Zone1 "We're Here to Say Love Your Neighbor"

Judgement from a Jewish man who died 2000 years ago?

Not going to happen.

And he was not a resentful, hateful, out for revenge kind of a human being. So, why have so many Christians been so resentful, hateful and vengeful ESPECIALLY towards his own people and anyone else they do not like?
When it coms to Jesus, “Love your neighbor”, and the morality that faith ought to inform…I think Ghandi put it in a way that resonates with me.

Though a deeply devout Hindu, Gandhi's basic approach to all religions was 'sarvadharma samabhav' (equal respect for all religions). For him all religions had equal status and were different paths to the same goal of achieving union with the Divine. His religion was that "which transcends Hinduism, which changes one's very nature, binds one indissolubly to the truth within and ever purifies. It is the permanent element in human nature which leaves the soul restless until it has found itself, known its maker and appreciated the true correspondence between the maker and itself."2 He affirmed "For me different religions are beautiful flowers from the same garden or branches of the same majestic tree."3 He often said he was as much a Moslem, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain and Parsee as he was Hindu and added "The hands that serve are holier than the lips that pray."4 At his prayer meetings there were readings from all the holy books. His favourite hymn began with the line "He alone is a true devotee of God who understands the pains and sufferings of others."5 His religiosity is therefore best described as a spiritualized humanism.

Gandhi's great respect for Christ and the extent to which he drew inspiration from him are revealed in his following statements: "What does Jesus mean to me? To me, he was one of the greatest teachers humanity has ever had."6 "Jesus lived and died in vain if He did not teach us to regulate the whole of life by the eternal law of love.".7

"Jesus, a man who was completely innocent, offered himself as a sacrifice for the good of others, including his enemies, and became the ransom of the world. It was a perfect act."

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