"We're All Africans, Really"

Not me.

My ancestors came straight from Msniklck and landed in Ohio.
We are all from Zeta Reticuli...the binary star system in the southern constellation of Reticulum....
C'Mon everybody!

Well its the kind of Truth that is meaningless if you think about it.

WE are all orginally from Africa, according to the latest theory, but the Sahara Pump theory says some of us are hybrids of earlier more archaic human cousins that adapted more to the local environment. So we are all from Africa but some of us have genes from other places too, but even thos archaic groups originally came out of Africa.

So would Streep say that no one has any claim to the land they were born and raised in? Are Germans German? Are Amerindians Amerindian? Are blacks African in any special way?

Bah, Hollyweird actors are mostly just stupid.
I do like me some soul foodz, maybe she is right

Yes but from Reticuli.... that constellation....far away....not from this earth????????????

Not this planet????


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