Westboro Baptist Church: Where's The Outrage?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

I keep wondering why the left hasn't lashed out at these freaks. They're extremist Christians that pretty much exemplify everything the left hates about Christianity yet I see nobody here complaining about them.

I wonder why that is?

This church is so anti-Gay that they're going around the country protesting the funerals of military men and women killed in Iraq and Afghanistan because of the infamous "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy. I see nobody saying a thing about them. Could it be that the left sees them as an asset?

I remember the fight that ensued when Pres. Bill Clinton suggested the policy and now that the left doesn't think it goes far enough and wants to get rid of it perhaps the Westboro Baptist Church is doing their dirty work.

I believe this is an example of a policy that is middle-of-the-road that nether extreme likes. So the Democrats want to get rid of it but for different reasons then these disgusting nincompoops. They feel it doesn't go far enough. They would rather trash patriots then allow any Gays to exist among their ranks. One would think they would have Saturday afternoon stoning parties just for general purposes. These people are complete morons.

Ozzy Osborne is really pissed because these idiots are singing a counterfeit version of his song "Crazy Train". Ozzy Osbourne Disgusted by Westboro Baptist Church for Hate Message - Softpedia

They love singing "You're going straight to hell on a crazy train".

Kind of reminds me of a bunch of Charles Manson freaks.

Now from all indications they've won a massive victory because the Supreme Court feels that the slippery-slope argument the plaintiff has against Westboro Baptist Church doesn't override the first amendment.

Do you feel that freedom of speech overrules everything in this country, peace and common-decency notwithstanding?


Supreme Court hears arguments on protests at military funerals by members of Westboro Baptist Church - ABC News
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Perhaps the reason the left isn't really going ballistic is because those people aren't the left's problem.

These religious freaks are, after all, right wing extremists.

They're the conservative movement's problem.
Perhaps the reason the left isn't really going ballistic is because those people aren't the left's problem.
These religious freaks are, after all, right wing extremists.
They're the conservative movement's problem.
Why would the Westboro Church stop anyone from being Christian? I see the Unibomber didn't stop you from being a Lefty.
Perhaps the reason the left isn't really going ballistic is because those people aren't the left's problem.

These religious freaks are, after all, right wing extremists.

They're the conservative movement's problem.

Poor people vote democrat. Therefore, by your logic, I shouldn't bother helping a poor person. Got it.

God hates Phelps and the Westboro Inbred Motherfuckers.

If I were more religious and decided I needed to pray to God to take Phelps back (kinda like a product recall), would that be morally wrong?

Is it wrong to pray to God that a fucktarded piece of evil shit like Phelps dies?
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I keep wondering why the left hasn't lashed out at these freaks. They're extremist Christians that pretty much exemplify everything the left hates about Christianity yet I see nobody here complaining about them.

I wonder why that is?

This church is so anti-Gay that they're going around the country protesting the funerals of military men and women killed in Iraq and Afghanistan because of the infamous "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy. I see nobody saying a thing about them. Could it be that the left sees them as an asset?

I remember the fight that ensued when Pres. Bill Clinton suggested the policy and now that the left doesn't think it goes far enough and wants to get rid of it perhaps the Westboro Baptist Church is doing their dirty work.

I believe this is an example of a policy that is middle-of-the-road that nether extreme likes. So the Democrats want to get rid of it but for different reasons then these disgusting nincompoops. They feel it doesn't go far enough. They would rather trash patriots then allow any Gays to exist among their ranks. One would think they would have Saturday afternoon stoning parties just for general purposes. These people are complete morons.

Ozzy Osborne is really pissed because these idiots are singing a counterfeit version of his song "Crazy Train". Ozzy Osbourne Disgusted by Westboro Baptist Church for Hate Message - Softpedia

They love singing "You're going straight to hell on a crazy train".

Kind of reminds me of a bunch of Charles Manson freaks.

Now from all indications they've won a massive victory because the Supreme Court feels that the slippery-slope argument the plaintiff has against Westboro Baptist Church doesn't override the first amendment.

Do you feel that freedom of speech overrules everything in this country, peace and common-decency notwithstanding?


Supreme Court hears arguments on protests at military funerals by members of Westboro Baptist Church - ABC News
Dude, I started a thread on them a week ago. Plus my liberal and I are going to counter protest them at the end of the month, along with almost 1500 people.
Why don't people protest them more?

Easy. They went full-retard too quick. They've used up their shock value. Now, everyone just rolls their eyes and goes "oh, those loonies again".

For another example of going full-retard too quick, see "Code: Pink" and Cindy Sheehan.
I followed them around my state for 3 days, counter protesting. At one event, there were around 300 counter-protesters. Muslims, Christians, Atheists, Liberals, Conservatives, Gays, Straight.. We were all united for one cause. You posting this further proves your stupidity.

And, I support banning them being able to protest at all at a funeral. Call me a free-speach hater.. I don't give a damn. These people are nasty, and their incroaching on peoples privacy.

I keep wondering why the left hasn't lashed out at these freaks. They're extremist Christians that pretty much exemplify everything the left hates about Christianity yet I see nobody here complaining about them.

I wonder why that is?

This church is so anti-Gay that they're going around the country protesting the funerals of military men and women killed in Iraq and Afghanistan because of the infamous "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy. I see nobody saying a thing about them. Could it be that the left sees them as an asset?

