West Virginia Governor To Switch Parties

may you live in interesting times.

may you live THROUGH interesting times....
He's a corrupt jackass - the only reason he won was the Republican opponent was worse. It was a microcosm of the national election.

I didn't vote for either.
Ha, Ha, everyone is getting tired of being a libtardo.

The governor is going to announce he's sick of being a libtardo and is going to grow a set.

West Virginia’s Democratic Governor to Switch to Republican at Trump Rally

No surprise. He has switched parties multiple times.
It's funny, as soon as this was announced, all you see on CNN and CBC is "things are intensifying with the Russian probe". Does anyone not realize that a year has passed and they are still chasing this. 16, Count that, SIXTEEN lawyers, all Hillary supporters and mostly democratic donors are chasing this rabbit.

Yes, it's a witch hunt, politically driven. I will be the first to say that if there is external interference it must be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law, but you have to have your head in the sand to not see the clear bias when Hillary openly talked about collusion and her Foundation should have been deemed a National Security risk for all the Pay to Play that was going on.

This is a message for the youth of today, if you fail in life, and you spend massive money and capital in this loss, there is always Plan B, just go after the person who beat you and try and paint them as a cheater. Not one vote was cast by Russia or in a computer hack, the left did this to themselves and have been doing it for the last 1000 lost seats, this is not Trumps doing.
And stupid libtardos only have total control of six states. lmao

Tonight West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice (D) will announce his intention to join the Republican Party, and the GOP have full control of the legislative and executive branch in 26 states.

Population of GOP-controlled states: 164,130,104

Population of Dem-controlled states: 50,190,213

Starting to get the message yet, libtardos???????

and still keep trump on a no legislation leash ...

Democrats are opportunistic and have been known to change party affiliation for political advantage.

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