West Virginia Bans Abortion

You were talking about people, fascist, not words. Culling is killing when it comes to people. Just like Hillary said everyone who supports Trump is "irredeemable". You took it a step further, you piece of shit.

I gave you the definition as I intended the word to be used, retard.

You don't get to tell me what I meant, you ignorant bag of shit.

So go fuck yourself...
Nope, it would be the government more than likely, the same thing you are railing against.

abortion isn't health care for the fetus, that's for sure.

But it definitely could be for the mother, retard.

Get that through your pointed fucking head...
Still takes two to get pregnant and you want to vilify one...
Men have no control.

Of course, if I could I would temporarily castrate every male child at birth, only to reverse that procedure at such a time as he has proven that he and his partner are capable of effectively and responsibly parenting a child. Then men could fuck their little hearts out and no abortions would be necessary, ever.
The crux of the abortion argument is the value of life, which most abortion rights supporters ignore because it makes them uncomfortable.

No, the crux of the pro-life argument, and almost without exception, comes down to one of religious beliefs...
Well, what you "consider" it is pretty meaningless...
No, it isn't. Since I am a valid citizen of this country and can support and vote for people who s support the policies I think are right.

Hence, we now have the incorrect legal decision of Roe being rightly overturned and returned to the States where the people of the State get to determine what is murder or not.

As it should be.
No, it isn't. Since I am a valid citizen of this country and can support and vote for people who s support the policies I think are right.
Nice to see you stayed awake in civics class...

Hence, we now have the incorrect legal decision of Roe being rightly overturned and returned to the States where the people of the State get to determine what is murder or not.

As it should be.


Would you, then, support the idea that a state can make the determination that walking up to someone and shooting them in the face and killing them isn't murder?

After all, if the states can (and, according to you, should) determine what is murder, it would certainly stand to reason that if they can determine what is murder, they can determine what isn't murder as well, right?
I gave you the definition as I intended the word to be used, retard.

You don't get to tell me what I meant, you ignorant bag of shit.

So go fuck yourself...

^^^Angry fascists are ugly fascists. You're an angry, ugly, genocidal fascist. Thank God people like you rarely get power, because when you do we have a Hitler, a Mao, a Stalin, a Biden.

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