We're Getting Married!

Oh, who cares? Just let the gay people get married already. What difference does it make, really?

It doesn't of course

Of course, some of the more religious posters would disagree. Lol.

I think we have a lot of other more important issues to think about. :)

While I agree there far more pressing issues at hand this is still important in terms of the expansion of individual liberty. This issue seems to wrapping up and I hope more folks turn an eye towards are crushing debt. We'll see though...

This issue is old and tiresome, IMO. We can be done with it by just legalizing gay marriage with the same stipulations that there are for heterosexuals. I don't think churches should be forced to marry them though, because that would be violating their liberties. I have a feeling that is going to be the next "issue." I'm kind of hoping it gets legalized and then fades away and we can get to more pressing matters.

People like SeaBytch are actually turning me AGAINST it

That **** isn't happy with just being able to marry, nope she wants to FORCE your church to accept gays and she wants to FORCE your business to do business with them.

She's a fucking bore, and I would vote no in a heart beat if it shut her up.

So do hate black people for "forcing" the Mormons to accept them?
Oh, who cares? Just let the gay people get married already. What difference does it make, really?

It doesn't of course

Of course, some of the more religious posters would disagree. Lol.

I think we have a lot of other more important issues to think about. :)

While I agree there far more pressing issues at hand this is still important in terms of the expansion of individual liberty. This issue seems to wrapping up and I hope more folks turn an eye towards are crushing debt. We'll see though...

This issue is old and tiresome, IMO. We can be done with it by just legalizing gay marriage with the same stipulations that there are for heterosexuals. I don't think churches should be forced to marry them though, because that would be violating their liberties. I have a feeling that is going to be the next "issue." I'm kind of hoping it gets legalized and then fades away and we can get to more pressing matters.

I'll never support a church having to marry anyone against their wishes, gay or otherwise. Years from now people will look back and wonder what all the fuss was about.

Years from now people are going to be studying ancient american history. This nation has 25 years left tops. and idiotslike redfish and fucking seabytch are a big reason why
It doesn't of course

Of course, some of the more religious posters would disagree. Lol.

I think we have a lot of other more important issues to think about. :)

While I agree there far more pressing issues at hand this is still important in terms of the expansion of individual liberty. This issue seems to wrapping up and I hope more folks turn an eye towards are crushing debt. We'll see though...

This issue is old and tiresome, IMO. We can be done with it by just legalizing gay marriage with the same stipulations that there are for heterosexuals. I don't think churches should be forced to marry them though, because that would be violating their liberties. I have a feeling that is going to be the next "issue." I'm kind of hoping it gets legalized and then fades away and we can get to more pressing matters.

People like SeaBytch are actually turning me AGAINST it

That **** isn't happy with just being able to marry, nope she wants to FORCE your church to accept gays and she wants to FORCE your business to do business with them.

She's a fucking bore, and I would vote no in a heart beat if it shut her up.

So do hate black people for "forcing" the Mormons to accept them?

At NO point have I said I hate you seabytch. Time to get a new strawman
Of course, some of the more religious posters would disagree. Lol.

I think we have a lot of other more important issues to think about. :)

While I agree there far more pressing issues at hand this is still important in terms of the expansion of individual liberty. This issue seems to wrapping up and I hope more folks turn an eye towards are crushing debt. We'll see though...

This issue is old and tiresome, IMO. We can be done with it by just legalizing gay marriage with the same stipulations that there are for heterosexuals. I don't think churches should be forced to marry them though, because that would be violating their liberties. I have a feeling that is going to be the next "issue." I'm kind of hoping it gets legalized and then fades away and we can get to more pressing matters.

People like SeaBytch are actually turning me AGAINST it

That **** isn't happy with just being able to marry, nope she wants to FORCE your church to accept gays and she wants to FORCE your business to do business with them.

She's a fucking bore, and I would vote no in a heart beat if it shut her up.

I'm pretty sure that you and I have had this argument before, or maybe it was someone else, but anyway . . .

I don't see a problem with businesses doing business with them. How would the business know they were gay, and why should a "business" care?

You think a dumb fuck **** like SeaBytch goes in somewhere for a wedding cake and doesn't make sure they know shes gay? Of course she does

Why should they care?

