Western media demeans Africa: only time you see Africa is if there's war or calamity or anything negative, they refer to Rwanda as tiny but not Latvia


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Western media and their NGO's want us & the rest of the world to believe that Africa is poor and dying of hunger, while in reality Africa is a rich continent and in need of investments & NOT Aid

Investors like stability and many of the African countries do not have that.
Western media and their NGO's want us & the rest of the world to believe that Africa is poor and dying of hunger, while in reality Africa is a rich continent and in need of investments & NOT Aid

Few people will invest in African countries because they have a track record of nationalizing foreign property. At the moment only China is taking the risk and that’s because they believe they can use military power to prevent problems, or more likely, use problems as a pretext for conquest and colonization.
If Africa is so rich and doing so well then why can't Africans even feed their own people?

Why are Africans leaving at every opportunity, and invading and ruining Britain, Netherlands, and other parts of Europe? These illegal immigrant invaders are arriving by the boatload in many countries who don't want their worthless asses.

In some African countries the governments have seized the successful farms that belonged to white farmers. They then gave those farms to black Africans who promptly ran them into the ground. The Africans were soon back to importing food.

The only thing Africans seem to successfully produce, and export, are diseases such as: Ebola, Monkeypox, West Nile Virus, to name just a few.

They have millions of kids they can't feed - but still cannot learn to keep it in their pants. Diseases they can never cure. Wars without end. Famine, societal disorder. Low IQs. High crime. Low education.

In addition, black Africans seem to do nothing but cause endless problems for the societies of the countries they fill with their illegal invaders.

Imo, the U.S. should NEVER, EVER, get involved in any of the countless african shitholes.
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If Africa is so rich and doing so well then why can't Africans even feed their own people?

Why are Africans leaving at every opportunity, and invading and ruining Britain, Netherlands, and other parts of Europe? These illegal immigrant invaders are arriving by the boatload in many countries who don't want their worthless asses.

In some African countries the governments have seized the successful farms that belonged to white farmers. They then gave those farms to black Africans who promptly ran them into the ground. The Africans were soon back to importing food.

The only thing Africans seem to successfully produce, and export, are diseases such as: Ebola, Monkeypox, West Nile Virus, to name just a few.

They have millions of kids they can't feed - but still cannot learn to keep it in their pants. Diseases they can never cure. Wars without end. Famine, societal disorder. Low IQs. High crime. Low education.

In addition, black Africans seem to do nothing but cause endless problems for the societies of the countries they fill with their illegal invaders.

Imo, the U.S. should NEVER, EVER, get involved in any of the countless african shitholes.
There are over 1.2 billion people and growing. Not that many people are leaving. The continent has been hit by the effects of climate change. African shithoes were created by whites who came into the country to etrat resources. Stolen land has been returned to blacks and there are man sucessful african agribusiness all over the continent. You know nothing about Africa and you're a white racist.
If Africa is so rich and doing so well then why can't Africans even feed their own people?

Why are Africans leaving at every opportunity, and invading and ruining Britain, Netherlands, and other parts of Europe? These illegal immigrant invaders are arriving by the boatload in many countries who don't want their worthless asses.

In some African countries the governments have seized the successful farms that belonged to white farmers. They then gave those farms to black Africans who promptly ran them into the ground. The Africans were soon back to importing food.

The only thing Africans seem to successfully produce, and export, are diseases such as: Ebola, Monkeypox, West Nile Virus, to name just a few.

They have millions of kids they can't feed - but still cannot learn to keep it in their pants. Diseases they can never cure. Wars without end. Famine, societal disorder. Low IQs. High crime. Low education.

In addition, black Africans seem to do nothing but cause endless problems for the societies of the countries they fill with their illegal invaders.

Imo, the U.S. should NEVER, EVER, get involved in any of the countless african shitholes.

More and more americans are leaving for europe. Maybe they want to live in more mature democracies with a peaceful handover of power.?

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