We’re All Gonna Die: France Permanently Cancels Fuel Tax Hike

Wow that's amazing/ awsome who fucking knew people like cheap fuel?

And didn't like getting screwed by liberals?
Did you read the link..

It's too funny

French President Emmanuel Macron has canceled a planned fuel tax increase after three weeks of nationwide protests that left four people dead and sparked the worst anti-government riot in Paris since 2005.
I wonder how we going to save the planet now?

We raise fuel taxes people riot and say we're fucking assholes
I thought the lib/dems said we were all gonna die. But they also said Florida would be under water by now, the arctic polar ice cap would be ice free, and Solyndra was a really great deal. Looks to me like temps in my neck of the woods are getting cooler, not warmer. For the 1st time in almost 30 years of living in San Antonio, I saw snow on the ground that stayed there for a couple of days.
ZomboMeme 05122018174821.jpg
Good deal. Maybe the French revolution against the phony junk-science lie of "man-made global warming will finally put an end to that nonsense.
Wait until some environuts try shut down the ac in Florida, Texas or Georgia.
I thought the lib/dems said we were all gonna die. But they also said Florida would be under water by now, the arctic polar ice cap would be ice free, and Solyndra was a really great deal. Looks to me like temps in my neck of the woods are getting cooler, not warmer. For the 1st time in almost 30 years of living in San Antonio, I saw snow on the ground that stayed there for a couple of days.

If you were a AGW cult member this must be the most embarrassing day of your life .

All the propganda is not working..

Those damn Americans ...and their math.
Wow that's amazing/ awsome who fucking knew people like cheap fuel?

And didn't like getting screwed by liberals?
French President said being disheartened is better than disheaded.

You would figure given their history France would be a little more wary of their people. I'd give them ANYTHING they wanted.

"We want free everything."

"Sure thing, guys. Just drop the torches and pitchforks."
We have to learn from this

1. People are upset about propaganda about climate change

2. People like cheap fuel.

How do you say "Global Warming Taxes for Thee, Not for Me" in frog latin?

a bunch frogs said:
Les taxes sur le réchauffement climatique pour vous, pas pour moi
I hope the dems are paying attention....
That would mean they wouldn't try to take peoples freedoms from them by lying.. Isn't going to happen. Stupidity should be painful... And they will not learn..

It's really funny billy Bob that the world hates American conservative who deny AGW....yet they embrace us when we say scientist are full of shit when taxes go up

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