations/reforms
7. National vocational program
8. Social media stripped of their government protections or plans to label them protected speech public squares.

Plenty of ideas to work on and create REAL roadmaps to achieve. Granted without the House and presidency these are likely DOA right now BUT that doesn't eliminate us from the responsibility of both trying and laying out a plan for future implementation.

Stomping our feet solves nothing and real problems require work.

So after four years of indulging quasi-fascism and outright racism, NOW you want to be reasonable and work on issues?

Term Limits, we already have them, they are called "Elections".

Immigration reform- You guys already had a reasonable plan for that, McCain-Kennedy, and you rejected it so hard poor McCain had to denounce it like he was reading a hostage note.

College Reform- Hmmmm... so you want to go after colleges you claim are indoctrinating kids, on the guise of doing them a favor.

Nothing wrong with Social Media right now.... except you guys didn't get to spread Russian Disinformation as much as you did last time.

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