West (R-FL) desecrates flag

Flags are nothing more than propaganda. Who cares if somebody takes a flag underwater?

A former military man should know that flags aren't supposed to be flown below sea level. Hence, not touch water either. Besides, haven't you heard, conservatives claim to have a monopoly on patriotism. Thats funny considering I'm a vet & darn sure aint no conservative-bot LOLOL.
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Any soldier who breaks the law (UCMJ) in the manner he did should be locked up.

He was in violation of some serious charges. Enough where he had to "retire" or go to jail. He lost his command, respect as an honorable officer and any chance of redemption.

Basically he sucks and should never, ever be seen anywhere near the flag he disgraced.

I agree.

He's a big poopy-pants.

Dude, he was already disgraced. That is bad enough. You do not have to resort to name calling. :eusa_whistle:

Poopy-pants, Poopy-pants.
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He lost his command because of something he did during a war operation. That is a disgrace dude.

It's a far cry from "digraced his country".

It might be a personal disgrace or it might not be. That's up to West to decide. Either way, it ended his career.

I don't know, Geaux. You were an officer; if you had honestly felt you had to choose between unnecessarily putting your men at risk, and your career, what would you have done?

The answer to that question is: "It depends".

I don't think I would have done what West did. You don't get a "get out of jail free card" under the guise of "it was best for my men".

At some point you have to accept that you are in a dangerous job and you have to preserve the UCMJ, let discipline runs amok and creates a bigger mess.
"When they get in trouble they send for the sons-of-bitches...."...

*shrugs* I have no issues with what he did, and would have done same if presented with the same circumstances, just as we know in our hearts it was not the only instance of said intimidation...shit happens... he also paid the price for it. He knew the risk...he made the call.
West was charged with violating articles 128 (assault) and 134 (general article) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. During a hearing held as part of an Article 32 investigation in November 2003, West stated, "I know the method I used was not right, but I wanted to take care of my soldiers."[citation needed] The charges were ultimately referred to an Article 15 proceeding rather than court-martial, at which West was fined $5,000.[11] LTC West accepted the judgment and retired with full benefits in the summer of 2004. Asked if he would have acted differently if under similar circumstances again, West testified, "If it's about the lives of my soldiers at stake, I'd go through hell with a gasoline can."[13] After Colonel West was relieved of his command, an interpreter said that without his presence the region he previously oversaw became more dangerous and chaotic.[11]
Sounds like he was a good, effective officer who made a bad decision and paid for it.

Why don't you just admit you want him charged for Being Conservative While Black?

He was found guilty, stripped of his command and forced to either retire or face court martial.

How can you defend this piece of shit x army (disgraced) officer? This moron actually said he had a higher security clearance than the president. Can you believe this crap. An disgraced, X army officer who was forced to get the fuck out (oh and had to pay 5k on the way out the door) or face a court martial. If he thought he was not wrong, why not go for the court martial?
Do you really think your outrage is in any way sincere? You're not fooling anyone.
By the way...are you seriously playing the race card? Why does your side always do this?
My side?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3tojrprAno]YouTube - ‪Black Conservatives are Sellout Race Traitors‬‏[/ame]

Congressman Allen West: America’s Uncle Tom « Hopelessplanet

Allen West: A Low-level Uncle Tom in The Racket Ministry | Qalil.com

The Encho Report: Allen West: Tea House Negro

Rise of A House Negro: The Tea Party

Pull your head out of your ass, you moron.

So you are saying you are as bad as they are?

YOU ARE THE ONE IN HERE BRINGING UP RACE. Dude, the race card is not the way to go here. It really isnt.

He is a disgraced x army officer. Period. No black or white. Stop playing that card. YOu can link to what ever you want, YOU are using it in here.
It's a far cry from "digraced his country".

It might be a personal disgrace or it might not be. That's up to West to decide. Either way, it ended his career.

I don't know, Geaux. You were an officer; if you had honestly felt you had to choose between unnecessarily putting your men at risk, and your career, what would you have done?

The answer to that question is: "It depends".

I don't think I would have done what West did. You don't get a "get out of jail free card" under the guise of "it was best for my men".

At some point you have to accept that you are in a dangerous job and you have to preserve the UCMJ, let discipline runs amok and creates a bigger mess.