A) Because their religion tells them to
B) That's irrelevant. I should be able to tell ANYONE that I don't want their business for ANY reason. It's MY business. I bought the product, I supply the labor, I pay the taxes, etc etc. It's no more the government's business who I discriminate against than it is who a fag marries.

Thought you wanted freedom?

Well, there is the crux of the matter. Now you are talking about discrimination. Honestly, most business owners are probably not going to know and not going to care.

Are you going to ASK them if they are gay before you do business with people? That's kind of weird, right? :D
It doesn't of course

Of course, some of the more religious posters would disagree. Lol.

I think we have a lot of other more important issues to think about. :)

While I agree there far more pressing issues at hand this is still important in terms of the expansion of individual liberty. This issue seems to wrapping up and I hope more folks turn an eye towards are crushing debt. We'll see though...

This issue is old and tiresome, IMO. We can be done with it by just legalizing gay marriage with the same stipulations that there are for heterosexuals. I don't think churches should be forced to marry them though, because that would be violating their liberties. I have a feeling that is going to be the next "issue." I'm kind of hoping it gets legalized and then fades away and we can get to more pressing matters.

I'll never support a church having to marry anyone against their wishes, gay or otherwise. Years from now people will look back and wonder what all the fuss was about.

Years from now people are going to be studying ancient american history. This nation has 25 years left tops. and idiotslike redfish and fucking seabytch are a big reason why

I don't share such a grim view of the future. I have hope for our nation because that is all I have left. That may be naive but I am hoping for the best and yet preparing for the worst.
While I agree there far more pressing issues at hand this is still important in terms of the expansion of individual liberty. This issue seems to wrapping up and I hope more folks turn an eye towards are crushing debt. We'll see though...

This issue is old and tiresome, IMO. We can be done with it by just legalizing gay marriage with the same stipulations that there are for heterosexuals. I don't think churches should be forced to marry them though, because that would be violating their liberties. I have a feeling that is going to be the next "issue." I'm kind of hoping it gets legalized and then fades away and we can get to more pressing matters.

People like SeaBytch are actually turning me AGAINST it

That **** isn't happy with just being able to marry, nope she wants to FORCE your church to accept gays and she wants to FORCE your business to do business with them.

She's a fucking bore, and I would vote no in a heart beat if it shut her up.

I'm pretty sure that you and I have had this argument before, or maybe it was someone else, but anyway . . .

I don't see a problem with businesses doing business with them. How would the business know they were gay, and why should a "business" care?

You think a dumb fuck **** like SeaBytch goes in somewhere for a wedding cake and doesn't make sure they know shes gay? Of course she does

Why should they care?

A) Because their religion tells them to
B) That's irrelevant. I should be able to tell ANYONE that I don't want their business for ANY reason. It's MY business. I bought the product, I supply the labor, I pay the taxes, etc etc. It's no more the government's business who I discriminate against than it is who a fag marries.

Thought you wanted freedom?

Well, there is the crux of the matter. Now you are talking about discrimination. Honestly, most business owners are probably not going to know and not going to care.

Are you going to ASK them if they are gay before you do business with people? That's kind of weird, right? :D

Again I ask, do you REALLY think anyone has to ask SeaBytch if she is gay? I bet she practically wears a name tag.

She can't post in a thread about the weather without making it about gays.

It's inconceivable that she wouldn't tell baker or whatever that she is gay , and I've ZERO ZERO ZERO doubt that she starts screaming about "homophobes" anytime she gets anything less than stellar service.
Of course, some of the more religious posters would disagree. Lol.

I think we have a lot of other more important issues to think about. :)

While I agree there far more pressing issues at hand this is still important in terms of the expansion of individual liberty. This issue seems to wrapping up and I hope more folks turn an eye towards are crushing debt. We'll see though...

This issue is old and tiresome, IMO. We can be done with it by just legalizing gay marriage with the same stipulations that there are for heterosexuals. I don't think churches should be forced to marry them though, because that would be violating their liberties. I have a feeling that is going to be the next "issue." I'm kind of hoping it gets legalized and then fades away and we can get to more pressing matters.

I'll never support a church having to marry anyone against their wishes, gay or otherwise. Years from now people will look back and wonder what all the fuss was about.

