We've had a massive decline in gun violence in the US...except in gun free zones.

Bullshit . Most gun violence is on the streets/ public area . Which are not gun free zones .
In CITIES or COUNTIES or STATES that are GUN FREE..Like Chicago....

Chicago allows guns now . That's one city .

How come you righties don't bring up Boston or San fran? Two very liberal cities .

Their level of violence isn't as high as the others I listed earlier.

"Chicago allows guns now"

Yes, now.

and the level of violence hasn't really lowered much from when they were illegal
Bullshit . Most gun violence is on the streets/ public area . Which are not gun free zones .
In CITIES or COUNTIES or STATES that are GUN FREE..Like Chicago....

Chicago allows guns now . That's one city .

How come you righties don't bring up Boston or San fran? Two very liberal cities .
I didn't say ALLOWED guns I said had GUN CONTROL and were ANTI GUN which Chicago is.
How many did Australia have in their gun free zone (i.e. the entire nation)?

France has had more people killed and injured in mass shootings just this year than the USA has had in the last 7 years, so much for your gun control stupidity. OH SNAP!!
Well that stuff doesn't happen in RED cities .

Which I'm still waiting for an example.

Keep waiting.

and while you're waiting, see if you can figure a way out of the well.

Even wh the shootings Paris probably has less gun homicides when compared to other big U.S. cities .

Keep talking, timmy

we'll find ya

List of red cities ?? Put up or shut up.

What ARE you whining about?

YOU made a comment about gun violence in red states.

I pointed out that blue cities top the list for gun violence.

Since then, you've been whining about 'red cities'

Is your guardian nearby to explain what you're talking about?

Or should I just put you on ignore, and stop reading your childishness?
If I comment about STATES , why do you reply with CITIES ?

I know why! Conservatives consider all cities to be blue . Even though state law on guns controls things .

I've asked like 5x to list RED cities , and you refuse . Because you are intellectually dishonest . You can't even name 5 red cities ? Is it that hard?

You are fakes . To list RED cities would expose the right for the gun crazy red states that have higher gun violence . Instead you spread lies that gun control doesn't work.
If I comment about STATES , why do you reply with CITIES ?

I know why! Conservatives consider all cities to be blue . Even though state law on guns controls things .

I've asked like 5x to list RED cities , and you refuse . Because you are intellectually dishonest . You can't even name 5 red cities ? Is it that hard?

You are fakes . To list RED cities would expose the right for the gun crazy red states that have higher gun violence . Instead you spread lies that gun control doesn't work.
Well that stuff doesn't happen in RED cities .

Which I'm still waiting for an example.

Keep waiting.

and while you're waiting, see if you can figure a way out of the well.

Even wh the shootings Paris probably has less gun homicides when compared to other big U.S. cities .

No stupid I just got through telling you libtards, France has had more killings and injuries from mass shootings just this year than the USA has had over the last 7 years. Oh noes I just destroyed your libtard talking points whatever will you do :laugh: And just to be mean and rub salt in your wounds, of the 4 biggest K-12 school mass shootings 3 were in Europe. Clean up isle 12, the libtards just shit themselves.
Well that stuff doesn't happen in RED cities .

Which I'm still waiting for an example.

Keep waiting.

and while you're waiting, see if you can figure a way out of the well.

Even wh the shootings Paris probably has less gun homicides when compared to other big U.S. cities .
You can't be that naïve??
Criminals and/or Terrorists don't obey any laws, it's their very nature... dumbass

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