We're Getting Married!

We have it, it's called marriage and we can do it in over 35 states now. :lol:

yeah, you do. Funny how when the people of california were allowed to vote their views on it, they voted it down twice.

No matter how you try to spin it, gay marriage is NOT a constitutional issue. It is a societal issue and as such, society as a whole should decide.

You don't get to vote on Civil Rights. The people of Mississippi might want to vote to ban interracial marriage again. They don't get to.

No matter how much you want to deny it, gay marriage bans are failing....because they are Unconstitutional.

"don't vote on civil rights" Really? Was not the constitution adopted by a majority vote of the representatives of the states? Were not the state representatives elected by majority vote? Are not our statutes put in place my majority vote in state and federal legislatures? Was not prohibition put in place and repealed by majority vote? Was not the civil rights act made law by majority vote of congress?

Of course we vote on civil rights. To say otherwise is just plain stupid.

Back to this? Prop 8 was unconstitutional. It's as simple as that.

Says some liberal appeals court judges who are nothing but political hacks The Supreme court never ruled prop 8 unconstitutional, although all non originalist judges are political hacks anyway

You do realize that's its not just CA now and that there have been dozens of rulings by liberal and conservative judges, right?

No, the SCOTUS did not rule Prop 8 Unconstitutional, the lower court did and the SCOTUS didn't take up the case, leaving the lower court ruling in place.

“Homosexuals are not a separate class of people..”


Homosexuals constitute a class of persons entitled to Constitutional protections.

The Supreme Court in Romer v. Evans recognized this fact when it upheld the Colorado Supreme Court's ruling invalidating that state's Amendment 2, which sought to deny gay Americans access to anti-discrimination laws:

“We must conclude that Amendment 2 classifies homosexuals not to further a proper legislative end but to make them unequal to everyone else. This Colorado cannot do. A State cannot so deem a class of persons a stranger to its laws. Amendment 2 violates the Equal Protection Clause, and the judgment of the Supreme Court of Colorado is affirmed.

Romer Governor of Colorado et al. v. Evans et al. 517 U.S. 620 1996 .

Just as states may not deny gay Americans access to anti-discrimination laws, so too does the 14th Amendment prohibit the states from denying gay Americans access to marriage laws.


“states are supposed to define marriage not some all powerful Judge.”

Judges aren't 'defining' anything – they are correctly and appropriately, consistent with settled, accepted, and established 14th Amendment jurisprudence, invalidating state laws that deny same-sex couples access to marriage law they're eligible to participate in, the same marriage law available to opposite-sex couples, unchanged, unaltered, and not 'redefined.'


“Gay people want special rights separate and apart from everyone else.”


Gay Americans already have the right to enter into marriage contracts, the issue concerns the states seeking to deny them that right in violation of the Constitution, where such laws exist “not to further a proper legislative end but to make them unequal to everyone else. This [the states] cannot do.” ibid.

“Homosexuals are not a separate class of people..”


Homosexuals constitute a class of persons entitled to Constitutional protections.

The Supreme Court in Romer v. Evans recognized this fact when it upheld the Colorado Supreme Court's ruling invalidating that state's Amendment 2, which sought to deny gay Americans access to anti-discrimination laws:

“We must conclude that Amendment 2 classifies homosexuals not to further a proper legislative end but to make them unequal to everyone else. This Colorado cannot do. A State cannot so deem a class of persons a stranger to its laws. Amendment 2 violates the Equal Protection Clause, and the judgment of the Supreme Court of Colorado is affirmed.

Romer Governor of Colorado et al. v. Evans et al. 517 U.S. 620 1996 .

Just as states may not deny gay Americans access to anti-discrimination laws, so too does the 14th Amendment prohibit the states from denying gay Americans access to marriage laws.


“states are supposed to define marriage not some all powerful Judge.”

Judges aren't 'defining' anything – they are correctly and appropriately, consistent with settled, accepted, and established 14th Amendment jurisprudence, invalidating state laws that deny same-sex couples access to marriage law they're eligible to participate in, the same marriage law available to opposite-sex couples, unchanged, unaltered, and not 'redefined.'


“Gay people want special rights separate and apart from everyone else.”


Gay Americans already have the right to enter into marriage contracts, the issue concerns the states seeking to deny them that right in violation of the Constitution, where such laws exist “not to further a proper legislative end but to make them unequal to everyone else. This [the states] cannot do.” ibid.