Years from now people are going to be studying ancient american history. This nation has 25 years left tops. and idiotslike redfish and fucking seabytch are a big reason why

I don't share such a grim view of the future. I have hope for our nation because that is all I have left. That may be naive but I am hoping for the best and yet preparing for the worst.

I've got a farm and guns, lots of guns. I have little faith in the idiots in this country.
Oh, who cares? Just let the gay people get married already. What difference does it make, really?

It doesn't of course

Of course, some of the more religious posters would disagree. Lol.

I think we have a lot of other more important issues to think about. :)

While I agree there far more pressing issues at hand this is still important in terms of the expansion of individual liberty. This issue seems to wrapping up and I hope more folks turn an eye towards are crushing debt. We'll see though...

This issue is old and tiresome, IMO. We can be done with it by just legalizing gay marriage with the same stipulations that there are for heterosexuals. I don't think churches should be forced to marry them though, because that would be violating their liberties. I have a feeling that is going to be the next "issue." I'm kind of hoping it gets legalized and then fades away and we can get to more pressing matters.

I'll never support a church having to marry anyone against their wishes, gay or otherwise. Years from now people will look back and wonder what all the fuss was about.

Neither would I. I do not support the government forcing a church to perform a ceremony against the tenants of their faith. I support churches accepting their gay and lesbian brothers and sisters through public opinion...you know, like they are now.

National Congregations Study finds more church acceptance of gays and lesbians

Black churches are becoming more gay-friendly

Growing number of California churches believe homosexuality not sinful

And it's only going to increase. Why? Well, because...

Young U.S. Catholics overwhelmingly accepting of homosexuality

What millennials really want from the church is not a change in style but a change in substance.

We want an end to the culture wars. We want a truce between science and faith. We want to be known for what we stand for, not what we are against.

We want to ask questions that don’t have predetermined answers.

We want churches that emphasize an allegiance to the kingdom of God over an allegiance to a single political party or a single nation.

We want our LGBT friends to feel truly welcome in our faith communities.

We want to be challenged to live lives of holiness, not only when it comes to sex, but also when it comes to living simply, caring for the poor and oppressed, pursuing reconciliation, engaging in creation care and becoming peacemakers.

You can’t hand us a latte and then go about business as usual and expect us to stick around. We’re not leaving the church because we don’t find the cool factor there; we’re leaving the church because we don’t find Jesus there.

Why Millennials Are Leaving the Church
This issue is old and tiresome, IMO. We can be done with it by just legalizing gay marriage with the same stipulations that there are for heterosexuals. I don't think churches should be forced to marry them though, because that would be violating their liberties. I have a feeling that is going to be the next "issue." I'm kind of hoping it gets legalized and then fades away and we can get to more pressing matters.

People like SeaBytch are actually turning me AGAINST it

That **** isn't happy with just being able to marry, nope she wants to FORCE your church to accept gays and she wants to FORCE your business to do business with them.

She's a fucking bore, and I would vote no in a heart beat if it shut her up.

I'm pretty sure that you and I have had this argument before, or maybe it was someone else, but anyway . . .

I don't see a problem with businesses doing business with them. How would the business know they were gay, and why should a "business" care?

You think a dumb fuck **** like SeaBytch goes in somewhere for a wedding cake and doesn't make sure they know shes gay? Of course she does

Why should they care?

A) Because their religion tells them to
B) That's irrelevant. I should be able to tell ANYONE that I don't want their business for ANY reason. It's MY business. I bought the product, I supply the labor, I pay the taxes, etc etc. It's no more the government's business who I discriminate against than it is who a fag marries.

Thought you wanted freedom?

Well, there is the crux of the matter. Now you are talking about discrimination. Honestly, most business owners are probably not going to know and not going to care.

Are you going to ASK them if they are gay before you do business with people? That's kind of weird, right? :D

Again I ask, do you REALLY think anyone has to ask SeaBytch if she is gay? I bet she practically wears a name tag.

She can't post in a thread about the weather without making it about gays.

It's inconceivable that she wouldn't tell baker or whatever that she is gay , and I've ZERO ZERO ZERO doubt that she starts screaming about "homophobes" anytime she gets anything less than stellar service.

