We've Got Trouble, Folks: Biden Refuses To Refill Our Strategic Oil Reserves

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Again, what he's doing is a national security nightmare. Hurricane season is here and Biden has us in the verge of WW3. Our Strategic Petroleum Reserves is vital for our nations survival.

Again, what he's doing is a national security nightmare. Hurricane season is here and Biden has us in the verge of WW3. Our Strategic Petroleum Reserves is vital for our nations survival.
Those who are _not_ profoundly stupid know you don't buy when prices are high.

MAGAtards have no grasp of how markets and economics work. I suppose that happens when the commies start running things.
Again, what he's doing is a national security nightmare. Hurricane season is here and Biden has us in the verge of WW3. Our Strategic Petroleum Reserves is vital for our nations survival.

Not going into WW3. Has the price of oil dropped low enough to do so at a profit based on futures, or are you in the petroleum industry favoring the government competing to buy up oil to shore up profits and raise the price at the pump back up?
The stupid fucking Democrats vote for trillions to spend on the climate, LGBT faggots, abortion and every other harebrained thing and then want to pinch pennies when it comes to national defense. I'm getting to the point where I am beginning to wish everyone of those SOBs a horrible gory death. Along with their families.
Those who are _not_ profoundly stupid know you don't buy when prices are high.

Even _more_ profoundly stupid was Biden selling and using up all of our strategic oil supply for pure political gain while prices were at record highs with no end in sight of buying the oil back that Trump had put there while oil was practically being given away.

Wouldn't it be funny now with Saudi cutting a million barrels a day that we have an oil crisis and need that oil badly and get caught with our pants down thanks to Joe Biden right before an election as it becomes increasingly revealed how he has been using his government position for years to sell favors to our enemies to enrich his own coffers! :21:

This one is upset because Biden sold high.

Hey Idiot, the SOR isn't there to be sold high or low. Trump got that oil for practically nothing and it is there to sit forever as protection in case of a true crisis, not for Biden to jerk off to using it all to curry political favors. Now the stupid fuck can't afford to buy it back , has no plan to replace it, and the United States is one crisis away from an oil emergency which could bring down our economy as everything from transportation to heavy industry and our commercial products absolutely depend on having oil.
Thread summary: Trump cultists hated it when Biden lowered gas prices.

Trumptards, good luck with your "Buy high, sell low" philosophy. How's that working out for you in the markets?

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