We've Been Lied To About Our Foods By the Democrats

james bond

Gold Member
Oct 17, 2015
From my pal Rico on "Foods That Kill."

"Gee, would the Government (in this case the USDA) and politicians (in this case McGovern, Democrat) LIE to people?

- You bet your bippy! Especially when there are big buck$ at stake...

The USDA 'Food Pyramid' (with Democrat Senator George McGovern behind it) is possibly the unhealthiest diet imaginable.

- It is only made worse by the Food Industry adding cheaper fillers and chemical additives to stretch the product and make it 'taste better' while producing 'cravings' for more....much as the cigarette industry did by replacing tobacco with fillers and chemical additives btw...
Processed food (if it has a 'list of ingredients, it has been 'processed'...some is more processed than others, but at some point it stops being 'food' and becomes purely product - much as cheese stops being cheese and becomes synthetic 'cheese food product' instead [read: not cheese, but more akin to plastic].

To pull off this bait-and-switch from actual food to synthetic food, the MSM had to be willing accomplices (well, I was talking about LIARS earlier, right?). Here are some FOOD LIES the public has been 'told' and 'sold' which are pure horse shit:
1. Eggs are BAD for you. BS, eggs are GOOD for you.
2. Calories are equal. BS, calories from sugar or processed foods aren't the same as calories from fresh vegetables or fruit.
3. Butter is BAD for you. BS, the opposite is true...it's the artificial substitutes that are BAD for you...butter is GOOD for you.
4. Protein harms your body and kidneys. BS, eating protein does NOT harm you...not eating protein does.
5. Whole wheat is Good for you. BS, all wheat is BAD for you...I'd skip wheat entirely.
6. Coffee is BAD for you. BS, it actually has a lot of benefits and is OK.
7. Eating meat is BAD for you. See #4 above, eating meat is how humans survived and is necessary for you.
8. Synthetic cooking oils are GOOD for you. BS, manufactured oils are BAD for you and natural oils like Olive and Coconut are GOOD for you.
9. Low-fat/high-carb diets are GOOD for you. BS, low-carb/high-fat diets are much healthier.

The 'opposite' of what the public has been 'told' for years is true.
- Allow me to put on my "I'm surprised" face, there's still time before the next election/campaign season begins in earnest...because the same holds true for virtually everything people 'think' [read: have been 'told'] is true about politics and politicians.

Meanwhile, back at the breakfast table, set-aside those sorta-real processed and manufactured corn flakes that make the manufacturer money, and have some steak & eggs instead.
- PS: Dyslexia, suck a cow fart out of my ass why don't-cha?"


I stopped listening to them ages ago. One week something is good for you, the next it's not.

Bacon and eggs this morning, I think. Maybe a hot Southern biscuit with lots of butter too. :113:
Democrats are good at lying about food. Like the time Beto put a baby turd in the fruit bowl and told his wife it was an avocado.
The lies have been perpetuated by every administration since the 1950s.

It is not just the democrats. It is the federal gov't.
Everything in moderation. Sugar is better than HFCS. Also wheat is not bad.

Michelle Obama introduced "My Plate".
Everything in moderation. Sugar is better than HFCS. Also wheat is not bad.

Michelle Obama introduced "My Plate".

Yes, sugar is better than HFCS. But the dietary guidelines have taught people that sugar is fine, but fats are the enemy. When actually, the opposite is true (within reason).

Big sugar bought enough US politicians to get their product flooding our diet.

Next time you are in a fast food place, look at the packets of salt. Read the ingredients. On most of them you will see dextrose as an ingredient in the salt. Dextrose is plain sugar.
You're pretty much right except for number 2.

Calories ARE equal. If you eat 3000 calories a day in Oreos or in Spinach you're still getting 3000 calories a day and will gain weight. Good luck trying to eat that much spinach, however.

A calorie is simply a unit of heat used to measure the amount of energy stored in food we eat. A calorie of mustard greens will contain far more nutrients than a calorie of oatmeal cream pies, but a calorie is a calorie as far as your waistline is concerned.
The lies have been perpetuated by every administration since the 1950s.

It is not just the democrats. It is the federal gov't.

Rico is saying it was the McGovern dems. What about GMO vs. organic foods? One of things the feds supported was Roundup or glyphosate-based herbicide and Monsanto. It's also tied to Norman Borlaug for increasing agricultural production and saving a billion lives from starvation. He's the father of the green revolution. The guy accomplished a lot, but does his policies really work? His critics say no. He supported Monsanto and wheat. I'm not sure if he should be credited for all that he is. I think he was an Iowa dem. Who else was instrumental in changing US food policy?

Norman Borlaug - Wikipedia

My evolution website evolution.berkeley.edu is against GMO foods and I would think what Norman Borlaug preached. It's one of the arguments I support regarding evolution besides natural selection (microevolution). Evolution is against GMO foods.
You're pretty much right except for number 2.

Calories ARE equal. If you eat 3000 calories a day in Oreos or in Spinach you're still getting 3000 calories a day and will gain weight. Good luck trying to eat that much spinach, however.

A calorie is simply a unit of heat used to measure the amount of energy stored in food we eat. A calorie of mustard greens will contain far more nutrients than a calorie of oatmeal cream pies, but a calorie is a calorie as far as your waistline is concerned.

That's not what the medical community and nutritionists are saying. One's metabolism is involved. I know fat burns fat, so a hundred calories of fat vs. hundred of sugar are not the same in terms of being able to provide energy to your body, i.e. metabolism.

All Calories Not Created Equal, Study Suggests
You're pretty much right except for number 2.

Calories ARE equal. If you eat 3000 calories a day in Oreos or in Spinach you're still getting 3000 calories a day and will gain weight. Good luck trying to eat that much spinach, however.

A calorie is simply a unit of heat used to measure the amount of energy stored in food we eat. A calorie of mustard greens will contain far more nutrients than a calorie of oatmeal cream pies, but a calorie is a calorie as far as your waistline is concerned.

3 oreo's vs 10lbs spinach (or whatever the numbers are)…….the calories from the oreos are empty calories from sugar and your body doesn't gain anything from them (except fat)…….the calories from the spinach also include nutrients that help fuel the body's cells.

so the calories aren't really equal...…..just saying
You're pretty much right except for number 2.

Calories ARE equal. If you eat 3000 calories a day in Oreos or in Spinach you're still getting 3000 calories a day and will gain weight. Good luck trying to eat that much spinach, however.

A calorie is simply a unit of heat used to measure the amount of energy stored in food we eat. A calorie of mustard greens will contain far more nutrients than a calorie of oatmeal cream pies, but a calorie is a calorie as far as your waistline is concerned.

3 oreo's vs 10lbs spinach (or whatever the numbers are)…….the calories from the oreos are empty calories from sugar and your body doesn't gain anything from them (except fat)…….the calories from the spinach also include nutrients that help fuel the body's cells.

so the calories aren't really equal...…..just saying

Um I just said that in my reply. That there are empty calories like in junk food and highly nutritional calories like in veggies but 3000 calories of oreos and 3000 calories of cucumbers will get you just as fat. But....again, good luck eating that many cucumbers.

Calories are not bad, without them you'd die of starvation. But your body doesn't know the difference between "types" of calories. But you do, you're smart. Make your calories count. Veggies go further per calorie than soda does.

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