Homosexuals are not a a separate class of people genius. Are bisexuals separate? are transsexuals separate? are heterosexuals separate? every American is protected equally under the constitution, because they are Americans, not because they are a separate 'class" You liberals and your stupid, made up, classes and like I said, most judges are nothing but political hacks appointed by politicians to push a political agenda.

Your opinion is irrelevant in regards to the law.
Ever notice that most homophobes have never dated a real live woman?

And are still living with their parents?

Homophobia is their way to compensate for their own lack of social skills and personal success.

Homosexuals may or may not be born homosexuals- but homophobic bigots choose to be bigots.

oh shut up

You're as bigoted as they are.

Guess I was hitting a little too close to home for you to handle

Ever notice that most homophobes have never dated a real live woman?

And are still living with their parents?

Homophobia is their way to compensate for their own lack of social skills and personal success.

Homosexuals may or may not be born homosexuals- but homophobic bigots choose to be bigots

Yeah I'm a homophobe, that's why I support their right to marry.

You stupid faggot.

LOL.....like I said- guess I hit a little too close to home for you.

No, I just abhor dishonesty.

Redfish may be a dumbshit who does't understand freedom, but he isn't scared of gays nor a closet gay either. Hilarious that you insult Howey by using his sexual preference to attack Redfish.


What is pathetic is not knowing the definition of homophobia:

noun \ˌhō-mə-ˈfō-bē-ə\
irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals
Of course it is The Christian gene is located exactly perpendicular to the gay gene.

Those who are Chistians were born Christians and simply hid their beliefs until safe to come out.

Well, obviously you've conceded this discussion since you're attempting to distract with an unrelated topic.

Yes, I support churches accepting their gay and lesbian brothers and sisters..,and they will eventually. History shows that to be true.

Proving that your a fucking idiotic militant who doesn't even bother reading what other people write.

I have from my very first post on the topic said I'm okay with gay marriage

I only said that you're an idiot for wanting to force churches to accept them

Thank you for conceding that you can no more prove you were born gay than I can prove I was born a Christian by deflecting though.

So blacks were idiots for wanting the Mormons to accept them? You're welcome to your opinion but I don't think they were stupid at all...and they won. Gays are winning this battle too.

New study finds a greater church acceptance of gays and lesbians Pew Research Center

I was born with same sex attractions and you certainly can't prove I wasn't. There is considerably more evidence of a genetic predisposition than there is proof sexual orientation is a choice.

And likewise you can't prove I wasnt born a Christian who believes being gay is a sin

That one's easy...religion is a choice and not an immutable trait whereas sexuality is well accepted in scientific circles to be an immutable trait. People don't choose their orientation, whereas they most certainly choose their religion. They do choose to act upon their natural or god given inclinations, but the feelings themselves are not a choice.

Christianity itself requires that you make a choice to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Some people are born feeling compelled to be religious.

Prove I'm wrong
You don't get to vote on Civil Rights. The people of Mississippi might want to vote to ban interracial marriage again. They don't get to.

No matter how much you want to deny it, gay marriage bans are failing....because they are Unconstitutional.

"don't vote on civil rights" Really? Was not the constitution adopted by a majority vote of the representatives of the states? Were not the state representatives elected by majority vote? Are not our statutes put in place my majority vote in state and federal legislatures? Was not prohibition put in place and repealed by majority vote? Was not the civil rights act made law by majority vote of congress?

Of course we vote on civil rights. To say otherwise is just plain stupid.

Back to this? Prop 8 was unconstitutional. It's as simple as that.

Says some liberal appeals court judges who are nothing but political hacks The Supreme court never ruled prop 8 unconstitutional, although all non originalist judges are political hacks anyway

The Supreme Court left standing the Federal Court's decision- which was the final appeal. The Supreme Court heard the case and could have chosen to reverse it- and chose not to.

Prop 8 is unconstitutional, null and void.

The morms spent all that money for nothing.

The ultimate irony? Gay marriage came to Utah just a few years later. :lol:

Poetic justice...
oh shut up

You're as bigoted as they are.

Guess I was hitting a little too close to home for you to handle

Ever notice that most homophobes have never dated a real live woman?

And are still living with their parents?