Wow...you're dumb and wrong. I've never had to tell anyone that I was gay that didn't presume the opposite.
While I agree there far more pressing issues at hand this is still important in terms of the expansion of individual liberty. This issue seems to wrapping up and I hope more folks turn an eye towards are crushing debt. We'll see though...

This issue is old and tiresome, IMO. We can be done with it by just legalizing gay marriage with the same stipulations that there are for heterosexuals. I don't think churches should be forced to marry them though, because that would be violating their liberties. I have a feeling that is going to be the next "issue." I'm kind of hoping it gets legalized and then fades away and we can get to more pressing matters.

I'll never support a church having to marry anyone against their wishes, gay or otherwise. Years from now people will look back and wonder what all the fuss was about.

Years from now people are going to be studying ancient american history. This nation has 25 years left tops. and idiotslike redfish and fucking seabytch are a big reason why

I don't share such a grim view of the future. I have hope for our nation because that is all I have left. That may be naive but I am hoping for the best and yet preparing for the worst.

I've got a farm and guns, lots of guns. I have little faith in the idiots in this country.

I have both as well but I am better with a bow. If it really hits the fan I have plenty of money and land in Barbados. I'll just kick the college renters out and move there instead.
This issue is old and tiresome, IMO. We can be done with it by just legalizing gay marriage with the same stipulations that there are for heterosexuals. I don't think churches should be forced to marry them though, because that would be violating their liberties. I have a feeling that is going to be the next "issue." I'm kind of hoping it gets legalized and then fades away and we can get to more pressing matters.

People like SeaBytch are actually turning me AGAINST it

That **** isn't happy with just being able to marry, nope she wants to FORCE your church to accept gays and she wants to FORCE your business to do business with them.

She's a fucking bore, and I would vote no in a heart beat if it shut her up.

I'm pretty sure that you and I have had this argument before, or maybe it was someone else, but anyway . . .

I don't see a problem with businesses doing business with them. How would the business know they were gay, and why should a "business" care?

You think a dumb fuck **** like SeaBytch goes in somewhere for a wedding cake and doesn't make sure they know shes gay? Of course she does

Why should they care?

A) Because their religion tells them to
B) That's irrelevant. I should be able to tell ANYONE that I don't want their business for ANY reason. It's MY business. I bought the product, I supply the labor, I pay the taxes, etc etc. It's no more the government's business who I discriminate against than it is who a fag marries.

Thought you wanted freedom?

Well, there is the crux of the matter. Now you are talking about discrimination. Honestly, most business owners are probably not going to know and not going to care.

Are you going to ASK them if they are gay before you do business with people? That's kind of weird, right? :D

Again I ask, do you REALLY think anyone has to ask SeaBytch if she is gay? I bet she practically wears a name tag.

She can't post in a thread about the weather without making it about gays.

It's inconceivable that she wouldn't tell baker or whatever that she is gay , and I've ZERO ZERO ZERO doubt that she starts screaming about "homophobes" anytime she gets anything less than stellar service.

Oh come on! You're exaggerating! :D And if so, such situations would be more like refusing service to a disruptive customer, IMO.

Honestly, I don't know what to do about the conflict between business owners who don't want to serve gay people and the discrimination factor. That is a conundrum for sure. Lol.
Gay Americans cannot marry someone of the same sex, however, which violates the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, where same-sex couples are indeed eligible to enter into marriage contracts.

As for the Framers of the 14th Amendment:

“Had those who drew and ratified the Due Process Clauses of the Fifth Amendment or the Fourteenth Amendment known the components of liberty in its manifold possibilities, they might have been more specific. They did not presume to have this insight. They knew times can blind us to certain truths and later generations can see that laws once thought necessary and proper in fact serve only to oppress. As the Constitution endures, persons in every generation can invoke its principles in their own search for greater freedom.”


And Federal courts may in fact invalidate state measures repugnant to the Founding Document, as authorized by Article VI of the Constitution.

Such a statement is laughable and probably came from the biggest bastard the court ever knew: William O. Douglas.

To assume he somehow spoke with knowledge, much less a dispassionate POV, is to ignore reality.

"Greater Freedom".....

Tell me again why I can't own a nuclear bomb ? That would be greater freedom.

Oh wow! I guess next you're going to tell us you're a Christian.....:eek:

You look pretty stupid even when you've not been drinking.

