Zone1 "We're Here to Say Love Your Neighbor"

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Hey that's all good and stuff Pastor, but I noticed that you didn't say the word repent. At least they seem to be keeping the kids away from this one.

I'd really hate to be you on judgement day. I would expect this sort of thing out of somebody like you, but when and why did Christians start accepting this? They've turned into a group of cowards.
Judgement from a Jewish man who died 2000 years ago?

Not going to happen.

And he was not a resentful, hateful, out for revenge kind of a human being. So, why have so many Christians been so resentful, hateful and vengeful ESPECIALLY towards his own people and anyone else they do not like?
Nobody listens to a thing I say. Or God for that matter so what's the point anymore. :sigh2:
I'd really hate to be you on judgement day. I would expect this sort of thing out of somebody like you, but when and why did Christians start accepting this? They've turned into a group of cowards.
Right. Jesus was a Christian.( Not) And he was a god. ( Not) Wait, Paul said Demigod. So, how did he become god? And can humans really be demigods, like Hercules in the Greek literature and many other people's cultures?
Nobody listens to a thing I say. Or God for that matter so what's the point anymore. :sigh2:
You do not want to know about anything else beyond what you have learned since a child.

Who does care to listen to things which are not true, even if the person saying it, believes it with every fiber of their soul? How does these non truths become truth just out of believing it?
You say that I'm ignorant towards the LGBTQIA community, but yet you're just as ignorant towards Christians.
Here is a great example of Christians:


The skulls represent all the babies murdered by Catholic priests.
Makes you proud, innit?
Loving your neighbor= fine
Ignoring the gospel of Jesus Christ= blasphemy

Christians are supposed to be telling people the truth. Not what they want to hear.
What you mean by blasphemy is anybodies guess. We simply disagree and I believe Cult progaganda must always be opposed .
What you believe as the truth is simply your truth. Not mine .
And I happen to believe that you will pay for your error , though not in the way that you Cultists believe .
Nobody listens to a thing I say. Or God for that matter so what's the point anymore. :sigh2:
Don't let the atheists get you down.
They are always present & nothing more than a challenge to your faith.
Engaging them is almost always pointless so just ignore them.
They will go away thinking they have won something even as they continue to wallow in their own willful ignorance & you don't waste time on fools
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