Homophobia is their way to compensate for their own lack of social skills and personal success.

Homosexuals may or may not be born homosexuals- but homophobic bigots choose to be bigots

Yeah I'm a homophobe, that's why I support their right to marry.

You stupid faggot.

LOL.....like I said- guess I hit a little too close to home for you.

No, I just abhor dishonesty.

Redfish may be a dumbshit who does't understand freedom, but he isn't scared of gays nor a closet gay either. Hilarious that you insult Howey by using his sexual preference to attack Redfish.


What is pathetic is not knowing the definition of homophobia:

noun \ˌhō-mə-ˈfō-bē-ə\
irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals

LOL no link to your definition eh SeaBytch?
Guess I was hitting a little too close to home for you to handle

Ever notice that most homophobes have never dated a real live woman?

And are still living with their parents?

Homophobia is their way to compensate for their own lack of social skills and personal success.

Homosexuals may or may not be born homosexuals- but homophobic bigots choose to be bigots

Yeah I'm a homophobe, that's why I support their right to marry.

You stupid faggot.

LOL.....like I said- guess I hit a little too close to home for you.

No, I just abhor dishonesty.

Redfish may be a dumbshit who does't understand freedom, but he isn't scared of gays nor a closet gay either. Hilarious that you insult Howey by using his sexual preference to attack Redfish.


What is pathetic is not knowing the definition of homophobia:

noun \ˌhō-mə-ˈfō-bē-ə\
irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals

LOL no link to your definition eh SeaBytch?

Merriam Webster, dumber than a doorknob.
Oh, who cares? Just let the gay people get married already. What difference does it make, really?

It doesn't of course

Of course, some of the more religious posters would disagree. Lol.

I think we have a lot of other more important issues to think about. :)

While I agree there far more pressing issues at hand this is still important in terms of the expansion of individual liberty. This issue seems to wrapping up and I hope more folks turn an eye towards our crushing debt. We'll see though...
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Oh, who cares? Just let the gay people get married already. What difference does it make, really?

It doesn't of course

Of course, some of the more religious posters would disagree. Lol.

I think we have a lot of other more important issues to think about. :)

While I agree there far more pressing issues at hand this is still important in terms of the expansion of individual liberty. This issue seems to wrapping up and I hope more folks turn an eye towards are crushing debt. We'll see though...

This issue is old and tiresome, IMO. We can be done with it by just legalizing gay marriage with the same stipulations that there are for heterosexuals. I don't think churches should be forced to marry them though, because that would be violating their liberties. I have a feeling that is going to be the next "issue." I'm kind of hoping it gets legalized and then fades away and we can get to more pressing matters.
Yeah I'm a homophobe, that's why I support their right to marry.

You stupid faggot.

LOL.....like I said- guess I hit a little too close to home for you.

No, I just abhor dishonesty.

Redfish may be a dumbshit who does't understand freedom, but he isn't scared of gays nor a closet gay either. Hilarious that you insult Howey by using his sexual preference to attack Redfish.


What is pathetic is not knowing the definition of homophobia:

noun \ˌhō-mə-ˈfō-bē-ə\
irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals

LOL no link to your definition eh SeaBytch?

Merriam Webster, dumber than a doorknob.

oh you mean the one that says FEAR OF

By your way of thinking youre a Christophobe

Oh, who cares? Just let the gay people get married already. What difference does it make, really?

It doesn't of course

Of course, some of the more religious posters would disagree. Lol.

I think we have a lot of other more important issues to think about. :)

While I agree there far more pressing issues at hand this is still important in terms of the expansion of individual liberty. This issue seems to wrapping up and I hope more folks turn an eye towards are crushing debt. We'll see though...

This issue is old and tiresome, IMO. We can be done with it by just legalizing gay marriage with the same stipulations that there are for heterosexuals. I don't think churches should be forced to marry them though, because that would be violating their liberties. I have a feeling that is going to be the next "issue." I'm kind of hoping it gets legalized and then fades away and we can get to more pressing matters.

People like SeaBytch are actually turning me AGAINST it

That **** isn't happy with just being able to marry, nope she wants to FORCE your church to accept gays and she wants to FORCE your business to do business with them.

She's a fucking bore, and I would vote no in a heart beat if it shut her up.
Oh, who cares? Just let the gay people get married already. What difference does it make, really?