Sorry that such a reminder upsets you so much......I guess I must be wrong....you sure don't act like one....:)

You guess ? I can assure you that you are rarely right.

Well, your attitude suggests I'm right.......must have bothered your conscience some for you to reply the way you did.....:D
So how did the honeymoon go?

Got aids yet?


Are you an example of right-wing? Sure have a lot of hate for people that in no way affect you.....must suck to be right-wing?

If it impacts society, it impacts me.

Good thing society didn't go homo when Adam was say... 15. Would be a pretty small world today, no?


How does it impact you? You think that because they can't get married they're not living together already? And, Adam was created as an adult......he was never 15.
Hey SeaBytch, you found proof that I wasn't born a Christian yet??

LOL, but she is sure that she was born lesbian. Couldn't have anything to do with not being asked to the 7th grade dance. Gayness is a way to not have to deal with normal heterosexual relationships. Ever notice that most lesbians are ugly?

Really? Your judgment of what is ugly is questionable. Ellen DeGeneres is hardly ugly......Rachel Maddow is not anywhere ugly. Let's see your picture!


So how did the honeymoon go?

Got aids yet?


Are you an example of right-wing? Sure have a lot of hate for people that in no way affect you.....must suck to be right-wing?

If it impacts society, it impacts me.

Good thing society didn't go homo when Adam was say... 15. Would be a pretty small world today, no?


How does it impact you? You think that because they can't get married they're not living together already? And, Adam was created as an adult......he was never 15.

But I'm sure you didn't miss the point though

People like SeaBytch are actually turning me AGAINST it

That **** isn't happy with just being able to marry, nope she wants to FORCE your church to accept gays and she wants to FORCE your business to do business with them.

She's a fucking bore, and I would vote no in a heart beat if it shut her up.

I'm pretty sure that you and I have had this argument before, or maybe it was someone else, but anyway . . .

I don't see a problem with businesses doing business with them. How would the business know they were gay, and why should a "business" care?

You think a dumb fuck **** like SeaBytch goes in somewhere for a wedding cake and doesn't make sure they know shes gay? Of course she does

Why should they care?

A) Because their religion tells them to
B) That's irrelevant. I should be able to tell ANYONE that I don't want their business for ANY reason. It's MY business. I bought the product, I supply the labor, I pay the taxes, etc etc. It's no more the government's business who I discriminate against than it is who a fag marries.

Thought you wanted freedom?

Well, there is the crux of the matter. Now you are talking about discrimination. Honestly, most business owners are probably not going to know and not going to care.

Are you going to ASK them if they are gay before you do business with people? That's kind of weird, right? :D

Again I ask, do you REALLY think anyone has to ask SeaBytch if she is gay? I bet she practically wears a name tag.

She can't post in a thread about the weather without making it about gays.

It's inconceivable that she wouldn't tell baker or whatever that she is gay , and I've ZERO ZERO ZERO doubt that she starts screaming about "homophobes" anytime she gets anything less than stellar service.

Oh come on! You're exaggerating! :D And if so, such situations would be more like refusing service to a disruptive customer, IMO.

Honestly, I don't know what to do about the conflict between business owners who don't want to serve gay people and the discrimination factor. That is a conundrum for sure. Lol.
Actually it's a non-issue, a contrived 'controversy' by the right.

Those who own and operate a business open to the general public are subject to all manner of necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures – public accommodations laws among them (Employment Division v. Smith (1990)).

As responsible, professional business owners they need to abide by those regulatory measures as an aspect of doing business, and provide goods and services to members of the local community in good faith and in accordance with the law.

There is no 'conundrum.'
Last edited:
Honestly, I don't know what to do about the conflict between business owners who don't want to serve gay people and the discrimination factor. That is a conundrum for sure. Lol.

That's easy...either treat gays and lesbians the same way we treat other minorities in public accommodation or get rid of all PA laws and rural minorities can just suck it...and grow their own food.
Honestly, I don't know what to do about the conflict between business owners who don't want to serve gay people and the discrimination factor. That is a conundrum for sure. Lol.

That's easy...either treat gays and lesbians the same way we treat other minorities in public accommodation or get rid of all PA laws and rural minorities can just suck it...and grow their own food.

Well, like I said earlier, in most instances, people are not going to know or care whether you are gay or not. :)

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