West Virginia Bans Abortion

You have to be poor to go into a mine. Grandad, as a child, ran off to sea before mining.

The average annual household income in Boone County is $49,742, while the median household income sits at $40,729 per year. Residents aged 25 to 44 earn $70,436, while those between 45 and 64 years old have a median wage of $63,065. In contrast, people younger than 25 and those older than 65 earn less, at $33,750 and $36,118, respectively.

Now in NYC that isn't going to cut it but with the low COL in WV that will work for you. There is nothing in Boone county other than mining.

Boone County, WV Household Income, Population & Demographics | Point2

Yes miners were abused 100 years ago.
Just what the country needs: More dirt poor Appalachians.
In city after city...ghettos abound with people in those areas on the top of the list as privileged groups pushed to succeed. But they won't get with the program. Abortion after abortion, child after child born with no dad around and an endless chute of resources from the taxpayers and from the private side funneled in.
Interesting how the poor states lead the way. The humbler simple people usually have the right way. Just like poor Africa leads the Catholic Church in many ways. The Northeast US should have the answers, but they don't. They embrace wickedness and think they know more than God. The wealthy and the 'educated' and the haughty think they are gods, and discard the true God, the God of Abraham.

"Blessed are the meek. They will inherit the kingdom of God".
Africa leads the Catholic church? There are almost 3 times as many Protestants in Africa a there are Catholics. Christians as a whole barely outnumber Muslims.
So, what you're saying is we should kill those whom you deem unworthy of life.

How wonderfully eugenic of you. Your hero, Margaret Sanger, who hated negroes, would be very proud.

What a stupid comment but then I consider the source.

Abortion isn't about "killing babes", because there is no baby until much, much further along in the pregnancy. Abortion is about being ready, willing and able to feed, care for and raise another child at this point in time. The majority of women having abortions are poor, married women with one or more children.

These mothers can barely afford to care for the children they have now, and you want to force them to have MORE children, all while calling the women "irresponsible" for getting pregnant in the first place - as if they did it all by themselves.

Women are being attacked and vilified just for trying to their lives in peace and security for themselves and their families. Women with difficult pregnancies or pregnancies which will never produce a baby, are being sent home until the fetus dies and is expelled by the woman's body. If her fallopian tube bursts and she bleeds out before the fetus dies, she'll die first. If the dead fetus inside her fails to expell, she could get sepsis and die.

But Republicans don't care. Banning abortion is all they care about. The women and their families don't matter.
Culling is killing. You're a genocidal fascist, just like Margaret Sanger. I'm glad you're finally being honest about it, we need to know what a piece of shit you really are.

Stop proving how ignorant a retard you are:

verb: cull; 3rd person present: culls; past tense: culled; past participle: culled; gerund or present participle: culling
  1. select from a large quantity; obtain from a variety of sources.
    "anecdotes culled from Greek and Roman history"
You're such a fucking retard.

"Cull" simply means to select and remove from a group, dummy.

I think it's funny that some retard is calling me a "fascist" when that same retard is a proponent of the government telling private citizens what they can do and what they can't do when it comes to their medical decisions...

Who do you think would be doing the culling?
Stop proving how ignorant a retard you are:

verb: cull; 3rd person present: culls; past tense: culled; past participle: culled; gerund or present participle: culling
  1. select from a large quantity; obtain from a variety of sources.
    "anecdotes culled from Greek and Roman history"

You were talking about people, fascist, not words. Culling is killing when it comes to people. Just like Hillary said everyone who supports Trump is "irredeemable". You took it a step further, you piece of shit.
Again please make your views as public as possible...

Might as well show us what you think about personal responsibility is... Men need not care...

Like men are made to care now, even in places with legal abortion on demand.
Did he lock up COVID patients in nursing homes like they did in New York? WV only had 7,344 deaths, compared to New York's 71,821 and California's 95,540. Apparently he did something right, wouldn't you say?
You know NY has 12 times the population of WV.

So NY death rate is lower...

Wow you must be fucking slow at school...
Thank you for your Mansplanation. I am sure you are 100% correct and that women everywhere appreciate their evilz morals in this immacualte conception. Now where's the legislation to insure proper healthcare for the mother to be and the child pre/birth and post/birth? Now where's the legislation to improve education for said children?

§16-2R-3. Prohibition to perform an abortion.

(a) An abortion may not be performed or induced or be attempted to be performed or induced unless in the reasonable medical judgment of a licensed medical professional:

(1) The embryo or fetus is nonviable;

(2) The pregnancy is ectopic; or

(3) A medical emergency exists.
(No person may perform, or attempt to perform, a dismemberment abortion as defined in this section, unless in reasonable medical judgment the woman has a condition that, on the basis of reasonable medical judgment, so complicates her medical condition as to necessitate the abortion of her pregnancy to avert her death or to avert serious risk of substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function, not including psychological or emotional conditions. No condition may be deemed a medical emergency if based on a claim or diagnosis that the woman will engage in conduct which she intends to result in her death or in substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function)

(b) The prohibition set forth in subsection (a) of this section shall not apply to an adult within the first 8 weeks of pregnancy if the pregnancy is the result of sexual assault, as defined in §61-8B-1 et seq. of this code, or incest, as defined in §61-8-12 of this code, and at least 48 hours prior to the abortion the patient has reported the sexual assault or incest to a law enforcement agency having jurisdiction to investigate the complaint and provided the report to the licensed medical professional performing the abortion.

(c) The prohibition set forth in subsection (a) of this section shall not apply to a minor or an incompetent or incapacitated adult within the first 14 weeks of pregnancy if the pregnancy is the result of sexual assault, as defined in §61-8B-1 et seq. of this code, or incest, as defined in §61-8-12 of this code, and at least 48 hours prior to the abortion the patient has:

(1) A report of the sexual assault or incest has been made to law enforcement having jurisdiction to investigate the complaint; or

(2) The patient has obtained medical treatment for the sexual assault or incest or any injury related to the sexual assault or incest from a licensed medical professional or in a hospital, as defined in §16-5B-1 of this code, which is licensed by the Office of Health Facility Licensure and Certification of the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources: Provided, That the licensed medical professional or hospital, as defined in §16-5B-1 of this code, which is licensed by the Office of Health Facility Licensure and Certification of the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, and which performed or provided such medical treatment may not perform or provide the abortion arising from such sexual assault or incest.

(d) In all cases where a report of sexual assault or incest against a minor is made pursuant this subsection (c), the agency or person to whom the report is made shall report the sexual assault or incest to the Child Abuse and Neglect Investigations Unit of the West Virginia State Police within 48 hours.

(e) An abortion performed pursuant to this section may not use the partial birth abortion procedure.

(f) A surgical abortion performed or induced or attempted to be performed or induced pursuant to this section shall be in a hospital, as defined in §16-5B-1 of this code, which is licensed by the Office of Health Facility Licensure and Certification of the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources.

Thats the whole point of the law.
You have never heard of Medicaid or Obamacare?
You have to be poor to go into a mine. Grandad, as a child, ran off to sea before mining.
What other jobs are in West Virginia? Have you ever been there?

Yes, so did a friend of mine who recently passed. He was a Navy Commander.

You do know the cows there have legs on one side that are longer than the other so they can stand up on the sides of the mountains?

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