It doesn't of course

Of course, some of the more religious posters would disagree. Lol.

I think we have a lot of other more important issues to think about. :)

While I agree there far more pressing issues at hand this is still important in terms of the expansion of individual liberty. This issue seems to wrapping up and I hope more folks turn an eye towards are crushing debt. We'll see though...

This issue is old and tiresome, IMO. We can be done with it by just legalizing gay marriage with the same stipulations that there are for heterosexuals. I don't think churches should be forced to marry them though, because that would be violating their liberties. I have a feeling that is going to be the next "issue." I'm kind of hoping it gets legalized and then fades away and we can get to more pressing matters.

People like SeaBytch are actually turning me AGAINST it

That **** isn't happy with just being able to marry, nope she wants to FORCE your church to accept gays and she wants to FORCE your business to do business with them.

She's a fucking bore, and I would vote no in a heart beat if it shut her up.

I'm pretty sure that you and I have had this argument before, or maybe it was someone else, but anyway . . .

I don't see a problem with businesses doing business with them. How would the business know they were gay, and why should a "business" care?
It doesn't of course

Of course, some of the more religious posters would disagree. Lol.

I think we have a lot of other more important issues to think about. :)

While I agree there far more pressing issues at hand this is still important in terms of the expansion of individual liberty. This issue seems to wrapping up and I hope more folks turn an eye towards are crushing debt. We'll see though...

This issue is old and tiresome, IMO. We can be done with it by just legalizing gay marriage with the same stipulations that there are for heterosexuals. I don't think churches should be forced to marry them though, because that would be violating their liberties. I have a feeling that is going to be the next "issue." I'm kind of hoping it gets legalized and then fades away and we can get to more pressing matters.

People like SeaBytch are actually turning me AGAINST it

That **** isn't happy with just being able to marry, nope she wants to FORCE your church to accept gays and she wants to FORCE your business to do business with them.

She's a fucking bore, and I would vote no in a heart beat if it shut her up.

I'm pretty sure that you and I have had this argument before, or maybe it was someone else, but anyway . . .

I don't see a problem with businesses doing business with them. How would the business know they were gay, and why should a "business" care?

You think a dumb fuck **** like SeaBytch goes in somewhere for a wedding cake and doesn't make sure they know shes gay? Of course she does

Why should they care?

A) Because their religion tells them to
B) That's irrelevant. I should be able to tell ANYONE that I don't want their business for ANY reason. It's MY business. I bought the product, I supply the labor, I pay the taxes, etc etc. It's no more the government's business who I discriminate against than it is who a fag marries.

Thought you wanted freedom?
LOL.....like I said- guess I hit a little too close to home for you.

No, I just abhor dishonesty.

Redfish may be a dumbshit who does't understand freedom, but he isn't scared of gays nor a closet gay either. Hilarious that you insult Howey by using his sexual preference to attack Redfish.


What is pathetic is not knowing the definition of homophobia:

noun \ˌhō-mə-ˈfō-bē-ə\
irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals

LOL no link to your definition eh SeaBytch?

Merriam Webster, dumber than a doorknob.

oh you mean the one that says FEAR OF

By your way of thinking youre a Christophobe


Yes...it has more than one definition. It has different meanings depending upon whether you are referring to those like Larry Craig who are fearful of the gay in themselves or people like Fishy who seek to deny gays and lesbians equal rights, or even people like you, who has an aversion to gays and calls them names like the F word for gay men, but is still okay with them getting equal rights.
Oh, who cares? Just let the gay people get married already. What difference does it make, really?

It doesn't of course

Of course, some of the more religious posters would disagree. Lol.

I think we have a lot of other more important issues to think about. :)

While I agree there far more pressing issues at hand this is still important in terms of the expansion of individual liberty. This issue seems to wrapping up and I hope more folks turn an eye towards are crushing debt. We'll see though...

This issue is old and tiresome, IMO. We can be done with it by just legalizing gay marriage with the same stipulations that there are for heterosexuals. I don't think churches should be forced to marry them though, because that would be violating their liberties. I have a feeling that is going to be the next "issue." I'm kind of hoping it gets legalized and then fades away and we can get to more pressing matters.

I'll never support a church having to marry anyone against their wishes, gay or otherwise. Years from now people will look back and wonder what all the fuss was about.

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