I remember the fight that ensued when Pres. Bill Clinton suggested the policy and now that the left doesn't think it goes far enough and wants to get rid of it perhaps the Westboro Baptist Church is doing their dirty work.

I believe this is an example of a policy that is middle-of-the-road that nether extreme likes. So the Democrats want to get rid of it but for different reasons then these disgusting nincompoops. They feel it doesn't go far enough. They would rather trash patriots then allow any Gays to exist among their ranks. One would think they would have Saturday afternoon stoning parties just for general purposes. These people are complete morons.

Ozzy Osborne is really pissed because these idiots are singing a counterfeit version of his song "Crazy Train". Ozzy Osbourne Disgusted by Westboro Baptist Church for Hate Message - Softpedia

They love singing "You're going straight to hell on a crazy train".

Kind of reminds me of a bunch of Charles Manson freaks.

Now from all indications they've won a massive victory because the Supreme Court feels that the slippery-slope argument the plaintiff has against Westboro Baptist Church doesn't override the first amendment.

Do you feel that freedom of speech overrules everything in this country, peace and common-decency notwithstanding?


Supreme Court hears arguments on protests at military funerals by members of Westboro Baptist Church - ABC News
Dude, I started a thread on them a week ago. Plus my liberal and I are going to counter protest them at the end of the month, along with almost 1500 people.

You have a pet liberal?

Can they be house trained?
I don't see the point of being outraged over them. That's exactly what they want us to be. They are trying to stir up anger and outrage against them. let them say what they want. I am going to say the opposite (unless by some odd coincidence they get something right, havent seen it yet but the possibility could be there).

There is a scripture that comes to mind here:

"34 Then stood there up one in the council, a Pharisee, named Gamaliel, a doctor of the law, had in reputation among all the people, and commanded to put the apostles forth a little space;

35 And said unto them, Ye men of Israel, take heed to yourselves what ye intend to do as touching these men.

36 For before these days rose up Theudas, boasting himself to be somebody; to whom a number of men, about four hundred, joined themselves: who was slain; and all, as many as obeyed him, were scattered, and brought to nought.

37 After this man rose up Judas of Galilee in the days of the taxing, and drew away much people after him: he also perished; and all, even as many as obeyed him, were dispersed.

38 And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought:

39 But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God." (Acts 5:34-39).

As far as I'm concerned, these people are not doing the will of God. So their efforts will be frustrated. I see no point wasting my time on them when I can be doing something God would prefer me to do.

I keep wondering why the left hasn't lashed out at these freaks. They're extremist Christians that pretty much exemplify everything the left hates about Christianity yet I see nobody here complaining about them.

I wonder why that is?

This church is so anti-Gay that they're going around the country protesting the funerals of military men and women killed in Iraq and Afghanistan because of the infamous "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy. I see nobody saying a thing about them. Could it be that the left sees them as an asset?

I remember the fight that ensued when Pres. Bill Clinton suggested the policy and now that the left doesn't think it goes far enough and wants to get rid of it perhaps the Westboro Baptist Church is doing their dirty work.

I believe this is an example of a policy that is middle-of-the-road that nether extreme likes. So the Democrats want to get rid of it but for different reasons then these disgusting nincompoops. They feel it doesn't go far enough. They would rather trash patriots then allow any Gays to exist among their ranks. One would think they would have Saturday afternoon stoning parties just for general purposes. These people are complete morons.

Ozzy Osborne is really pissed because these idiots are singing a counterfeit version of his song "Crazy Train". Ozzy Osbourne Disgusted by Westboro Baptist Church for Hate Message - Softpedia

They love singing "You're going straight to hell on a crazy train".

Kind of reminds me of a bunch of Charles Manson freaks.

Now from all indications they've won a massive victory because the Supreme Court feels that the slippery-slope argument the plaintiff has against Westboro Baptist Church doesn't override the first amendment.

Do you feel that freedom of speech overrules everything in this country, peace and common-decency notwithstanding?


Supreme Court hears arguments on protests at military funerals by members of Westboro Baptist Church - ABC News
Dude, I started a thread on them a week ago. Plus my liberal and I are going to counter protest them at the end of the month, along with almost 1500 people.

You have a pet liberal?

Can they be house trained?
Yep! They make great pets. I have a liberal for a pet and a con as my boytoy. :lol:

My flippin keyboard is pretty much done for. You notice how I have long spaces? I don't have a space bar anymore. Almost three year olds are not good on lap tops.
they are stooges. the so called minister is the former chief Atty in religious cases for the TN ACLU.

they are as ignorant of the bible as they are of decency, honesty and morals.

The reason they get a bit of a pass from the left is that they a great big "I told you so" about the left's fantasy of what religion is, and who religious are.

They are confirmation of and proof for bigotry.
Dude, I started a thread on them a week ago. Plus my liberal and I are going to counter protest them at the end of the month, along with almost 1500 people.

You have a pet liberal?

Can they be house trained?
Yep! They make great pets. I have a liberal for a pet and a con as my boytoy. :lol:

My flippin keyboard is pretty much done for. You notice how I have long spaces? I don't have a space bar anymore. Almost three year olds are not good on lap tops.

Long spaces are probably preferable to long periods.
I wonder why the Christians on the board aren't backing up these people?

After all they are Biblically correct in that "God hate fags"

Maybe it's the protesting at soldiers funerals the Christians don't agree with. :doubt:

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