He did not have permission to do what he did and that violates the ucmj. That was written for a reason and we all know what is legal and not legal particularly during war time.

I dont want an officer thinking he is better than our laws and that is why he lost his command.
Yes, you are. Retard.

If West was white, you wouldn't give a shit. Admit it.

Why you conservatives always bring race into debates? Was race mentioned in the OP? :eusa_eh: NO :clap2:

Do pay attention. Retard.

The left hates black conservatives. That's what's driving that Zona chick's little hissy fit.

First off dumb ass. I a guy living in arizona..ariZONA. Get it? Second, you are the one who keeps bringing up race in here. YOU ARE THE ONE. Not our side in here. You link to people calling him uncle tom etc, but you are as bad as they are really.

Again, you are the one playing the race card, not us in here.YOU. Get it?

It's a shame more people don't get the basics of the Flag dos and don'ts.

It shouldn't be used by either side for PR stunts or gotcha making a mistake moments.



does this guy look like he's in distress?

Why you conservatives always bring race into debates? Was race mentioned in the OP? :eusa_eh: NO :clap2:

Do pay attention. Retard.

The left hates black conservatives. That's what's driving that Zona chick's little hissy fit.

First off dumb ass. I a guy living in arizona..ariZONA. Get it? Second, you are the one who keeps bringing up race in here. YOU ARE THE ONE. Not our side in here. You link to people calling him uncle tom etc, but you are as bad as they are really.

Again, you are the one playing the race card, not us in here.YOU. Get it?


You're a guy????!!! I would have never guessed that. You must be one of those type of guys that come off as a bit dainty.:lol::lol::lol:
Any soldier who breaks the law (UCMJ) in the manner he did should be locked up.

He was in violation of some serious charges. Enough where he had to "retire" or go to jail. He lost his command, respect as an honorable officer and any chance of redemption.

Basically he sucks and should never, ever be seen anywhere near the flag he disgraced.

Those who perpetuate this bullshit are the dishonorable ones. Personally, I find it sickening that anyone - left or right - would resort to using charges which were never proven - and which, even if true, were to save the lives of his own troops, in the midst of a war - against him. It is partisan hackery of the lowest possible standard.

You people (and by 'you people' I mean only those on the left who would resort to this crap) disgust any decent American - no matter what their political persuasion.

Hack...did he lose his command? Answer this. Did he suddenly "retire" and was he offered the choice of retirement or a court martial? Answer these two things then come back here and apologize.

stay on point and answer these two things.

Hack. He is a disgraced x army officer who lost his command for serious violations of the ucmj. Period. Prove me wrong or come back here with your tails between your legs.

I will not apologize when I am not wrong. He is very well respected in the Army. You are a hack who will stoop to any level because you hate a smart, dedicated, ex Army, BLACK conservative.

Here's how the left treat our flag.

Here's how some on the left treat our flag.

Fixed it for ya, CG. - you have to be careful with sweeping generalizations.

I hang toward the left and I fly my flag correctly, with reverence and with pride, thank you very much.
Broke the law too! Haven't conservatives done enough already?

The blogger on the Broward-Palm Beach New Times’s website is accusing him of violating the United States Code by putting the flag in water and flying it below ground level.

“Rep. Allen West going diving off the coast of Deerfield Beach with a bunch of military veterans — except for the fact that he violated U.S. federal law in the process and provided a pictorial of himself doing so,” a blogger on the Broward-Palm Beach New Times’s website wrote early Tuesday morning.

Read more: Allen West flagged for scuba diving with Old Glory - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

why isn't this in the humor section?:eusa_eh:


Starting with some bloggers opinion as 'news'.
He lost his command because of something he did during a war operation. That is a disgrace dude.

It's a far cry from "digraced his country".

It might be a personal disgrace or it might not be. That's up to West to decide. Either way, it ended his career.

I don't know, Geaux. You were an officer; if you had honestly felt you had to choose between unnecessarily putting your men at risk, and your career, what would you have done?

Any decent Officer would have done the same thing. They are responsible for the lives of those under them.

In fact, I respect him more for what he did - and I suspect many in the Army feel likewise. Zona is just a desperate little hack who's scared of black conservatives.

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